Pit bulls are safe around children!

Weve seen countless examples where they were raised properly, yet they still attack people.

And everyone who is attacked by a dog will always claim they did nothing to provoke the attack. There is ALWAYS a reason why a dog attacks.

false...my pit tried to kill me. ALL I did was pick up his leach off the dining room floor.

Does he associate the leash with something negative? Had he been hit with it before?
And everyone who is attacked by a dog will always claim they did nothing to provoke the attack. There is ALWAYS a reason why a dog attacks.

false...my pit tried to kill me. ALL I did was pick up his leach off the dining room floor.

Does he associate the leash with something negative? Had he been hit with it before?

He was never hit with his leash or hit with anything else. It should have been a positive association because he loved going for a walk. I have had dogs for 60 years. I am not a novice dog owner.

Too many people on this thread, including you are ignoring the evidence. Pit bulls are not your average dog. Any dog can bite, but is usually just that...A BITE. Pit bulls don't bite, they attack. It is unrelenting and vicious. Dogs KILLING and maiming human beings should be rare. It happens way too often with pit bulls, even to adults.
false...my pit tried to kill me. ALL I did was pick up his leach off the dining room floor.

Does he associate the leash with something negative? Had he been hit with it before?

He was never hit with his leash or hit with anything else. It should have been a positive association because he loved going for a walk. I have had dogs for 60 years. I am not a novice dog owner.

Too many people on this thread, including you are ignoring the evidence. Pit bulls are not your average dog. Any dog can bite, but is usually just that...A BITE. Pit bulls don't bite, they attack. It is unrelenting and vicious. Dogs KILLING and maiming human beings should be rare. It happens way too often with pit bulls, even to adults.

I dont know what happened with your dog, it seems a very strange story as Pitbulls are suppossed to be one of the most loyal breed to their ownerss. As for Pit bulls not biting, they attack.... I know my experience with my dog, who I will say is most likely about the most Chill dog I have ever seen when it comes to people. I had been letting my next door
neighbor take my dog for a walk along with his as they were getting along very well. He has some kind of little Terrier maybe 25 lbs and mine is a 59 lb pitbull. On this particular
walk for some reason, the two dogs got into it before they got to the end of the block. I heard the commotion and came running but by th etime I got there it had probably been a full minute and people had gathered in the street from the sound of dogs fighting, it did sound bad actually it sounded horrible and i thought my dog was killing his, I slidd to the ground and immediatly grabbed my dog by his jaws as he was holding the terrier by the back of the neck.
My dog immediately released his grip and my neighbor pulled her away by its leash. Short of the story is, my dogs grip on the other one was weak, it never even broke the skin and was just holding the other dog there. My neighbor appologized and said it was his that started it . probably jealousy over the owner..... needless to say that was the laast time I let them walk together, but If my Pitt was the mindless bitting machine your talking about the Terrier would have been dead EASILY. by the way, my neighbors little dog got out of the yard last year and bit the mailman. They received a warning from the post office that if it gets out again they would have it put down.
false...my pit tried to kill me. ALL I did was pick up his leach off the dining room floor.

Does he associate the leash with something negative? Had he been hit with it before?

He was never hit with his leash or hit with anything else. It should have been a positive association because he loved going for a walk. I have had dogs for 60 years. I am not a novice dog owner.

Too many people on this thread, including you are ignoring the evidence. Pit bulls are not your average dog. Any dog can bite, but is usually just that...A BITE. Pit bulls don't bite, they attack. It is unrelenting and vicious. Dogs KILLING and maiming human beings should be rare. It happens way too often with pit bulls, even to adults.

Dogs killing and maiming humans IS rare.
false...my pit tried to kill me. ALL I did was pick up his leach off the dining room floor.

Does he associate the leash with something negative? Had he been hit with it before?

He was never hit with his leash or hit with anything else. It should have been a positive association because he loved going for a walk. I have had dogs for 60 years. I am not a novice dog owner.

Too many people on this thread, including you are ignoring the evidence. Pit bulls are not your average dog. Any dog can bite, but is usually just that...A BITE. Pit bulls don't bite, they attack. It is unrelenting and vicious. Dogs KILLING and maiming human beings should be rare. It happens way too often with pit bulls, even to adults.

