Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014

to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.
Yeah, it sends out the message, if you're gonna have sex -- use a condom.
No, it says here boys and girls go out to the parking lot and have some fun with these toys.
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

We should go beyond that. We should have ice cream trucks driving down every street handing out free birth control. Condoms, pills, morning after...whatever you need

You want to reduce abortion don't you?

We can do that, take away the $7 BILLION for the Latin American "CHILDREN" INVADERS and POOOF, it's done!
Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.
You can pass them out, but you cannot make guys use them, and apparently women cannot demand they be used.

The answer is "free" birth control for women, easily available.

That would take the sperm donors out of the equation, and the abortionists too.
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

We should go beyond that. We should have ice cream trucks driving down every street handing out free birth control. Condoms, pills, morning after...whatever you need

You want to reduce abortion don't you?
I don't necessarily want to reduce abortion. I want them to occur before the fetus is alive, before the fetus is a baby.

More sex does not lead to less pregnancies. Even if most of the additional sex is "protected" sex, becoming sexually active will, by and large, lead to experimentation in "un-protected" sex.
Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

How is educating about safe sex sending the wrong message? It prevents STD's and UNWANTED PREGNANCIES! Isn't that the goal?
To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.
Yeah, it sends out the message, if you're gonna have sex -- use a condom.
No, it says here boys and girls go out to the parking lot and have some fun with these toys.

They were already doing that long before condoms. This is not something new.
Education is key: Stats show that educating women (stressing the word "women") reduces the birth rate in areas where women have no options aside from marriage (chattel transfer from father to husband) and childbearing. The moment that women are given options for their lives is the moment when they decide to plan their families, rather than resigning themselves to be brood mares.
To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

We should go beyond that. We should have ice cream trucks driving down every street handing out free birth control. Condoms, pills, morning after...whatever you need

You want to reduce abortion don't you?
I don't necessarily want to reduce abortion. I want them to occur before the fetus is alive, before the fetus is a baby.

More sex does not lead to less pregnancies. Even if most of the additional sex is "protected" sex, becoming sexually active will, by and large, lead to experimentation in "un-protected" sex.

People are sexually active....for some reason, they enjoy it

People will continue to fuck, it is what they do. Telling people not to fuck does not work. Never has

What we need is responsible sex and accountability for the number of children you have. That is what Planned Parenthood advocates
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
She became pregnant because abstinence failed. Every woman knows that sex leads to pregnancy. Screaming that women should be abstinent is obviously not working. Hasn't worked in the historyof mankind

Married women have abortions too. Believe it or not, they are not abstinent
Uhmmm abstinence can't fail. Having sex is not the same as abstinence. The couple decided to have sex, deciding to have sex is not the same as deciding to be abstinent.

Yes, people may and do have sex. Child sex offenders also can and do have sex. Does that mean we should stop screaming that Child sex offenders should be punished? Why should we punish or scream about Child sex offenders when that is "obviously not working? "Hasn't worked in the history of mankind."
Once you have had sex, abstinence has failed
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstinence

People have is what we do. Trying to block natural desires has never worked and never will

No, abstinence did not fail, abstinence can't fail, the couple "changed" their mind. Much like a gun can't shoot someone without an operator, the operator of the gun is the killer not the gun. Many people who buy guns don't intend to be killers, but sometimes those people change their mind. The gun has no mind of it's own, like abstinence the guns is just a tool.

You say, "people have is what we do." Sex is a choice.

I have a natural desire to slap Obama for what he's done to my country. I've been blocked by reason and a clear understanding that his security team would probably tackle and arrest me if I demanded he meet me in a man to man fight of his choosing.

Our ability to block natural desires through reason is what makes us higher animals.

But I will agree with you that some of us lack higher levels of reasoning.
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

How is educating about safe sex sending the wrong message? It prevents STD's and UNWANTED PREGNANCIES! Isn't that the goal?
Handing out free condoms like free candy, is not educating children about safe sex. Handing out free food is not educating children about food.
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

We should go beyond that. We should have ice cream trucks driving down every street handing out free birth control. Condoms, pills, morning after...whatever you need

You want to reduce abortion don't you?
I don't necessarily want to reduce abortion. I want them to occur before the fetus is alive, before the fetus is a baby.

More sex does not lead to less pregnancies. Even if most of the additional sex is "protected" sex, becoming sexually active will, by and large, lead to experimentation in "un-protected" sex.

People are sexually active....for some reason, they enjoy it

People will continue to fuck, it is what they do. Telling people not to fuck does not work. Never has

What we need is responsible sex and accountability for the number of children you have. That is what Planned Parenthood advocates
Some people are sexually active. Some people are irresponsible. For some reason, they enjoy being irresponsible.

Telling people to not be irresponsible does not work, never has.

My point is not to promote or reject sex education or abstinence education. My point is really quite simple. Which is, sex and abstinence are choices free people make. Not sure why that simple fact goes over the head of so many people.
Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

We should go beyond that. We should have ice cream trucks driving down every street handing out free birth control. Condoms, pills, morning after...whatever you need

You want to reduce abortion don't you?
I don't necessarily want to reduce abortion. I want them to occur before the fetus is alive, before the fetus is a baby.

More sex does not lead to less pregnancies. Even if most of the additional sex is "protected" sex, becoming sexually active will, by and large, lead to experimentation in "un-protected" sex.

