Pit bulls are safe around children!

In my opinion, the reason is important, because of the flawed notion that all pit bulls are bad.
Nobody is saying that ALL Pit Bulls are bad, but enuff are bad that we notice the difference

Yet the point is that those who are trained to be that way are the ones doing the damage. The ones being noticed in the news are typically those that have been abused.

But any breed can be that way. All of them can be playful, be fun, be loving etc. The thing about a pit though, is they are capable of doing a lot more damage than other breeds.

Their physique, like other big dogs, makes that true. Rottweilers, dobermans, and even Labradors are capable of doing lots of damage. More than smaller dogs like daschunds, etc. Because of their capability, bad people exploit that to make them mean and vicious.

Yea pit bulls are sooo safe you have to use a ships anchor chain to hold them. perfect animal to have around children. :cuckoo:


That's not accurate. The pit bull in the picture you've provided has clearly been trained to be tough, aggressive, and destructive. Have you seen pictures of normal pit bulls that haven't been bulked up and/or abused? They're smaller, and slimmer. Some bad people put very heavy weights around the necks of their pit bulls, too, and frequently beat them in order to get them to be vicious.

Then you have no problem letting your pit bulls 'play' with little children right? You did say you raised them right so there is no problem right? Ya fucking right!
Get you head out of your ass pal.

I wouldn't not have any dog Medium-Large to Large around my little children. A daschund or Cocker Spaniel et al, under supervision, is fine with me. I did not say that, because I raised them, I had no problem with them around little children. If memory serves, that notion came from you.

Pitbulls are the Tourette's Syndrome of dogs. They're also a waste of good dog food.

I'm sorry you feel that way about such a wonderful breed of dogs. If anything is a waste, it's the people who cruelly beat and abuse these animals in order to make an effective guard dog.
In my opinion, the reason is important, because of the flawed notion that all pit bulls are bad.
Nobody is saying that ALL Pit Bulls are bad, but enuff are bad that we notice the difference

Yet the point is that those who are trained to be that way are the ones doing the damage. The ones being noticed in the news are typically those that have been abused.

Their physique, like other big dogs, makes that true. Rottweilers, dobermans, and even Labradors are capable of doing lots of damage. More than smaller dogs like daschunds, etc. Because of their capability, bad people exploit that to make them mean and vicious.

That's not accurate. The pit bull in the picture you've provided has clearly been trained to be tough, aggressive, and destructive. Have you seen pictures of normal pit bulls that haven't been bulked up and/or abused? They're smaller, and slimmer. Some bad people put very heavy weights around the necks of their pit bulls, too, and frequently beat them in order to get them to be vicious.

Then you have no problem letting your pit bulls 'play' with little children right? You did say you raised them right so there is no problem right? Ya fucking right!
Get you head out of your ass pal.

I wouldn't not have any dog Medium-Large to Large around my little children. A daschund or Cocker Spaniel et al, under supervision, is fine with me. I did not say that, because I raised them, I had no problem with them around little children. If memory serves, that notion came from you.

Pitbulls are the Tourette's Syndrome of dogs. They're also a waste of good dog food.

I'm sorry you feel that way about such a wonderful breed of dogs. If anything is a waste, it's the people who cruelly beat and abuse these animals in order to make an effective guard dog.

Fuck pit bulls, my friend had a albino pit bull that he raised from a puppy as a family pet and he got sued when it broke loose an attacked a couple of kids waiting for the bus. Fuck pit bulls and fuck their owners as well.
JESUS CHRIST! Who the fuck cares what "reason" Buddy had to violently attack his master for picking up his leash on the floor? Very little brain activity there other than the short-circuit that's in all Pits due to over-breeding. With Shepherds and Golden Retrievers it's hip-displacia. With Pits it's sudden violent attacks. And with the power, speed, and athleticism they have, that attack often turns fatal because they do not stop.