Why have none of the pit bulls I have owned ever attacked a child...or an adult without provocation? You are wrong about other dogs. The only dog I think would not make a sustained attack would be golden retriever.
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Does he associate the leash with something negative? Had he been hit with it before?

He was never hit with his leash or hit with anything else. It should have been a positive association because he loved going for a walk. I have had dogs for 60 years. I am not a novice dog owner.

Too many people on this thread, including you are ignoring the evidence. Pit bulls are not your average dog. Any dog can bite, but is usually just that...A BITE. Pit bulls don't bite, they attack. It is unrelenting and vicious. Dogs KILLING and maiming human beings should be rare. It happens way too often with pit bulls, even to adults.

Why have none of the pit bulls I have owned ever attacked a child...or an adult without provocation? You are wrong about other dogs. The only dog I think would not make a sustained attack would be golden retriever.

When I was surfing thru a website about fatal dog attacks, I noticed one was a golden retriever. Hard to imagine, but apparently any dog can be a killer. There was a fatal dog attack by a dachshund too. I know they are short, but those little devils can be brutal.
He was never hit with his leash or hit with anything else. It should have been a positive association because he loved going for a walk. I have had dogs for 60 years. I am not a novice dog owner.

Too many people on this thread, including you are ignoring the evidence. Pit bulls are not your average dog. Any dog can bite, but is usually just that...A BITE. Pit bulls don't bite, they attack. It is unrelenting and vicious. Dogs KILLING and maiming human beings should be rare. It happens way too often with pit bulls, even to adults.

Why have none of the pit bulls I have owned ever attacked a child...or an adult without provocation? You are wrong about other dogs. The only dog I think would not make a sustained attack would be golden retriever.

When I was surfing thru a website about fatal dog attacks, I noticed one was a golden retriever. Hard to imagine, but apparently any dog can be a killer. There was a fatal dog attack by a dachshund too. I know they are short, but those little devils can be brutal.

Yeah I think dachshunds were bred to go after badgers. They would have a extremely high prey drive.
Pit bulls are known for the high number of incidences where they attack people....many times their owners or other members of the owner's family and especially children.

Pit bulls display characteristics when they attack that differ from all other dog breeds, one of them being their lethal bite. I would not have one, especially if I had young children. I don't care how they are raised, some that have been raised in a loving home have been known to turn for no apparent reason. I would be very scared if one of my neighbors had one. I would be afraid that it might get loose and attack me while I'm doing my walking/running in the neighborhood.
Does he associate the leash with something negative? Had he been hit with it before?

He was never hit with his leash or hit with anything else. It should have been a positive association because he loved going for a walk. I have had dogs for 60 years. I am not a novice dog owner.

Too many people on this thread, including you are ignoring the evidence. Pit bulls are not your average dog. Any dog can bite, but is usually just that...A BITE. Pit bulls don't bite, they attack. It is unrelenting and vicious. Dogs KILLING and maiming human beings should be rare. It happens way too often with pit bulls, even to adults.

Dogs killing and maiming humans IS rare.

right, considering there are several million of them in the US. and how many times they have protected their owners from criminals we will never know. Im sure the same people who would want to take away the right of a person to own a gun would like pittbulls be outlawed as well
Pit bulls are known for the high number of incidences where they attack people....many times their owners or other members of the owner's family and especially children.

Pit bulls display characteristics when they attack that differ from all other dog breeds, one of them being their lethal bite. I would not have one, especially if I had young children. I don't care how they are raised, some that have been raised in a loving home have been known to turn for no apparent reason. I would be very scared if one of my neighbors had one. I would be afraid that it might get loose and attack me while I'm doing my walking/running in the neighborhood.

You point out something that may be a factor in some of the attacks. Dogs will attack you if they sense fear. I cant figure out exactly why. When I used to help this guy protection train dogs we trained them to key on behavior. If you acted normal the dog was fine. If you acted suspicious it would trigger the dog.
Pit bulls are known for the high number of incidences where they attack people....many times their owners or other members of the owner's family and especially children.

Pit bulls display characteristics when they attack that differ from all other dog breeds, one of them being their lethal bite. I would not have one, especially if I had young children. I don't care how they are raised, some that have been raised in a loving home have been known to turn for no apparent reason. I would be very scared if one of my neighbors had one. I would be afraid that it might get loose and attack me while I'm doing my walking/running in the neighborhood.

