Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Well isn't a fucking "tissue sample" she said hearts, livers, lungs.......that means a baby...not a zygote, not tissue, a baby human being is killed and then cut up for parts..........

Here's the thing, asshole.

A 20 week fetus being aborted is usually aborted because it is deformed.

And when a woman has to abort a pregnancy she probably wanted for valid medical reasons, they ask, "Is there some way that the tissues can do some good curing diseases and such."

WHy, yes. Yes there is.

Which matters not to the anti-abortion nuts, who don't really care about children when they snatch food from their mouths.
Personally, I think when Planned Parenthood was forcibly sterilizing poor black women w/o their consent is when they should have been shut down. That they would ever have been given another tax payer dime after that is a scandal.

Should society expect any better from such an organization? Really?
They are selling hearts, lungs, livers and who knows what else......they are killing babies and selling the parts....and this is just what they caught on video...imagine what they are doing that we have yet to find out about.......kermit goznell is going to turn out to not be alone.........

Okay, guy, again, not illegal to reimburse an abortion clinic for tissues OR for tissues to be donated to science with the consent of the patient.

So you are getting upset about scientific practices that are perfectly legal.
This is what happens to a society with atheist progressives force their agenda on the rest of us. I beg Sanger and her cohorts are chuckling with glee wherever they are - and I hope it's in the depth of hell where the rest of the PP butchers will end up.


You know, we've been using fetal tissue for medical research since the 1930's, right?

And we've found cures including Polio vaccines that were developed from fetal kidney tissue in 1954.

The Ethics of Fetal Tissue Transplantation - Christian Research Institute
The killing of children is considered even holier and more sacred to its disciples than gay marriage or genital mutilation. Like the primitive pagan cultures before them, liberalism looks upon the sacred rite of child sacrifice with a deep reverence. The liberal has a cult-like, religious devotion to sacrament of infanticide. Liberals will venerate it for the same reason Catholics venerate the Eucharist and Muslims the Koran — because it is the centerpiece of their worship, the core, the soul of the thing.

Wow, FatIrishSow has all sorts of hysterics on this issue.

Reality- women got abortions before Roe v. Wade. Women got abortions in the time of Jesus.

The fact is, every attempt to ban abortion (unlike attempts to ban guns) have failed miserably.

We can give you two modern examples.

In 1967, Communist Romania attempted to ban abortion AND birth control in an attempt by their crazy dictator to double the population. The birth rate spiked for one year. Then an illegal abortion industry cropped up and birth rates dropped back below 1967 levels. - the leading infosource on the web about Ceausescu and his era

Ceausescu made mockery of family planning. He forbade sex education. Books on human sexuality and reproduction were classified as "state secrets," to be used only as medical textbooks. With contraception banned, Romanians had to smuggle in condoms and birth-control pills. Though strictly illegal, abortions remained a widespread birth-control measure of last resort. Nationwide, Western sources estimate, 60 percent of all pregnancies ended in abortion or miscarriage.

The government's enforcement techniques were as bad as the law. Women under the age of 45 were rounded up at their workplaces every one to three months and taken to clinics, where they were examined for signs of pregnancy, often in the presence of government agents - dubbed the "menstrual police" by some Romanians. A pregnant woman who failed to "produce" a baby at the proper time could expect to be summoned for questioning. Women who miscarried were suspected of arranging an abortion. Some doctors resorted for forging statistics. "If a child died in our district, we lost 10 to 25 percent of our salary," says Dr. Geta Stanescu of Bucharest. "But it wasn't our fault: we had no medicine or milk, and the families were poor."

Another instructional example is the Philippines.

Abortion in the Philippines a national secret Reuters

Minda is a masseuse with a difference. Her caress is used to abort fetuses.

The 50-year-old grandmother has lost count of the number of pregnancies she has terminated in this largely Roman Catholic country where abortion is illegal and strictly taboo, but where about half a million women end their pregnancies every year.

