Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

It is a voting issue. We don't have to make it one. Women and Latinos know what the Republicans stand for. Most are not stupid. You might also want to take a look at my response to you in the Huckabee thread

I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right

Right about what? What I'm right about is that banning abortion will not stop and may not even reduce abortion. Thinking that it will is ridged, short sighted and misguided. It will cost lives in the long run and diminish the quality of others

If you would support a candidate just because they are against all abortion, but also against programs and policies that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, and that provide supports for women who carry a child to term, you are exactly what I'm talking about. A pro lifer in name only. You can't be truly pro life and support someone who is not pro women, pro children and pro family. It is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.

Most ridiculous argument I've heard.
A. Making abortion illegal would definitely drop the number of abortions. And also unwanted pregnancies.

B. not supporting policy that gives out birth control like candy does not mean that you are against birth control. Making it free does not make people all of a sudden more responsible. It has the opposite effect generally speaking. Just like abortion now is a fall back for women who are not responsible enough
to take a pill a day, wrap it up, or even better get a one time IUD that will last 10 years. Giving abortions to whoever wants one does not make people be responsible when they have sex, which is REPRODUCTION!!

Horseshit! We have no way of knowing how many back ally abortions there were when it was illegal. You think that the availability of abortion and birth control will makes people less responsible? How do you know that? I'm not talking about free birth control being handed out like candy....I'm talking about it being available. I also noticed that you have nothing to say about sex education. Ridiculous!

Stop being annoying and getting all pissed off when someone doesn't agree with you, I'm Pro Life and you're not going to change my mind on it. Too many of these abortions are being done because people are irresponsible and won't use birth control, there is no reason for that.

Who's pissed off? Not me. And I don't expect to change your mind because I can see that it's just to closed. However, I will continue to expose the fallacies of you so called arguments and the false and unfounded assumptions about peoples behavior.
I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right

Right about what? What I'm right about is that banning abortion will not stop and may not even reduce abortion. Thinking that it will is ridged, short sighted and misguided. It will cost lives in the long run and diminish the quality of others

If you would support a candidate just because they are against all abortion, but also against programs and policies that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, and that provide supports for women who carry a child to term, you are exactly what I'm talking about. A pro lifer in name only. You can't be truly pro life and support someone who is not pro women, pro children and pro family. It is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.

Most ridiculous argument I've heard.
A. Making abortion illegal would definitely drop the number of abortions. And also unwanted pregnancies.

B. not supporting policy that gives out birth control like candy does not mean that you are against birth control. Making it free does not make people all of a sudden more responsible. It has the opposite effect generally speaking. Just like abortion now is a fall back for women who are not responsible enough
to take a pill a day, wrap it up, or even better get a one time IUD that will last 10 years. Giving abortions to whoever wants one does not make people be responsible when they have sex, which is REPRODUCTION!!

Horseshit! We have no way of knowing how many back ally abortions there were when it was illegal. You think that the availability of abortion and birth control will makes people less responsible? How do you know that? I'm not talking about free birth control being handed out like candy....I'm talking about it being available. I also noticed that you have nothing to say about sex education. Ridiculous!

Stop being annoying and getting all pissed off when someone doesn't agree with you, I'm Pro Life and you're not going to change my mind on it. Too many of these abortions are being done because people are irresponsible and won't use birth control, there is no reason for that.

Who's pissed off? Not me. And I don't expect to change your mind because I can see that it's just to closed. However, I will continue to expose the fallacies of you so called arguments and the false and unfounded assumptions about peoples behavior.
No one is going to change anyone's mind on this issue and abortion is going to remain legal. Even if the videos prove a crime was commited, some folks at PP may go to prison, but abortion will remain legal. Even if Congress cuts PP's funding, abortion will remain legal. Just as there are many folks who believe life is sacrosanct from the moment of conception and their opinions will never sway, there are also many folks who believe it's not developed enough until later in the pregnancy to have rights outweigh the rights of the woman carrying it, and their opinions will never sway either. Neither side is closed minded, they both just have different, but valid, opinions.
The protection of the most innocent of all trumps votes. Of course you being a progtard won't hesitate to use it as a voting issue

It is a voting issue. We don't have to make it one. Women and Latinos know what the Republicans stand for. Most are not stupid. You might also want to take a look at my response to you in the Huckabee thread

I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right

Right about what? What I'm right about is that banning abortion will not stop and may not even reduce abortion. Thinking that it will is ridged, short sighted and misguided. It will cost lives in the long run and diminish the quality of others

If you would support a candidate just because they are against all abortion, but also against programs and policies that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, and that provide supports for women who carry a child to term, you are exactly what I'm talking about. A pro lifer in name only. You can't be truly pro life and support someone who is not pro women, pro children and pro family. It is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.
Most ridiculous argument I've heard.
A. Making abortion illegal would definitely drop the number of abortions. And also unwanted pregnancies.

