Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?
That's a pretty lazy spin job. Did someone link to that on your Facebook feed or did you hear about it in a chain e-mail?
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?

Tragic world.

No crimes done by the immoral left are prosecuted. Not as long as we have a corrupt Administration, a cowardly republican congress and a complicit dishonorable media.

Planned Parenthood is a perfect example of how Jesus described some Pharisees ---- "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside, but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and every impurity."
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?
I read the are a dishonest sack of shit.
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?
I read the are a dishonest sack of shit.

It's not his fault he's gullible. It's the abject dishonesty of the article he linked to that's the problem.
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?
I read the are a dishonest sack of shit.

It's not his fault he's gullible. It's the abject dishonesty of the article he linked to that's the problem.
And his intellectual laziness to post knee jerk crap w/o vetting it...
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?
I read the are a dishonest sack of shit.

Healthy, Happy and Hot: A young people's guide to rights

Young people living with HIV have the right to:

  • express and enjoy their sexuality
  • decide if, when, and how to disclose their HIV status
  • experience sexual pleasure
  • take care of their sexual health
  • practise safer sex
  • choose if, when, how many, and with whom to have children
  • access support and services that respect their dignity, autonomy, privacy and well-being
Well, libs keep lying. We have all figured out by now that liberals don't like hearing the truth, and will deny it even when the truth is proven.

It's like how Bill Clinton denied raping and molesting women, over and over, and continued to deny it during a deposition when he was sworn to tell the truth (perjury).

Clinton was disbarred for that, but liberals love him anyway, despite his disgraceful behavior as a sexual predator.
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?
I read the are a dishonest sack of shit.

Healthy, Happy and Hot: A young people's guide to rights

Young people living with HIV have the right to:

  • express and enjoy their sexuality
  • decide if, when, and how to disclose their HIV status
  • experience sexual pleasure
  • take care of their sexual health
  • practise safer sex
  • choose if, when, how many, and with whom to have children
  • access support and services that respect their dignity, autonomy, privacy and well-being

Which is a lot different than this:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?
I read the are a dishonest sack of shit.

Healthy, Happy and Hot: A young people's guide to rights

Young people living with HIV have the right to:

  • express and enjoy their sexuality
  • decide if, when, and how to disclose their HIV status
  • experience sexual pleasure
  • take care of their sexual health
  • practise safer sex
  • choose if, when, how many, and with whom to have children
  • access support and services that respect their dignity, autonomy, privacy and well-being

Which is a lot different than this:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…
The entire pamphlet was available through the link. And someone called me a lying sack of shit, so either he lied, or he didn't follow the link to see what the pamphlet said. Either way, he comes off as a dishonest person, calling me a liar when I was telling the truth. But I've come to expect liberals to lie. It comes with the territory. My father was a liberal when he was a young man. He told me he stopped being a liberal because he got tired of all the lies he had to tell.
Safe sex is always a major first step. If you even think of not using protection, legally you are obligated to tell first if you know or think you might be HIV/AIDs positive.

Dating, foreplay, there is not necessity to wear a sign that you are HIV/AIDs positive, till you are both ready for sex. Better if you do with friends and family under any circumstances.
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?
I read the are a dishonest sack of shit.

Healthy, Happy and Hot: A young people's guide to rights

Young people living with HIV have the right to:

  • express and enjoy their sexuality
  • decide if, when, and how to disclose their HIV status
  • experience sexual pleasure
  • take care of their sexual health
  • practise safer sex
  • choose if, when, how many, and with whom to have children
  • access support and services that respect their dignity, autonomy, privacy and well-being

Which is a lot different than this:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…
The entire pamphlet was available through the link. And someone called me a lying sack of shit, so either he lied, or he didn't follow the link to see what the pamphlet said. Either way, he comes off as a dishonest person, calling me a liar when I was telling the truth. But I've come to expect liberals to lie. It comes with the territory. My father was a liberal when he was a young man. He told me he stopped being a liberal because he got tired of all the lies he had to tell.
Let ne rephrase... you are a lying sack of shit...did you even read the pamphlet, yes or no???

They have the right to disclose or not disclose their status with NON SEX fucking idiot!!!!!

Page#4 of the pamphlet clearly states when and where you may tell people of your HIV status and it also states clearly that WHEN you tell when your sexual partners...

Maybe Rockhead should be reading the HIV pamphlet for Dummies...
Last edited:
The entire pamphlet was available through the link.

