Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Now they have switched gears from "heavily edited video" to "it's a humanitarian undertaking". Defund and prosecute the ghouls


It is an humanitarian undertaking.

A lot of cures for diseases in REAL PEOPLE are developed from fetal cell tissue.

Cell tissue that would be thrown away otherwise.

Of do you really think there are women out there getting pregnant and have third trimester abortions so they can get that whopping $30.00 transportation fee?

Go back o bed, you annoy me
Go back o bed, you annoy me

You amuse me, because I wonder how hard you have to work to stay ignorant.

Do you really think PP is kidnapping women off the street? I'm just wondering how you think this sensible acquisition of medical cells works, exactly.
Go back o bed, you annoy me

You amuse me, because I wonder how hard you have to work to stay ignorant.

Do you really think PP is kidnapping women off the street? I'm just wondering how you think this sensible acquisition of medical cells works, exactly.

Dude, GFY. I'm sick of your "I'm the smartest person in the room". You're not, you're just another loudmouth left loon. That's it
Now they have switched gears from "heavily edited video" to "it's a humanitarian undertaking". Defund and prosecute the ghouls


It is an humanitarian undertaking.

A lot of cures for diseases in REAL PEOPLE are developed from fetal cell tissue.

Cell tissue that would be thrown away otherwise.

Of do you really think there are women out there getting pregnant and have third trimester abortions so they can get that whopping $30.00 transportation fee?

Go back o bed, you annoy me
It's a $30 to $100 fee per part. And this is on top of the already paid for abortion. An aborted fetus that has several intact organs could be worth hundreds of bucks.

Is planned parenthood making a profit on this? It will take a audit to find out.
Defund and prosecute the ghouls

That the nub of it isn't it?

Use a highly doctored video to spark phony outrage so Congress will be compelled to act on emotion rather than reason. Like the boy who cried wolf, you Fauxraged type have gone to the well one too many times.
Irrelevant. The baby is not part of her body.

It is until it can live without it.
False. Conjoined twins who cannot live without the other are considered separate persons.

True. Once they are born they are unique persons - conjoined or not. It's also a false comparison. Conjoined twins require each other to live. A mother does not require the zygote, blastocyst or fetus in order to live and her body may expel it naturally at any time.

So dependence is not a qualifier, good.

Prior to birth or viability - they are part of the mother's body.
Again, false. The developing baby creates a filter to prevent mixing of blood between the two. The baby has unique DNA and features. He/she moves without the mother's control. Tell you what, ask the next 100 pregnant women you see if what is growing inside of her is a part of her body or a baby. See what they say. Also, if you kill a pregnant woman, you can have multiple murder charges lodged against you. That would be impossible if the developing baby is in fact merely a part of the mother's body.

The DNA may be "unique" but it is still part of the mother's body until it is viable. If it were not, then we could simply remove it from the host incubator and transplant it into someone else who wanted it.

That's simply the way it is.
Remember, we established that dependency is not a qualifier, or Christopher Reeve would have become a part of his respirator and lost his personhood because he could not live without it.
Hillary Clinton Ignores Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies ^ | July 15, 2015 | by STEVEN ERTELT
Nothing from her campaign, nothing on Facebook, nothing on Twitter, and no response to media queries to Hillary Clinton about the expose’ video showing the Planned Parenthood abortion business selling the body parts of aborted babies. Apparently Hillary Clinton doesn’t remember when she received Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger award with pride, even calling Margaret Sanger someone she “admired enormously.” During the event, Clinton said that emphasizing and promoting abortion is a key issue and she also defended taxpayer funded abortions for poor women. (Boy, can't them POOR WOMEN just fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and......)

from your article link:
The sale of fetal body parts is illegal in the United States, however, the law outlawing it does allow for companies to charge for processing and shipping costs of those organs/tissues. In a statement issued after the video was released, Planned Parenthood stated, “At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does—with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood.”

And FYI, Margaret Sanger did NOT support abortion when she was alive, she supported BIRTH CONTROL, and teaching birth control to poor families so they could prevent their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child....from being conceived.