B. not supporting policy that gives out birth control like candy does not mean that you are against birth control. Making it free does not make people all of a sudden more responsible. It has the opposite effect generally speaking. Just like abortion now is a fall back for women who are not responsible enough
to take a pill a day, wrap it up, or even better get a one time IUD that will last 10 years. Giving abortions to whoever wants one does not make people be responsible when they have sex, which is REPRODUCTION!!

Horseshit! We have no way of knowing how many back ally abortions there were when it was illegal. You think that the availability of abortion and birth control will makes people less responsible? How do you know that? I'm not talking about free birth control being handed out like candy....I'm talking about it being available. I also noticed that you have nothing to say about sex education. Ridiculous!
I'm sure it wasn't 55 million back ally abortions committed. And yes people would have more respect for sex and what goes along with it, just like the Navajo side of the Grand Canyon has no fence but less people falling off of it because they don't rely and hang on the fence like on the US side of the Grand Canyon. People just have a sense that it won't be me that gets pregnant not using birth control, but even if it is there's always abortion. I'm fine with sex ed, just not taught younger than 4th grade. My gf niece whose in kindergarten got propositioned by a 1st grader who had a sex ed class a week earlier. The average boy starts watching porn at 10 years old. Kids are being introduced to sex too young, and it's not going to turn out well for their generation
There are only three states in which Planned Parenthood affiliate clinics participate in fetal tissue donation programs: California, Colorado, and Texas.

And yet, to date, there have been 11 state-led investigations into Planned Parenthood following the release of the "sting" videos by the Center for Medical Progress: Texas, Ohio, Missouri (where there are hearings in the legislature only), Louisiana, Kansas, Georgia, Florida, Arizona (where it is qualified as inspections of clinics only, in compliance with current state law and procedure), Indiana, and Massachusetts. [Yahoo News, 8/19/15]

Videos are fabrications and set ups by a rabid anti-abortion group. CMP is being investigated by the government.
Pointing out morally questionable business practice is not wrong. I'm sure if there was a similar sting on Walmart you'd be jumping on top of it

Not if the 'sting' is fabricated or creatively edited to become a lie.
Would the anti-PP/abortion crowd pledge to refuse any treatment that has been developed using fetal tissue?
You loons always want to heap all this special stuff on us.."If you believe this, then you MUST do this..." "If you believe this, then you must NOT do this..."

No, we will continue to use vaccinations. But we will continue to object to harvesting dead babies to produce it.
Your commitment to your morality is admirable.
My morality requires I protect life. I will not deny life vaccinations that are already created. And I will not take life to create them. It's too subtle for baby killers to understand. In fact, the whole "life is sacred" thing befuddles them.

Babies are not killed for vaccine material. The use of the tissue/cells would have been medical waste unless the tissue is donated for research.

Rather that feed worms and bug, why shouldn't the tissue be used to save lives?

Do you have a problem when neutering animals that the balls are given to dogs of cooked and eaten? Stuff ram balls are delicious.

We bury our bodies to feed bugs, we also donate our organs to save lives. Which is more thoughtful of saving human life? Embalming is toxic to the environment. Cremation just is ash and blows in the wind.
Why don't people leave their bodies our for the animals to feed on, sustain other life?

Why do people have such a phobia of tissue for research. It is being donated. No one is killed for the tissue any more than donating a body to science is killing a body for it's tissue.

Bugs are more important???? But we spend billions and pollute our environment to kill bugs? You want to feed them? They already out number us and have out lived the dinosaurs.

I heard, "Blah blah because EXCUSES! Blah blah LOOK OVER THERE!"
Are you saying that the "socio-political aims and beliefs" of the Nazis was to save babies?
Are you defending the Nazis as the saviours of babies now?
I've heard some excellent attempts at historical revision in my time but that might just take the cake.

