Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014

( – Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014 (which ran from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014), according to Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s newly released annual report.

That works out to an average of 37 abortions per hour or nearly 1 every 90 seconds.

Planned Parenthood also received $528.4 million from government grants and reimbursements, which equaled 41 percent of its revenue.

Planned Parenthood We Aborted 327 653 in FY2014 CNS News

Through its education, birth control and prenatal support, Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Conservative attempts to ban abortion, harass and shame pregnant women
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
Since when is abortion, birth control?

Since Republican's decided to push abstinence over education? :p
Since when does education reject abstinence?
( – Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014 (which ran from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014), according to Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s newly released annual report.

That works out to an average of 37 abortions per hour or nearly 1 every 90 seconds.

Planned Parenthood also received $528.4 million from government grants and reimbursements, which equaled 41 percent of its revenue.

Planned Parenthood We Aborted 327 653 in FY2014 CNS News

Through its education, birth control and prenatal support, Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Conservative attempts to ban abortion, harass and shame pregnant women
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
Since when is abortion, birth control?

It is an option available to all women

If you don't like that option.....make other choices available to women
Otherwise, stop bitching about the number of abortions
I just prefer to keep my nose out of other peoples crotches. What goes on between a woman and her doctor is none of my business.
I propose a compromise....keep your nose out of other people's crotches AND don't kill unborn children......see?'s win/win!.......

Except you have no authority to decide who will or will not have his/her civil rights, and in this case the right to privacy.
I just prefer to keep my nose out of other peoples crotches. What goes on between a woman and her doctor is none of my business.
I propose a compromise....keep your nose out of other people's crotches AND don't kill unborn children......see?'s win/win!.......

Here is a better solution...mind your OWN business. The law is as fair as fair can be. If you oppose abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE. What someone else chooses in none of your it?
so we should just ignore the problem because only those who have no vocal chords have the right to speak out?......go the fuck away.....
That unseemly drool on your keyboard notwithstanding, you and your posse need to step up to the plate and begin actually providing for the medical needs of the women you want to prevent from continuing pregnancies that can endanger their health or lives.

Do it for the children, man!
Yeah cause we don't have medicaid and chips in this country. Oh, wait, we do have medicaid and chips in this country! Are you a moron, or just ignorant?
You should do your homework. Medicaid does not universally cover abortion.

You, personally will need to cover the unfunded costs.
If you make abortion the best option she has available to herself, she will choose it
which is precisely why we want abortion to be unavailable......

Abortion is the law of the land and is available throughout most of the world. Wishing it was unavailable will not change anything. Abortion has been available for 45 years and will not go away

Your best option is to give women an alternative to abortion.

Don't get pregnant in the first place
Free prenatal care and maternity care
Job protection for pregnant women
Low cost childcare
Those options have been available since time immortal.
( – Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014 (which ran from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014), according to Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s newly released annual report.

That works out to an average of 37 abortions per hour or nearly 1 every 90 seconds.

Planned Parenthood also received $528.4 million from government grants and reimbursements, which equaled 41 percent of its revenue.

Planned Parenthood We Aborted 327 653 in FY2014 CNS News

Through its education, birth control and prenatal support, Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Conservative attempts to ban abortion, harass and shame pregnant women
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
( – Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014 (which ran from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014), according to Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s newly released annual report.

That works out to an average of 37 abortions per hour or nearly 1 every 90 seconds.

Planned Parenthood also received $528.4 million from government grants and reimbursements, which equaled 41 percent of its revenue.

Planned Parenthood We Aborted 327 653 in FY2014 CNS News

Through its education, birth control and prenatal support, Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Conservative attempts to ban abortion, harass and shame pregnant women
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........
So much for your bible tales of a Virgin Mary.
If you make abortion the best option she has available to herself, she will choose it
which is precisely why we want abortion to be unavailable......

Abortion is the law of the land and is available throughout most of the world. Wishing it was unavailable will not change anything. Abortion has been available for 45 years and will not go away

Your best option is to give women an alternative to abortion.

Don't get pregnant in the first place
Free prenatal care and maternity care
Job protection for pregnant women
Low cost childcare
Those options have been available since time immortal.

Postmodern made reference to abortion because pregnancy is inconvenient
To a single woman (and married women too) a pregancy is "inconvenient". It changes your life, your ability to work, your future economic status. A pregnant woman has a decision to make

The easier you make the decision to keep the baby ...the less likely she is to choose abortion
Through its education, birth control and prenatal support, Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Conservative attempts to ban abortion, harass and shame pregnant women
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
Since when is abortion, birth control?