There was no birth control pills in her day either....

Well C4A, try this and tell me what you think!

Margaret-Sanger The Negro-Project
That the nub of it isn't it?

Use a highly doctored video to spark phony outrage so Congress will be compelled to act on emotion rather than reason. Like the boy who cried wolf, you Fauxraged type have gone to the well one too many times.

What's "highly doctored" about the you think she would have opened up about their hideous practice if she knew she was on camera? Of course it was edited....was it necessary to watch her eating her entire salad and talking with her mouth full until she said something revealing? Any sting operation is usually accompanied by this kind of grainy, poorly lit footage because a hidden camera has to be used. :eusa_eh:
Hillary Clinton Ignores Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies ^ | July 15, 2015 | by STEVEN ERTELT
Nothing from her campaign, nothing on Facebook, nothing on Twitter, and no response to media queries to Hillary Clinton about the expose’ video showing the Planned Parenthood abortion business selling the body parts of aborted babies. Apparently Hillary Clinton doesn’t remember when she received Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger award with pride, even calling Margaret Sanger someone she “admired enormously.” During the event, Clinton said that emphasizing and promoting abortion is a key issue and she also defended taxpayer funded abortions for poor women. (Boy, can't them POOR WOMEN just fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and......)

from your article link:
The sale of fetal body parts is illegal in the United States, however, the law outlawing it does allow for companies to charge for processing and shipping costs of those organs/tissues. In a statement issued after the video was released, Planned Parenthood stated, “At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does—with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood.”

And FYI, Margaret Sanger did NOT support abortion when she was alive, she supported BIRTH CONTROL, and teaching birth control to poor families so they could prevent their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child....from being conceived.

There was no birth control pills in her day either....

Well C4A, try this and tell me what you think!

Margaret-Sanger The Negro-Project

Yes, some of the quotes on that page about her and her thoughts makes her sound like a racist....but this was not uncommon in the era that she lived...congress even funded her projects and causes, with full support....who would have thunk it? I will say that I have seen information refuting some of the stuff said on that site, with references as's neither here or there....

How do you feel about Birth control? Are you against it? Are you against providing tax monies to the poorest among us to support, as example, their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child? Or do YOU side with Sanger on that...?

I can't tell you how many times posters that are conservative have posted that women SHOULD TAKE Birth control to prevent themselves from getting pregnant and having another baby on welfare.... at least a few hundred of those kind of comments here on USMB over the years I have been here from Republicans/conservatives/right wingers....which is in agreement with Sanger....

Do you support Margaret Sanger's cause, of educating and providing birth control/ information to those who can not afford to have more children than they already have....or that they can support? If so, then you are a Sanger supporter as well....
Boehner Orders Congressional Hearings After Planned Parenthood Sting Video ^ | 07/15/2015 | Alex Pappas
Speaker of the House John Boehner on Wednesday called for congressional hearings into the practices of Planned Parenthood — and one House committee confirmed it will investigate the organization. The video showed a top Planned Parenthood doctor admitting clinics routinely sell body parts after abortions. “When an organization monetizes an unborn child — and with the cavalier attitude portrayed in this horrific video — we must all act,” Boehner said.
OF COURSE he did, an election is coming up...gotta have those non effective hearings that accomplish nothing in the keep the prolifer's attention...

charging $30 to $100 for shipping and handling, is not for "profit"....

