Pit bulls are safe around children!

What about the woman jogger with the tore up legs? What did SHE do that caused that dog to attack? Did she "pull on its ears"? :cuckoo:
Just a few weeks ago we all saw that video of a cat that saves a boy who is being mauled by a dog. Tell me, what did that boy do to provoke the attack? Thats right, he did NOTHING to provoke that attack!

Your point is retarded, and you are retarded for implying it.

Unless the dog has never been around people, and the first time he is he attacks every person he sees, there is some other stimuli at work to prompt the attack.

That does not mean it is the victim's fault. The dog may misinterpret an action. It may be a smell. But dogs rarely attack for absolutely no reason.

Go watch the video and get back to me. That kid did nothing to deserve being attacked by the neighbors dog. Dogs DO attack for no reason sometimes, pitbulls in particular.

I believe I have seen the video. And no, they do not attack for no reason. Because the reason is not obvious in a short video does not mean the reason does not exist.

It may have something to do with the way the dog was raised, or trained, treated by another child, or even something as simple as the dog seeing the child as easy prey (all dogs are predators). But to claim there is no reason is to ignore the facts of biology and animal behavior.
What about the woman jogger with the tore up legs? What did SHE do that caused that dog to attack? Did she "pull on its ears"? :cuckoo:

As I have said before, because we do not know the reason does not mean there was no reason.
What about the woman jogger with the tore up legs? What did SHE do that caused that dog to attack? Did she "pull on its ears"? :cuckoo:

As I have said before, because we do not know the reason does not mean there was no reason.

Just because you arent aware of the reason, doesnt mean there was ever a reason at all.
The problem with pit bulls is there are plenty of bad owners out there that are not raising their dogs properly. Period. There is not one example of a pit being raised properly that has a violent unprovoked incident. Dogs are simple creatures, unlike humans. You raise them to not be violent and they won't be, without exception.
What about the woman jogger with the tore up legs? What did SHE do that caused that dog to attack? Did she "pull on its ears"? :cuckoo:

As I have said before, because we do not know the reason does not mean there was no reason.

Just because you arent aware of the reason, doesnt mean there was ever a reason at all.

Dogs are predators and follow basic instincts and training (if applied). They are also social animals, either within their pack or in general.

Your claims that they attack for no reason simply shows a lack of understanding of animal behavior. The reasons may not even have anything to do with the victim, but there IS a reason.
Unless the dog has never been around people, and the first time he is he attacks every person he sees, there is some other stimuli at work to prompt the attack.

That does not mean it is the victim's fault. The dog may misinterpret an action. It may be a smell. But dogs rarely attack for absolutely no reason.

Go watch the video and get back to me. That kid did nothing to deserve being attacked by the neighbors dog. Dogs DO attack for no reason sometimes, pitbulls in particular.

or even something as simple as the dog seeing the child as easy prey (all dogs are predators).

BINGO! When we talk about "no reason", this is what we are referring to. That is the problem with pitbulls, because they are good at killing... for no reason. Its a danger that shouldnt be put on the rest of us because some idiot wants a scary dog. I mean that is why 90% of pitbull owners have them, because they are scary. Why are they scary? Because they are notorious for mauling people. They have earned a reuptation for killing people.
If they are so safe, why is it that every time we hear about a toddler being mauled to death, a pit bull is always involved?

evidently the only thing you listen to is stories about pitbulls killing toddlers. how do you explain all the pit bulls that don't kill toddlers?
The point is, Pit Bulls kill the most of any breed

Not true. German shepards kill more, based on population.

Pit Bull Attack Statistics | Defend Pit Bulls

Its easy to look up the stats this is one link.
Go watch the video and get back to me. That kid did nothing to deserve being attacked by the neighbors dog. Dogs DO attack for no reason sometimes, pitbulls in particular.

or even something as simple as the dog seeing the child as easy prey (all dogs are predators).

BINGO! When we talk about "no reason", this is what we are referring to. That is the problem with pitbulls, because they are good at killing... for no reason. Its a danger that shouldnt be put on the rest of us because some idiot wants a scary dog. I mean that is why 90% of pitbull owners have them, because they are scary. Why are they scary? Because they are notorious for mauling people. They have earned a reuptation for killing people.

really? I have my dog you see here because i rescued him as a stray. he wasnt scary at all. Go back to the bingo parlor
Go watch the video and get back to me. That kid did nothing to deserve being attacked by the neighbors dog. Dogs DO attack for no reason sometimes, pitbulls in particular.

or even something as simple as the dog seeing the child as easy prey (all dogs are predators).

