pitbull almost dies saving owner from train tracks

Someone could get a scratch from a pit bull and the media would be all over it. You know it.

it will also get counted in the dog bite stats thees guys keep beating on.


The traditional approach to dangerous dog legislation is to allow “one free bite,” at which point the owner is warned. On second bite, the dog is killed. The traditional approach, however, patently does not apply in addressing the threats from pit bull terriers, Rottweilers, and wolf hybrids. In more than two-thirds of the cases I have logged, the life-threatening or fatal attack was apparently the first known dangerous behavior by the animal in question. Children and elderly people were almost always the victims.

After my pit bull/lab mix tore me apart trying to kill me, my wife called 911. The firemen, the EMT's who answered the call and the hospital personnel are bound by law to record that my injuries were caused by a dog bite.

The town animal control officer showed up at my house shortly after the firemen and the EMT's. I didn't call him, they did. The animal control officer explained to me the next day (he was nice enough to call and see how I was doing) that when an animal attack occurs with severe and/or life threatening injuries, that animal is considered an enemy of the state. If we has insisted on keeping the animal, he would have returned with a court order. The dog would have to be quarantined, tested for rabies and locked up. For us to keep the dog would have been almost impossible. And if a judge were willing to allow us to keep him, it would have been with such strict restraints like a 360 degree chain linked cage whenever the dog is outside and frequent visits from police and dog control officers to monitor the dog, it would have been a nightmare.

The other FACT all you pit bull defenders forget is actuarial risk. That is what insurance companies use to determine first 'IF' they will even offer a policy and if they will, what the premium will be set at. So having a pit bull could mean that you will not be able to get homeowners insurance, or you will pay a punitively high premium

That's what bothered me so much about the bit pull that attacked the kid down the road, had they reported either of the first two attacks, the 3rd attack never would have happened.
Because I'm pointing out that they aren't the only dangerous dogs out there. It's not the breed. Would YOU have thought a Pomeranian was capable of killing someone? Now that you know, do you want them banned out of existence as well?

It is the breed. Any dog can bite. Pit bulls don't bite, they attack without stopping until you are dead or someone take extraordinary measures to stop them.

Doctors say the severity or damage from a pit bull attack can not be compared to other dogs. It can be compared it to a shark attack.

That baby was killed by a Pomeranian, not a pitbull. Banning pit bulls would not have saved that baby. Not all pit bulls are bad, not all pomeranians are bad. Do you kill the entire breed due to a few attacks? There was a boy down the road here that was attacked by a pitbull when he was little. He was nearly killed. Does he blame the dog? No, he blames the owners. The owners who knew they had a dangerous dog. The owners who knew their dog had attacked before and never reported it, they kept it hushed up even though in one of the attacks a person had to have 56 stitches in their hand. They were proud of the ruthlessness of their dog. They claimed their dog could kill mine. It's not the dog, it's the owners. The dog should have been put down the first time it attacked and it never would have put that poor boy in the hospital. They didn't think he was ever going to walk again, but he did, and he played on the highschool football team.

You come meet the pitbull down the street the other way and then tell me how dangerous they are. He wouldn't hurt a fly.

You just don't get it. Children and especially infants are vulnerable to an attack by any dog, even a little puppy, because they are A) unable to defend themselves and B) unable to escape.

Pit bulls are also more likely to kill an adult than a child. In the 3-year period, pit bulls killed more adults (ages 21 and over), 54%, than they did children (ages 11 and younger), 46%. In the 21-54 age group, pit bulls were responsible for 82% (14) of the deaths. The data indicates that pit bulls do not only kill children and senior citizens; they kill men and women in their prime years as well. [URL="http://www.dogsbite.org/dogsbite-newsroom-2009-dogsbite-three-year-fatality-study.php"]ref[/URL]

From 1982 to June 25th 2010 in the US & Canada Pit Bulls accounted for;

* The majority of attacks causing bodily harm, 1654,

* The majority of attacks on children, 733,

* The majority of attacks on adults, 549,

* The majority of deaths, 173,

* The majority of people maimed, 905.

Pit Bulls only make up 5% of the dog population. Again this highlights the fact that Pit Bulls Kill far more than all other breeds combined.

Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to June 25, 2010, by Merritt Clifton, Animal People, June 25, 2010. Link: http://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/dog-atta...mings-2010.pdf
It is the breed. Any dog can bite. Pit bulls don't bite, they attack without stopping until you are dead or someone take extraordinary measures to stop them.

Doctors say the severity or damage from a pit bull attack can not be compared to other dogs. It can be compared it to a shark attack.

