Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Please watch this, Faun, and listen to the former director for Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnson.

From the man who posted this video on youtube -

I saw former director of Planned Parenthood Abby Johnson on O'Reilly tonight and wanted to post that interview where she tells the story of her decision to become pro-life. I was then turned on to an interview that Huckabee did this weekend and I've decided to post it instead. In Hucakbees interview Abby goes into much greater detail on the horror that she saw during an abortion procedure and its quite powerful to hear. In fact, I couldn't watch it without shedding a few tears, and Im man enough to admit it.

How so many in our country can justify the murder of the innocent life of a child is way beyond me. The depth of depravity of those who perform these procedures and those who advocate them knowing full well what they are really like is paramount. In China women are forced to get abortions and its horrible. Here we dont force it its even worse, that weve convinced women that its their reproductive right to choose to murder. How selfish are we!

Please watch the entire video and spread it around so people can hear first hand what abortion is really like. Its not only life changing to watch this video but it may save a childs life.

Not sure what you want me to see? It's a woman who seemingly didn't know an embryo is alive?

Thank you, Faun. As you acknowledge this is a life you must also acknowledge to take it is murder.

note* The woman in the video is a former director of Planned Parenthood. Today she is an advocate for Babies and is spending her time helping to save lives rather than helping to take them.

Sorry, you don't get to speak for me. It's not murder if it meets an exception, such as to protect the life of the pregnant woman.

Meanwhile, I asked you if the picture you posted was of an abortion for the protection of the pregnant woman's life and you still haven't .....
Please watch this, Faun, and listen to the former director for Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnson.

From the man who posted this video on youtube -

I saw former director of Planned Parenthood Abby Johnson on O'Reilly tonight and wanted to post that interview where she tells the story of her decision to become pro-life. I was then turned on to an interview that Huckabee did this weekend and I've decided to post it instead. In Hucakbees interview Abby goes into much greater detail on the horror that she saw during an abortion procedure and its quite powerful to hear. In fact, I couldn't watch it without shedding a few tears, and Im man enough to admit it.

How so many in our country can justify the murder of the innocent life of a child is way beyond me. The depth of depravity of those who perform these procedures and those who advocate them knowing full well what they are really like is paramount. In China women are forced to get abortions and its horrible. Here we dont force it its even worse, that weve convinced women that its their reproductive right to choose to murder. How selfish are we!

Please watch the entire video and spread it around so people can hear first hand what abortion is really like. Its not only life changing to watch this video but it may save a childs life.

Not sure what you want me to see? It's a woman who seemingly didn't know an embryo is alive?

Thank you, Faun. As you acknowledge this is a life you must also acknowledge to take it is murder.

note* The woman in the video is a former director of Planned Parenthood. Today she is an advocate for Babies and is spending her time helping to save lives rather than helping to take them.

Sorry, you don't get to speak for me. It's not murder if it meets an exception, such as to protect the life of the pregnant woman.

Meanwhile, I asked you if the picture you posted was of an abortion for the protection of the pregnant woman's life and you still haven't .....

I told you that partial birth abortions are legal. No abortion should be legal and this lame argument about protecting the life of a pregnant woman is just that, LAME. The real reason for most abortions is "inconvenience". It is too inconvenient to have the child, too incovenient to carry the child 9 months and put it up for adoption, it is easier to murder it because people like you keep on insisting it isn't murder. I do get to speak for you. Because you refuse to admit what is staring you right in the face! IT'S MURDER. I don't care what the situation is. It is 100% unacceptable 100% of the time. Get it now?

Know this, Faun. There is a day of accountability coming and you will stand before God and answer for your defense of murdering innocent babies. In that day? You'll have no excuse because I am warning you right now that you are sending yourself to hell for going on the devil's assignment. You will spend all of eternity in hell wishing you had listened to me this day. Do yourself a favor. Repent of this wickedness, call upon the LORD and ask Him to save you. Otherwise? Your future is destruction. See Ezekiel 3:17, 18, 19 (below). You've been warned.

Ezekiel 3:17-19 King James Version (KJV)
17 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.

18 When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.

King James Version (KJV)
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Please watch this, Faun, and listen to the former director for Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnson.

From the man who posted this video on youtube -

I saw former director of Planned Parenthood Abby Johnson on O'Reilly tonight and wanted to post that interview where she tells the story of her decision to become pro-life. I was then turned on to an interview that Huckabee did this weekend and I've decided to post it instead. In Hucakbees interview Abby goes into much greater detail on the horror that she saw during an abortion procedure and its quite powerful to hear. In fact, I couldn't watch it without shedding a few tears, and Im man enough to admit it.