In my opinion, the reason is important, because of the flawed notion that all pit bulls are bad. It may be that Buddy, like other pit bulls, was abused when young. That may not be the case for Buddy, but it is the case for many pit bulls that attack. If a pit bull is raised lovingly while young, I see no reason for that sort of dog to just suddenly snap for no reason. The dogs are actually quite intelligent, depending on the kind of pit bull. As for the short-circuit you mention, do you have biological evidence of it? When those certain pit bulls attack, it's because they were abused and trained to not stop. They're violently trained to be tough, aggressive, destructive guards. A friend of the family bought a pit bull "trained" that way, and while working in down-town Milwaukee he'd leash the dog to his work van with a long chain, because thieves were known to burglarize those vans in a very short period of time.

I'm curious to know if there's a study regarding pit bulls that were raised with love and attention, since being puppies.

Right, and violent criminals are simply "misunderstood" eh? Let's say for instance your dog picks up on a stranger's fear of it. And what stranger wouldn't be apprehensive about coming around a corner to confront a Pitbull, given their reputation. Now you can say the "reason" for the attack was....what? Sure there is always a reason....who cares what it is with an aggressive dog? All dogs can sense fear. The gentle breeds usually start wiggling and trying to lick the stranger instead of ripping his balls off. Is a child putting it's face in a dog's face reason enough for it to grab the kid's face? I don't mean to be combative, but trying to "understand" a violent breed does little to mitigate the damage it does when it attacks. And I can tell you from a recent experience of mine with a Pit, that they attack MOVEMENT. Run from one and you're prey. Fortunately I deboarded and blocked the Pit with my bike....my crime was riding by him half a block away. I saw him coming or I'd have had my hands full.

Dogs are not humans, TT.

It depends on the pit bull. Was it trained to attack people when they sense fear? It solely relies on the dog. Has it known beatings, it's blood being spilled, it being pitted against other dogs or left for dead? Or was it raised with the opposite of violence and cruelty?

We must care about the reason, because a violently trained and abused pit bull is far more likely to attack someone it perceives is afraid, unlike a pit bull that has never known violence and cruelty. Also, pit bulls are not inherently aggressive. Someone has lied to you, I think. They are born with the bulk, but they are trained to acquire the aggression. Burglars fear gentle giants than aggressive ones. Pit bulls I have raised and lived with, besides the one dog that was abused and left for dead, are as gentle as you describe.

How a dog behaves—big or small—depends on how it is taught. Even the gentle, smaller dogs can become aggressive if you repeatedly beat it and bulk it up. Teach it to fear and hate humans, and you will not have a gentle dog.

The dog that chased you was likely taught to be super-territorial, which is another thing bad people do to manipulate the dogs into killing machines. My pit bulls are naturally inclined to guard the territory they live in, like most dogs—including the yappy, little ones.

Also, there's big money made in training pit bulls to be violent and aggressive.
Dogs are not humans, TT.

It depends on the pit bull. Was it trained to attack people when they sense fear? It solely relies on the dog. Has it known beatings, it's blood being spilled, it being pitted against other dogs or left for dead? Or was it raised with the opposite of violence and cruelty?

We must care about the reason, because a violently trained and abused pit bull is far more likely to attack someone it perceives is afraid, unlike a pit bull that has never known violence and cruelty. Also, pit bulls are not inherently aggressive. Someone has lied to you, I think. They are born with the bulk, but they are trained to acquire the aggression. Burglars fear gentle giants than aggressive ones. Pit bulls I have raised and lived with, besides the one dog that was abused and left for dead, are as gentle as you describe.

How a dog behaves—big or small—depends on how it is taught. Even the gentle, smaller dogs can become aggressive if you repeatedly beat it and bulk it up. Teach it to fear and hate humans, and you will not have a gentle dog.

The dog that chased you was likely taught to be super-territorial, which is another thing bad people do to manipulate the dogs into killing machines. My pit bulls are naturally inclined to guard the territory they live in, like most dogs—including the yappy, little ones.

Also, there's big money made in training pit bulls to be violent and aggressive.