That baby was killed by a Pomeranian, not a pitbull. Banning pit bulls would not have saved that baby. Not all pit bulls are bad, not all pomeranians are bad. Do you kill the entire breed due to a few attacks? There was a boy down the road here that was attacked by a pitbull when he was little. He was nearly killed. Does he blame the dog? No, he blames the owners. The owners who knew they had a dangerous dog. The owners who knew their dog had attacked before and never reported it, they kept it hushed up even though in one of the attacks a person had to have 56 stitches in their hand. They were proud of the ruthlessness of their dog. They claimed their dog could kill mine. It's not the dog, it's the owners. The dog should have been put down the first time it attacked and it never would have put that poor boy in the hospital. They didn't think he was ever going to walk again, but he did, and he played on the highschool football team.

You come meet the pitbull down the street the other way and then tell me how dangerous they are. He wouldn't hurt a fly.

You just don't get it. Children and especially infants are vulnerable to an attack by any dog, even a little puppy, because they are A) unable to defend themselves and B) unable to escape.

Pit bulls are also more likely to kill an adult than a child. In the 3-year period, pit bulls killed more adults (ages 21 and over), 54%, than they did children (ages 11 and younger), 46%. In the 21-54 age group, pit bulls were responsible for 82% (14) of the deaths. The data indicates that pit bulls do not only kill children and senior citizens; they kill men and women in their prime years as well. [URL="http://www.dogsbite.org/dogsbite-newsroom-2009-dogsbite-three-year-fatality-study.php"]ref[/URL]

From 1982 to June 25th 2010 in the US & Canada Pit Bulls accounted for;

* The majority of attacks causing bodily harm, 1654,

* The majority of attacks on children, 733,

* The majority of attacks on adults, 549,

* The majority of deaths, 173,

* The majority of people maimed, 905.

Pit Bulls only make up 5% of the dog population. Again this highlights the fact that Pit Bulls Kill far more than all other breeds combined.

Dog attack deaths and maimings, U.S. & Canada, September 1982 to June 25, 2010, by Merritt Clifton, Animal People, June 25, 2010. Link: http://www.dogsbite.org/pdf/dog-atta...mings-2010.pdf

And if we outlawed pit bulls, the woman in the op would be dead.
man you are just jammmed packed to the brim with fucking hate huh?

The facts are not hate. I would think you would understand that.

In light of two pit bull mauling's of babies over the weekend here in the area..... one death..one near death...two separate dogs, I thought i would remind you what they ALSO do.

I agree with Syrenn and disagree with TM that being "cautious" of potential dangers instead of denying them necessarily amounts to "hate."
1. just because guns are useful and necessary for defense, does NOT mean we should pretend they aren't dangerous and can be abused also. It's not either/or, it's both things.
2. I can think of MORE cases of death caused by "denying the dangers" associated with pitbulls, but cannot think of ONE CASE where taking precaution caused damage or risk!

So I'd much rather see people "err on the side of precaution" than take needless risks.

In general, whenever there are disputes about dog ownership with neighbors, property, or neighborhoods, I'd rather people remove the threat if the issues cannot be reconciled. Either the people affected in the area where the dog has access should feel equally secure and should be able to work out an agreement with the owners, or the dog should not be allowed there if the owner refuses to work with the neighbors to form an agreement on safety rules and precautions. Rather not take the risk, especially where young children are around. In our neighborhood, we had a neighbor lose her small dog to a pitbull; and it wasn't until AFTER this happened the neighbor followed the rule of keeping her dogs inside. Why wait until after something goes wrong to recognize the danger? If an owner is in denial, that is already a problem and should be worked out first, before allowing dogs. Same with guns, people should be required to go through the same training as police, and if there are danger signs the person is not stable, the same screening process should apply.
And if we outlawed pit bulls, the woman in the op would be dead.

1. how do you know she couldn't have been saved by a dog of a different breed if she had one?
2. why couldn't exceptions be made for companion or work dogs? and just ban pitbulls for people with criminal issues the same way certain people don't qualify to own guns either!

What I notice about most of the people who defend pitbulls, it's not really about the stats or the facts, but the attitude. If they didn't defend this, there would be something else they would deny. That is the issue that causes the problem, the owners who are so caught up in denial, they fail to be aware of taking precautions and run into problems with negligence.

I would agree with you it's more than just being about the breed,
but the combination of people justifying denying one side for the other!

That kind of imbalanced perception, projection and justification is already a problem,
and this is made worse if such people insist on holding on to their pitbulls, or guns or drug problems, or whatever they are justifying as "not affecting other people," and refuse to acknowledge they are putting other people at risk if they aren't careful.
Dang you are a picky bitch, find links your own damn self.

what I'm looking at and getting from this:
is who is willing to explain and back up their opinions
and who is just shooting from the hip and projecting their own beliefs onto others
without taking responsibility for where that is coming from.

if you or I speak from our own opinions and experiences, that explains
where that comes from and doesn't negate someone else doing the same
from their own experiences.

but the minute you start citing statistics or generalizations "outside direct personal
experience or knowledge" that is where people run into trouble.

so we should either stick to what we know personally, or leave the interpretations beyond
that point to people willing to research and cite the information to back it up.