When I worked in a non profit/(donated blood only with no paid blood donors), Community Blood Center decades ago....we charged hospitals $70 (back in the 1980's) for shipping and handling per unit of whole blood.
Sanger's motives ran much deeper than that and if you are honest and cared enough to research her writings, you know that. Just find my posts in this thread where I have posted some of them and try to defend her after that.
Here is one for you, let's see you defend it-
"Today all classes in all countries try to exercise some control in regulating the size of their families. It is only the unfit, the less desirable, who procreate recklessly and without forethought or care. "

Hillary Clinton Ignores Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies ^ | July 15, 2015 | by STEVEN ERTELT
Nothing from her campaign, nothing on Facebook, nothing on Twitter, and no response to media queries to Hillary Clinton about the expose’ video showing the Planned Parenthood abortion business selling the body parts of aborted babies. Apparently Hillary Clinton doesn’t remember when she received Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger award with pride, even calling Margaret Sanger someone she “admired enormously.” During the event, Clinton said that emphasizing and promoting abortion is a key issue and she also defended taxpayer funded abortions for poor women. (Boy, can't them POOR WOMEN just fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and......)

from your article link:
The sale of fetal body parts is illegal in the United States, however, the law outlawing it does allow for companies to charge for processing and shipping costs of those organs/tissues. In a statement issued after the video was released, Planned Parenthood stated, “At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does—with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood.”

And FYI, Margaret Sanger did NOT support abortion when she was alive, she supported BIRTH CONTROL, and teaching birth control to poor families so they could prevent their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child....from being conceived.

There was no birth control pills in her day either....

Well C4A, try this and tell me what you think!

Margaret-Sanger The Negro-Project

Yes, some of the quotes on that page about her and her thoughts makes her sound like a racist....but this was not uncommon in the era that she lived...congress even funded her projects and causes, with full support....who would have thunk it? I will say that I have seen information refuting some of the stuff said on that site, with references as's neither here or there....

How do you feel about Birth control? Are you against it? Are you against providing tax monies to the poorest among us to support, as example, their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child? Or do YOU side with Sanger on that...?

I can't tell you how many times posters that are conservative have posted that women SHOULD TAKE Birth control to prevent themselves from getting pregnant and having another baby on welfare.... at least a few hundred of those kind of comments here on USMB over the years I have been here from Republicans/conservatives/right wingers....which is in agreement with Sanger....

Do you support Margaret Sanger's cause, of educating and providing birth control/ information to those who can not afford to have more children than they already have....or that they can support? If so, then you are a Sanger supporter as well....
Sanger's motives ran much deeper than that and if you are honest and cared enough to research her writings, you know that. Just find my posts in this thread where I have posted some of them and try to defend her after that.
Here is one for you, let's see you defend it-
"Today all classes in all countries try to exercise some control in regulating the size of their families. It is only the unfit, the less desirable, who procreate recklessly and without forethought or care. "

Hillary Clinton Ignores Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies ^ | July 15, 2015 | by STEVEN ERTELT
Nothing from her campaign, nothing on Facebook, nothing on Twitter, and no response to media queries to Hillary Clinton about the expose’ video showing the Planned Parenthood abortion business selling the body parts of aborted babies. Apparently Hillary Clinton doesn’t remember when she received Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger award with pride, even calling Margaret Sanger someone she “admired enormously.” During the event, Clinton said that emphasizing and promoting abortion is a key issue and she also defended taxpayer funded abortions for poor women. (Boy, can't them POOR WOMEN just fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and......)

from your article link:
The sale of fetal body parts is illegal in the United States, however, the law outlawing it does allow for companies to charge for processing and shipping costs of those organs/tissues. In a statement issued after the video was released, Planned Parenthood stated, “At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does—with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood.”

And FYI, Margaret Sanger did NOT support abortion when she was alive, she supported BIRTH CONTROL, and teaching birth control to poor families so they could prevent their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child....from being conceived.

There was no birth control pills in her day either....

Well C4A, try this and tell me what you think!

Margaret-Sanger The Negro-Project

Yes, some of the quotes on that page about her and her thoughts makes her sound like a racist....but this was not uncommon in the era that she lived...congress even funded her projects and causes, with full support....who would have thunk it? I will say that I have seen information refuting some of the stuff said on that site, with references as's neither here or there....

How do you feel about Birth control? Are you against it? Are you against providing tax monies to the poorest among us to support, as example, their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child? Or do YOU side with Sanger on that...?