If you read this thread from the beginning, you'd see I've been with and around war dogs in the Military. These German Shepherds were attack dogs but also ordnance-sniffers, and trail finders. In Vietnam, it was essential on a mission, especially a Recon op, that the dog never bark or be tempted to chase after a monkey or snake (Cobra). Our LRRP dogs were trained to be silent and obedient. They were trained with German language commands. They did not shy during gunfire or go after an enemy combatant unless ordered. When these dogs attacked it was to hit the throat...not an arm or leg like police dogs are trained to do. They could not be brought home if they'd killed a human....Army policy and a realistic one in my opinion.

Anyway, I've been around and raised German Shepherds my whole life. All the German breeds can be unpredictable regardless of the expertise in training. I raised mine over my head every couple months to make sure they understood who was the dog and who was the bear. I admit I kinda liked folks being intimidated by my dogs. I outgrew that when I realized a person who gets nervous around big dogs doesn't like to visit again. And after moving to Arizona and being able to carry a pistol, I gave up on aggressive dogs. They're always a concern because they make a mistake thinking they're protecting you. One of my Shepherds grabbed a black gas station attendant handing me a pack of cigarettes through a car window. That one cost me $3K out of court.

I believe Rottweilers are as or more dangerous as Pits. And they are heavier and bite harder. I told somebody earlier how about we just go back to the dogs we grew up around....Goldies and Collies, Beagles, and Cockers. It's disturbing our lives are led in such paranoia that there's a need for violent dogs around us.
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The whole world is stupid, except for you...

Once one begins to understand the frame, posture and distinct head and jaw size of a pit bull, identification is immediate.

I guess that's why so many accounts of pit bull attacks end up being another breed? A famous one is the time this Diane Whipple in SF was killed by 2 Presa Canarios and everyone was calling them pit bulls. The dogs are about twice the size of a pit.

Diane Whipple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


That is not a pit. And not one said it was a pit...


BS. I live close to the site and everyone was calling them pits on the news. They finally corrected it only once about a week later.
My pit Buddy was the MOST "snuggle-bug" dog I ever owned. He would try to climb up on my chest as I lay on the couch.

When Buddy attacked me, he moved like a "ninja".

Personally I feel there's always a reason why a dog attacks. With respect, may I please ask you some personal questions about Buddy?

You can ask whatever you wish. But I will soon be off the board until late tonight.

I loved Buddy and I still miss him. I have owned and/or been raised with dogs all my life. Here is a quick recap of my theory. Buddy was unique. Examples: every dog I owned would run away when you turned on a garden hose. Not Buddy, he would try to bite the stream of water coming out. When my wife would vacuum, every dog I ever owned would leave the room and try to get as far away as possible from the vacuum. Not Buddy, he would try to bite the vacuum.

I believe ALL the dogs were reacting to FEAR. Buddy attacked fear.

Thats not unique. All my pits did the exact same thing. They have a high prey drive. They were not frightened at all. They were having fun.
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Pitbulls can be sweet, cuddly dogs :)

Big babies. Nothing funnier than seeing a 70lb pit trying to get in your lap. :lol:

My biggest gripe is how most well meaning owners fail to realize that these dogs tend to be very aggressive towards other animals.

Thats one thing that bothers me as well. They were bred to be dog aggressive. Not all are but in my experience after they get into their first scrap you have to watch them around other dogs. My favorite pit was ok with other animals as long as they were smaller than him. A dog his size he was eager to attack. Some people try to pretend they dont do this and it causes an additional problem for other pit owners.
How many times are we going to see these stories of people being mauled by pit bulls? You always hear the same thing from pit bull enthusiasts, "it depends on how they are raised. My pit bull is as gentle as can be!". Its funny how the owners of the pit bulls that attack people always say "I cant believe it, my pit bulls played with my children." Well guess what, this kid was around these pit bulls before without incident, then suddenly one day these "peaceful" dogs killed a child and mauled his pregnant mother.

