Pit bulls are safe around children!

Pitbulls, when raised since birth with love and attention, are not more inherently aggressive than other dogs. Do they have more muscle? In general, yes. But does being a pitbull mean you are a more aggressive dog? Absolutely not. Are any dogs out there completely predictable? No. If you haven't raised pitbulls and given them love and attention, you probably shouldn't believe all of the hype. Like with other things in politics, there will be those who will lie to you for their own political reasons.
The problem with a pit bull is that if it does have an unpredictable aggressive moment it is likely to kill somebody. If a beagle has a similar unpredictable aggressive moment, a bandaid will probably be sufficient to treat the injuries.

It's a matter of size.

Curiously, looking at 2012 statistics, a beagle maimed a child.

A chihuahua did kill a human child. :disbelief:
btw, no disrespect meant to the guy above but how did a pitbull maul an adult man? Was he asleep?
You don't think a dog could maul you?

nope. Because not only am I a very large man with no fear of animals but I know how to stop/scare them. Most people put their arms up- big mistake; it gives them the perfect limb to bite and hang on to. If you are serious about the question, I'll finish telling you.

Because animals are MUCH stronger than you think they are. Also, when they are mad, they are even more strong. They are much faster than you and have more stamina too. If one was determined to make a meal out of you, he would simply chase you and antagonize you until you ran out of energy and then move in for the kill by going for your throat or knocking you to the ground and mauling you to death.

nope. I've had all kinds of animals and have studied wild animals for years and, Lord willing be moving to Africa to work with Kevin Richardson. FEAR never enters into it. Animals (wild) are much more scared of us then we are of them. They will do ANYTHING to AVOID conflict.

Here is a very short vid with a perfect example- man vs lions.

Lol. Yeah, okay bud. :lol: If an animal is hungry, injured or mad, they don't have any fear.
I'm not afraid of lions either (serious)- I am scared of lots of things but animals, no. Maybe a bull elephant charging and a black rhino.

Bet you never stared at a wild turkey cross-eyed.
We live in a dangerous world. None of us are going to get out of it alive.
btw, no disrespect meant to the guy above but how did a pitbull maul an adult man? Was he asleep?
You don't think a dog could maul you?

nope. Because not only am I a very large man with no fear of animals but I know how to stop/scare them. Most people put their arms up- big mistake; it gives them the perfect limb to bite and hang on to. If you are serious about the question, I'll finish telling you.
You are amusing. Doesnt matter if you have fear or not if the animals intent is to rid the earth of you.
btw, no disrespect meant to the guy above but how did a pitbull maul an adult man? Was he asleep?
You don't think a dog could maul you?

nope. Because not only am I a very large man with no fear of animals but I know how to stop/scare them. Most people put their arms up- big mistake; it gives them the perfect limb to bite and hang on to. If you are serious about the question, I'll finish telling you.

Because animals are MUCH stronger than you think they are. Also, when they are mad, they are even more strong. They are much faster than you and have more stamina too. If one was determined to make a meal out of you, he would simply chase you and antagonize you until you ran out of energy and then move in for the kill by going for your throat or knocking you to the ground and mauling you to death.

nope. I've had all kinds of animals and have studied wild animals for years and, Lord willing be moving to Africa to work with Kevin Richardson. FEAR never enters into it. Animals (wild) are much more scared of us then we are of them. They will do ANYTHING to AVOID conflict.

Here is a very short vid with a perfect example- man vs lions.

Lol. Yeah, okay bud. :lol: If an animal is hungry, injured or mad, they don't have any fear.

I don't care if you don't believe me.I'm not lying.
You don't know fear until you've crossed one in the wild.

Their annual genocides have tempered their resolve.
btw, no disrespect meant to the guy above but how did a pitbull maul an adult man? Was he asleep?
You don't think a dog could maul you?

you can hold of a male angry lion who is charging at you with a stick and yelling Chris.

Proof? Here ya go! 2:40 to 3:40

nope. Because not only am I a very large man with no fear of animals but I know how to stop/scare them. Most people put their arms up- big mistake; it gives them the perfect limb to bite and hang on to. If you are serious about the question, I'll finish telling you.

Because animals are MUCH stronger than you think they are. Also, when they are mad, they are even more strong. They are much faster than you and have more stamina too. If one was determined to make a meal out of you, he would simply chase you and antagonize you until you ran out of energy and then move in for the kill by going for your throat or knocking you to the ground and mauling you to death.

nope. I've had all kinds of animals and have studied wild animals for years and, Lord willing be moving to Africa to work with Kevin Richardson. FEAR never enters into it. Animals (wild) are much more scared of us then we are of them. They will do ANYTHING to AVOID conflict.

Here is a very short vid with a perfect example- man vs lions.

Lol. Yeah, okay bud. :lol: If an animal is hungry, injured or mad, they don't have any fear.

2:40- 3:40

i'm sure these guys thought like you too. Just a matter of time messing with a wild animal.

Just like that Timothy what's his name guy who tried to live with grizzly bears and got himself and his girlfriend eaten alive. People need to leave wild animals alone and stop antagonizing them! They aren't interested in being friends with us!

2:40- 3:40

i'm sure these guys thought like you too. Just a matter of time messing with a wild animal.

Just like that Timothy what's his name guy who tried to live with grizzly bears and got himself and his girlfriend eaten alive. People need to leave wild animals alone and stop antagonizing them! They aren't interested in being friends with us!

this man says hello....


2:40- 3:40

i'm sure these guys thought like you too. Just a matter of time messing with a wild animal.

Just like that Timothy what's his name guy who tried to live with grizzly bears and got himself and his girlfriend eaten alive. People need to leave wild animals alone and stop antagonizing them! They aren't interested in being friends with us!

this man says hello....

Thats not a lion attacking him. Are you suggesting that this lion is wild? :laugh:

2:40- 3:40

i'm sure these guys thought like you too. Just a matter of time messing with a wild animal.

Just like that Timothy what's his name guy who tried to live with grizzly bears and got himself and his girlfriend eaten alive. People need to leave wild animals alone and stop antagonizing them! They aren't interested in being friends with us!

this man says hello....

None of this means anything because wild animals are unpredictable and can turn on you and kill for a simple thing like annoying them, even if they don't MEAN to kill you.

2:40- 3:40

i'm sure these guys thought like you too. Just a matter of time messing with a wild animal.

Just like that Timothy what's his name guy who tried to live with grizzly bears and got himself and his girlfriend eaten alive. People need to leave wild animals alone and stop antagonizing them! They aren't interested in being friends with us!

this man says hello....

None of this means anything because wild animals are unpredictable and can turn on you and kill for a simple thing like annoying them, even if they don't MEAN to kill you.

ahh, and there you don't get it. Not if they see you as part of the pride.

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