Pit bulls are safe around children!

I agree. It's like saying you can keep a bomb in your house and as long as you treat it properly, there is no problem, but if something goes wrong k-boom and someone is dead or seriously injured. The love of pitbulls is completely irrational. The breed needs to be made extinct.

Absolute nonsense based solely on sensationalistic press clippings and lies.

Then I will tell ya what....Go ahead and walk into someone's yard where there is one of these animals, walk up to it and try to pet it.....It is a safe bet you will be wounded or missing parts.

Ad Hominem. Most dogs defend their territory. You can walk up and pet any of my pits in a neutral environment.
I'm allergic to dogs so no experience other than in childhood.

Crazy people have a reason for what they do, too. It is just not a reason any reasonable, rational adult can anticipate or predict. Maybe the reason the joggers and bikers are getting attacked is because they are moving, maybe even fast. If a dog has such a strong prey drive that it may chase down quick people who are not trespassing, that dog does not need to be around people. If a dog thinks public walkways belong to him because he can't read surveys, that dog needs to be 100% contained. It is not the dog's fault any more than it is a crazy person's fault. It is still dangerous. Unpredictable to a layman is unpredictable. I don't need to learn all about pit bulls to expect to not be attacked. I don't own one and don't go looking for them. What's the point anyway if it is all about how they are raised?
I'm allergic to dogs so no experience other than in childhood.

Crazy people have a reason for what they do, too. It is just not a reason any reasonable, rational adult can anticipate or predict. Maybe the reason the joggers and bikers are getting attacked is because they are moving, maybe even fast. If a dog has such a strong prey drive that it may chase down quick people who are not trespassing, that dog does not need to be around people. If a dog thinks public walkways belong to him because he can't read surveys, that dog needs to be 100% contained. It is not the dog's fault any more than it is a crazy person's fault. It is still dangerous. Unpredictable to a layman is unpredictable. I don't need to learn all about pit bulls to expect to not be attacked. I don't own one and don't go looking for them. What's the point anyway if it is all about how they are raised?

You dont need to learn about pits per say. You need to learn about dogs in general. A pit will simply do more damage if not trained properly and you set it off. There is nothing specific about pits that dont set off other dogs as well.
My pit Buddy was the MOST "snuggle-bug" dog I ever owned. He would try to climb up on my chest as I lay on the couch.

When Buddy attacked me, he moved like a "ninja".

Personally I feel there's always a reason why a dog attacks. With respect, may I please ask you some personal questions about Buddy?

JESUS CHRIST! Who the fuck cares what "reason" Buddy had to violently attack his master for picking up his leash on the floor? Very little brain activity there other than the short-circuit that's in all Pits due to over-breeding. With Shepherds and Golden Retrievers it's hip-displacia. With Pits it's sudden violent attacks. And with the power, speed, and athleticism they have, that attack often turns fatal because they do not stop.

^ Largely a bunch of bull shit quoted from Sally Jessie Raphael.
I'm allergic to dogs so no experience other than in childhood.

Crazy people have a reason for what they do, too. It is just not a reason any reasonable, rational adult can anticipate or predict. Maybe the reason the joggers and bikers are getting attacked is because they are moving, maybe even fast. If a dog has such a strong prey drive that it may chase down quick people who are not trespassing, that dog does not need to be around people. If a dog thinks public walkways belong to him because he can't read surveys, that dog needs to be 100% contained. It is not the dog's fault any more than it is a crazy person's fault. It is still dangerous. Unpredictable to a layman is unpredictable. I don't need to learn all about pit bulls to expect to not be attacked. I don't own one and don't go looking for them. What's the point anyway if it is all about how they are raised?

You dont need to learn about pits per say. You need to learn about dogs in general. A pit will simply do more damage if not trained properly and you set it off. There is nothing specific about pits that dont set off other dogs as well.

