Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

This story is all over the internet, PP will bite it on this one. You own it libs
I dont doubt that its true. I'm asking about Sanger.

The video sort of proves it's true and Sanger was a racist, who founded PP and advocated for the extermination of the black race
The video proves nothing about Sanger and I cant simply take your word that she advocated for the extermination of the Black race. I need some facts and not opinions.

Save it, I don't deal with deflection and BS from the likes of you

In other words, you lied, got caught lying, and are trying to pretend you didn't lie.

The anti-abortionists have been lying about Margaret Sanger for so long, they think their lie can be passed off as the truth now. It can't. She never said the things that anti-abortionists attribute to her.

Your current film is also a fake. A carefully carved up interview about completing tissue donation forms, edited to make it sound like something else. Similar to the opening scenes in The Running Man where Arnold Schwarzenegger's character is framed for murder by carefully edited film.
Racketeering butchers. You ppl sure are committed to the abuse and torture of women and children. Maybe a couple of you will torch yourselves in protest. I hope so. Though typically you're much more into the pain and suffering of others than you are your own...
Reactionary liars. You people really are committed to controlling the lives of others. You're so pro-life you're suggesting others kill themselves. How hypocritical of you. Although you are consistently hypocritical since you care nothing for these innocents once they're living breathing children.
Reactionary liars. You people really are committed to controlling the lives of others. You're so pro-life you're suggesting others kill themselves. How hypocritical of you. Although you are consistently hypocritical since you care nothing for these innocents once they're living breathing children.
Trot out every spastic cliche to hide the fact you like baby killing and support the abuse and exploitation of vulnerable women.
Reactionary liars. You people really are committed to controlling the lives of others. You're so pro-life you're suggesting others kill themselves. How hypocritical of you. Although you are consistently hypocritical since you care nothing for these innocents once they're living breathing children.

Really? I donate clothes and school supplies to the children at the all faiths home and am considering adopting a child from the heart gallery. You really shouldn't assume things.
Reactionary liars. You people really are committed to controlling the lives of others. You're so pro-life you're suggesting others kill themselves. How hypocritical of you. Although you are consistently hypocritical since you care nothing for these innocents once they're living breathing children.
Trot out every spastic cliche to hide the fact you like baby killing and support the abuse and exploitation of vulnerable women.

No, it is you who hates women, and spews hate at everyone who dares disagree with you. I have never had an abortion, nor would I, but I am pro-choice. Not having an abortion was my choice. You don't get to choose other people's lives for them. You don't have the right. You don't get to tell a woman she must have a baby she cannot afford to care for. You have no right to interfere in other people's lives and in other people's families.

Forcing women to have children is abusive and exploitative. Look at what happened in Romania when abortion was banned. It was a horror show. Thousands of children abandoned in orphanages, left in cribs with poor nutrition and no one to care for them.

Every year, nearly a million US women have abortions. Who would care for all of these children if the women gave them up for adoption? I guess you've forgotten about the orphanages of the 20's and 30's. There are already hundreds of thousands of children in the foster care system that no one wants to adopt. Every year another 100,000 children go into care who will never find a forever home.

And you want to add to those numbers by several hundred thousand more. Brilliant.
Reactionary liars. You people really are committed to controlling the lives of others. You're so pro-life you're suggesting others kill themselves. How hypocritical of you. Although you are consistently hypocritical since you care nothing for these innocents once they're living breathing children.
Trot out every spastic cliche to hide the fact you like baby killing and support the abuse and exploitation of vulnerable women.

No, it is you who hates women, and spews hate at everyone who dares disagree with you. I have never had an abortion, nor would I, but I am pro-choice. Not having an abortion was my choice. You don't get to choose other people's lives for them. You don't have the right. You don't get to tell a woman she must have a baby she cannot afford to care for. You have no right to interfere in other people's lives and in other people's families.

Forcing women to have children is abusive and exploitative. Look at what happened in Romania when abortion was banned. It was a horror show. Thousands of children abandoned in orphanages, left in cribs with poor nutrition and no one to care for them.

Every year, nearly a million US women have abortions. Who would care for all of these children if the women gave them up for adoption? I guess you've forgotten about the orphanages of the 20's and 30's. There are already hundreds of thousands of children in the foster care system that no one wants to adopt. Every year another 100,000 children go into care who will never find a forever home.

And you want to add to those numbers by several hundred thousand more. Brilliant.
I'm not reading your garbage. You stand with pimps, abusers and human traffickers in your mindless defense of an industry that accommodates the most heinous abuses of women, and then profits off those women in the most disgusting way imaginable. You are a valueless hag.
In order to justify your abuse of others, you have convinced yourself that women aren't seeking abortions of their own choice. That they are being forced at have abortions against their will.