BINGO! When we talk about "no reason", this is what we are referring to. That is the problem with pitbulls, because they are good at killing... for no reason. Its a danger that shouldnt be put on the rest of us because some idiot wants a scary dog. I mean that is why 90% of pitbull owners have them, because they are scary. Why are they scary? Because they are notorious for mauling people. They have earned a reuptation for killing people.

So when you are talking about "no reason" there actually IS a reason, just not one you want to discuss??

Any wild dog will attack an unsupervised child if it is hungry. I didn't say starving, just hungry.

If a dog is not trained and socialized, it will attack for one of several reasons, hunger, fear, to show dominance ect. If I beat a dog daily, then the dog sees a large man with a shaved head and facial hair, the dog is very likely to react to them as though it were me.

There ARE reasons a dog attacks. At least you have admitted that.

And given the number of pitbulls around, and the number of serious attacks (however unreliable the identification may be) shows that the overwhelming majority of pitbulls never attack anyone.

Spend your efforts promoting the idea that no small child should EVER be left alone with a dog, and you will save more lives and stop more attacks than this diatribe against a single breed.
Go watch the video and get back to me. That kid did nothing to deserve being attacked by the neighbors dog. Dogs DO attack for no reason sometimes, pitbulls in particular.

or even something as simple as the dog seeing the child as easy prey (all dogs are predators).

BINGO! When we talk about "no reason", this is what we are referring to. That is the problem with pitbulls, because they are good at killing... for no reason. Its a danger that shouldnt be put on the rest of us because some idiot wants a scary dog. I mean that is why 90% of pitbull owners have them, because they are scary. Why are they scary? Because they are notorious for mauling people. They have earned a reuptation for killing people.

If pitts are banned, then you have to ban German Shepards, and rotts, as well as chows.

This dog you see here in my pic... he doesnt even bark at the mailman. all he does is play fetch with a ball and go for walks, extremely socialized.
Of course, because he is a dog I am still extremely cautios with him. he is still a dog. But i would say MUCH safer than your average ROTT or shepard,
or even something as simple as the dog seeing the child as easy prey (all dogs are predators).

BINGO! When we talk about "no reason", this is what we are referring to. That is the problem with pitbulls, because they are good at killing... for no reason. Its a danger that shouldnt be put on the rest of us because some idiot wants a scary dog. I mean that is why 90% of pitbull owners have them, because they are scary. Why are they scary? Because they are notorious for mauling people. They have earned a reuptation for killing people.

If pitts are banned, then you have to ban German Shepards, and rotts, as well as chows.

This dog you see here in my pic... he doesnt even bark at the mailman. all he does is play fetch with a ball and go for walks, extremely socialized.
Of course, because he is a dog I am still extremely cautios with him. he is still a dog. But i would say MUCH safer than your average ROTT or shepard,
Bullshit alert! You are telling lies. Even though pitbulls only make up a small fraction of all dogs, they are responsible for 62% of all mauling deaths. They are incredibly dangerous. Your dog is a ticking time bomb.
BINGO! When we talk about "no reason", this is what we are referring to. That is the problem with pitbulls, because they are good at killing... for no reason. Its a danger that shouldnt be put on the rest of us because some idiot wants a scary dog. I mean that is why 90% of pitbull owners have them, because they are scary. Why are they scary? Because they are notorious for mauling people. They have earned a reuptation for killing people.

If pitts are banned, then you have to ban German Shepards, and rotts, as well as chows.

This dog you see here in my pic... he doesnt even bark at the mailman. all he does is play fetch with a ball and go for walks, extremely socialized.
Of course, because he is a dog I am still extremely cautios with him. he is still a dog. But i would say MUCH safer than your average ROTT or shepard,
Bullshit alert! You are telling lies. Even though pitbulls only make up a small fraction of all dogs, they are responsible for 62% of all mauling deaths. They are incredibly dangerous. Your dog is a ticking time bomb.

The numbers I have seen show between 12 and 16 mauling deaths per year. That means that between 7.4 and 9.9 pitbulls maul someone to death every year. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be mauled to death by a dog. And yet, you are trying to claim that every single pitbull is a ticking time bomb.

How many pitbulls are there in the US? 20,000? So 19,990 pitbulls did not kill anyone. That is a pretty weak time bomb.
Because pits can be dangerous when not raised properly.

Weve seen countless examples where they were raised properly, yet they still attack people.

And everyone who is attacked by a dog will always claim they did nothing to provoke the attack. There is ALWAYS a reason why a dog attacks.

false...my pit tried to kill me. ALL I did was pick up his leach off the dining room floor.
Weve seen countless examples where they were raised properly, yet they still attack people.

