Pit bulls are safe around children!

How many times are we going to see these stories of people being mauled by pit bulls? You always hear the same thing from pit bull enthusiasts, "it depends on how they are raised. My pit bull is as gentle as can be!". Its funny how the owners of the pit bulls that attack people always say "I cant believe it, my pit bulls played with my children." Well guess what, this kid was around these pit bulls before without incident, then suddenly one day these "peaceful" dogs killed a child and mauled his pregnant mother.

These dogs are ticking time bombs, therefore they aren't fit for domestication. They should be outlawed!

Police identify boy, 4, killed in dog attack

I think the breed originated as war dogs, bred to attack and kill humans. Certainly the Germans developed a couple of those breeds as did many other cultures. My friend had a doberman who are unpredictable in the same way. The family praised the creature, a female who basically was easy going if weird. Then one day for no apparent reason the dog up and viciously attacked my friend. They had to give it away or put it down. If forget. It was a long time ago.

DOBIES ARE BIG BABIES...i do not believe you at all with your anecdotal doberman story
Pit Bulls are a powerful breed. If the wrong people get them for the wrong reasons it can go very bad. Almost all the ones at the dog park I see are very friendly.
They are a dangerous breed that should be outlawed.

They don't "bite"...they maul and attack to kill.
There is no legitimate reason for having a dog where another breed is not a better choice.

The best bread is subjective. There are many people who admire pits the most. Not my favorite dogs, but I think they are beautiful.
I just read a news at LA Times the other day in Riverside County Ca where a man (Emilio Rios 65) mauled to death by 2 vicious pit bull and a woman was severely injured.
See LA Times 9/9/15 Riverside County or Google.
If they were inherently dangerous, I doubt the top dog shows would allow them to compete.

I've never had one, but I would imagine that they aren't any more dangerous than any other dog, except that maybe they are more powerful than a lot of other breeds, which does, in and of itself, make them a bit more dangerous since they can do a lot more damage.

My cousin was attacked by her own pit bull. He literally ripped her nose off her face. She had to have multiple plastic surgeries to fix it. My uncle took the dog out back the next day and shot it. My cousin wouldn't speak to him for months because she was pissed that he killed her dog. He was old and they think he might have been hard of hearing and didn't recognize my cousin when she came home that night.

There are actually some cities/towns where they are banned.
I've lived with pitbulls and, if they're raised with love, they are the most loving animals out there.

They're not evil, but misunderstood. It is the owner who abuses the dogs that is to blame here.
You cant claim abuse, with zero evidence to support the claim.

This is exactly what im talking about. This post is what every owner says before his dog mauls someone, then when they attack they are so shocked, despite the fact that they are notorious for doing so.

Have you owned pitbulls, Godboy?

I have a lot of experience and knowledge about them, and am interested in breeding purebreds in the future. I can certainly claim abuse, and the way some of these dogs are raised. Did you know that some people put very heavy weights around their necks in order to toughen them up? Or that they get treated badly by some so that they become aggressive and good guard dogs?

There's a difference between a loving puppy raised well, and a dog that's been trained to be vicious. Personally I don't think you know know enough about pitbulls in order to really discuss the issue. I don't mean that as an insult. Having spent most of my life around the dogs, and also knowing those that were trained to be aggressive, I find it very naive of you to say they're something they aren't.

You're the exception. Not the rule.
If they were inherently dangerous, I doubt the top dog shows would allow them to compete.

I've never had one, but I would imagine that they aren't any more dangerous than any other dog, except that maybe they are more powerful than a lot of other breeds, which does, in and of itself, make them a bit more dangerous since they can do a lot more damage.
Find me one video of a golden retriever mauling someone. If you cant do that, then clearly pitbulls are MUCH more dangerous than other dogs and definitely more prone to attacking people.
If they were inherently dangerous, I doubt the top dog shows would allow them to compete.

I've never had one, but I would imagine that they aren't any more dangerous than any other dog, except that maybe they are more powerful than a lot of other breeds, which does, in and of itself, make them a bit more dangerous since they can do a lot more damage.
Find me one video of a golden retriever mauling someone. If you cant do that, then clearly pitbulls are MUCH more dangerous than other dogs and definitely more prone to attacking people.

Well, pit bulls aren't the only breed to have mauled people. They have an incredibly strong bite though. How do you feel about Rottweilers? I'm not a dog expert, so I don't know if one kind of dog is any more dangerous than any other kind of dog. It probably does depend on how it's raised too. Some people aren't very good pet owners and neglect or abuse their animals, and these types of dogs are more attractive to people who want to use them for intimidation purposes, and those kinds of people don't usually make very good doggy parents.
They're terriers. Education is key.

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