Mm, Pitts are like navy SEAL's. They dont know anything other then 100% in anything they do be it playing, eating, chewing couch pillows or what ever. Training is good for them. They are working dogs, not lay around the house dogs. So nothing specific to the breed will set them off, but when they go off they will go off 110%. A trained pit bull with a stupid owner, like one who is retarded enough to have a dog baby sit their kids will get in trouble.
In my opinion, the reason is important, because of the flawed notion that all pit bulls are bad. It may be that Buddy, like other pit bulls, was abused when young. That may not be the case for Buddy, but it is the case for many pit bulls that attack. If a pit bull is raised lovingly while young, I see no reason for that sort of dog to just suddenly snap for no reason. The dogs are actually quite intelligent, depending on the kind of pit bull. As for the short-circuit you mention, do you have biological evidence of it? When those certain pit bulls attack, it's because they were abused and trained to not stop. They're violently trained to be tough, aggressive, destructive guards. A friend of the family bought a pit bull "trained" that way, and while working in down-town Milwaukee he'd leash the dog to his work van with a long chain, because thieves were known to burglarize those vans in a very short period of time.

I'm curious to know if there's a study regarding pit bulls that were raised with love and attention, since being puppies.

Right, and violent criminals are simply "misunderstood" eh? Let's say for instance your dog picks up on a stranger's fear of it. And what stranger wouldn't be apprehensive about coming around a corner to confront a Pitbull, given their reputation. Now you can say the "reason" for the attack was....what? Sure there is always a reason....who cares what it is with an aggressive dog? All dogs can sense fear. The gentle breeds usually start wiggling and trying to lick the stranger instead of ripping his balls off. Is a child putting it's face in a dog's face reason enough for it to grab the kid's face? I don't mean to be combative, but trying to "understand" a violent breed does little to mitigate the damage it does when it attacks. And I can tell you from a recent experience of mine with a Pit, that they attack MOVEMENT. Run from one and you're prey. Fortunately I deboarded and blocked the Pit with my bike....my crime was riding by him half a block away. I saw him coming or I'd have had my hands full.

Dogs are not humans, TT.

It depends on the pit bull. Was it trained to attack people when they sense fear? It solely relies on the dog. Has it known beatings, it's blood being spilled, it being pitted against other dogs or left for dead? Or was it raised with the opposite of violence and cruelty?

We must care about the reason, because a violently trained and abused pit bull is far more likely to attack someone it perceives is afraid, unlike a pit bull that has never known violence and cruelty. Also, pit bulls are not inherently aggressive. Someone has lied to you, I think. They are born with the bulk, but they are trained to acquire the aggression. Burglars fear gentle giants than aggressive ones. Pit bulls I have raised and lived with, besides the one dog that was abused and left for dead, are as gentle as you describe.

How a dog behaves—big or small—depends on how it is taught. Even the gentle, smaller dogs can become aggressive if you repeatedly beat it and bulk it up. Teach it to fear and hate humans, and you will not have a gentle dog.

The dog that chased you was likely taught to be super-territorial, which is another thing bad people do to manipulate the dogs into killing machines. My pit bulls are naturally inclined to guard the territory they live in, like most dogs—including the yappy, little ones.

Also, there's big money made in training pit bulls to be violent and aggressive.

You object to generalizations about pit bulls, and replace it with generalizations about owners. People understand the reason for the aggression of pit bulls raised by the Michael Vicks of the world. But that doesn't explain the sudden aggression of properly raised pit bulls, or the much higher incidents of fatal and maiming attacks by pit bulls.

I highly DOUBT Darla Napora was a 'Michael Vicks' type pit bull owner...

Darla Napor would probably argue right with you and be advocating for this extremely dangerous breed. Herein lies the problem. She is DEAD.

Darla Napora: Pregnant woman dies after being mauled by pet dog in living room | Mail Online


  • Victim was member of 'Dog Lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls'

  • Two-year-old pitbull terrier shot after charging at police

  • Husband finds Darla Napora's body drenched in blood

  • Victim suffered dozens of bites to her body and face

A pregnant woman who was mauled to death by one of her pet pit bull terriers belonged to group campaigning to convince people that the animals aren't dangerous, it has emerged.

Darla Napora, 32, was bitten dozens of times and found by her husband Greg covered in blood outstretched on their living room floor in Pacifica, California.

Police say the two-year-old unneutered pit bull believed to be responsible was hovering around the woman, who had major injuries to her upper body and face.

