Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

From her book Woman and the New Race

While unknowingly laying the foundations of tyrannies and providing the human tinder for racial conflagrations, woman was also unknowingly creating slums, filling asylums with Insane, and institutions with other defectives. She was replenishing the ranks of the prostitutes, furnishing grist for the criminal courts and inmates for prisons. Had she planned deliberately to achieve thls tragic total of human waste and misery, she could hardly have done it more effectively.
Wow, another quote one would expect from a Republican.

the chicken egg will not become a human being.

the nut will not become a human being.

the caterpillar will not become a human being.

that sperm and egg together in a woman's body will become a human being....if it isn't murdered.....

That seems to be a difficult fucking concept for morons like you joe.......

the chicken egg will not become a human being.

the nut will not become a human being.

the caterpillar will not become a human being.

that sperm and egg together in a woman's body will become a human being....if it isn't murdered.....

That seems to be a difficult fucking concept for morons like you joe.......
"will become a human being." "Become: To grow or come to be." So, yes, the will come to be a human being, in the future.
When one is proven wrong and at a loss of words...
From her book Woman and the New Race

While unknowingly laying the foundations of tyrannies and providing the human tinder for racial conflagrations, woman was also unknowingly creating slums, filling asylums with Insane, and institutions with other defectives. She was replenishing the ranks of the prostitutes, furnishing grist for the criminal courts and inmates for prisons. Had she planned deliberately to achieve thls tragic total of human waste and misery, she could hardly have done it more effectively.
Wow, another quote one would expect from a Republican.
Right, that's why I can counter you every step of the way.
Sanger's motives ran much deeper than that and if you are honest and cared enough to research her writings, you know that. Just find my posts in this thread where I have posted some of them and try to defend her after that.
Here is one for you, let's see you defend it-
"Today all classes in all countries try to exercise some control in regulating the size of their families. It is only the unfit, the less desirable, who procreate recklessly and without forethought or care. "

Well C4A, try this and tell me what you think!

Margaret-Sanger The Negro-Project

Yes, some of the quotes on that page about her and her thoughts makes her sound like a racist....but this was not uncommon in the era that she lived...congress even funded her projects and causes, with full support....who would have thunk it? I will say that I have seen information refuting some of the stuff said on that site, with references as's neither here or there....

How do you feel about Birth control? Are you against it? Are you against providing tax monies to the poorest among us to support, as example, their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child? Or do YOU side with Sanger on that...?

I can't tell you how many times posters that are conservative have posted that women SHOULD TAKE Birth control to prevent themselves from getting pregnant and having another baby on welfare.... at least a few hundred of those kind of comments here on USMB over the years I have been here from Republicans/conservatives/right wingers....which is in agreement with Sanger....

Do you support Margaret Sanger's cause, of educating and providing birth control/ information to those who can not afford to have more children than they already have....or that they can support? If so, then you are a Sanger supporter as well....
Sounds like something Trump would say about Mexicans. If you take a quote out of context of the time it was made and out of context of the rest of the writing, you can make it look like anything. Her overall theme was that poor women having child after child perpetuated poverty and illness. Republicans say the very same thing about african american women and poor people in general. She never advocated for abortion; only birth control. She correctly noted that allowing women to control the number of children they had would greatly increase the chances that the family could rise out of poverty.
Honey, it is not out of context. It is what Sanger/Slee believed. For anyone who takes the time to read all her articles, speeches through her years will find the same theme popping up throughout.
The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger Web Edition
As if you read a single fucking word of those writings. Had you done so, you would realize the truth of what I posted.
Right, that's why I can counter you every step of the way.
Sanger's motives ran much deeper than that and if you are honest and cared enough to research her writings, you know that. Just find my posts in this thread where I have posted some of them and try to defend her after that.
Here is one for you, let's see you defend it-
"Today all classes in all countries try to exercise some control in regulating the size of their families. It is only the unfit, the less desirable, who procreate recklessly and without forethought or care. "

Yes, some of the quotes on that page about her and her thoughts makes her sound like a racist....but this was not uncommon in the era that she lived...congress even funded her projects and causes, with full support....who would have thunk it? I will say that I have seen information refuting some of the stuff said on that site, with references as's neither here or there....