These dogs are ticking time bombs, therefore they aren't fit for domestication. They should be outlawed!

Police identify boy, 4, killed in dog attack
What bothers me is the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is mistaken for the bastardized and aggressive American Pit Bull or Pit Bull which is not a breed recognized by the American Kennel Club or the Westminster Kennel Club..
The typical Pit Bull is a status symbol for aggressive urban dwellers as well as used in illegal fighting.
People unwittingly bring these animals into their homes thinking they have "protection"...These animals do not mix well with children. These animals may exhibit a calm demeanor, but are known to turn on their owners, their children or innocent neighbors and of course other dogs.
It won't take much more time before Homeowner's associations, towns and other entities begin banning these animals.
I'll be glad when our dog is dead. He's a mutt with just enough Chow to give him that attitude.

Pit Bulls are an abomination of canine cross-breading.

I don't like chow chows.
There is nonly one thing worse than a dumb dog. And that is a dumb dog that is mean and aggressive.
That's a perfect description for the Chow Chow
I've lived with pitbulls and, if they're raised with love, they are the most loving animals out there.

They're not evil, but misunderstood. It is the owner who abuses the dogs that is to blame here.

The American Pit Bull is what is termed "alpha"....That makes them incompatible with children and other animals.
It is their nature to be aggressive. These animals have a propensity to attack without warning.
You are on your own in your trust.
Please do not ask others to trust..
Bears and tigers are wild animals.

Pitbulls are domesticated, and the ones that become aggressive were trained to be that way through abuse and fear from bad owners.

Definitely apples and oranges, Godboy. Pitbulls raise with love and affection are incredibly loyal, loving, sweet, playful, and smart. If you raise them well, they will love you. I love it when they tuck their little butts in and dash around to play. :D
Then you have no problem letting your pit bulls 'play' with little children right? You did say you raised them right so there is no problem right? Ya fucking right!
Get you head out of your ass pal.

I would let any of my pits play with any child.
Bears and tigers are wild animals.

Pitbulls are domesticated, and the ones that become aggressive were trained to be that way through abuse and fear from bad owners.

Definitely apples and oranges, Godboy. Pitbulls raise with love and affection are incredibly loyal, loving, sweet, playful, and smart. If you raise them well, they will love you. I love it when they tuck their little butts in and dash around to play. :D

This is the typical stuff I read/hear from pit bull owners. And ONLY pit bull owners.
Look, if you like your dogs, fine. Keep them leashed, contained and away from others and your fine.
I may be getting up there in years, but I sill have a live throwing arm.
The pit that made the mistake of being on my property knows that as well.
Fastball (with a rock)right to the ribs.
Bears and tigers are wild animals.

Pitbulls are domesticated, and the ones that become aggressive were trained to be that way through abuse and fear from bad owners.

Definitely apples and oranges, Godboy. Pitbulls raise with love and affection are incredibly loyal, loving, sweet, playful, and smart. If you raise them well, they will love you. I love it when they tuck their little butts in and dash around to play. :D

If they are so safe, why is it that every time we hear about a toddler being mauled to death, a pit bull is always involved?

evidently the only thing you listen to is stories about pitbulls killing toddlers. how do you explain all the pit bulls that don't kill toddlers?
It is not the story. It is the frequency in which this happens.
Much too often.
Bears and tigers are wild animals.

Pitbulls are domesticated, and the ones that become aggressive were trained to be that way through abuse and fear from bad owners.

Definitely apples and oranges, Godboy. Pitbulls raise with love and affection are incredibly loyal, loving, sweet, playful, and smart. If you raise them well, they will love you. I love it when they tuck their little butts in and dash around to play. :D
Then you have no problem letting your pit bulls 'play' with little children right? You did say you raised them right so there is no problem right? Ya fucking right!
Get you head out of your ass pal.

I would let any of my pits play with any child.

Yeah, but youre stupid, so your point is invalid.
I'm going to guess, from the Nature of your postings, that the inverted pentagram bears no actual Sinister meaning to you. I doubt you have any reason to use it as a symbol of Power or Man's primal Nature either.

