Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its fiscal year 2014

Who cares? Women have the right to abortion. You don't get to make their choices for them.
We get to decide the consequences of people's choices.

There is no right to abortion.

Consequences? Like WHAT?

If YOU want a woman's uterus to become property of the state, then YOU have to accept THOSE consequences.

A pregnancy requires special care and services for a woman. Are YOU willing to PAY for her prenatal care? Are you willing to PAY for her numerous doctor visits, tests, vitamins and ultrsound? Are YOU willing to PAY for her special diet and make sure she eats healthy? Are YOU willing to make sure she doesn't smoke or drink to protect the health of the embryo?

Are you willing to PAY her prenatal care and delivery costs which can range from about $9,000 to over $250,000?

Are YOU willing to PAY for her maturity leave from her job?

What if the woman has medical complications that leave her permanently disabled? Are YOU willing to PAY to support her the rest of her life?

Consequences? I really don't believe you even thought about consequences.
Always the answer from liberals. Make somebody ELSE pay for your irresponsibility. I guess it also must be my fault that people go to jail for armed robbery because I'm not willing to send them a check every week so they don't have to work.

Guess what?

You pay one way or another

You can either pay for inexpensive birth control or pay to raise the child of a single mother for 18 years
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

How is educating about safe sex sending the wrong message? It prevents STD's and UNWANTED PREGNANCIES! Isn't that the goal?
Handing out free condoms like free candy, is not educating children about safe sex. Handing out free food is not educating children about food.

Condoms never killed anyone
Yes, they have. But that is another subject.
Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual's income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence. We believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of our organization are essential to our well-being. We believe that reproductive self-determination must be voluntary and preserve the individual's right to privacy. We further believe that such self-determination will contribute to an enhancement of the quality of life and strong family relationships.
Yeah and it's a shame they don't give a shit about the babies.

Complete nonsense.
Yes, calling planned murder of children, planned parenthood, is complete and utter nonsense.
Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

How is educating about safe sex sending the wrong message? It prevents STD's and UNWANTED PREGNANCIES! Isn't that the goal?
Handing out free condoms like free candy, is not educating children about safe sex. Handing out free food is not educating children about food.

Condoms never killed anyone
Yes, they have. But that is another subject.

You do realize they are not an oral contraceptive don't you?
When I grew up if you wanted a condom you bought a condom or your dad gave you a stack. Now our schools hand them out like candy. Sorry but handing them out like candy sends the wrong message.

How is educating about safe sex sending the wrong message? It prevents STD's and UNWANTED PREGNANCIES! Isn't that the goal?
Handing out free condoms like free candy, is not educating children about safe sex. Handing out free food is not educating children about food.

Condoms never killed anyone
Yes, they have. But that is another subject.

You do realize they are not an oral contraceptive don't you?
Naked man suffocated in condom Metro News
Are condoms killing you This new contraceptive company wants you to think so -
Man chokes to death on condom - Israel News Ynetnews
STD Facts - Human papillomavirus HPV
Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual's income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence. We believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of our organization are essential to our well-being. We believe that reproductive self-determination must be voluntary and preserve the individual's right to privacy. We further believe that such self-determination will contribute to an enhancement of the quality of life and strong family relationships.
Yeah and it's a shame they don't give a shit about the babies.

Complete nonsense.
Yes, calling planned murder of children, planned parenthood, is complete and utter nonsense.

You don't know what you're talking about. PP provides contraception and other health services like cancer screening. You should go to their website and see all the services they provide.

Seeing how you know so little on this subject, please, whatever you do, don't start talking about lady parts.
Planned Parenthood believes in the fundamental right of each individual, throughout the world, to manage his or her fertility, regardless of the individual's income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence. We believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of our organization are essential to our well-being. We believe that reproductive self-determination must be voluntary and preserve the individual's right to privacy. We further believe that such self-determination will contribute to an enhancement of the quality of life and strong family relationships.
Yeah and it's a shame they don't give a shit about the babies.

Complete nonsense.
Yes, calling planned murder of children, planned parenthood, is complete and utter nonsense.

You don't know what you're talking about. PP provides contraception and other health services like cancer screening. You should go to their website and see all the services they provide.