Only one in four women have a surgical procedure according to the Guttmacher Institute. The 4,000-15,000 peso cost, usually in private clinics, is beyond the pockets of most women.

Over 30 percent ingest either cytotec, an anti-ulcer treatment they can buy in pharmacies, or herbal concoctions, often sold in stalls in front of churches.

Around 20 percent take hormonal drugs, or aspirin, as well as other medications and alcohol. Some starve themselves or fling themselves down stairs. Most women only succeed in ending their pregnancy after multiple attempts.
"I watched this video which was heavily edited to the point where you really didn't get the context, and you really can't tell what she was referring to."
- A Person Heavily in Denial

Let me help you Joe: She was talking about selling baby parts.

Got it now?
"...According to science, conception marks the creation of a distinct human being, and, according to polls, strong majorities of American voters think that abortion should be illegal after the first three months of pregnancy.

So are there any other individual rights you want put up to a majority vote?
She is going to have. She is expecting. It isn't a person yet.
Irrelevant. The baby is not part of her body.

It is until it can live without it.
False. Conjoined twins who cannot live without the other are considered separate persons.

True. Once they are born they are unique persons - conjoined or not. It's also a false comparison. Conjoined twins require each other to live. A mother does not require the zygote, blastocyst or fetus in order to live and her body may expel it naturally at any time.

So dependence is not a qualifier, good.

Prior to birth or viability - they are part of the mother's body.
Again, false. The developing baby creates a filter to prevent mixing of blood between the two. The baby has unique DNA and features. He/she moves without the mother's control. Tell you what, ask the next 100 pregnant women you see if what is growing inside of her is a part of her body or a baby. See what they say. Also, if you kill a pregnant woman, you can have multiple murder charges lodged against you. That would be impossible if the developing baby is in fact merely a part of the mother's body.

The DNA may be "unique" but it is still part of the mother's body until it is viable. If it were not, then we could simply remove it from the host incubator and transplant it into someone else who wanted it.

That's simply the way it is.
You pro lifers amaze me.

Your argument can be completely destroyed and exposed for the ingnorant hysteria it really is.....

Then like a boomarang, you can just forget that all happened, and relax in your hyperbole of hate.

You go watch a partial birth abortion, and you'll never forget that it happened. Do you know why you can watch ISIS murdering people on you tube, but not a partial birth abortion? Because your hyperbole of bullshit, would never convince any human being with a conscience that it is ok to slit a baby's neck before the umbilical cord is cut.

A little education on what we can do to newborns because of the hyperbole of "I know my rights!"

Legal Affairs
Twenty four week old baby, I'm here to tell ya that is no embryo


At 24 weeks a fetus is not an embryo, it is also considered viable. Abortions are highly restricted in those cases and usually done for health or life of mother or severe fetal defects.

I'm still wondering about this claim of full-term abortions, and babies being born, killed and sold for body parts.

I'm wondering about a lot of it. I need research when a liver and heart are viable. I should do that

I would research the facts first if I were you - thus far, they seem to be missing from much of the discussion.

Please point out anything I've said that isn't factual. I do my research

She's just saying that so she can continue to try to justify baby killing.

Let me know when you are willing to offer up your uterus for an unwanted fetus. Until then, stay the hell out of other people's lives :)
Another cheap excuse making post for inexcuseable. Bet ya bushitlered too didnt ya

You really ought to look up Mengele and the horrific experiments he conducted on living, thinking, aware human beings.

Ignorance is no excuse for cheap comparisons.
I watched this video which was heavily edited to the point where you really didn't get the context, and you really can't tell what she was referring to.

She also had a glass of wine in front of her, and I have to wonder if she was a bit schnockered.

How do you think reporters get their targets to talk? The context is clear...she's a baby parts wholesaler plain and simple...that should be a capital crime but the progs sniff, snort, and claim the murdered baby is a "lump of tissue" so who cares?

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