Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

And victimizing desperate, pregnant women for profit.

Many are little more than girls having a potentially dangerous procedure without their parent's consent when they can't get a tattoo or a belly button piercing at the same age.
Late term abortions are almost always coerced. But pp doesn't report the abusers, the traffickers, the pimps. Instead they enter into a contract with them and agree to further victimize the women and girls for profit. RACKETEERING.
And let's be clear...the vast majority of abortions are performed on sport-fucking professional women who's career path would be inconvenienced by having a child.
YOu are ignorant arent you.......those babies are just as alive dumbass

How aware is a zygote?

How about partial-birth don't believe that baby knows it's being murdered?

Partial-birth (or late term) abortions are very rare and strictly regulated (as it should be) - meaning it's usually done for the woman's health or life.

Given that - who would you rather kill - the fetus or the mother?

holy smokes. women have died for their baby to LIVE. man that is callous as all get out. You can call them whatever make you feel good about aborting them. they are still your OFFSPRING you helped Create that you are sucking out of your body and life.
Global Child Death said:
"A disproportionately heavy burden of child deaths weighs on families in eastern and southern Africa. Every day 5,500 children under the age of five die across the 21 countries of the region and the majority of the deaths are largely preventable." ~ 5 500 children die in Eastern and Southern Africa every day Press centre UNICEF

"Over a million African babies are estimated to die in the first 4 weeks of life..." ~ (PDF Report)

"The silent killers are poverty, hunger, easily preventable diseases and illnesses, and other related causes. Despite the scale of this daily/ongoing catastrophe, it rarely manages to achieve, much less sustain, prime-time, headline coverage." 21,000 die every day ~ Today around 21 000 children died around the world Global Issues

"Every 15 seconds a child dies of hunger, says a campaign by charities urging G8 leaders to pledge more aid for the world's poorest families - or every 10 seconds, according to the latest version of the slogan. But does this paint an accurate picture?" ~ Does a child die of hunger every 10 seconds - BBC News

"Some 18,000 children die every day because of hunger and malnutrition and 850 million people go to bed every night with empty stomachs, a "terrible indictment of the world in 2007," the head of the U.N. food agency said." ~ 18 000 children die every day of hunger U.N. says -

"Nearly two million children a year die for want of clean water and proper sanitation while the world's poor often pay more for their water than people in Britain or the US, according to a major new report." ~ Dirty water kills 5 000 children a day Business The Guardian

Those have far more impact if it's just about babies dying.

But lets talk about the US's babies ~ More US babies die on their first day than in 68 other countries report shows - NBC News

“The United States has the highest first-day death rate in the industrialized world. An estimated 11,300 newborn babies die each year in the United States on the day they are born. This is 50 percent more first-day deaths than all other industrialized countries combined.”


"Save the Children says it’s not precisely clear why the United States does so poorly in protecting newborns, but says politics and culture both play a role.

“Many babies in the United States are born too early. The U.S. preterm birth rate (1 in 8 births) is one of the highest in the industrialized world (second only to Cyprus). In fact, 130 countries from all across the world have lower preterm birth rates than the United States,” the report reads.

Teen births are partly to blame, the report says – echoing other research that has shown this. The U.S. has the highest teenage birth rate of any industrialized country.

“Teenage mothers in the U.S. tend to be poorer, less educated, and receive less prenatal care than older mothers. Because of these challenges, babies born to teen mothers are more likely to be low-birthweight and be born prematurely and to die in their first month. They are also more likely to suffer chronic medical conditions, do poorly in school, and give birth during their teen years (continuing the cycle of teen pregnancy),” the report says."


“Poverty, racism and stress are likely to be important contributing factors to first-day deaths in the United States and other industrialized countries.”

The March of Dimes, a charity that focuses on healthy births, says infant mortality fell by 12 percent between 2005 and 2011, and premature births have fallen by 8.5 percent since 2006. "This rate reduction has meant 125,000 fewer premature births and an estimated cost savings of about $2 billion," the group said in a statement. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 24,586 U.S. babies died before they turned 1 in 2010, compared to 23,910 in 2011."