How so many in our country can justify the murder of the innocent life of a child is way beyond me. The depth of depravity of those who perform these procedures and those who advocate them knowing full well what they are really like is paramount. In China women are forced to get abortions and its horrible. Here we dont force it its even worse, that weve convinced women that its their reproductive right to choose to murder. How selfish are we!

Please watch the entire video and spread it around so people can hear first hand what abortion is really like. Its not only life changing to watch this video but it may save a childs life.

Not sure what you want me to see? It's a woman who seemingly didn't know an embryo is alive?

Thank you, Faun. As you acknowledge this is a life you must also acknowledge to take it is murder.

note* The woman in the video is a former director of Planned Parenthood. Today she is an advocate for Babies and is spending her time helping to save lives rather than helping to take them.

Sorry, you don't get to speak for me. It's not murder if it meets an exception, such as to protect the life of the pregnant woman.

Meanwhile, I asked you if the picture you posted was of an abortion for the protection of the pregnant woman's life and you still haven't .....

I told you that partial birth abortions are legal. No abortion should be legal and this lame argument about protecting the life of a pregnant woman is just that, LAME. The real reason for most abortions is "inconvenience". It is too inconvenient to have the child, too incovenient to carry the child 9 months and put it up for adoption, it is easier to murder it because people like you keep on insisting it isn't murder. I do get to speak for you. Because you refuse to admit what is staring you right in the face! IT'S MURDER. I don't care what the situation is. It is 100% unacceptable 100% of the time. Get it now?

Know this, Faun. There is a day of accountability coming and you will stand before God and answer for your defense of murdering innocent babies. In that day? You'll have no excuse because I am warning you right now that you are sending yourself to hell for going on the devil's assignment. You will spend all of eternity in hell wishing you had listened to me this day. Do yourself a favor. Repent of this wickedness, call upon the LORD and ask Him to save you. Otherwise? Your future is destruction. See Ezekiel 3:17, 18, 19 (below). You've been warned.

Ezekiel 3:17-19 King James Version (KJV)
17 Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.

18 When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

19 Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.

King James Version (KJV)

Why would I care that you "say" it's legal after I showed you the law indicating it's not? Are you just not capable of arguing rationally? And you still haven't answered.... was that photo of a stillbirth or an abortion for the safety of the woman's life?
Hey might want to consider this if you think that you will get the Latino vote:

Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos

In 2013, millions of people visited Planned Parenthood for a wide variety of health services -- and 22% of those patients were Latino.

Latinos are disproportionately uninsured and more likely to have trouble affording contraception. We're at a higher risk of death from cervical cancer and breast cancer and of contracting HIV and other STDs.

In particular, when Latinas most need health services but have nowhere else to turn, Planned Parenthood is there.

When a woman -- especially a low-income woman -- needs or desires access to contraception, a cancer screening, and yes, even an abortion, she can go to Planned Parenthood. Having that access means she has the ability to control her own health and her own future.
Hey might want to consider this if you think that you will get the Latino vote:

Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos

In 2013, millions of people visited Planned Parenthood for a wide variety of health services -- and 22% of those patients were Latino.

Latinos are disproportionately uninsured and more likely to have trouble affording contraception. We're at a higher risk of death from cervical cancer and breast cancer and of contracting HIV and other STDs.

In particular, when Latinas most need health services but have nowhere else to turn, Planned Parenthood is there.

When a woman -- especially a low-income woman -- needs or desires access to contraception, a cancer screening, and yes, even an abortion, she can go to Planned Parenthood. Having that access means she has the ability to control her own health and her own future.

The protection of the most innocent of all trumps votes. Of course you being a progtard won't hesitate to use it as a voting issue
Hey might want to consider this if you think that you will get the Latino vote:

Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos

In 2013, millions of people visited Planned Parenthood for a wide variety of health services -- and 22% of those patients were Latino.

Latinos are disproportionately uninsured and more likely to have trouble affording contraception. We're at a higher risk of death from cervical cancer and breast cancer and of contracting HIV and other STDs.

In particular, when Latinas most need health services but have nowhere else to turn, Planned Parenthood is there.

When a woman -- especially a low-income woman -- needs or desires access to contraception, a cancer screening, and yes, even an abortion, she can go to Planned Parenthood. Having that access means she has the ability to control her own health and her own future.