Read this, it is written by doctors who treat these horrible attacks.

Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs
Last edited:
Right, and violent criminals are simply "misunderstood" eh? Let's say for instance your dog picks up on a stranger's fear of it. And what stranger wouldn't be apprehensive about coming around a corner to confront a Pitbull, given their reputation. Now you can say the "reason" for the attack was....what? Sure there is always a reason....who cares what it is with an aggressive dog? All dogs can sense fear. The gentle breeds usually start wiggling and trying to lick the stranger instead of ripping his balls off. Is a child putting it's face in a dog's face reason enough for it to grab the kid's face? I don't mean to be combative, but trying to "understand" a violent breed does little to mitigate the damage it does when it attacks. And I can tell you from a recent experience of mine with a Pit, that they attack MOVEMENT. Run from one and you're prey. Fortunately I deboarded and blocked the Pit with my bike....my crime was riding by him half a block away. I saw him coming or I'd have had my hands full.

Dogs are not humans, TT.

It depends on the pit bull. Was it trained to attack people when they sense fear? It solely relies on the dog. Has it known beatings, it's blood being spilled, it being pitted against other dogs or left for dead? Or was it raised with the opposite of violence and cruelty?

We must care about the reason, because a violently trained and abused pit bull is far more likely to attack someone it perceives is afraid, unlike a pit bull that has never known violence and cruelty. Also, pit bulls are not inherently aggressive. Someone has lied to you, I think. They are born with the bulk, but they are trained to acquire the aggression. Burglars fear gentle giants than aggressive ones. Pit bulls I have raised and lived with, besides the one dog that was abused and left for dead, are as gentle as you describe.

How a dog behaves—big or small—depends on how it is taught. Even the gentle, smaller dogs can become aggressive if you repeatedly beat it and bulk it up. Teach it to fear and hate humans, and you will not have a gentle dog.

The dog that chased you was likely taught to be super-territorial, which is another thing bad people do to manipulate the dogs into killing machines. My pit bulls are naturally inclined to guard the territory they live in, like most dogs—including the yappy, little ones.

Also, there's big money made in training pit bulls to be violent and aggressive.

You object to generalizations about pit bulls, and replace it with generalizations about owners. People understand the reason for the aggression of pit bulls raised by the Michael Vicks of the world. But that doesn't explain the sudden aggression of properly raised pit bulls, or the much higher incidents of fatal and maiming attacks by pit bulls.

I highly DOUBT Darla Napora was a 'Michael Vicks' type pit bull owner...

Darla Napor would probably argue right with you and be advocating for this extremely dangerous breed. Herein lies the problem. She is DEAD.

Darla Napora: Pregnant woman dies after being mauled by pet dog in living room | Mail Online


  • Victim was member of 'Dog Lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls'

  • Two-year-old pitbull terrier shot after charging at police

  • Husband finds Darla Napora's body drenched in blood

  • Victim suffered dozens of bites to her body and face

A pregnant woman who was mauled to death by one of her pet pit bull terriers belonged to group campaigning to convince people that the animals aren't dangerous, it has emerged.

Darla Napora, 32, was bitten dozens of times and found by her husband Greg covered in blood outstretched on their living room floor in Pacifica, California.

Police say the two-year-old unneutered pit bull believed to be responsible was hovering around the woman, who had major injuries to her upper body and face.

Read this, it is written by doctors who treat these horrible attacks.

Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs

Agreed. Dogs are not people. But the people described above are the type that should not own pit bulls.
I'm allergic to dogs so no experience other than in childhood.

Crazy people have a reason for what they do, too. It is just not a reason any reasonable, rational adult can anticipate or predict. Maybe the reason the joggers and bikers are getting attacked is because they are moving, maybe even fast. If a dog has such a strong prey drive that it may chase down quick people who are not trespassing, that dog does not need to be around people. If a dog thinks public walkways belong to him because he can't read surveys, that dog needs to be 100% contained. It is not the dog's fault any more than it is a crazy person's fault. It is still dangerous. Unpredictable to a layman is unpredictable. I don't need to learn all about pit bulls to expect to not be attacked. I don't own one and don't go looking for them. What's the point anyway if it is all about how they are raised?