"Half of all U.S. pregnancies are unplanned, another complicating factor, the report says. Women whose pregnancies are accidental are much less likely to take good care of themselves and to get thorough prenatal care, from vaccines to vitamins, that can protect the baby and her."

~ But ya know, who cares about the mother, who cares about the father, it's all about the unborn baby who /should/ have that chance to be abused while in the womb by a mother who wants nothing to do with them, then be born into a life of poverty and an inability for their parent(s) to care for them properly, if they even care to bother more than is necessary to keep CPS off their back.

Oh adoption right?

"In the 1990s, there are approximately 120,000 adoptions of children each year. This number has remained fairly constant in the 1990s, and is still relatively proportionate to population size in the U.S. 104,000 children were adopted in 1986, 53,000 of whom were related adoptions and 51,000 of whom were unrelated. In addition, approximately 10,000 children were adopted from abroad, bringing the total number of unrelated adoptions to 61,000." ~ Adoption Statistics Numbers Trends

Bing says that "Just over 4 million babies are born in the United States each year," if we presume half of them are unplanned, that's 2 million, figure the majority of unplanned children /are/ kept (well cared for or not) but... only 120,000 ish are adopted, not being able to have kids is a bit of a rarity. So who adopts these unwanted children? No one, they get stuck with the parent who didn't want them but "dealt with it," usually in poverty and often neglected and/or abused.

~ Child Abuse Statistics Statistic Brain ~ 681,000 children annually are abused. CPS is involved/investigates in 3.3 million children per year. 80% of children who die from abuse are under the age of 4. Homeless youth that ran away to escape abuse %46. 80.9% of children are abused by a parent.

What's the solution? Failed abstinence policies, rejecting birth control, "hammering down" on abusive parents (after the fact of course) Are you all entirely /sure/ it's a "good" thing for the children to force women to have children they don't want?
We wouldn't need Illegal immigrants for these politicians to beat us over the head with if those: 55 MILLIONS Abortions hadn't taken place since 1979

think about that one
Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, this is as bad as it can get

Video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions

An undercover video released this morning shows a national leader of Planned Parenthood admitting that the abortion provider uses the illegal partial birth abortion procedure to sell intact fetal body parts.

The average asking price for fetal body parts? Between $30 and $100 per specimen.

Dr. Deborah Nucatola has been senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood since February 2009, where she oversees medical practices at all Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide. She has been employed by Planned Parenthood for more than a decade. She also performs abortions up to 24 weeks in Los Angeles.

In the video, she met with investigators posing as buyers from a human biologic company on July 25, 2014.

While casually sipping wine and eating salad, Dr. Nucatola revealed that she charges $30 to $100 per specimen, and that fetal livers are especially in demand – although “a lot of people want intact hearts these days,” and she has had requests for lungs and “lower extremities.”

Planned Parenthood affiliates “absolutely” want to offer such organs, she said.

Nucatola admitted that Planned Parenthood's abortionists take great care not to appear to be profiteering off fetal body parts. She said, “They just want to do it in a way that is not perceived as, 'The clinic is selling tissue. This clinic is making money off of this.'”

The issue is not merely PR – there is also the little matter of federal law. Trafficking in human body parts is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $500,000.

BREAKING Undercover video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions News LifeSite

The film is heavily edited.
With permission, some parts were donated just as people donate eyes, kidneys etc when they die.
Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, this is as bad as it can get

Video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions

An undercover video released this morning shows a national leader of Planned Parenthood admitting that the abortion provider uses the illegal partial birth abortion procedure to sell intact fetal body parts.

The average asking price for fetal body parts? Between $30 and $100 per specimen.

Dr. Deborah Nucatola has been senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood since February 2009, where she oversees medical practices at all Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide. She has been employed by Planned Parenthood for more than a decade. She also performs abortions up to 24 weeks in Los Angeles.

In the video, she met with investigators posing as buyers from a human biologic company on July 25, 2014.

While casually sipping wine and eating salad, Dr. Nucatola revealed that she charges $30 to $100 per specimen, and that fetal livers are especially in demand – although “a lot of people want intact hearts these days,” and she has had requests for lungs and “lower extremities.”