The protection of the most innocent of all trumps votes. Of course you being a progtard won't hesitate to use it as a voting issue

It is a voting issue. We don't have to make it one. Women and Latinos know what the Republicans stand for. Most are not stupid. You might also want to take a look at my response to you in the Huckabee thread
Hey might want to consider this if you think that you will get the Latino vote:

Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos

In 2013, millions of people visited Planned Parenthood for a wide variety of health services -- and 22% of those patients were Latino.

Latinos are disproportionately uninsured and more likely to have trouble affording contraception. We're at a higher risk of death from cervical cancer and breast cancer and of contracting HIV and other STDs.

In particular, when Latinas most need health services but have nowhere else to turn, Planned Parenthood is there.

When a woman -- especially a low-income woman -- needs or desires access to contraception, a cancer screening, and yes, even an abortion, she can go to Planned Parenthood. Having that access means she has the ability to control her own health and her own future.

The protection of the most innocent of all trumps votes. Of course you being a progtard won't hesitate to use it as a voting issue

It is a voting issue. We don't have to make it one. Women and Latinos know what the Republicans stand for. Most are not stupid. You might also want to take a look at my response to you in the Huckabee thread

I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right
Hey might want to consider this if you think that you will get the Latino vote:

Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos

In 2013, millions of people visited Planned Parenthood for a wide variety of health services -- and 22% of those patients were Latino.

Latinos are disproportionately uninsured and more likely to have trouble affording contraception. We're at a higher risk of death from cervical cancer and breast cancer and of contracting HIV and other STDs.

In particular, when Latinas most need health services but have nowhere else to turn, Planned Parenthood is there.

When a woman -- especially a low-income woman -- needs or desires access to contraception, a cancer screening, and yes, even an abortion, she can go to Planned Parenthood. Having that access means she has the ability to control her own health and her own future.

The protection of the most innocent of all trumps votes. Of course you being a progtard won't hesitate to use it as a voting issue

It is a voting issue. We don't have to make it one. Women and Latinos know what the Republicans stand for. Most are not stupid. You might also want to take a look at my response to you in the Huckabee thread

I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right

Right about what? What I'm right about is that banning abortion will not stop and may not even reduce abortion. Thinking that it will is ridged, short sighted and misguided. It will cost lives in the long run and diminish the quality of others

If you would support a candidate just because they are against all abortion, but also against programs and policies that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, and that provide supports for women who carry a child to term, you are exactly what I'm talking about. A pro lifer in name only. You can't be truly pro life and support someone who is not pro women, pro children and pro family. It is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.
Hey might want to consider this if you think that you will get the Latino vote:

Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos

In 2013, millions of people visited Planned Parenthood for a wide variety of health services -- and 22% of those patients were Latino.

Latinos are disproportionately uninsured and more likely to have trouble affording contraception. We're at a higher risk of death from cervical cancer and breast cancer and of contracting HIV and other STDs.

In particular, when Latinas most need health services but have nowhere else to turn, Planned Parenthood is there.

When a woman -- especially a low-income woman -- needs or desires access to contraception, a cancer screening, and yes, even an abortion, she can go to Planned Parenthood. Having that access means she has the ability to control her own health and her own future.

The protection of the most innocent of all trumps votes. Of course you being a progtard won't hesitate to use it as a voting issue

It is a voting issue. We don't have to make it one. Women and Latinos know what the Republicans stand for. Most are not stupid. You might also want to take a look at my response to you in the Huckabee thread

I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right

Right about what? What I'm right about is that banning abortion will not stop and may not even reduce abortion. Thinking that it will is ridged, short sighted and misguided. It will cost lives in the long run and diminish the quality of others

If you would support a candidate just because they are against all abortion, but also against programs and policies that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, and that provide supports for women who carry a child to term, you are exactly what I'm talking about. A pro lifer in name only. You can't be truly pro life and support someone who is not pro women, pro children and pro family. It is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.

Actually I'm a little pro choice....they can choose abstinence, sex education, adoption and responsibility
Hey might want to consider this if you think that you will get the Latino vote:

The protection of the most innocent of all trumps votes. Of course you being a progtard won't hesitate to use it as a voting issue

It is a voting issue. We don't have to make it one. Women and Latinos know what the Republicans stand for. Most are not stupid. You might also want to take a look at my response to you in the Huckabee thread

I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right

Right about what? What I'm right about is that banning abortion will not stop and may not even reduce abortion. Thinking that it will is ridged, short sighted and misguided. It will cost lives in the long run and diminish the quality of others

If you would support a candidate just because they are against all abortion, but also against programs and policies that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, and that provide supports for women who carry a child to term, you are exactly what I'm talking about. A pro lifer in name only. You can't be truly pro life and support someone who is not pro women, pro children and pro family. It is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.