In some regards this is correct. The women who obtain abortions are overwhelmingly low income women who cannot afford another child. Most have one or more children already and cannot afford another. They must choose between the child they have, and the one they are carrying.

If you truly want to end abortion, you should be advocating for higher wages, paid maternity leave, subsidized child care, and single payer health care.

Those are the ways to reduce abortion. Spewing your hate at those who believe in choice will accomplish nothing.
You support babykilling and the exploitation of pregnant, vulnerable and victimized women for profit. You don't even think they rate real doctors or the minimal oversight that we mandate for dental clinics. Get out of here, scum. You are contaminating the air.
Racketeering butchers. You ppl sure are committed to the abuse and torture of women and children. Maybe a couple of you will torch yourselves in protest. I hope so. Though typically you're much more into the pain and suffering of others than you are your own...

So how about addressing her point rather than just doing your usual screaming about abortion?

If you guys were on the up and up about this tape, you wouldn't have edited the shit out of it make it look like something it wasn't. Nor would you have sat on it for a year.
You support babykilling and the exploitation of pregnant, vulnerable and victimized women for profit. You don't even think they rate real doctors or the minimal oversight that we mandate for dental clinics. Get out of here, scum. You are contaminating the air.

I've known a lot of women who've had abortions.

None of them were "vulnerable", or "victimized". They made a decision a baby wasn't a part of their life plan at that time.

One lady I knew had two abortions because she made the decision to stop taking birth control pills to get her boyfriend to finally make good on his promises to marry her. (He didn't.) Then she had abortions because her strict religious parents really, really thought she was still a virgin at 22.
This story is all over the internet, PP will bite it on this one. You own it libs
I dont doubt that its true. I'm asking about Sanger.

The video sort of proves it's true and Sanger was a racist, who founded PP and advocated for the extermination of the black race
The video proves nothing about Sanger and I cant simply take your word that she advocated for the extermination of the Black race. I need some facts and not opinions.

Save it, I don't deal with deflection and BS from the likes of you

In other words, you lied, got caught lying, and are trying to pretend you didn't lie.

The anti-abortionists have been lying about Margaret Sanger for so long, they think their lie can be passed off as the truth now. It can't. She never said the things that anti-abortionists attribute to her.

Your current film is also a fake. A carefully carved up interview about completing tissue donation forms, edited to make it sound like something else. Similar to the opening scenes in The Running Man where Arnold Schwarzenegger's character is framed for murder by carefully edited film.

Prove I lied, troll. Sanger was a racist baby killer. Nothing more and nothing less. It's you assholes that are once again trying rewrite history. It won't work so just stop
yall would rather stand in the sun and tell your lies...than be in the shade telling the truth....this has been debunked and yet....on and on yall go
Prove I lied, troll. Sanger was a racist baby killer. Nothing more and nothing less. It's you assholes that are once again trying rewrite history. It w

Oh, FatIrishSow, Sanger didn't advocate abortion. She advocated birth control because abortion methods in the 1920's were sloppy and dangerous.

Today, 96% of sexually active women practice some form of birth control. Sanger has already been vindicated by history.
Prove I lied, troll. Sanger was a racist baby killer. Nothing more and nothing less. It's you assholes that are once again trying rewrite history. It w

Oh, FatIrishSow, Sanger didn't advocate abortion. She advocated birth control because abortion methods in the 1920's were sloppy and dangerous.

Today, 96% of sexually active women practice some form of birth control. Sanger has already been vindicated by history.

Stop lying you fucking old fool. And grow up, your "fatirishsow" is middle school at best.
Prove I lied, troll. Sanger was a racist baby killer. Nothing more and nothing less. It's you assholes that are once again trying rewrite history. It w

Oh, FatIrishSow, Sanger didn't advocate abortion. She advocated birth control because abortion methods in the 1920's were sloppy and dangerous.

Today, 96% of sexually active women practice some form of birth control. Sanger has already been vindicated by history.

Stop lying you fucking old fool. And grow up, your "fatirishsow" is middle school at best.

But it describes you so well...
Reactionary liars. You people really are committed to controlling the lives of others. You're so pro-life you're suggesting others kill themselves. How hypocritical of you. Although you are consistently hypocritical since you care nothing for these innocents once they're living breathing children.

Really? I donate clothes and school supplies to the children at the all faiths home and am considering adopting a child from the heart gallery. You really shouldn't assume things.
So, you give old clothes away and "think" about adopting. Do the child a favor, stick to giving away the clothes you have outgrown.
Prove I lied, troll. Sanger was a racist baby killer. Nothing more and nothing less. It's you assholes that are once again trying rewrite history. It w

Oh, FatIrishSow, Sanger didn't advocate abortion. She advocated birth control because abortion methods in the 1920's were sloppy and dangerous.

