Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Lie to yourself all you want, this is on same level. BTW evil always progress' further and further as is becoming evident.
YOu are ignorant arent you.......those babies are just as alive dumbass

How aware is a zygote?

How about partial-birth don't believe that baby knows it's being murdered?

Partial-birth (or late term) abortions are very rare and strictly regulated (as it should be) - meaning it's usually done for the woman's health or life.

Given that - who would you rather kill - the fetus or the mother?
"I watched this video which was heavily edited to the point where you really didn't get the context, and you really can't tell what she was referring to."
- A Person Heavily in Denial

Let me help you Joe: She was talking about selling baby parts.

Got it now?

No, she was talking about providing voluntarily donated tissues for medical research.

Research that saves thousands of lives.
Partial-birth (or late term) abortions are very rare and strictly regulated (as it should be) - meaning it's usually done for the woman's health or life.

Given that - who would you rather kill - the fetus or the mother?

The mother...any woman who'd murder her own child deserves what she's willing to do....over 58,000,000 abortions in the US since Roe v Wade....the entire population of Canada is about 32,000,000...imagine the scientists, athletes, musicians, artists, etc etc who were betrayed by their own mothers....disgusting.
The mother...any woman who'd murder her own child deserves what she's willing to do....over 58,000,000 abortions in the US since Roe v Wade....the entire population of Canada is about 32,000,000...imagine the scientists, athletes, musicians, artists, etc etc who were betrayed by their own mothers....disgusting.

Okay, guy, you avoided Coyote's point.

We did not have 58 million "partial birth abortions".

Most abortions are performed between weeks 8-12 when the fetus is the size of a kidney bean and its pain receptors haven't been turned on yet.

I know the thought of women controlling their own sexuality upsets you, but the dirty little secret is, they always have.
You pro lifers amaze me.

Your argument can be completely destroyed and exposed for the ingnorant hysteria it really is.....

Then like a boomarang, you can just forget that all happened, and relax in your hyperbole of hate.

You go watch a partial birth abortion, and you'll never forget that it happened. Do you know why you can watch ISIS murdering people on you tube, but not a partial birth abortion? Because your hyperbole of bullshit, would never convince any human being with a conscience that it is ok to slit a baby's neck before the umbilical cord is cut.

A little education on what we can do to newborns because of the hyperbole of "I know my rights!"

Legal Affairs
At 24 weeks a fetus is not an embryo, it is also considered viable. Abortions are highly restricted in those cases and usually done for health or life of mother or severe fetal defects.

I'm still wondering about this claim of full-term abortions, and babies being born, killed and sold for body parts.

I'm wondering about a lot of it. I need research when a liver and heart are viable. I should do that

I would research the facts first if I were you - thus far, they seem to be missing from much of the discussion.

Please point out anything I've said that isn't factual. I do my research

She's just saying that so she can continue to try to justify baby killing.

Let me know when you are willing to offer up your uterus for an unwanted fetus. Until then, stay the hell out of other people's lives :)
Fuck off. When a child is created in my body I use my body to protect it. That's what a decent human does. You serve these women up on platters to PP to butcher and abuse for profit. Spare me your fake, self righteous posturing. You don't care about women,you justify the abuse of them.
Partial-birth (or late term) abortions are very rare and strictly regulated (as it should be) - meaning it's usually done for the woman's health or life.

Given that - who would you rather kill - the fetus or the mother?

The mother...any woman who'd murder her own child deserves what she's willing to do....over 58,000,000 abortions in the US since Roe v Wade....the entire population of Canada is about 32,000,000...imagine the scientists, athletes, musicians, artists, etc etc who were betrayed by their own mothers....disgusting.

1. So if one had to die, because late term abortions usually are done when the mother's life or health are in danger -you would insist it would be the mother. Well, right there you are no better than those who say it should be the fetus. Your choosing murder.

2. imagine the Stalins, Hitlers, Pol Pot's, Tsarnaev's, etc who were betrayed by their own mothers's...;
You go watch a partial birth abortion, and you'll never forget that it happened. Do you know why you can watch ISIS murdering people on you tube, but not a partial birth abortion? Because your hyperbole of bullshit, would never convince any human being with a conscience that it is ok to slit a baby's neck before the umbilical cord is cut.

A little education on what we can do to newborns because of the hyperbole of "I know my rights!"

Legal Affairs
I'm wondering about a lot of it. I need research when a liver and heart are viable. I should do that

I would research the facts first if I were you - thus far, they seem to be missing from much of the discussion.

Please point out anything I've said that isn't factual. I do my research

She's just saying that so she can continue to try to justify baby killing.

Let me know when you are willing to offer up your uterus for an unwanted fetus. Until then, stay the hell out of other people's lives :)
Fuck off. When a child is created in my body I use my body to protect it. That's what a decent human does. You serve these women up on platters to PP to butcher and abuse for profit. Spare me your fake, self righteous posturing. You don't care about women,you justify the abuse of them.

:lol: you don't give a damn about the woman. Your concern stops at birth.
And your PP doctor makes it very clear that they're doing a lot of late term abortions. We all know it. Racketeering....your heroes are gbouls a d criminals.
I would research the facts first if I were you - thus far, they seem to be missing from much of the discussion.

Please point out anything I've said that isn't factual. I do my research

She's just saying that so she can continue to try to justify baby killing.

Let me know when you are willing to offer up your uterus for an unwanted fetus. Until then, stay the hell out of other people's lives :)
Fuck off. When a child is created in my body I use my body to protect it. That's what a decent human does. You serve these women up on platters to PP to butcher and abuse for profit. Spare me your fake, self righteous posturing. You don't care about women,you justify the abuse of them.

:lol: you don't give a damn about the woman. Your concern stops at birth.
Oh look another meme straight from the 'how to justify the exploitation of desperate women and make money off their plight' corner. Fuck off again. You support the butchery of them for profit. Tell me how that makes you superior to any rapist.
1. So if one had to die, because late term abortions usually are done when the mother's life or health are in danger -you would insist it would be the mother. Well, right there you are no better than those who say it should be the fetus. Your choosing murder.

2. imagine the Stalins, Hitlers, Pol Pot's, Tsarnaev's, etc who were betrayed by their own mothers's...;

I don't accept your premise of it being a choice between the mother and the baby. By the time a child is ready to present, with a heartbeat, a central nervous system, and functioning organs, to end its life by stabbing it in the head and vacuuming out it's brain, is murder plain and simple.

I have no idea why history's monsters (you've left out thousands of them) has anything to do with're the one advocating for never knowing how the child might turn out.
1. So if one had to die, because late term abortions usually are done when the mother's life or health are in danger -you would insist it would be the mother. Well, right there you are no better than those who say it should be the fetus. Your choosing murder.

2. imagine the Stalins, Hitlers, Pol Pot's, Tsarnaev's, etc who were betrayed by their own mothers's...;

I don't accept your premise of it being a choice between the mother and the baby. By the time a child is ready to present, with a heartbeat, a central nervous system, and functioning organs, to end its life by stabbing it in the head and vacuuming out it's brain, is murder plain and simple.

I have no idea why history's monsters (you've left out thousands of them) has anything to do with're the one advocating for never knowing how the child might turn out.
And victimizing desperate, pregnant women for profit.
Coyote is pretending if pp wasn't there to kill full term babies, every sick pregnant woman would die because doctors won't perform medically necessary abortions. It's a lid, of course. Pp doesn't perform medically necessary abortions...those are performed in hospitals by docs with admitting privileges. Pp performs elective abortions only.

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