Since Republican's decided to push abstinence over education? :p
Since when does education reject abstinence?

Since studies show it doesn't work.

Mr. CHRIS TRENHOLM (Researcher, Mathematica): We don't find any impacts of the program on sexual abstinence, so there's no difference between the youth in the program group and the youth in the control group and the proportion of who have abstained from sex.

ABRAMSON: The study looked at four programs that served 2000 rural and urban kids. Half got abstinence counseling, half did not. Kids in both groups were just as likely to have sex at the tender age of 14 years and nine months. Parents, you can now remove your fingernails from the steering wheel.

Mr. WILLIAM SMITH (Vice President for Public Policy, Sexuality Information and Education Council): We've spent $1.5 billion on abstinence until marriage programs over 25 years, and we still don't have a single shred of evidence that show that they work.

Study Abstinence Only Goes Only So Far NPR
( – Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014 (which ran from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014), according to Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s newly released annual report.

That works out to an average of 37 abortions per hour or nearly 1 every 90 seconds.

Planned Parenthood also received $528.4 million from government grants and reimbursements, which equaled 41 percent of its revenue.

Planned Parenthood We Aborted 327 653 in FY2014 CNS News

Through its education, birth control and prenatal support, Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Conservative attempts to ban abortion, harass and shame pregnant women
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
( – Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014 (which ran from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014), according to Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s newly released annual report.

That works out to an average of 37 abortions per hour or nearly 1 every 90 seconds.

Planned Parenthood also received $528.4 million from government grants and reimbursements, which equaled 41 percent of its revenue.

Planned Parenthood We Aborted 327 653 in FY2014 CNS News

Through its education, birth control and prenatal support, Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Conservative attempts to ban abortion, harass and shame pregnant women
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
Since when is abortion, birth control?

It is an option available to all women

If you don't like that option.....make other choices available to women
Otherwise, stop bitching about the number of abortions
The other choices are available. My issue with abortions is that for children that have a beating heart and functional brain, those children should have an advocate that fights for the child. The mother should loose her right to be the guardian of the child when she has decided to kill it for no other reason than money, time, or other common burdens of child bearing.
Through its education, birth control and prenatal support, Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Conservative attempts to ban abortion, harass and shame pregnant women
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
She became pregnant because abstinence failed. Every woman knows that sex leads to pregnancy. Screaming that women should be abstinent is obviously not working. Hasn't worked in the historyof mankind

Married women have abortions too. Believe it or not, they are not abstinent
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
She became pregnant because abstinence failed. Every woman knows that sex leads to pregnancy. Screaming that women should be abstinent is obviously not working. Hasn't worked in the historyof mankind

Married women have abortions too. Believe it or not, they are not abstinent
The other part of the equation is that men also need to be abstinent. Women and men have never been so.

An absolutist proscription as screeched out by the religious far, far, off the page right doesn't work and has never worked.
Through its education, birth control and prenatal support, Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Conservative attempts to ban abortion, harass and shame pregnant women
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
How interesting that you chose to include only the woman as the party needing to practice abstinence.

Here, let me offer a band-aid for those scraped knuckles you got by attempting to walk upright.
The authoritarianism and extremism, along with contempt for the privacy rights of others is typical among religious nutters. They can't seem to keep their noses out of other peoples crotches.
really?....we aren't the ones who want to kill because they are inconvenienced.....

Rape and incest are also an inconvenience. (eye roll)

In a perfect world, no one would get pregnant until its planned. Do we live in a perfect world? have no moral standing to support the 99% of unborn child killings that don't involve rape or incest, so you only talk about the 1%.....fine, I waive any objection to abortions in the case of rape or how are you going to defend your position?.......

I'm going to defend my position by saying the Supreme Court made the right decision, and women should not have to give birth against their will.
( – Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014 (which ran from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014), according to Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s newly released annual report.

That works out to an average of 37 abortions per hour or nearly 1 every 90 seconds.

Planned Parenthood also received $528.4 million from government grants and reimbursements, which equaled 41 percent of its revenue.

Planned Parenthood We Aborted 327 653 in FY2014 CNS News

Through its education, birth control and prenatal support, Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all the Conservative attempts to ban abortion, harass and shame pregnant women
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

Just ask Bristol Palin.

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