Seeing how you know so little on this subject, please, whatever you do, don't start talking about lady parts.
A baby is not a lady part. It's a baby.
I just prefer to keep my nose out of other peoples crotches. What goes on between a woman and her doctor is none of my business.
I propose a compromise....keep your nose out of other people's crotches AND don't kill unborn children......see?'s win/win!.......

Here is a better solution...mind your OWN business. The law is as fair as fair can be. If you oppose abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE. What someone else chooses in none of your it?
I see so you would not lift a finger to save the life of a healthy child who is about to be killed by it's mother and doctor with a pair of pliers. This because it's none of your business. You don't think saving peoples lives is any of your business.

Let's change the scene. Let's put you in the operating room. The mother is on the table legs spread. The doctor has a video camera system set up receiving video from a tool inserted into the womb. The cute little baby is sucking it's thumb with a perfectly content smile on it's face. The doctor inserts his pair of pliers and places the business end of the pliers over the baby's skull. The baby instinctively pushes against the pliers and starts kicking wildly.. You can almost imagine that if the baby had air it would be screaming in pain. The doctor begins to slowly squeeze the baby's skull until it's brain explodes into a sea of blood in the womb. The doctor then inserts a large needle with a strong vacuum system to suck the babies body from the inside out through the needle.

At which part of this event do you start clapping and celebrating wildly at the success of killing this baby?

Nice emotional fairy tale describing an ILLEGAL abortion...

Here is your words for the day...

Fetal viability
Who cares? Women have the right to abortion. You don't get to make their choices for them.
We get to decide the consequences of people's choices.

There is no right to abortion.

Consequences? Like WHAT?

If YOU want a woman's uterus to become property of the state, then YOU have to accept THOSE consequences.

A pregnancy requires special care and services for a woman. Are YOU willing to PAY for her prenatal care? Are you willing to PAY for her numerous doctor visits, tests, vitamins and ultrsound? Are YOU willing to PAY for her special diet and make sure she eats healthy? Are YOU willing to make sure she doesn't smoke or drink to protect the health of the embryo?

Are you willing to PAY her prenatal care and delivery costs which can range from about $9,000 to over $250,000?

Are YOU willing to PAY for her maturity leave from her job?

What if the woman has medical complications that leave her permanently disabled? Are YOU willing to PAY to support her the rest of her life?

Consequences? I really don't believe you even thought about consequences.
Always the answer from liberals. Make somebody ELSE pay for your irresponsibility. I guess it also must be my fault that people go to jail for armed robbery because I'm not willing to send them a check every week so they don't have to work.

A woman who makes her own personal choice is taking personal responsibility for HER OWN life. YOU want to DICTATE what that choice is, so now YOU are taking responsibility for what follows.
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
She became pregnant because abstinence failed.
no dimwit....she became pregnant because she stopped fucking stupid ARE you......
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
How interesting that you chose to include only the woman as the party needing to practice abstinence.
when you are old enough to enjoy the experience you will learn that when the woman abstains, the man has no choice in the matter.....
The authoritarianism and extremism, along with contempt for the privacy rights of others is typical among religious nutters. They can't seem to keep their noses out of other peoples crotches.
really?....we aren't the ones who want to kill because they are inconvenienced.....

Rape and incest are also an inconvenience. (eye roll)

In a perfect world, no one would get pregnant until its planned. Do we live in a perfect world? have no moral standing to support the 99% of unborn child killings that don't involve rape or incest, so you only talk about the 1%.....fine, I waive any objection to abortions in the case of rape or how are you going to defend your position?.......

I'm going to defend my position by saying the Supreme Court made the right decision, and women should not have to give birth against their will.
and I am going to defend mine by pointing out that unborn children should not be killed against theirs.........
The authoritarianism and extremism, along with contempt for the privacy rights of others is typical among religious nutters. They can't seem to keep their noses out of other peoples crotches.
really?....we aren't the ones who want to kill because they are inconvenienced.....

Rape and incest are also an inconvenience. (eye roll)

In a perfect world, no one would get pregnant until its planned. Do we live in a perfect world? have no moral standing to support the 99% of unborn child killings that don't involve rape or incest, so you only talk about the 1%.....fine, I waive any objection to abortions in the case of rape or how are you going to defend your position?.......