You seem to think you have a lock on this subject, how about an intelligence test?

The tissue being sold by planned parenthood falls into which category "embryonic" or "tissue specific"??

It is important to the remainder of your schooling so please be sure and answer, not dodge the question.

Hurry up, I don't have time to wait for you to self teach through Google.

You mean the way you're dodging the question with this "Look how clever I am and how much irrelevant minutiae I can bring up" straw man?

Two questions matter in this issue: is it illegal to sell human tissue, and should Planned Parenthood be investigated to determine whether or not they've broken the law?

There is no amount of "Yes, but WHAT TYPE of human tissue is it? If you don't know, I WIN!" that's going to change it or deflect from it.

It is important to the remainder of your schooling in being a human if you stop being such a cowardly shit, so be sure and do so.
You seem to think you have a lock on this subject, how about an intelligence test?

The tissue being sold by planned parenthood falls into which category "embryonic" or "tissue specific"??

It is important to the remainder of your schooling so please be sure and answer, not dodge the question.

Hurry up, I don't have time to wait for you to self teach through Google.
You can't trick me that easily you tricky guy.

Sure you are clueless, no tricks you just too stupid to intelligently discuss the subject retard boy.

It is tissue specific, now tissue specific means it develops into a specific organ which would be termed by all legal definitions a body part.

Take your stupid Bull Shit else where, was no trick, just a simple means to prove how fucking stupid you are.

Selling of body parts is illegal, fucking moron.
And that's how you tried to trick me because the correct answer is that PP aren't selling body parts.

Not that what you've written has any relevance to the topic at all anyway.
You've obviously been Googling and were just dying to bring to class something you've learnt.
Clever boy...we should put that on the fridge.
They're selling or "donating" functioning livers. That's is a body part
So why is no one in jail? You guys are not making sense.

Typical leftist logic. "No one's been arrested, so we don't need to investigate and find out if anyone should be arrested!"
I saw it. It shouldn't be a voting issue, it's a moral issue. But with that said I'll never vote for any pro choice candidate so perhaps you are right

Right about what? What I'm right about is that banning abortion will not stop and may not even reduce abortion. Thinking that it will is ridged, short sighted and misguided. It will cost lives in the long run and diminish the quality of others

If you would support a candidate just because they are against all abortion, but also against programs and policies that can prevent unwanted pregnancies, and that provide supports for women who carry a child to term, you are exactly what I'm talking about. A pro lifer in name only. You can't be truly pro life and support someone who is not pro women, pro children and pro family. It is the height of hypocrisy and stupidity.

Most ridiculous argument I've heard.
A. Making abortion illegal would definitely drop the number of abortions. And also unwanted pregnancies.

B. not supporting policy that gives out birth control like candy does not mean that you are against birth control. Making it free does not make people all of a sudden more responsible. It has the opposite effect generally speaking. Just like abortion now is a fall back for women who are not responsible enough
to take a pill a day, wrap it up, or even better get a one time IUD that will last 10 years. Giving abortions to whoever wants one does not make people be responsible when they have sex, which is REPRODUCTION!!

Horseshit! We have no way of knowing how many back ally abortions there were when it was illegal. You think that the availability of abortion and birth control will makes people less responsible? How do you know that? I'm not talking about free birth control being handed out like candy....I'm talking about it being available. I also noticed that you have nothing to say about sex education. Ridiculous!

Stop being annoying and getting all pissed off when someone doesn't agree with you, I'm Pro Life and you're not going to change my mind on it. Too many of these abortions are being done because people are irresponsible and won't use birth control, there is no reason for that.

Who's pissed off? Not me. And I don't expect to change your mind because I can see that it's just to closed. However, I will continue to expose the fallacies of you so called arguments and the false and unfounded assumptions about peoples behavior.
Your mind is closed on the fact that a fetus has no value...except when it is wanted. Do you honestly not see the problem with that???