How do you feel about Birth control? Are you against it? Are you against providing tax monies to the poorest among us to support, as example, their 10th and 11th and 12th etc child? Or do YOU side with Sanger on that...?

I can't tell you how many times posters that are conservative have posted that women SHOULD TAKE Birth control to prevent themselves from getting pregnant and having another baby on welfare.... at least a few hundred of those kind of comments here on USMB over the years I have been here from Republicans/conservatives/right wingers....which is in agreement with Sanger....

Do you support Margaret Sanger's cause, of educating and providing birth control/ information to those who can not afford to have more children than they already have....or that they can support? If so, then you are a Sanger supporter as well....
Sounds like something Trump would say about Mexicans. If you take a quote out of context of the time it was made and out of context of the rest of the writing, you can make it look like anything. Her overall theme was that poor women having child after child perpetuated poverty and illness. Republicans say the very same thing about african american women and poor people in general. She never advocated for abortion; only birth control. She correctly noted that allowing women to control the number of children they had would greatly increase the chances that the family could rise out of poverty.
Honey, it is not out of context. It is what Sanger/Slee believed. For anyone who takes the time to read all her articles, speeches through her years will find the same theme popping up throughout.
The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger Web Edition
As if you read a single fucking word of those writings. Had you done so, you would realize the truth of what I posted.
When are you going to start?
The left will defend anything......absolutely long as it's a liberal Democrat doing it. This ghoulish behavior is despicable. One member stated that people donate organs.....but that's something they have to grant permission for. In this case nobody gave them permission.

Yes, the woman who the fetus was extracted from gave permission.

The problem is you want to think that the fetus is a separate person from the woman it's inside.
Who gave permission?
Link? Anything of evidence?

the chicken egg will not become a human being.

the nut will not become a human being.

the caterpillar will not become a human being.

that sperm and egg together in a woman's body will become a human being....if it isn't murdered.....

That seems to be a difficult fucking concept for morons like you joe.......
"will become a human being." "Become: To grow or come to be." So, yes, the will come to be a human being, in the future.

If they aren't murdered....
Yes, I can't wait for school to start. When the kids are out on the playground for recess, I run in and steal all of their lunches.

Don't be dishonest. You nuts have no problem cutting food stamps and school lunches.

If a woman is carrying a child and intends to birth it, and there is an abnormality, she goes to the hospital, or her Obgyn. That is not the function of planned parenthood. In fact that name is misleading.

Thanks to the nuttiness of the anti-choice types who MURDER abortion doctors, PP is often the only place women can secure abortions. Most OB/GYN don't perform abortions or aren't set up to do late procedures.[/QUOTE]

Gee, if we could only figure out a way to prevent pregnancy!

And your bullshit doesn't resonate with normal Americans. We want food stamps to pay for food. Not drugs, not liquor, not strip clubs.

Never murdered anyone, and have enough of a mind to realize what happens when you run out of baby parts to sell, you start looking for more parts. It has nothing to do with planning for parenthood.

Late procedures. What a civil way to describe slitting infant's necks.
Go watch one. Take some popcorn.....
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When they get done selling the good bits they have leftovers.

Where's the market?

Dog food?
Dried and salted?
Chocolate coated?

Surely such a progressive cult cannot tolerate waste......
Irrelevant. The baby is not part of her body.

It is until it can live without it.
False. Conjoined twins who cannot live without the other are considered separate persons.

True. Once they are born they are unique persons - conjoined or not. It's also a false comparison. Conjoined twins require each other to live. A mother does not require the zygote, blastocyst or fetus in order to live and her body may expel it naturally at any time.

So dependence is not a qualifier, good.

Prior to birth or viability - they are part of the mother's body.
Again, false. The developing baby creates a filter to prevent mixing of blood between the two. The baby has unique DNA and features. He/she moves without the mother's control. Tell you what, ask the next 100 pregnant women you see if what is growing inside of her is a part of her body or a baby. See what they say. Also, if you kill a pregnant woman, you can have multiple murder charges lodged against you. That would be impossible if the developing baby is in fact merely a part of the mother's body.

