Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

the chicken egg will not become a human being.

the nut will not become a human being.

the caterpillar will not become a human being.

that sperm and egg together in a woman's body will become a human being....if it isn't murdered.....

Actually, 2/3rds of fertilized zygotes never attach to the uterine wall.

But we aren't holding funerals over tampons.
the chicken egg will not become a human being.

the nut will not become a human being.

the caterpillar will not become a human being.

that sperm and egg together in a woman's body will become a human being....if it isn't murdered.....

Actually, 2/3rds of fertilized zygotes never attach to the uterine wall.

But we aren't holding funerals over tampons.

And they aren't holding funerals at planned parenthood, they are having sales on organs......
Oh look...Those clumps of cells have arms an legs on the PP for sale menu! Strange biology going on here....
Dude, GFY. I'm sick of your "I'm the smartest person in the room". You're not, you're just another loudmouth left loon. That's it

I don't need to be the smartest person in the room.

Just smarter than you.

But nearly everyone is.

GFY you tired old fuck

Ever notice that when FatIrishSow is getting spanked, the most clever rejoinder she can come up wiht is "GFY"?

You are a lap behind and think you're in the lead old man. You're strictly JV
Dude, GFY. I'm sick of your "I'm the smartest person in the room". You're not, you're just another loudmouth left loon. That's it

I don't need to be the smartest person in the room.

Just smarter than you.

But nearly everyone is.

GFY you tired old fuck

Ever notice that when FatIrishSow is getting spanked, the most clever rejoinder she can come up wiht is "GFY"?

You are a lap behind and think you're in the lead old man. You're strictly JV
Joeb is Gosnell's biggest fan. For real. He waxed poetic about what a hero the dude is.
Dude, GFY. I'm sick of your "I'm the smartest person in the room". You're not, you're just another loudmouth left loon. That's it

I don't need to be the smartest person in the room.

Just smarter than you.

But nearly everyone is.

GFY you tired old fuck

Ever notice that when FatIrishSow is getting spanked, the most clever rejoinder she can come up wiht is "GFY"?

You are a lap behind and think you're in the lead old man. You're strictly JV
Joeb is Gosnell's biggest fan. For real. He waxed poetic about what a hero the dude is.

Joey is clueless, classless and pretty much a waste of space
Gee, if we could only figure out a way to prevent pregnancy!

And your bullshit doesn't resonate with normal Americans. We want food stamps to pay for food. Not drugs, not liquor, not strip clubs.

It doesn't pay for any of those things... so no.

Never murdered anyone, and have enough of a mind to realize what happens when you run out of baby parts to sell, you start looking for more parts. It has nothing to do with planning for parenthood.

I don't think you have much of a mind at all. Here's the thing, there's plenty of adult tissue to be had from people who donate their organs or bodies to science. Fetal Tissue, on the other hand, has unique properties that make it useful for certain types of research. The kind of research that brought us things like the Polio Vaccine in 1954.

Late procedures. What a civil way to describe slitting infant's necks.
Go watch one. Take some popcorn.....

I wouldn't want to watch an abortion being performed at any stage. I also would not have wanted to watch my colonoscopy when that was performed. Or my gall bladder or knee surgery. Medical procedures are ugly.

But fetuses aren't "infants".

Now, I get why you anti-choice nutters like to go on about late procedures. Even though they make up only 1% of all abortions performed, the fetus kind of looks like a baby, sort of, if you forget size and viability and only use drawings instead of actual pictures.

Of course, the thing is, late procedures are only performed when something has gone wrong. they've discovered the fetus has something like Down Syndrome or Spina-Bifida or something like that which will make their lives miserable. It actually is sort of a tragedy that some women try to mitigate by donating tissues to help others.

Not that you Religious Ghouls care about that. You just want to please your Imaginary Sky Pixie.
It never enters the bitch's twisted little mind they do "lifesaving" research by killing a million babies a year to get at those organs.

Except they don't kill any babies, and only some fetuses would really qualify for this kind of tissue collection.

That's kind of like blaming Harley Davidson for the Organ Transplant industry.
And they aren't holding funerals at planned parenthood, they are having sales on organs......

You are dodging th he point, guy.

If you want to claim life begins at conception, then we should hold funerals over tampons, right?
^^^ that has to be the dumbest thing you have said on this board ... And you have made some really dumb comments.
And they aren't holding funerals at planned parenthood, they are having sales on organs......

You are dodging th he point, guy.

If you want to claim life begins at conception, then we should hold funerals over tampons, right?
^^^ that has to be the dumbest thing you have said on this board ... And you have made some really dumb comments.
Calling Gosnell a hero was pretty memorable.
^^^ that has to be the dumbest thing you have said on this board ... And you have made some really dumb comments.

I'm just taking your logic to its conclusion. If you are going to take the position that you are a human being with rights the minute sperms hits Ova and that your needs outweight the person you are inside of for nine months, we totally need to have funerals over tampons.
^^^ that has to be the dumbest thing you have said on this board ... And you have made some really dumb comments.

I'm just taking your logic to its conclusion. If you are going to take the position that you are a human being with rights the minute sperms hits Ova and that your needs outweight the person you are inside of for nine months, we totally need to have funerals over tampons.
I seriously think that's where the majority of your brain matter went
I seriously think that's where the majority of your brain matter went

I seriously think you wingnuts want to avoid this conversation.

Here's the thing. You all want to talk endlessly about "Late Term" and "Partial Birth" abortions, even though they are technically inaccurate terms and really only represent 1% of the abortions performed.

Now, I might even agree with you, women who think abortion is a perfectly good form of birth control are contemptable. They should take more control over their lives and relationships. But no one is going to seriously tell a woman she can't have an abortion at 8 weeks, when most of them are performed. just like no one is going to really tell her not to take a "morning after pill" to induce a period to wash out that unwanted zygote.

But you will go on and on about the poor lady who found out the baby she already picked out a name for needs to be aborted because he has spinabifida or brittle bone syndrome.
Oh look...Those clumps of cells have arms an legs on the PP for sale menu! Strange biology going on here....

Yeah they arent babies... Their spare parts just happen to be compatible with babies and are harvested and sold on the down low for a profit.

Liberal logic.
This story is all over the internet, PP will bite it on this one. You own it libs
I dont doubt that its true. I'm asking about Sanger.

The video sort of proves it's true and Sanger was a racist, who founded PP and advocated for the extermination of the black race
The video proves nothing about Sanger and I cant simply take your word that she advocated for the extermination of the Black race. I need some facts and not opinions.

Save it, I don't deal with deflection and BS from the likes of you

In other words, you lied, got caught lying, and are trying to pretend you didn't lie.

The anti-abortionists have been lying about Margaret Sanger for so long, they think their lie can be passed off as the truth now. It can't. She never said the things that anti-abortionists attribute to her.

Your current film is also a fake. A carefully carved up interview about completing tissue donation forms, edited to make it sound like something else. Similar to the opening scenes in The Running Man where Arnold Schwarzenegger's character is framed for murder by carefully edited film.

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