Today, 96% of sexually active women practice some form of birth control. Sanger has already been vindicated by history.

Stop lying you fucking old fool. And grow up, your "fatirishsow" is middle school at best.
Of course, you don't respond to the fact that Sanger opposed abortion.
Reactionary liars. You people really are committed to controlling the lives of others. You're so pro-life you're suggesting others kill themselves. How hypocritical of you. Although you are consistently hypocritical since you care nothing for these innocents once they're living breathing children.

Really? I donate clothes and school supplies to the children at the all faiths home and am considering adopting a child from the heart gallery. You really shouldn't assume things.
So, you give old clothes away and "think" about adopting. Do the child a favor, stick to giving away the clothes you have outgrown.
A lot of them come from abusive homes and situations and are undergoing therapy that needs to be ongoing. They can't be placed in just any home ...they need the best fit for their situation. Some must be adopted along with their siblings, some do better in homes with no other kids,some do better with single mothers, some In a family environment...etc. plus I'm not the only person who has applied for consideration. How stupid are you anyway?
I dont doubt that its true. I'm asking about Sanger.

The video sort of proves it's true and Sanger was a racist, who founded PP and advocated for the extermination of the black race
The video proves nothing about Sanger and I cant simply take your word that she advocated for the extermination of the Black race. I need some facts and not opinions.

Save it, I don't deal with deflection and BS from the likes of you

In other words, you lied, got caught lying, and are trying to pretend you didn't lie.

The anti-abortionists have been lying about Margaret Sanger for so long, they think their lie can be passed off as the truth now. It can't. She never said the things that anti-abortionists attribute to her.

Your current film is also a fake. A carefully carved up interview about completing tissue donation forms, edited to make it sound like something else. Similar to the opening scenes in The Running Man where Arnold Schwarzenegger's character is framed for murder by carefully edited film.

Prove I lied, troll. Sanger was a racist baby killer. Nothing more and nothing less. It's you assholes that are once again trying rewrite history. It won't work so just stop

Easy. Sanger on abortion:
"So, too, with woman’s struggle for emancipation. Women in all lands and all ages have instinctively desired family limitation. Usually this desire has been laid to economic pressure. Frequently the pressure has existed, but the driving force behind woman’s aspiration toward freedom has lain deeper. It has asserted itself among the rich and among the poor, among the intelligent and the unintelligent. It has been manifested in such horrors as infanticide, child abandonment and abortion."

"While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization."

"Human society must protect its children–yes, but prenatal care is most essential! The child-to-be, as yet not called into being, has rights no less imperative."

"To each group we explained simply what contraception was; that abortion was the wrong way—no matter how early it was performed it was taking life; that contraception was the better way, the safer way—it took a little time, a little trouble, but was well worth while in the long run, because life had not begun."

"She turned women seeking abortions away from her clinics: “I do not approve of abortion.” She called it “sordid,” “abhorrent,” “terrible,” “barbaric,” a “horror.” She called abortionists “blood-sucking men with MD after their names who perform operations for the price of so-and-so.” She called the results of abortion “an outrageous slaughter,” “infanticide,” “foeticide,” and “the killing of babies.” And Margaret Sanger, who knew a thing or two about contraception, said that birth control “has nothing to do with abortion, it has nothing to do with interfering with or disturbing life after conception has taken place.” Birth control stands alone: “It is the first, last, and final step we all are to take to have real human emancipation.”

What Did Margaret Sanger Think about Abortion RedState

Now, lassie, stop lying.
Reactionary liars. You people really are committed to controlling the lives of others. You're so pro-life you're suggesting others kill themselves. How hypocritical of you. Although you are consistently hypocritical since you care nothing for these innocents once they're living breathing children.

Really? I donate clothes and school supplies to the children at the all faiths home and am considering adopting a child from the heart gallery. You really shouldn't assume things.
So, you give old clothes away and "think" about adopting. Do the child a favor, stick to giving away the clothes you have outgrown.
A lot of them come from abusive homes and situations and are undergoing therapy that needs to be ongoing. They can't be placed in just any home ...they need the best fit for their situation. Some must be adopted along with their siblings, some do better in homes with no other kids,some do better with single mothers, some In a family environment...etc. plus I'm not the only person who has applied for consideration. How stupid are you anyway?
I am sure those needy children appreciate your excuses. Hopefully, a loving gay couple will step up while you "consider" your options.

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