I know what it means to me, my associates, and most who willingly don that symbol.

Many things. Many things that I do not see in you.

Enlighten me to what meaning you find in that avatar. It is one of my favorite symbols, and I cannot yet see any reason why you would bring to it such shame. Such dishonor. Such disrespect.
It means nothing to me, because im an atheist. :lol:

And I know plenty of Athiests who have great reasons for using this symbol. The one thing we all have in common, spiritual and non spiritual alike, is that those of us who who bear the inverted pentagram use that symbol to express something really fucking deep.

Not you though. Not Fraudboy.

Maybe you thought you would appear tough, or maybe you really didn't even think about it. It really doesn't matter.

You are pathetic. You are disgusting. You are weak. You are lifeless and dull.

You are nothing but a scared little Mundane.

The accomplishment is getting people like you all lathered up to the point where you irrationally lash out at them....
Then you have no problem letting your pit bulls 'play' with little children right? You did say you raised them right so there is no problem right? Ya fucking right!
Get you head out of your ass pal.

I would let any of my pits play with any child.

Yeah, but youre stupid, so your point is invalid.

My point is actually very valid. My dogs are introduced to every child within 3 feet. Its part of my socialization program I have with all my pits. You should see how a class of kindergartners react to pits.
There are over 300 breeds of dogs. Of the dog attacks that occur in the US and end in death, 62% are attacks by pit bulls. One breed out of 300 breeds causing 62% of all deaths. And you still believe they are a safe dog to have, especially to have around children? Most deaths that occur from dog attacks are of the elderly or children. One breed out of 300+ breeds. Think about it.

The World Canine Organization is best known by its French title Fédération Cynologique Internationale which is abbreviated FCI. It is the largest registry of dog breeds that is internationally accepted. At the time of this writing the FCI recognizes 339 breeds of dogs which are divided into 10 groups based upon the dog’s purpose or function or upon its appearance or size.
How Many Breeds of Dogs Are There in the World? | Psychology Today

Put it this way. You could have 100 pit bulls living in a house with a small child. Is every one of those dogs going to attack the child? Of course not.
Your insignificant presence is barely tolerated here.
You cant claim abuse, with zero evidence to support the claim.

This is exactly what im talking about. This post is what every owner says before his dog mauls someone, then when they attack they are so shocked, despite the fact that they are notorious for doing so.

I agree. It's like saying you can keep a bomb in your house and as long as you treat it properly, there is no problem, but if something goes wrong k-boom and someone is dead or seriously injured. The love of pitbulls is completely irrational. The breed needs to be made extinct.

Absolute nonsense based solely on sensationalistic press clippings and lies.

Then I will tell ya what....Go ahead and walk into someone's yard where there is one of these animals, walk up to it and try to pet it.....It is a safe bet you will be wounded or missing parts.
Finally, someone addresses the actual hazards. Thank you.

Oh, I see. It's the victim's fault. And women who get raped deserve it because of the way they dress, act, or where they go alone any time of day or night.

Yeah. Right. It is the fault of the victim.

First of all, reread what BobPlumb said. The point was not that he blamed the victim. He pointed out that the characteristics of a pitbull.

Second of all, the incidence of fatalities from dog bites is exceedingly rare. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be killed by a dog.
Killed? oh and that makes it all right...
I agree. It's like saying you can keep a bomb in your house and as long as you treat it properly, there is no problem, but if something goes wrong k-boom and someone is dead or seriously injured. The love of pitbulls is completely irrational. The breed needs to be made extinct.

Absolute nonsense based solely on sensationalistic press clippings and lies.

Then I will tell ya what....Go ahead and walk into someone's yard where there is one of these animals, walk up to it and try to pet it.....It is a safe bet you will be wounded or missing parts.

In doing that, you are disrespecting the animal's Nature. You deserve to be mauled if you were stupid enough to do that.

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