The DNA may be "unique" but it is still part of the mother's body until it is viable. If it were not, then we could simply remove it from the host incubator and transplant it into someone else who wanted it.

That's simply the way it is.
No, it is not and again you make this claim when it it factually incorrect.

Would you call a tape worm human or part of a person? Of course not - it is a separate being that lives inside of a host. The state of being in a another body does not make you a part of that body weather or not you can survive outside of it. Surviving separate from the host is entirely irrelevant.
Planned Parenthood head sorry for tone in video on fetal tissue use Reuters

Planned Parenthood's president apologized on Thursday for the "tone and statements" of a senior staff member who was secretly recorded in a video that critics say suggests the U.S. reproductive health organization sells aborted fetal tissue.

Notice how the article says "fetal tissue" instead of "organs".

Here's the best part:

Richards said Planned Parenthood stood by its work helping women to donate tissue for "lifesaving" research.

It never enters the bitch's twisted little mind they do "lifesaving" research by killing a million babies a year to get at those organs.
Planned Parenthood head sorry for tone in video on fetal tissue use Reuters

Planned Parenthood's president apologized on Thursday for the "tone and statements" of a senior staff member who was secretly recorded in a video that critics say suggests the U.S. reproductive health organization sells aborted fetal tissue.

Notice how the article says "fetal tissue" instead of "organs".

Here's the best part:

Richards said Planned Parenthood stood by its work helping women to donate tissue for "lifesaving" research.

It never enters the bitch's twisted little mind they do "lifesaving" research by killing a million babies a year to get at those organs.
That is what happens to your mind when you have spend decades trying to convince yourself that it really is not a living being but a clump of cells that happened at the wrong time.

Planned Parenthood head sorry for tone in video on fetal tissue use Reuters

Planned Parenthood's president apologized on Thursday for the "tone and statements" of a senior staff member who was secretly recorded in a video that critics say suggests the U.S. reproductive health organization sells aborted fetal tissue.

Notice how the article says "fetal tissue" instead of "organs".

Here's the best part:

Richards said Planned Parenthood stood by its work helping women to donate tissue for "lifesaving" research.

It never enters the bitch's twisted little mind they do "lifesaving" research by killing a million babies a year to get at those organs.
Notice how the woman in the video says "heart" not heart tissue, etc...

But let's not believe her own words.
Let's believe the PR spin doctor's words two days later
You know what is amazing to me is it's not the slitting of the throats, or the crushing of the heads of those infants, but what is done with the remains that causes tears and anger. Why? Do they suddenly deserve respect? But not enough to let them take their first breath?

actually, the disposition of medical waste doesn't bother me, either. It's medical waste, it doesn't deserve respect. Unless it finds a cure to a disease using it.

You don't like abortion, don't have one.

You're a sick bastard
Given your posting history of hate, you're in no position to call anyone "sick."
The level of irony here is astonishing....

I've yet to see you post anything that was not irrational hate on your part.
Again, let me point out that as bad as killing babies is, remember this is PLANNED PARENTHOOD who is supposed to be all about women's HEALTH, helping women, etc...and they are talking about putting those women in danger in order to successfully harvest TISSUE to sell.

The doctor speaks very explicitly about changing the procedure from the legal late term abortion procedure, to the illegal partial birth is not only illegal to perform partial birth abortion (though she says glibly as long as she says at the beginning that they have no intention of using that particular procedure, they're covered later) but it's illegal to ALTER THE PROCEDURE in order to ACCOMMODATE tissue donation/extraction/sale...whatever you want to call it.

Layers upon layers of abuse, racketeering, and criminality.
Dude, GFY. I'm sick of your "I'm the smartest person in the room". You're not, you're just another loudmouth left loon. That's it

I don't need to be the smartest person in the room.

Just smarter than you.

But nearly everyone is.
Sanger's motives ran much deeper than that and if you are honest and cared enough to research her writings, you know that. Just find my posts in this thread where I have posted some of them and try to defend her after that.

You mean the misattributed, taken out of context quotes that you try to make into something sinister?

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