I can't tell you how many times posters that are conservative have posted that women SHOULD TAKE Birth control to prevent themselves from getting pregnant and having another baby on welfare.... at least a few hundred of those kind of comments here on USMB over the years I have been here from Republicans/conservatives/right wingers....which is in agreement with Sanger....

Do you support Margaret Sanger's cause, of educating and providing birth control/ information to those who can not afford to have more children than they already have....or that they can support? If so, then you are a Sanger supporter as well....
Sounds like something Trump would say about Mexicans. If you take a quote out of context of the time it was made and out of context of the rest of the writing, you can make it look like anything. Her overall theme was that poor women having child after child perpetuated poverty and illness. Republicans say the very same thing about african american women and poor people in general. She never advocated for abortion; only birth control. She correctly noted that allowing women to control the number of children they had would greatly increase the chances that the family could rise out of poverty.
You know what is amazing to me is it's not the slitting of the throats, or the crushing of the heads of those infants, but what is done with the remains that causes tears and anger. Why? Do they suddenly deserve respect? But not enough to let them take their first breath?

actually, the disposition of medical waste doesn't bother me, either. It's medical waste, it doesn't deserve respect. Unless it finds a cure to a disease using it.

You don't like abortion, don't have one.

You're a sick bastard
Given your posting history of hate, you're in no position to call anyone "sick."
You know what is amazing to me is it's not the slitting of the throats, or the crushing of the heads of those infants, but what is done with the remains that causes tears and anger. Why? Do they suddenly deserve respect? But not enough to let them take their first breath?

actually, the disposition of medical waste doesn't bother me, either. It's medical waste, it doesn't deserve respect. Unless it finds a cure to a disease using it.

You don't like abortion, don't have one.

You're a sick bastard
Given your posting history of hate, you're in no position to call anyone "sick."

Sanger's motives ran much deeper than that and if you are honest and cared enough to research her writings, you know that. Just find my posts in this thread where I have posted some of them and try to defend her after that.
Here is one for you, let's see you defend it-
"Today all classes in all countries try to exercise some control in regulating the size of their families. It is only the unfit, the less desirable, who procreate recklessly and without forethought or care. "

Hillary Clinton Ignores Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies ^ | July 15, 2015 | by STEVEN ERTELT
Nothing from her campaign, nothing on Facebook, nothing on Twitter, and no response to media queries to Hillary Clinton about the expose’ video showing the Planned Parenthood abortion business selling the body parts of aborted babies. Apparently Hillary Clinton doesn’t remember when she received Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger award with pride, even calling Margaret Sanger someone she “admired enormously.” During the event, Clinton said that emphasizing and promoting abortion is a key issue and she also defended taxpayer funded abortions for poor women. (Boy, can't them POOR WOMEN just fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and fuck, and......)

from your article link:
The sale of fetal body parts is illegal in the United States, however, the law outlawing it does allow for companies to charge for processing and shipping costs of those organs/tissues. In a statement issued after the video was released, Planned Parenthood stated, “At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does—with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood.”

And FYI, Margaret Sanger did NOT support abortion when she was alive, she supported BIRTH CONTROL, and teaching birth control to poor families so they could prevent their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child....from being conceived.

There was no birth control pills in her day either....

Well C4A, try this and tell me what you think!

Margaret-Sanger The Negro-Project

Yes, some of the quotes on that page about her and her thoughts makes her sound like a racist....but this was not uncommon in the era that she lived...congress even funded her projects and causes, with full support....who would have thunk it? I will say that I have seen information refuting some of the stuff said on that site, with references as's neither here or there....

How do you feel about Birth control? Are you against it? Are you against providing tax monies to the poorest among us to support, as example, their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child? Or do YOU side with Sanger on that...?

I can't tell you how many times posters that are conservative have posted that women SHOULD TAKE Birth control to prevent themselves from getting pregnant and having another baby on welfare.... at least a few hundred of those kind of comments here on USMB over the years I have been here from Republicans/conservatives/right wingers....which is in agreement with Sanger....

