Pittsburgh bridge collapses hours before President Biden visits the city for an infrastructure event. At least 10 people were injured.

False. Totally false. You made that shit up in your head and are trying to pass it off as fact.

Congress was completely onboard the infrastructure bill on Trump's watch. It was even bigger than the one Biden just got passed.

But Trump got peeved over the House investigations and he walked away from the infrastructure deal in a huff at the last minute.

Trump governs by snit.

How many infrastructure bills did Congress pass and send to his desk that he vetoed?

zero you say?

So to recap

1 Trump wanted an infrastructure bill
2 Congress didn’t pass one.

Isnt that what I said?
How many infrastructure bills did Congress pass and send to his desk that he vetoed?

zero you say?

So to recap

1 Trump wanted an infrastructure bill
2 Congress didn’t pass one.

Isnt that what I said?
It never made it to his desk because Trump walked away from the deal, dipshit.

That's all on Trump, not Congress. You tried to imply otherwise.

Nice try.
Just a reminder that almost EVERY Republican voted against Infrastructure Investment

Just to remind you, so did near every Prog. 110 Billion dollars out of 1.2 Trillion dollars for roads and bridges. Obama had an Infrastructure Bill and not a dime went anywhere but to pay off special interests. Equity....mean we are a Banana Republic! Hey Mr. Tallyman tally me Banana! The state and city need to be questioned also.
Just to remind you, so did near every Prog. 110 Billion dollars out of 1.2 Trillion dollars for roads and bridges. Obama had an Infrastructure Bill and not a dime went anywhere but to pay off special interests. Equity....mean we are a Banana Republic! Hey Mr. Tallyman tally me Banana! The state and city need to be questioned also.
$110 billion is a lot of money

The rest going for rail, water systems, power grid, ports, internet……all long overdue

The overwhelming number of Republicans voted against it
$110 billion is a lot of money

The rest going for rail, water systems, power grid, ports, internet……all long overdue

The overwhelming number of Republicans voted against it
Roads and Bridges come first. They are the lifeline. So little for roads and bridges when it is estimated to take about 550 Billion Dollars to bring things much more up to date. Of course, the corruption, graft, stealing and inept contractors will make that 110 billion about half even if spent on it. Voting on separate programs is wiser.
Roads and Bridges come first. They are the lifeline. So little for roads and bridges when it is estimated to take about 550 Billion Dollars to bring things much more up to date. Of course, the corruption, graft, stealing and inept contractors will make that 110 billion about half even if spent on it. Voting on separate programs is wiser.
No they are not
Our water systems are obsolete and need major upgrades
Our power grid is a patchwork and constantly failing
Rail has not seen a serious upgrade in 50 years
Our internet is vulnerable to attack

Republicans voted against ALL of it
It was built in 1970 and reported to have structural issues in 2018.

Blaming Biden is laughably partisan bullshit.
This is opportunity for the dem cabal. Reason for a new 5-trillion-dollar infrastructure bill to help the homeless illegal tranny homos.
It never made it to his desk because Trump walked away from the deal, dipshit.

That's all on Trump, not Congress. You tried to imply otherwise.

Nice try.
So none then? Thanks.

But that's really not the point. The point is that every Administration wants an infrastructure bill and most get them (regardless of the reason why) and yet when the next guy gets in office our infrastructure is magically still crumbling and we need to pass another bill. I'll bet you any amount of money that the next President (regardless of who that is) will want to pass another infrastructure bill.
So none then? Thanks.

But that's really not the point. The point is that every Administration wants an infrastructure bill and most get them (regardless of the reason why) and yet when the next guy gets in office our infrastructure is magically still crumbling and we need to pass another bill. I'll bet you any amount of money that the next President (regardless of who that is) will want to pass another infrastructure bill.
Trump bragged he was the only one who could get an infrastructure bill passed. Make no mistake, he is the greatest almightiest most terrific and beautiful builder of all time, that I can tell you. No one can get it done other than him, bleev me.