I'm going to defend my position by saying the Supreme Court made the right decision, and women should not have to give birth against their will.
Yep. And the majority of Americans understand there are many conflicting interests and that Roe v. Wade is a workable compromise.
the dead children certainly feel compromised.....
bullshit......there is no evidence that PP has ever prevented an unwanted pregnancy.........

Planned Parenthood is the leading proponent of responsible parenting. You should only have the children you want and can afford to support

As such, Planned parenthood has been at the forefront of sex education and open access to birth control for all

Conservative policies of abstenance, bans and shaming of pregnant women have done little in comparison
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....

Try telling that to horny teenagers! :D It's better to arm them with education.....AND CONDOMS!
.....which has prevented more education that promotes abstinence or sex education that ridicules abstinence
Fortunately, we're in America ... you don't get to make that choice for others. Sounds like you should probably move to Afghanistan and join up with the Taliban ... they share your thoughts on the subject.
what about the choice you are making for the unborn child?.....
I just prefer to keep my nose out of other peoples crotches. What goes on between a woman and her doctor is none of my business.
I propose a compromise....keep your nose out of other people's crotches AND don't kill unborn children......see?'s win/win!.......

Here is a better solution...mind your OWN business. The law is as fair as fair can be. If you oppose abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE. What someone else chooses in none of your it?
I see so you would not lift a finger to save the life of a healthy child who is about to be killed by it's mother and doctor with a pair of pliers. This because it's none of your business. You don't think saving peoples lives is any of your business.

Let's change the scene. Let's put you in the operating room. The mother is on the table legs spread. The doctor has a video camera system set up receiving video from a tool inserted into the womb. The cute little baby is sucking it's thumb with a perfectly content smile on it's face. The doctor inserts his pair of pliers and places the business end of the pliers over the baby's skull. The baby instinctively pushes against the pliers and starts kicking wildly.. You can almost imagine that if the baby had air it would be screaming in pain. The doctor begins to slowly squeeze the baby's skull until it's brain explodes into a sea of blood in the womb. The doctor then inserts a large needle with a strong vacuum system to suck the babies body from the inside out through the needle.

At which part of this event do you start clapping and celebrating wildly at the success of killing this baby?

Nice emotional fairy tale describing an ILLEGAL abortion...

Here is your words for the day...

Fetal viability
My scenario is not a fairy tale, and covers babies that are alive, but not yet viable. My scenario covers LEGAL abortions.

For example, my scenario is on TARGET for babies who are late in their first trimester through their second trimester. My scenario is on TARGET FOR babies that are deemed to not be viable outside the womb, but who most certainly are alive, thinking, and moving around with beating hearts and functional brains.

I can't believe you did not know this? But maybe that explains your point of view on this subject. I'm not making shit up.
to the contrary.....every single person who has practiced abstinence has avoided an unwanted pregnancy.......does PP have a better track record than 100%?........

To the contrary
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstenence
I hate it when I have to point out the obvious but if the woman is pregnant she didn't practice abstinence........failure is not success.....losing a baseball game is not winning.....
She became pregnant because abstinence failed. Every woman knows that sex leads to pregnancy. Screaming that women should be abstinent is obviously not working. Hasn't worked in the historyof mankind

Married women have abortions too. Believe it or not, they are not abstinent
Uhmmm abstinence can't fail. Having sex is not the same as abstinence. The couple decided to have sex, deciding to have sex is not the same as deciding to be abstinent.

Yes, people may and do have sex. Child sex offenders also can and do have sex. Does that mean we should stop screaming that Child sex offenders should be punished? Why should we punish or scream about Child sex offenders when that is "obviously not working? "Hasn't worked in the history of mankind."
Once you have had sex, abstinence has failed
EVERY unwanted pregnancy is a failure of abstinence

People have is what we do. Trying to block natural desires has never worked and never will
and once you have said something stupid, not saying anything has failed.......I'm sorry you said something stupid but trying to cover it up just makes you look worse.......abstinence, by definition, never fails.......

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