If a fetus has no value, yea go ahed and chop it up
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Multiple States Have Now Cleared Planned Parenthood Of Any Illegal Activity Multiple States Have Now Cleared Planned Parenthood Of Any Illegal Activity

Although donation of fetal tissue is lawful under the Abortion Control Act and federal law, our review has found that Planned Parenthood facilities in Pennsylvania do not participate in this practice,” Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Karen Murphy wrote in a letter to a state legislator. “Moreover, there is no evidence that any Planned Parenthood site in this Commonwealth is involved in the buying or selling of fetal tissue.”
Murphy said that she’s never found a “violation … regarding the procurement or use of fetal tissue.”
Multiple States Have Now Cleared Planned Parenthood Of Any Illegal Activity Multiple States Have Now Cleared Planned Parenthood Of Any Illegal Activity

Although donation of fetal tissue is lawful under the Abortion Control Act and federal law, our review has found that Planned Parenthood facilities in Pennsylvania do not participate in this practice,” Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Karen Murphy wrote in a letter to a state legislator. “Moreover, there is no evidence that any Planned Parenthood site in this Commonwealth is involved in the buying or selling of fetal tissue.”
Murphy said that she’s never found a “violation … regarding the procurement or use of fetal tissue.”
It was lawful to segregate, and enslave because those people we're not seen to have value. Does a fetus have value?
Multiple States Have Now Cleared Planned Parenthood Of Any Illegal Activity Multiple States Have Now Cleared Planned Parenthood Of Any Illegal Activity

Although donation of fetal tissue is lawful under the Abortion Control Act and federal law, our review has found that Planned Parenthood facilities in Pennsylvania do not participate in this practice,” Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Karen Murphy wrote in a letter to a state legislator. “Moreover, there is no evidence that any Planned Parenthood site in this Commonwealth is involved in the buying or selling of fetal tissue.”
Murphy said that she’s never found a “violation … regarding the procurement or use of fetal tissue.”
It was lawful to segregate, and enslave because those people we're not seen to have value. Does a fetus have value?
It's a little complicated if you can deal with it. See post 1486 Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather | Page 149 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Multiple States Have Now Cleared Planned Parenthood Of Any Illegal Activity Multiple States Have Now Cleared Planned Parenthood Of Any Illegal Activity

Although donation of fetal tissue is lawful under the Abortion Control Act and federal law, our review has found that Planned Parenthood facilities in Pennsylvania do not participate in this practice,” Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Karen Murphy wrote in a letter to a state legislator. “Moreover, there is no evidence that any Planned Parenthood site in this Commonwealth is involved in the buying or selling of fetal tissue.”
Murphy said that she’s never found a “violation … regarding the procurement or use of fetal tissue.”
It was lawful to segregate, and enslave because those people we're not seen to have value. Does a fetus have value?
It's a little complicated if you can deal with it. See post 1486 Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather | Page 149 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm not talking about a 10 year old rape girl. I'm talking about your every day abortion. Does that fetus have value?
Again, who knows what you're getting at? It appears even you don't know. Here you are saying I don't know what you're getting at when I point out the viability of a 27 week embryo is not 98%, as you intimate -- but then you come back and ask what the viability is of a 27 week emryo. :eusa_doh:

....... it's not 98%.
Faun I'm starting to think that you are avoiding the question, and splitting hairs that are not even there. What is the viability when carried to TERM.

And back to the hypothetical I raised with our character Sherri Tiavo, is it ok to pull the plug if doctors say there will be a full recovery in a few months, maybe four months?
Because your hypothetical is irrelevant. But to appease you, no, that would not be ok. And since you want to play the hypothetical game .... in a hypothetical case of a pregnant woman whose unborn child at say 20 weeks is determined to have such extensive brain damage that it will be born in a vegetative state with no hope of ever recovering .... what reason is there she shouldn't be allowed to abort that pregnancy if she so chooses?
Well that's different from aborting a perfectly healthy fetus, and yes that would be ok, just like schiavo.

Since you answered then, what is the difference when aborting a perfectly healthy fetus for personal reasons? Is it because it's legal? Well so was slavery, and Jim Crow. And explain to me how the hypothetical is irrelevant.
It's irrelevant because it fails as a false comparison fallacy.

As a fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not a 'person,' and not entitled to Constitutional protections.
So was Jim Crow and slavery so I guess that wasn't wrong then if that's how you base your views
At least you''re consistent in your ignorance of the law.

Slavery and Jim Crow were violations of the rights of persons by the state, as is the state seeking to compel a woman to give birth against her will.