If you aren't willing to do the research either, then refrain from stating
things that would require such research. Personal experience is good enough to speak for itself, and doesn't require stats if you keep it to that, to what you know is true for you.
You know I had a Pitt Come into my Yard in Florida and kill a Cat I had, had for 14 years while she slept under a tree. She never even woke up.

I also was Bit by a Pitt on the hand, Damn thing Broke my finger and I needed 17 Stitches and Rabbis shots because it's Shots were not up to date.

That said, In the first case the Pitt was owned by an asshole, Our neighbor let it fight with other dogs, and treated it poorly.

In the Second case I never met the owners, But they had their 2 Pitts chained up in 95 Degree heat with only a tiny Falling apart Porch to Hide under. They were sleeping I believe and Didn't even hear me till I hit the steps and they came out and one bit me, then backed off.

I don't blame the Dog, or the breed, It's the owners fault. Yes Pitts, are bread to kill and can, yes they can be aggressive but not if they are raised right.

In my door to door Job I see many Pitts, and the vast majority are well behaved, and Friendly.
You know I had a Pitt Come into my Yard in Florida and kill a Cat I had, had for 14 years while she slept under a tree. She never even woke up.

I also was Bit by a Pitt on the hand, Damn thing Broke my finger and I needed 17 Stitches and Rabbis shots because it's Shots were not up to date.

That said, In the first case the Pitt was owned by an asshole, Our neighbor let it fight with other dogs, and treated it poorly.

In the Second case I never met the owners, But they had their 2 Pitts chained up in 95 Degree heat with only a tiny Falling apart Porch to Hide under. They were sleeping I believe and Didn't even hear me till I hit the steps and they came out and one bit me, then backed off.

I don't blame the Dog, or the breed, It's the owners fault. Yes Pitts, are bread to kill and can, yes they can be aggressive but not if they are raised right.

In my door to door Job I see many Pitts, and the vast majority are well behaved, and Friendly.

That is messed up...I have zero respect for people who don't care for their pets.
A large part of the Pitt's bad rep. is that many, many people say "Oh my god it was a Pitt bull!" when it was not a pittbull. People see a problem dog and very often miss ID them as Pitt's.

I have three dogs that I picked up at the Pound about 6 years ago. A mother and her two pups, all had been abandoned. They have been great dogs which have some Lab, Pitt and Chow in them. All three are excellent dogs and will bite strangers if the opportunity presents itself. The mother is a strong alpha and will attack and dominate other dogs on sight. I have broken up a heck of a lot of fights between her, strange dogs and her own daughters. They are also very loving and smart, I can teach them just about anything I want them to do in only a couple of hours. They love so strong that I get nipped several times when we haven't seen each other for awhile. It hurts a bit but I am so flattered by how much these animals love me that I just grin and bear it. I am sold on Pittbulls and I doubt that I will ever own any other breed again.

I have also built three separate dog pens in my yard to pen the dogs up separately when it is required and I have built a six-foot cedar fence around my entire 2-acre lot for them. I have made it so the dogs have leads that run the length of the bed of my truck and I have enclosed the bed of the truck as well. I have a sign on my trucks tailgate made up of two bumper stickers next to one another that says "Please do not pet the dogs". Two of the dogs often ride with me and I grew tired and worried of people that just can't seem to leave strange dogs in other peoples trucks alone. After a guy walked up to my truck and put his face down to one of my dogs and was quickly grabbed by the face I welded up some bars that are easy off & on and go across the tailgate about 20" tall and had the bumper stickers for the sign made up. I also have toolboxes on each side of the truck bed that run the length of the bed. I have done a lot of work and put in a lot time and expense to keep my dogs away from other folks and their dogs. I do not mind it at all. I love these dogs and they love me and we have a great life together. I see more Pitts in my future.
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Dang you are a picky bitch, find links your own damn self.

what I'm looking at and getting from this:
is who is willing to explain and back up their opinions
and who is just shooting from the hip and projecting their own beliefs onto others
without taking responsibility for where that is coming from.

if you or I speak from our own opinions and experiences, that explains
where that comes from and doesn't negate someone else doing the same
from their own experiences.

but the minute you start citing statistics or generalizations "outside direct personal
experience or knowledge" that is where people run into trouble.

so we should either stick to what we know personally, or leave the interpretations beyond
that point to people willing to research and cite the information to back it up.

If you aren't willing to do the research either, then refrain from stating
things that would require such research. Personal experience is good enough to speak for itself, and doesn't require stats if you keep it to that, to what you know is true for you.

Read all the links. They are worn out because I have seen them all before.
My little sweetie is a Boston Terrier...


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