Yes. And if you'd read the entire pamphlet, you'd have realized that was editing the text to make it seem to be saying something it wasn't.

If for no other reason than the laws you cited regarding HIV status, Planned Parenthood would not have issued a brochure saying "Go ahead and have sex; you get to decide whether or not to tell your partner you're HIV-positive."

That the core purpose of PP is to provide information, condoms, etc. in an effort to prevent the spread of STDs and encourage safe sex should have tipped you off to the fact that LifeNews is a lying sack of shit.

Next time, read the source material before you make a decision about it, mmkay?
I don't know if that's the law or not, but morally you are obligated to inform potential sex partners of all the sexually transmitted diseases you have before you have sex. You should also be required to tell past sex partners that you have these diseases.

I was young when I first learned of AIDS. I figured that would put an end to the era of people having sex irresponsibly with multiple partners. I was wrong. That makes me conclude that most people are pretty stupid when it comes to sex.

According to CBS, which is a major network, 110 Americans have STDs at any given time.

CDC: 110 Million Americans Have STDs At Any Given Time

What tells me is that the sexual revolution was a mistake. Even if you don't care what God thinks about sex with a stranger on a Saturday night, you should be careful with your health. Some STDs lead to insanity. Some STDs lead to cancer. Some STDs lead to death.
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?
I read the are a dishonest sack of shit.

Healthy, Happy and Hot: A young people's guide to rights

Young people living with HIV have the right to:

  • express and enjoy their sexuality
  • decide if, when, and how to disclose their HIV status
  • experience sexual pleasure
  • take care of their sexual health
  • practise safer sex
  • choose if, when, how many, and with whom to have children
  • access support and services that respect their dignity, autonomy, privacy and well-being

Which is a lot different than this:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…
The entire pamphlet was available through the link. And someone called me a lying sack of shit, so either he lied, or he didn't follow the link to see what the pamphlet said. Either way, he comes off as a dishonest person, calling me a liar when I was telling the truth. But I've come to expect liberals to lie. It comes with the territory. My father was a liberal when he was a young man. He told me he stopped being a liberal because he got tired of all the lies he had to tell.
Let ne rephrase... you are a lying sack of shit...did you even read the pamphlet, yes or no???

They have the right to disclose or not disclose their status with NON SEX fucking idiot!!!!!
That's not what it says.
Here's a question: Why is Planned Parenthood putting out a pamphlet aimed at unmarried teenage girls, encouraging them to "explore" having sex with boys, even if they have the AIDS virus?

It seems they are trying to put young girls in a position where they will need to get an abortion.

It's bad advice, intentionally so.

Telling girls to practice "safe sex" doesn't work. A lot of kids get in crazy situations and forget to use birth control. Also, birth control is not 100% effective.

Why does Planned Parenthood get funding from the government and charities when they teach teenage girls to have irresponsible sex out of wedlock?

It makes no sense. I think the whole country has gone insane.
I don't know if that's the law or not, but morally you are obligated to inform potential sex partners of all the sexually transmitted diseases you have before you have sex.

Yes. Operative phrase being before you have sex.

What the actual wording of the PP brochure means is that it's up to the individual to decide when and how to inform others of one's HIV status under other circumstances. (See Post #13, for example.)

It's not saying "Oh, HAHAHAHAHA, you can bareback if you're positive, you don't have to tell your partner, HAHAHAHA!"

It's about nonsexual situations. Do you tell your friends? Do you tell your family? When and how?

Your doctor and dentist should be told. They're required under HIPAA to ensure your confidentiality.

Again, Planned Parenthood was founded, among other things, to stop the spread of STDs. Only a site like the one in the OP would try to twist that goal into the opposite.
Here's a question: Why is Planned Parenthood putting out a pamphlet aimed at unmarried teenage girls, encouraging them to "explore" having sex with boys, even if they have the AIDS virus?

It seems they are trying to put young girls in a position where they will need to get an abortion.

It's bad advice, intentionally so.

Telling girls to practice "safe sex" doesn't work. A lot of kids get in crazy situations and forget to use birth control. Also, birth control is not 100% effective.

Why does Planned Parenthood get funding from the government and charities when they teach teenage girls to have irresponsible sex out of wedlock?

It makes no sense. I think the whole country has gone insane.

What makes no sense is your misunderstanding of the purpose of PP.

Start at the beginning. See if you can dig out from under all the myths you've been told about Planned Parenthood and think for yourself.

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