Pit bulls Maul and Eat Owner


Apr 22, 2007
Everyone that knows these dogs and owner say that there is no way those dogs would have attacked their owner. That they were eating her means nothing. Dogs are attracted by the smell of decay. They will eat anything that smells like it could be eaten.
Everyone that knows these dogs and owner say that there is no way those dogs would have attacked their owner. That they were eating her means nothing. Dogs are attracted by the smell of decay. They will eat anything that smells like it could be eaten.
Certain breeds are prone to snapping and attacking their owners. Pitbulls are one of the breeds selected to be very deadly and aggressive. I had a friend who owned a doberman pincer. Family dog, loved by all, until one day some trigger made the dog berserk and it attacked and bit the crap out of my friend. I think it was just a loud noise the dog didn't expect from another room. They had it put down after that. Smart move.
If a beagle becomes triggered and bites it’s owner, no big deal. The owner might need a band aid. If a pit bull is triggered, the owner may become the pit bull’s next meal.
If a beagle becomes triggered and bites it’s owner, no big deal. If a pit bull is triggered, the owner may become the pit bull’s next meal.
You don't find beagles with quite the bite-strength and "don't let go" tenacity that the muscular and large pitbulls have. How many reports have you seen of beagles eating the ribcage of their master, instead of baying in sorrow, standing guard near the intact corpse of their master as most breeds would?

I worked at an animal shelter. Their policy if a pitbull came in was the minimum 3 day wait required by law, and instant euthanasia on day 3 if nobody claimed them. No exceptions.
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If a beagle becomes triggered and bites it’s owner, no big deal. If a pit bull is triggered, the owner may become the pit bull’s next meal.
You don't find beagles with quite the bite-strength and "don't let go" tenacity that the muscular and large pitbulls have. How many reports have you seen of beagles eating the ribcage of their master, instead of baying in sorrow, standing guard near the intact corpse of their master as most breeds would?
My point exactly.
Everyone that knows these dogs and owner say that there is no way those dogs would have attacked their owner. That they were eating her means nothing. Dogs are attracted by the smell of decay. They will eat anything that smells like it could be eaten.

Yet they mauled their supposed loving owner and then ate her

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Everyone that knows these dogs and owner say that there is no way those dogs would have attacked their owner. That they were eating her means nothing. Dogs are attracted by the smell of decay. They will eat anything that smells like it could be eaten.

Yet they mauled their supposed loving owner and then ate her

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They almost certainly chowed down on her decaying corpse because that's what all dogs would do. They probably did not maul her to death. People have a real need to believe that Pit Bulls are vicious dogs when they aren't at all No more vicious than a Yorkie and certainly NOT as vicious as a chihuahua.
They almost certainly chowed down on her decaying corpse because that's what all dogs would do. They probably did not maul her to death. People have a real need to believe that Pit Bulls are vicious dogs when they aren't at all No more vicious than a Yorkie and certainly NOT as vicious as a chihuahua.

Yeah, except they weigh about 80 lbs of pure bulging muscle, have one of the strongest bites of any breed. They are bred with a heightened kill instinct and even when driven away, stabbed and kicked, they return again and again to their prey to bite and maul until they're dead. Watch the videos. They show the breed in true form. The scene in the first video on the beach shows their trait of zeroing in on the weak one they've already attacked, ignoring all blocking and with a singular intent of finishing the job they started.
There are two reasons why a dog will attack out of the blue. One is bad training. The other is bad genetics.
They almost certainly chowed down on her decaying corpse because that's what all dogs would do. They probably did not maul her to death. People have a real need to believe that Pit Bulls are vicious dogs when they aren't at all No more vicious than a Yorkie and certainly NOT as vicious as a chihuahua.

Yeah, except they weigh about 80 lbs, are bred with a heightened kill instinct and even when driven away, stabbed and kicked, they return again and again to their prey to bite and maul until they're dead. Watch the videos

The videos are videos of dogs mauling prey. That doesn't mean ALL pit bulls because I can match you video for video of pit bulls being gentle and very loving. Pit bulls historically have been called the Nanny Dogs for their gentleness around children. Dogs have been taken right from the fighting ring and adopted out to families with no bad effects whatsoever.

This woman was attacked by someone. She was killed by someone. Not necessarily her dogs. Now you can go around blaming the dogs if you want to but it's probably just not true. I doubt very seriously if the dogs gathered up underwear to scatter about.
^^ Idiot. The dogs in the OP were the pets of the owner they 'adored'....until they snapped. Apparently the smell of blood just turns on a mechanism in them that causes them to keep at it until they kill. It's why if you watch the videos you'll see that they keep zeroing in on the people that are already bleeding. The dead woman in the OP was on her period. I recommend women do not own pit bulls.

There are two reasons why a dog will attack out of the blue. One is bad training. The other is bad genetics.
PItbulls usually have both in spades. Even with good training the dogs are known to suddenly *snap* and attack friendly people. Even their owners. And once they start attacking, the breed has no "off" button. If someone or some strong enough weapon doesn't intervene, the breed will not stop until their target is dead.

Because of this, people should be required to have special permits and enclosures where the pit bulls are always kept and can't escape from. They should never be in public. Ever. Also in the videos you can see that when the dogs go into their 'mode', their owners, often big strapping men can't control them. Just like if you owned a pet tiger, lion or ape. You can't stroll about in public with them.
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There are two reasons why a dog will attack out of the blue. One is bad training. The other is bad genetics.
PItbulls usually have both in spades. Even with good training the dogs are known to suddenly *snap* and attack friendly people. Even their owners. And once they start attacking, the breed has no "off" button. If someone or some strong enough weapon doesn't intervene, the breed will not stop until their target is dead.

It's a myth that people really familiar with dogs don't believe. Dogs particularly trained for fighting will attack when threatened or on command, but that's not these dogs. I'd be persuaded to believe it of a Cane Corso or more from a ChowChow.
Chows are bad too. But the difference is when you kick them in the head hard enough, they stop. Pit bulls don't. They're like catfish. Very hard to kill and with high pain thresholds. Once their kill instinct is 'on', it's on until someone really caves in their ribs, legs or shoots them.

The snowflake taking the second video on page one starts yelling at the man kicking the pit bull off the woman "no, don't kick the dog! No no!". Ignore this advice. If a pit bull is charging you and you have a gun, shoot it instantly. If you don't have a gun, look for a heavy piece of iron or a baseball bat and aim for the legs first. Break them, preferably two of them because they can still run on three. Failing that, the rib cage near the heart if possible and use every bit of strength in your body to try to kill the dog. Once down, beat the animal in the head until it can't get up or is dead; because they're going to euthanize it anyway and you don't want these "catfish" dogs to get a second wind and come back at you. Because they will if they do.

Ignore this advice at your own peril.
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We have 2 pitbulls in a pack of 9 dogs. 6 months old, we've had them for 4 months. So far, so good, but when strays come around they turn into wild animals. From 0 to 60 in an instant.
The write up says that the dogs were euthanized. To me, if they were going to be killed, it should have been done the more proper way considering what it is that they did to that woman: Blow the both of them in half.

God bless you and her family always!!!

The write up says that the dogs were euthanized. To me, if they were going to be killed, it should have been done the more proper way considering what it is that they did to that woman: Blow the both of them in half.

God bless you and her family always!!!

Or put them in a cage with a hungry tiger. But they might win against the tiger so...
The write up says that the dogs were euthanized. To me, if they were going to be killed, it should have been done the more proper way considering what it is that they did to that woman: Blow the both of them in half.

God bless you and her family always!!!

What a shame that human ignorance once again raises its ugly head.

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