You point out something that may be a factor in some of the attacks. Dogs will attack you if they sense fear. I cant figure out exactly why. When I used to help this guy protection train dogs we trained them to key on behavior. If you acted normal the dog was fine. If you acted suspicious it would trigger the dog.

Well duh....if a pit bull is loose and coming at me, how am I supposed to conquer my fear knowing what I know about them?
Pit bulls are known for the high number of incidences where they attack people....many times their owners or other members of the owner's family and especially children.

Pit bulls display characteristics when they attack that differ from all other dog breeds, one of them being their lethal bite. I would not have one, especially if I had young children. I don't care how they are raised, some that have been raised in a loving home have been known to turn for no apparent reason. I would be very scared if one of my neighbors had one. I would be afraid that it might get loose and attack me while I'm doing my walking/running in the neighborhood.

You point out something that may be a factor in some of the attacks. Dogs will attack you if they sense fear. I cant figure out exactly why. When I used to help this guy protection train dogs we trained them to key on behavior. If you acted normal the dog was fine. If you acted suspicious it would trigger the dog.

Well duh....if a pit bull is loose and coming at me, how am I supposed to conquer my fear knowing what I know about them?

Get educated about them. I know a lot about pits and they don't scare me. What is it you think you know about them?
There is no legitimate reason for having a dog where another breed is not a better choice.
You point out something that may be a factor in some of the attacks. Dogs will attack you if they sense fear. I cant figure out exactly why. When I used to help this guy protection train dogs we trained them to key on behavior. If you acted normal the dog was fine. If you acted suspicious it would trigger the dog.

Well duh....if a pit bull is loose and coming at me, how am I supposed to conquer my fear knowing what I know about them?

Get educated about them. I know a lot about pits and they don't scare me. What is it you think you know about them?

this one is my first pit ever, I am really supprised by how gentle he was, and when I rescued him was looking for any sign that he was a danger to people, i was ready to take him to the pound in the begining if he appeared to be agressive. I found that they need love but also require a lot of discipline so they know that they are answerable to humans.
I think that maybe the mistake owners make is they either neglect and outright abuse them, or they let the dog become the Alpha and think that they are in charge. I'm absoluteley NOT afraid of this dog because I interact with it on a daily basis. Still though
Im extremely cautious with him around any children. As much as he has an amazing personality, I always have to remember he is just a dog
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgcKOg1j31Y]Police shoot, kill pit bulls mauling girl - YouTube[/ame]
Well duh....if a pit bull is loose and coming at me, how am I supposed to conquer my fear knowing what I know about them?

Get educated about them. I know a lot about pits and they don't scare me. What is it you think you know about them?

this one is my first pit ever, I am really supprised by how gentle he was, and when I rescued him was looking for any sign that he was a danger to people, i was ready to take him to the pound in the begining if he appeared to be agressive. I found that they need love but also require a lot of discipline so they know that they are answerable to humans.
I think that maybe the mistake owners make is they either neglect and outright abuse them, or they let the dog become the Alpha and think that they are in charge. I'm absoluteley NOT afraid of this dog because I interact with it on a daily basis. Still though
Im extremely cautious with him around any children. As much as he has an amazing personality, I always have to remember he is just a dog

How old was he when you got him? Is he more excited around kids or is he standoffish? I make it a practice not to get any dog unless its a puppy less than 4 months. I like to check their temperament when they are young. They definitely need to know you are the alpha. Due to the amount of damage they can do that is an absolute must that they know who is in charge.
I have always loved animals, especially dogs. I grew up with pet boxers and love them to this day. Currently, I don’t have any pets because of allergies and laziness; I like to be able to leave my home without worrying about taking care of animals.

I grow increasingly tired of listening to people trying to defend why Pit Bulls are gentle and non-dangerous. Here are my thoughts:

Pit Bulls were originally bred as “catch-dogs” to hunt down wild cattle and wild hogs
Their jaws are ridiculously strong
Ghetto fabulous assholes have used Pit Bulls as fighting dogs to make money for years (insert Michael Vick jokes here)
Drug dealers, of all races, use Pit Bulls to protect their stash houses
Rednecks use Pit Bulls to hunt hogs and to make themselves feel tougher
White Trash use Pit Bulls to protect their trailers and to accompany their exotic snake collections
Men with small dicks have Pit Bulls because they can’t afford Corvettes


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