Do you support Margaret Sanger's cause, of educating and providing birth control/ information to those who can not afford to have more children than they already have....or that they can support? If so, then you are a Sanger supporter as well....
Sounds like something Trump would say about Mexicans. If you take a quote out of context of the time it was made and out of context of the rest of the writing, you can make it look like anything. Her overall theme was that poor women having child after child perpetuated poverty and illness. Republicans say the very same thing about african american women and poor people in general. She never advocated for abortion; only birth control. She correctly noted that allowing women to control the number of children they had would greatly increase the chances that the family could rise out of poverty.
Honey, it is not out of context. It is what Sanger/Slee believed. For anyone who takes the time to read all her articles, speeches through her years will find the same theme popping up throughout.
The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger Web Edition
You know what is amazing to me is it's not the slitting of the throats, or the crushing of the heads of those infants, but what is done with the remains that causes tears and anger. Why? Do they suddenly deserve respect? But not enough to let them take their first breath?

actually, the disposition of medical waste doesn't bother me, either. It's medical waste, it doesn't deserve respect. Unless it finds a cure to a disease using it.

You don't like abortion, don't have one.

You're a sick bastard
Given your posting history of hate, you're in no position to call anyone "sick."


From her book Woman and the New Race

While unknowingly laying the foundations of tyrannies and providing the human tinder for racial conflagrations, woman was also unknowingly creating slums, filling asylums with Insane, and institutions with other defectives. She was replenishing the ranks of the prostitutes, furnishing grist for the criminal courts and inmates for prisons. Had she planned deliberately to achieve thls tragic total of human waste and misery, she could hardly have done it more effectively.
Sanger's motives ran much deeper than that and if you are honest and cared enough to research her writings, you know that. Just find my posts in this thread where I have posted some of them and try to defend her after that.
Here is one for you, let's see you defend it-
"Today all classes in all countries try to exercise some control in regulating the size of their families. It is only the unfit, the less desirable, who procreate recklessly and without forethought or care. "

from your article link:
The sale of fetal body parts is illegal in the United States, however, the law outlawing it does allow for companies to charge for processing and shipping costs of those organs/tissues. In a statement issued after the video was released, Planned Parenthood stated, “At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does—with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood.”

And FYI, Margaret Sanger did NOT support abortion when she was alive, she supported BIRTH CONTROL, and teaching birth control to poor families so they could prevent their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child....from being conceived.

There was no birth control pills in her day either....

Well C4A, try this and tell me what you think!

Margaret-Sanger The Negro-Project

Yes, some of the quotes on that page about her and her thoughts makes her sound like a racist....but this was not uncommon in the era that she lived...congress even funded her projects and causes, with full support....who would have thunk it? I will say that I have seen information refuting some of the stuff said on that site, with references as's neither here or there....

How do you feel about Birth control? Are you against it? Are you against providing tax monies to the poorest among us to support, as example, their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child? Or do YOU side with Sanger on that...?

I can't tell you how many times posters that are conservative have posted that women SHOULD TAKE Birth control to prevent themselves from getting pregnant and having another baby on welfare.... at least a few hundred of those kind of comments here on USMB over the years I have been here from Republicans/conservatives/right wingers....which is in agreement with Sanger....

Do you support Margaret Sanger's cause, of educating and providing birth control/ information to those who can not afford to have more children than they already have....or that they can support? If so, then you are a Sanger supporter as well....
Sounds like something Trump would say about Mexicans. If you take a quote out of context of the time it was made and out of context of the rest of the writing, you can make it look like anything. Her overall theme was that poor women having child after child perpetuated poverty and illness. Republicans say the very same thing about african american women and poor people in general. She never advocated for abortion; only birth control. She correctly noted that allowing women to control the number of children they had would greatly increase the chances that the family could rise out of poverty.
Honey, it is not out of context. It is what Sanger/Slee believed. For anyone who takes the time to read all her articles, speeches through her years will find the same theme popping up throughout.
The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger Web Edition
As if you read a single fucking word of those writings. Had you done so, you would realize the truth of what I posted.

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