You dont need to learn about pits per say. You need to learn about dogs in general. A pit will simply do more damage if not trained properly and you set it off. There is nothing specific about pits that dont set off other dogs as well.

Mm, Pitts are like navy SEAL's. They dont know anything other then 100% in anything they do be it playing, eating, chewing couch pillows or what ever. Training is good for them. They are working dogs, not lay around the house dogs. So nothing specific to the breed will set them off, but when they go off they will go off 110%. A trained pit bull with a stupid owner, like one who is retarded enough to have a dog baby sit their kids will get in trouble.

I agree. Anyone that would let a dog baby sit a child needs their heads examined.
Dogs are not humans, TT.

It depends on the pit bull. Was it trained to attack people when they sense fear? It solely relies on the dog. Has it known beatings, it's blood being spilled, it being pitted against other dogs or left for dead? Or was it raised with the opposite of violence and cruelty?

We must care about the reason, because a violently trained and abused pit bull is far more likely to attack someone it perceives is afraid, unlike a pit bull that has never known violence and cruelty. Also, pit bulls are not inherently aggressive. Someone has lied to you, I think. They are born with the bulk, but they are trained to acquire the aggression. Burglars fear gentle giants than aggressive ones. Pit bulls I have raised and lived with, besides the one dog that was abused and left for dead, are as gentle as you describe.

How a dog behaves—big or small—depends on how it is taught. Even the gentle, smaller dogs can become aggressive if you repeatedly beat it and bulk it up. Teach it to fear and hate humans, and you will not have a gentle dog.

The dog that chased you was likely taught to be super-territorial, which is another thing bad people do to manipulate the dogs into killing machines. My pit bulls are naturally inclined to guard the territory they live in, like most dogs—including the yappy, little ones.

Also, there's big money made in training pit bulls to be violent and aggressive.

You object to generalizations about pit bulls, and replace it with generalizations about owners. People understand the reason for the aggression of pit bulls raised by the Michael Vicks of the world. But that doesn't explain the sudden aggression of properly raised pit bulls, or the much higher incidents of fatal and maiming attacks by pit bulls.

I highly DOUBT Darla Napora was a 'Michael Vicks' type pit bull owner...

Darla Napor would probably argue right with you and be advocating for this extremely dangerous breed. Herein lies the problem. She is DEAD.

Darla Napora: Pregnant woman dies after being mauled by pet dog in living room | Mail Online


  • Victim was member of 'Dog Lovers Responsible About Pit Bulls'

  • Two-year-old pitbull terrier shot after charging at police

  • Husband finds Darla Napora's body drenched in blood

  • Victim suffered dozens of bites to her body and face

A pregnant woman who was mauled to death by one of her pet pit bull terriers belonged to group campaigning to convince people that the animals aren't dangerous, it has emerged.

Darla Napora, 32, was bitten dozens of times and found by her husband Greg covered in blood outstretched on their living room floor in Pacifica, California.

Police say the two-year-old unneutered pit bull believed to be responsible was hovering around the woman, who had major injuries to her upper body and face.

Read this, it is written by doctors who treat these horrible attacks.

Mortality, Mauling, and Maiming by Vicious Dogs

Agreed. Dogs are not people. But the people described above are the type that should not own pit bulls.

But some people are dogs.
You dont need to learn about pits per say. You need to learn about dogs in general. A pit will simply do more damage if not trained properly and you set it off. There is nothing specific about pits that dont set off other dogs as well.

Mm, Pitts are like navy SEAL's. They dont know anything other then 100% in anything they do be it playing, eating, chewing couch pillows or what ever. Training is good for them. They are working dogs, not lay around the house dogs. So nothing specific to the breed will set them off, but when they go off they will go off 110%. A trained pit bull with a stupid owner, like one who is retarded enough to have a dog baby sit their kids will get in trouble.

I agree. Anyone that would let a dog baby sit a child needs their heads examined.

What kind of retarded shit is this? You've been saying pit bulls babysat YOUR kids. You called them "Nanny dogs", remember? :cuckoo:
Mm, Pitts are like navy SEAL's. They dont know anything other then 100% in anything they do be it playing, eating, chewing couch pillows or what ever. Training is good for them. They are working dogs, not lay around the house dogs. So nothing specific to the breed will set them off, but when they go off they will go off 110%. A trained pit bull with a stupid owner, like one who is retarded enough to have a dog baby sit their kids will get in trouble.