The right to privacy concerns the protected liberty of the woman, whose rights are paramount, immune from attack by the state.
Multiple States Have Now Cleared Planned Parenthood Of Any Illegal Activity Multiple States Have Now Cleared Planned Parenthood Of Any Illegal Activity

Although donation of fetal tissue is lawful under the Abortion Control Act and federal law, our review has found that Planned Parenthood facilities in Pennsylvania do not participate in this practice,” Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Karen Murphy wrote in a letter to a state legislator. “Moreover, there is no evidence that any Planned Parenthood site in this Commonwealth is involved in the buying or selling of fetal tissue.”
Murphy said that she’s never found a “violation … regarding the procurement or use of fetal tissue.”
It was lawful to segregate, and enslave because those people we're not seen to have value. Does a fetus have value?
It's a little complicated if you can deal with it. See post 1486 Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather | Page 149 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm not talking about a 10 year old rape girl. I'm talking about your every day abortion. Does that fetus have value?
I'm not talking about the ten year old either. There are some things that you can't dumb down to a yes or no answer. Did you read my post?
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Again, who knows what you're getting at? It appears even you don't know. Here you are saying I don't know what you're getting at when I point out the viability of a 27 week embryo is not 98%, as you intimate -- but then you come back and ask what the viability is of a 27 week emryo. :eusa_doh:

....... it's not 98%.
Faun I'm starting to think that you are avoiding the question, and splitting hairs that are not even there. What is the viability when carried to TERM.

And back to the hypothetical I raised with our character Sherri Tiavo, is it ok to pull the plug if doctors say there will be a full recovery in a few months, maybe four months?
Because your hypothetical is irrelevant. But to appease you, no, that would not be ok. And since you want to play the hypothetical game .... in a hypothetical case of a pregnant woman whose unborn child at say 20 weeks is determined to have such extensive brain damage that it will be born in a vegetative state with no hope of ever recovering .... what reason is there she shouldn't be allowed to abort that pregnancy if she so chooses?
Well that's different from aborting a perfectly healthy fetus, and yes that would be ok, just like schiavo.

Since you answered then, what is the difference when aborting a perfectly healthy fetus for personal reasons? Is it because it's legal? Well so was slavery, and Jim Crow. And explain to me how the hypothetical is irrelevant.
It's irrelevant because it fails as a false comparison fallacy.

As a fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not a 'person,' and not entitled to Constitutional protections.

Again, who knows what you're getting at? It appears even you don't know. Here you are saying I don't know what you're getting at when I point out the viability of a 27 week embryo is not 98%, as you intimate -- but then you come back and ask what the viability is of a 27 week emryo. :eusa_doh:

....... it's not 98%.
Faun I'm starting to think that you are avoiding the question, and splitting hairs that are not even there. What is the viability when carried to TERM.

And back to the hypothetical I raised with our character Sherri Tiavo, is it ok to pull the plug if doctors say there will be a full recovery in a few months, maybe four months?
Because your hypothetical is irrelevant. But to appease you, no, that would not be ok. And since you want to play the hypothetical game .... in a hypothetical case of a pregnant woman whose unborn child at say 20 weeks is determined to have such extensive brain damage that it will be born in a vegetative state with no hope of ever recovering .... what reason is there she shouldn't be allowed to abort that pregnancy if she so chooses?
Well that's different from aborting a perfectly healthy fetus, and yes that would be ok, just like schiavo.

Since you answered then, what is the difference when aborting a perfectly healthy fetus for personal reasons? Is it because it's legal? Well so was slavery, and Jim Crow. And explain to me how the hypothetical is irrelevant.
It's irrelevant because it fails as a false comparison fallacy.

As a fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not a 'person,' and not entitled to Constitutional protections.

The Fetal Protection Act is upheld in 39 states, and the Unborn Victim Violence Act is upheld in 29 states.
There is also a Preborn Victims of Violence Act.
More ignorance of the law.

You're confusing civil law with criminal law, where the right to privacy is the former and prohibiting violence against women is the latter.

In both cases the woman is the victim, her rights violated by the state when it seeks to compel her to give birth against her will; her right to give birth should she so desire violated by the individual who caused the end of the pregnancy through his criminal act.

None of these laws confer 'personhood' upon an embryo/fetus, or acknowledge the 'rights' of an embryo/fetus – as they in fact possess neither.

Last, each of these laws contain provisions excluding doctors who perform abortions and women who have abortions pursuant to their right to privacy.

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