And everyone who is attacked by a dog will always claim they did nothing to provoke the attack. There is ALWAYS a reason why a dog attacks.

false...my pit tried to kill me. ALL I did was pick up his leach off the dining room floor.

BINGO! I couldn't remember who posted that in here before....I recall you telling how your Pit just came outta a bag at you....I believe your son pried him off you or you'd have been a goner, right?
If pitts are banned, then you have to ban German Shepards, and rotts, as well as chows.

This dog you see here in my pic... he doesnt even bark at the mailman. all he does is play fetch with a ball and go for walks, extremely socialized.
Of course, because he is a dog I am still extremely cautios with him. he is still a dog. But i would say MUCH safer than your average ROTT or shepard,
Bullshit alert! You are telling lies. Even though pitbulls only make up a small fraction of all dogs, they are responsible for 62% of all mauling deaths. They are incredibly dangerous. Your dog is a ticking time bomb.

The numbers I have seen show between 12 and 16 mauling deaths per year. That means that between 7.4 and 9.9 pitbulls maul someone to death every year. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be mauled to death by a dog. And yet, you are trying to claim that every single pitbull is a ticking time bomb.

How many pitbulls are there in the US? 20,000? So 19,990 pitbulls did not kill anyone. That is a pretty weak time bomb.

Its about 5 million
BINGO! When we talk about "no reason", this is what we are referring to. That is the problem with pitbulls, because they are good at killing... for no reason. Its a danger that shouldnt be put on the rest of us because some idiot wants a scary dog. I mean that is why 90% of pitbull owners have them, because they are scary. Why are they scary? Because they are notorious for mauling people. They have earned a reuptation for killing people.

If pitts are banned, then you have to ban German Shepards, and rotts, as well as chows.

This dog you see here in my pic... he doesnt even bark at the mailman. all he does is play fetch with a ball and go for walks, extremely socialized.
Of course, because he is a dog I am still extremely cautios with him. he is still a dog. But i would say MUCH safer than your average ROTT or shepard,
Bullshit alert! You are telling lies. Even though pitbulls only make up a small fraction of all dogs, they are responsible for 62% of all mauling deaths. They are incredibly dangerous. Your dog is a ticking time bomb.

Pit Bulls wernt bred to attack people. you can say evry dog with a mouth big enough to maim a person is a time bomb. Rottweilers and Shepherds if abused and chained up also
are known to maim people and from what ive read at a higher rate than Pitt bulls due to population, because there sre more pitts.

I know this, I put a lot of work into my dog. Walking, socializing him, you can come up to him without knowing him and put your arm around his neck. Ive never seen him growl at a person. his only problem is a dominance issue when it comes to other dogs.
I still watch him extremely closely always watching for any sign of aggression towards people. I suppose you would just want me to have him put down right? They are not just mindless animals, I would have to say in most cases there has to be some sort of abuse or neglect in the attacks you see, such as a dog getting loose who is kept chaned up or confined.
Weve seen countless examples where they were raised properly, yet they still attack people.

And everyone who is attacked by a dog will always claim they did nothing to provoke the attack. There is ALWAYS a reason why a dog attacks.

false...my pit tried to kill me. ALL I did was pick up his leach off the dining room floor.

What happened prior to that? There were some warning signs along the way. Just guessing but I would bet there were some dominance issues you missed. Dogs dont attack for no reason. There is always a reason.
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If pitts are banned, then you have to ban German Shepards, and rotts, as well as chows.

This dog you see here in my pic... he doesnt even bark at the mailman. all he does is play fetch with a ball and go for walks, extremely socialized.
Of course, because he is a dog I am still extremely cautios with him. he is still a dog. But i would say MUCH safer than your average ROTT or shepard,
Bullshit alert! You are telling lies. Even though pitbulls only make up a small fraction of all dogs, they are responsible for 62% of all mauling deaths. They are incredibly dangerous. Your dog is a ticking time bomb.

The numbers I have seen show between 12 and 16 mauling deaths per year. That means that between 7.4 and 9.9 pitbulls maul someone to death every year. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be mauled to death by a dog. And yet, you are trying to claim that every single pitbull is a ticking time bomb.

How many pitbulls are there in the US? 20,000? So 19,990 pitbulls did not kill anyone. That is a pretty weak time bomb.
What about all the times they maim people? You dont care about the people who had their limbs ripped off, or people like that poor girl who lost her eye? Deaths make up only a small fraction of dog attacks. Dont be naive.

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