I agree. Anyone that would let a dog baby sit a child needs their heads examined.

What kind of retarded shit is this? You've been saying pit bulls babysat YOUR kids. You called them "Nanny dogs", remember? :cuckoo:

Its pretty obvious to everyone you are confused. It would have been a lot more effective if you could quote me saying I allowed my pits to baby sit my kids. I'm sorta curious as to why you cant do that to support your claim?
Oh I get it. You feel stupid for everything youve said in this thread, so now this is a feeble attempt to slither away like the snake that you are. It isnt going to work.
Oh I get it. You feel stupid for everything youve said in this thread, so now this is a feeble attempt to slither away like the snake that you are. It isnt going to work.

No. I feel fine. I'm asking you to quote where I said I allow my dogs to baby sit my kids. Can you do that or not? Your diversion wont work.
As a mother, I am very much against on having my pet dog as the nanny of my kid. I have seen in the internet that there are cases like these where the baby is baby sit by a dog. It seems very dangerous to me since we really don't know what the animal is thinking. I mean, let's just think mainly on the safety of our kids and not because our pets have been with us for long and so we trust them. Yes, I trust my pet but not up to that extent.
Some dogs, of breeds with more predictable natures, are trust-worthy enough, but an animal cannot exercise judgment the way a human can no matter how reliably gentle it is. Leaving a baby with any animal is still just leaving it alone at best. Leaving a baby alone with a breed like a pit bull is criminally negligent and should be treated as such even if no tragedy ensues.
Some dogs, of breeds with more predictable natures, are trust-worthy enough, but an animal cannot exercise judgment the way a human can no matter how reliably gentle it is. Leaving a baby with any animal is still just leaving it alone at best. Leaving a baby alone with a breed like a pit bull is criminally negligent and should be treated as such even if no tragedy ensues.

Leaving a baby alone with any dog/animal should be criminal negligence. Are you a moron or something?
Pit bull owners always seem to take it personally (and if they do - fuck 'em) but the fact is that not all breeds of dogs are the same. The dogs themselves are not 'at fault' for being what they are, and I would not advocate the elimination of the breed, but 99.999999999% of people who own them are just being selfish, stupid, delusional; or flat-out, asshole, wannabe punks.

And we see, all too often, what the consequences are.
Pit bull owners always seem to take it personally (and if they do - fuck 'em) but the fact is that not all breeds of dogs are the same. The dogs themselves are not 'at fault' for being what they are, and I would not advocate the elimination of the breed, but 99.999999999% of people who own them are just being selfish, stupid, delusional; or flat-out, asshole, wannabe punks.

And we see, all too often, what the consequences are.

Thats correct Einstein. All breeds of dogs are not the same. Can you wax a little more philosophical for us? where did you get your figures on what the owners are like? Do you have a link? You know Helen Keller, Fred Astaire, President Roosevelt, Jessica Alba etc owned pits right?
I love dogs. Pit Bulls are a wild card here. It's all about how HUMANS treat them, but they do have a certain unpredictable disposition. Dachshunds can be pretty mean and territorial. They snap and bite and...that is what dogs do. Pit bulls were bred to fight and do massive harm. Massive jaw muscles and reflexes. But they can just be loving peaceful as a butterfly. A neighbor of mine had a Pit bull bitch named "Daisy", and she was so sweet and loving around kids, she would melt your heart.
Oh I get it. You feel stupid for everything youve said in this thread, so now this is a feeble attempt to slither away like the snake that you are. It isnt going to work.

No. I feel fine. I'm asking you to quote where I said I allow my dogs to baby sit my kids. Can you do that or not? Your diversion wont work.

Did you or did you not leave your kids with your "pits"? I already know you wont answer that question, because you know being honest right now will make you look like a fool... again. We all know your kids were alone with your pits, likely on hundreds of occasions, if not thousands. How could they not be? You are a fool for doing that. I consider that terrible parenting.

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