Planned Parenthood affiliates “absolutely” want to offer such organs, she said.

Nucatola admitted that Planned Parenthood's abortionists take great care not to appear to be profiteering off fetal body parts. She said, “They just want to do it in a way that is not perceived as, 'The clinic is selling tissue. This clinic is making money off of this.'”

The issue is not merely PR – there is also the little matter of federal law. Trafficking in human body parts is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $500,000.

BREAKING Undercover video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions News LifeSite

What! Those liberal paragons of virtue! Well I'm just shocked!

Well isn't a fucking "tissue sample" she said hearts, livers, lungs.......that means a baby...not a zygote, not tissue, a baby human being is killed and then cut up for parts..........

Here's the thing, asshole.

A 20 week fetus being aborted is usually aborted because it is deformed.

And when a woman has to abort a pregnancy she probably wanted for valid medical reasons, they ask, "Is there some way that the tissues can do some good curing diseases and such."

WHy, yes. Yes there is.

Which matters not to the anti-abortion nuts, who don't really care about children when they snatch food from their mouths.

Yes, I can't wait for school to start. When the kids are out on the playground for recess, I run in and steal all of their lunches. :poke:
If a woman is carrying a child and intends to birth it, and there is an abnormality, she goes to the hospital, or her Obgyn. That is not the function of planned parenthood. In fact that name is misleading.
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They are clumps of cells in the womb, but can be easily harvested for human body parts. Isn't that quite the conundrum? Can someone explain that to me?
Congresswoman in Tears Over Sale of Aborted Baby Body Parts “These are Babies for God’s Sake” ^ | Jul 15, 2015 | Steven Ertelt
Congresswoman Martha Roby of Alabama had just one minute to make her point on the floor of the House of Representatives today but she broke down in tears as she spoke for the millions of Americans who are outraged by the expose’ of Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of aborted babies. “This is one of those moments that — as a nation and as a people — we have to ask ourselves, ‘Who are we? Are we really going to tolerate this inhumanity?'” she asked, holding back tears. “Are we going to look the other way while babies are...
The problem is supply and demand. As demand increases suppliers are going to do everything they can to meet the quota.
They are clumps of cells in the womb, but can be easily harvested for human body parts. Isn't that quite the conundrum? Can someone explain that to me?

No, they are well into gestation and have specific organs to sell to the highest bidder. hearts, not heart cells. Livers, and kidneys. While killing it they take care not to damage sellable parts. Look at this term, partial birth. Those are babies that are being born, fully formed babies, whose head and shoulders are out. That's the hardest part for the woman. All that is left is a quick push and out the legs come and it's born. We are talking about slitting the neck of that child before that last push occurs.

One girl delivered her baby and then strangled it. It wasn't considered murder because she killed it on the bathroom floor, before she cut the cord.
If this is what is called an enlightened progressive society, then the future looks bleak.
Useful Idiots: The Apologists for Planned Parenthood’s “Doctor of Death” Deborah Nucatola burke's blog ^ | July 15, 2015 | Kevin Burke
Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin used the term “polyezniy idiot” or “useful idiot” to describe sympathizers in the West who blindly supported Communist leaders.] There is rapidly spreading firestorm surrounding the video of Dr Deborah Nucatola, the medical director of Planned Parenthood. The video shows her enjoying her salad and red wine as she describes the harvesting of aborted pre-born human organs and body parts for sale to bio-medical companies. What is perhaps even more disturbing, are some of the responses from those that serve as apologist for Planned Parenthood. This from Amanda Marcotte at Slate: As someone who is...
You know what is amazing to me is it's not the slitting of the throats, or the crushing of the heads of those infants, but what is done with the remains that causes tears and anger. Why? Do they suddenly deserve respect? But not enough to let them take their first breath?
Democrats Defend Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies ^ | Jul 15, 2015 | Steven Ertelt
Planned Parenthood’s best friends in Congress are rushing to the defense of the abortion business today after a shocking expose’ video caught its top doctor discussing how the abortion company is involved in the sale of body parts from babies victimized by abortions. New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted unborn children and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts. In the video, Nucatola is at a business lunch with actors posing as buyers from a human...

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