Instead, he sniveled and whined and achieved nothing. He walked away from a done deal out of pique.

He failed bigly. Dumb Donald tripped over his own megalomania.

It turns out Sleepy Joe Biden is the only one who could get it done.

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Trump bragged he was the only one who could get an infrastructure bill passed. Make no mistake, he is the greatest almightiest most terrific and beautiful builder of all time, that I can tell you. No one can get it done other than him, bleev me.

Instead, he sniveled and whined and achieved nothing. He walked away from a done deal out of pique.

He failed bigly. He tripped over his own megalomania.

It turns out Biden is the only one who could get it done.

Trumps infrastructure bill was a sham
It relied on private industry investing in infrastructure

He used infrastructure investment as a bribe contingent on Democrats stopping investigating him
No they are not
Our water systems are obsolete and need major upgrades
Our power grid is a patchwork and constantly failing
Rail has not seen a serious upgrade in 50 years
Our internet is vulnerable to attack

Republicans voted against ALL of it
This stuff was needed many decades ago. What we will see in this is massive waste. They will dig up the city streets put new pipes in on block in slums where two people live. Then dig it up again to put electrical lines in or something else. We waste so much. The dirty part is this fact. When you get little in taxes just how much do you spend on people? Sound heartless. Progs have made a living on this. We would be okay, but we went from real infrastructure like you typed to human infrastructure of social justice a half century ago. And there are a lot of people who have stolen a lot of money and who have abused the system to not even improve themselves. You think costs are minimal. Teh costs of the ADA alone is astronomical. It affects everything we do from taxes to bills to using private and public facilities and so much more. Again. Who is going to question it? The city of Philadelphia a few decades ago cut out every corner of pavement into the streets to lower it to the asphalt for 80 million dollars over 3 years. There was an estimated 6 people on wheelchairs in the city that rolled themselves around at that time. The Federal Government makes dictums that state and local people pay for.
Trump bragged he was the only one who could get an infrastructure bill passed. Make no mistake, he is the greatest almightiest most terrific and beautiful builder of all time, that I can tell you. No one can get it done other than him, bleev me.

Instead, he sniveled and whined and achieved nothing. He walked away from a done deal out of pique.

He failed bigly. Dumb Donald tripped over his own megalomania.

It turns out Sleepy Joe Biden is the only one who could get it done.

Cool. Miss the point more.
This stuff was needed many decades ago. What we will see in this is massive waste. They will dig up the city streets put new pipes in on block in slums where two people live. Then dig it up again to put electrical lines in or something else. We waste so much. The dirty part is this fact. When you get little in taxes just how much do you spend on people? Sound heartless. Progs have made a living on this. We would be okay, but we went from real infrastructure like you typed to human infrastructure of social justice a half century ago. And there are a lot of people who have stolen a lot of money and who have abused the system to not even improve themselves. You think costs are minimal. Teh costs of the ADA alone is astronomical. It affects everything we do from taxes to bills to using private and public facilities and so much more. Again. Who is going to question it? The city of Philadelphia a few decades ago cut out every corner of pavement into the streets to lower it to the asphalt for 80 million dollars over 3 years. There was an estimated 6 people on wheelchairs in the city that rolled themselves around at that time. The Federal Government makes dictums that state and local people pay for.
More Bullshit fear mongering

The jobs will go to the lowest competitive bidder with strict performance requirements.

Those who don’t perform will not get future contracts
More Bullshit fear mongering

The jobs will go to the lowest competitive bidder with strict performance requirements.

Those who don’t perform will not get future contracts
Sure, unless they're minority contractors. It's not our first rodeo.
More Bullshit fear mongering

The jobs will go to the lowest competitive bidder with strict performance requirements.

Those who don’t perform will not get future contracts
Who the hell are you kidding? Many contractors are corrupted. Many are inept including minority contractors who get a free pass in it. To do anything with the government providing the funds, there crossing the T's and dotting the I's is a must. There are people who have done little with the endless government contracts given out who are as rich as hell.

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