Actually I'm a little pro choice....they can choose abstinence, sex education, adoption and responsibility
That is the first indication from you of some level of enlightenment. Can I take credit for my powers of persuasion?
The protection of the most innocent of all trumps votes. Of course you being a progtard won't hesitate to use it as a voting issue

It is a voting issue. We don't have to make it one. Women and Latinos know what the Republicans stand for. Most are not stupid. You might also want to take a look at my response to you in the Huckabee thread

I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right

Right about what? What I'm right about is that banning abortion will not stop and may not even reduce abortion. Thinking that it will is ridged, short sighted and misguided. It will cost lives in the long run and diminish the quality of others

If you would support a candidate just because they are against all abortion, but also against programs and policies that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, and that provide supports for women who carry a child to term, you are exactly what I'm talking about. A pro lifer in name only. You can't be truly pro life and support someone who is not pro women, pro children and pro family. It is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.

Actually I'm a little pro choice....they can choose abstinence, sex education, adoption and responsibility
That is the first indication from you of some level of enlightenment. Can I take credit for my powers of persuasion?

I've posted all that before, you were not paying attention or didn't see it.
Hey might want to consider this if you think that you will get the Latino vote:

Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos

In 2013, millions of people visited Planned Parenthood for a wide variety of health services -- and 22% of those patients were Latino.

Latinos are disproportionately uninsured and more likely to have trouble affording contraception. We're at a higher risk of death from cervical cancer and breast cancer and of contracting HIV and other STDs.

In particular, when Latinas most need health services but have nowhere else to turn, Planned Parenthood is there.

When a woman -- especially a low-income woman -- needs or desires access to contraception, a cancer screening, and yes, even an abortion, she can go to Planned Parenthood. Having that access means she has the ability to control her own health and her own future.
Don't play race politics, sorry
Hey might want to consider this if you think that you will get the Latino vote:

Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos Shame on Those Who Smear Planned Parenthood, an Essential Resource to Latinos

In 2013, millions of people visited Planned Parenthood for a wide variety of health services -- and 22% of those patients were Latino.

Latinos are disproportionately uninsured and more likely to have trouble affording contraception. We're at a higher risk of death from cervical cancer and breast cancer and of contracting HIV and other STDs.

In particular, when Latinas most need health services but have nowhere else to turn, Planned Parenthood is there.

When a woman -- especially a low-income woman -- needs or desires access to contraception, a cancer screening, and yes, even an abortion, she can go to Planned Parenthood. Having that access means she has the ability to control her own health and her own future.

The protection of the most innocent of all trumps votes. Of course you being a progtard won't hesitate to use it as a voting issue

It is a voting issue. We don't have to make it one. Women and Latinos know what the Republicans stand for. Most are not stupid. You might also want to take a look at my response to you in the Huckabee thread

I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right

Right about what? What I'm right about is that banning abortion will not stop and may not even reduce abortion. Thinking that it will is ridged, short sighted and misguided. It will cost lives in the long run and diminish the quality of others

If you would support a candidate just because they are against all abortion, but also against programs and policies that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, and that provide supports for women who carry a child to term, you are exactly what I'm talking about. A pro lifer in name only. You can't be truly pro life and support someone who is not pro women, pro children and pro family. It is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.
Most ridiculous argument I've heard.
A. Making abortion illegal would definitely drop the number of abortions. And also unwanted pregnancies.

B. not supporting policy that gives out birth control like candy does not mean that you are against birth control. Making it free does not make people all of a sudden more responsible. It has the opposite effect generally speaking. Just like abortion now is a fall back for women who are not responsible enough
to take a pill a day, wrap it up, or even better get a one time IUD that will last 10 years. Giving abortions to whoever wants one does not make people be responsible when they have sex, which is REPRODUCTION!!
Wow just saw this. Can the pro choice folks explain how they're views are consistent or morally in the right after watching this video?

I Want to see point by point countered
There are only three states in which Planned Parenthood affiliate clinics participate in fetal tissue donation programs: California, Colorado, and Texas.