People are sexually active....for some reason, they enjoy it

People will continue to fuck, it is what they do. Telling people not to fuck does not work. Never has

What we need is responsible sex and accountability for the number of children you have. That is what Planned Parenthood advocates
Some people are sexually active. Some people are irresponsible. For some reason, they enjoy being irresponsible.

Telling people to not be irresponsible does not work, never has.

My point is not to promote or reject sex education or abstinence education. My point is really quite simple. Which is, sex and abstinence are choices free people make. Not sure why that simple fact goes over the head of so many people.

Right now, it is not just a choice between sex and abstinence

There is also birth control and abortion

If we want to reduce the number of abortions, we need to do more than advocate abstinence
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

We should go beyond that. We should have ice cream trucks driving down every street handing out free birth control. Condoms, pills, morning after...whatever you need

You want to reduce abortion don't you?
I don't necessarily want to reduce abortion. I want them to occur before the fetus is alive, before the fetus is a baby.

More sex does not lead to less pregnancies. Even if most of the additional sex is "protected" sex, becoming sexually active will, by and large, lead to experimentation in "un-protected" sex.

People are sexually active....for some reason, they enjoy it

People will continue to fuck, it is what they do. Telling people not to fuck does not work. Never has

What we need is responsible sex and accountability for the number of children you have. That is what Planned Parenthood advocates
Some people are sexually active. Some people are irresponsible. For some reason, they enjoy being irresponsible.

Telling people to not be irresponsible does not work, never has.

My point is not to promote or reject sex education or abstinence education. My point is really quite simple. Which is, sex and abstinence are choices free people make. Not sure why that simple fact goes over the head of so many people.

Right now, it is not just a choice between sex and abstinence

There is also birth control and abortion

If we want to reduce the number of abortions, we need to do more than advocate abstinence
Agreed, if we want.. But really I don't think abortions in and of themselves is the issue at all. I think the issue is when they happen.

For example, we are all gonna die some day, right? But our doctors can't just pull the plug on us while we are viable human beings, with beating hearts and brain waves right?

The issue most "rational" people have with abortions is the killing of human beings.

The law already proscribes that a "person" with a beating heart and / or brain wave activity is not to be killed unless, for example, that person has personally requested to be taken off life support in the event his body is no longer functioning without mechanical and chemical assistance, yes?

Again I don't necessarily want to reduce the number of abortions. I want to reduce the number of killings of human beings. I would specify a legal abortion as the killing of fetus that does not have a beating heart and/or measured brain wave activity. If the "person" has a beating heart and/or measured brain wave activity but is not able to speak for itself yet, such as a baby in the womb, then an advocate should be assigned by a court, and a judge should hold judgement over whether the person should be allowed to be killed by a physician at the request of the parent.

The mission of Planned Parenthood is
  • to provide comprehensive reproductive and complementary health care services in settings which preserve and protect the essential privacy and rights of each individual
  • to advocate public policies which guarantee these rights and ensure access to such services
  • to provide educational programs which enhance understanding of individual and societal implications of human sexuality
  • to promote research and the advancement of technology in reproductive health care and encourage understanding of their inherent bioethical, behavioral, and social implications
Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual's income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence. We believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of our organization are essential to our well-being. We believe that reproductive self-determination must be voluntary and preserve the individual's right to privacy. We further believe that such self-determination will contribute to an enhancement of the quality of life and strong family relationships.
Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual's income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence. We believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of our organization are essential to our well-being. We believe that reproductive self-determination must be voluntary and preserve the individual's right to privacy. We further believe that such self-determination will contribute to an enhancement of the quality of life and strong family relationships.
Yeah and it's a shame they don't give a shit about the babies.
Prior to Planned Parenthood you could get arrested for dicussing birth control in public. Women had 10-12 pregnancies in their lifetime and often died in childbirth. Sex education was considered pornography

Today, women have 2-3 children in their lifetime. They are able to control the size of their families to a size they can manage personally and economically.

Planned Parenthood fought the fight
To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

How is educating about safe sex sending the wrong message? It prevents STD's and UNWANTED PREGNANCIES! Isn't that the goal?
Handing out free condoms like free candy, is not educating children about safe sex. Handing out free food is not educating children about food.

Condoms never killed anyone
Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual's income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence. We believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of our organization are essential to our well-being. We believe that reproductive self-determination must be voluntary and preserve the individual's right to privacy. We further believe that such self-determination will contribute to an enhancement of the quality of life and strong family relationships.
Yeah and it's a shame they don't give a shit about the babies.

Complete nonsense.
Who cares? Women have the right to abortion. You don't get to make their choices for them.
We get to decide the consequences of people's choices.

There is no right to abortion.

Consequences? Like WHAT?

If YOU want a woman's uterus to become property of the state, then YOU have to accept THOSE consequences.

A pregnancy requires special care and services for a woman. Are YOU willing to PAY for her prenatal care? Are you willing to PAY for her numerous doctor visits, tests, vitamins and ultrsound? Are YOU willing to PAY for her special diet and make sure she eats healthy? Are YOU willing to make sure she doesn't smoke or drink to protect the health of the embryo?

Are you willing to PAY her prenatal care and delivery costs which can range from about $9,000 to over $250,000?

Are YOU willing to PAY for her maturity leave from her job?

What if the woman has medical complications that leave her permanently disabled? Are YOU willing to PAY to support her the rest of her life?

Consequences? I really don't believe you even thought about consequences.
Always the answer from liberals. Make somebody ELSE pay for your irresponsibility. I guess it also must be my fault that people go to jail for armed robbery because I'm not willing to send them a check every week so they don't have to work.

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