And yet, to date, there have been 11 state-led investigations into Planned Parenthood following the release of the "sting" videos by the Center for Medical Progress: Texas, Ohio, Missouri (where there are hearings in the legislature only), Louisiana, Kansas, Georgia, Florida, Arizona (where it is qualified as inspections of clinics only, in compliance with current state law and procedure), Indiana, and Massachusetts. [Yahoo News, 8/19/15]

Videos are fabrications and set ups by a rabid anti-abortion group. CMP is being investigated by the government.
There are only three states in which Planned Parenthood affiliate clinics participate in fetal tissue donation programs: California, Colorado, and Texas.

And yet, to date, there have been 11 state-led investigations into Planned Parenthood following the release of the "sting" videos by the Center for Medical Progress: Texas, Ohio, Missouri (where there are hearings in the legislature only), Louisiana, Kansas, Georgia, Florida, Arizona (where it is qualified as inspections of clinics only, in compliance with current state law and procedure), Indiana, and Massachusetts. [Yahoo News, 8/19/15]

Videos are fabrications and set ups by a rabid anti-abortion group. CMP is being investigated by the government.
Pointing out morally questionable business practice is not wrong. I'm sure if there was a similar sting on Walmart you'd be jumping on top of it
Hey might want to consider this if you think that you will get the Latino vote:

The protection of the most innocent of all trumps votes. Of course you being a progtard won't hesitate to use it as a voting issue

It is a voting issue. We don't have to make it one. Women and Latinos know what the Republicans stand for. Most are not stupid. You might also want to take a look at my response to you in the Huckabee thread

I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right

Right about what? What I'm right about is that banning abortion will not stop and may not even reduce abortion. Thinking that it will is ridged, short sighted and misguided. It will cost lives in the long run and diminish the quality of others

If you would support a candidate just because they are against all abortion, but also against programs and policies that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, and that provide supports for women who carry a child to term, you are exactly what I'm talking about. A pro lifer in name only. You can't be truly pro life and support someone who is not pro women, pro children and pro family. It is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.
Most ridiculous argument I've heard.
A. Making abortion illegal would definitely drop the number of abortions. And also unwanted pregnancies.

B. not supporting policy that gives out birth control like candy does not mean that you are against birth control. Making it free does not make people all of a sudden more responsible. It has the opposite effect generally speaking. Just like abortion now is a fall back for women who are not responsible enough
to take a pill a day, wrap it up, or even better get a one time IUD that will last 10 years. Giving abortions to whoever wants one does not make people be responsible when they have sex, which is REPRODUCTION!!

Horseshit! We have no way of knowing how many back ally abortions there were when it was illegal. You think that the availability of abortion and birth control will makes people less responsible? How do you know that? I'm not talking about free birth control being handed out like candy....I'm talking about it being available. I also noticed that you have nothing to say about sex education. Ridiculous!
The protection of the most innocent of all trumps votes. Of course you being a progtard won't hesitate to use it as a voting issue

It is a voting issue. We don't have to make it one. Women and Latinos know what the Republicans stand for. Most are not stupid. You might also want to take a look at my response to you in the Huckabee thread

I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right

Right about what? What I'm right about is that banning abortion will not stop and may not even reduce abortion. Thinking that it will is ridged, short sighted and misguided. It will cost lives in the long run and diminish the quality of others

If you would support a candidate just because they are against all abortion, but also against programs and policies that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, and that provide supports for women who carry a child to term, you are exactly what I'm talking about. A pro lifer in name only. You can't be truly pro life and support someone who is not pro women, pro children and pro family. It is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.
Most ridiculous argument I've heard.
A. Making abortion illegal would definitely drop the number of abortions. And also unwanted pregnancies.

B. not supporting policy that gives out birth control like candy does not mean that you are against birth control. Making it free does not make people all of a sudden more responsible. It has the opposite effect generally speaking. Just like abortion now is a fall back for women who are not responsible enough
to take a pill a day, wrap it up, or even better get a one time IUD that will last 10 years. Giving abortions to whoever wants one does not make people be responsible when they have sex, which is REPRODUCTION!!

Horseshit! We have no way of knowing how many back ally abortions there were when it was illegal. You think that the availability of abortion and birth control will makes people less responsible? How do you know that? I'm not talking about free birth control being handed out like candy....I'm talking about it being available. I also noticed that you have nothing to say about sex education. Ridiculous!

Stop being annoying and getting all pissed off when someone doesn't agree with you, I'm Pro Life and you're not going to change my mind on it. Too many of these abortions are being done because people are irresponsible and won't use birth control, there is no reason for that.

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