Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?
I read the are a dishonest sack of shit.

It's not his fault he's gullible. It's the abject dishonesty of the article he linked to that's the problem.
The Right depends on the lies that the Far Right Media feeds them.
Let ne rephrase... you are a lying sack of shit...did you even read the pamphlet, yes or no???

They have the right to disclose or not disclose their status with NON SEX fucking idiot!!!!!

Page#4 of the pamphlet clearly states when and where you may tell people of your HIV status and it also states clearly that WHEN you tell when your sexual partners...

Maybe Rockhead should be reading the HIV pamphlet for Dummies...

From the brochure:

This guide is here to… explore the rights of young people living with HIV to: decide if, when and how to disclose their HIV status.

IF is part of the brochure. It implies that option to whether they want to disclose or not to their sex partners. You can spin all you want but WE KNOW the message being describe here. PP is not talking to people who are not engaging in sex. It is talking to this mysterious group called “young people.” How sweet. They are leaving the door open for 13 and 14 year old boys to “explore, have fun” because “there is no right or wrong way to have sex.” Are you missing all those lovely encouragements?

The brochure then goes on to re-emphasize the right of “young people” not to disclose their condition: “Some countries have laws that say people living with HIV must tell their sexual partner(s) about their status before having sex, even if they are using (protection)… These laws violate the rights of people living with HIV by forcing them to disclose or face the possibility of criminal charges.”

You think PP is telling their young people this is only about when in a foreign country, or possibly also in those states where you are now living?

You trying to defend the obscure message about “you do not have to disclose only if you and your partner are not sexual” as though that is the only time they are speaking of, is bizarre and a joke.
Let ne rephrase... you are a lying sack of shit...did you even read the pamphlet, yes or no???

They have the right to disclose or not disclose their status with NON SEX fucking idiot!!!!!

Page#4 of the pamphlet clearly states when and where you may tell people of your HIV status and it also states clearly that WHEN you tell when your sexual partners...

Maybe Rockhead should be reading the HIV pamphlet for Dummies...

From the brochure:

This guide is here to… explore the rights of young people living with HIV to: decide if, when and how to disclose their HIV status.

IF is part of the brochure. It implies that option to whether they want to disclose or not to their sex partners. You can spin all you want but WE KNOW the message being describe here. PP is not talking to people who are not engaging in sex. It is talking to this mysterious group called “young people.” How sweet. They are leaving the door open for 13 and 14 year old boys to “explore, have fun” because “there is no right or wrong way to have sex.” Are you missing all those lovely encouragements?

The brochure then goes on to re-emphasize the right of “young people” not to disclose their condition: “Some countries have laws that say people living with HIV must tell their sexual partner(s) about their status before having sex, even if they are using (protection)… These laws violate the rights of people living with HIV by forcing them to disclose or face the possibility of criminal charges.”

You think PP is telling their young people this is only about when in a foreign country, or possibly also in those states where you are now living?

You trying to defend the obscure message about “you do not have to disclose only if you and your partner are not sexual” as though that is the only time they are speaking of, is bizarre and a joke.

Disclose to whom, under what circumstances?
Disclose to whom, under what circumstances?

Disclose to "their sexual partners." It is clearly stated in the same paragraph in the brochure.

Under what circumstances? Well, no matter how many ways the "honorable" PP gives advice as to how to disclose their condition to their sex partner(s), there is enough subtle yet intended meaning in this brochure to leave the option open that it is still their right not to disclose if it will cause issues. In other words, if someone does not PP is saying that's Ok too.

But this is not my real contempt for PP. It is their immoral and blatant promotion of sex of any kind with any one at virtually any age. Explore! Have Fun! There is no right way or wrong way to have sex!

Yeah, F. U. that is what I say. Don't give me this B.S. you are out to stop aids, std's and pregnancies when you are clearly immersed in the business of promoting sex as fun for all and abortions are always a perfect way to get rid of any issues that may result from it. They are not fooling many of us, surely not God.
The brochure reveals quite a bit about Planned Parenthood:

1) They are encouraging unmarried teenage girls to have sex;

2) They are telling unmarried teenage girls that they don't have to disclose they have AIDS with sexual partners, past, present or future;

4) They are telling unmarried teenage girls that there is no difference between right and wrong when having sex;

5) They are telling unmarried teenage girls that it's not always possible to have safe sex, but go ahead and do it anyway.

6) They encourage unmarried teenage girls that sex is about fun and pleasure, not love and commitment.

The brochure is designed to increase the number of unmarried teenage girls to have sex, when they don't have the means to take care of a baby, and don't have a husband to help them take care of a baby.

In other words, the brochure is designed to put unmarried teenage girls in a desperate situation where they feel they have no other choice then to have an abortion.
But this is not my real contempt for PP. It is their immoral and blatant promotion of sex of any kind with any one at virtually any age. Explore! Have Fun! There is no right way or wrong way to have sex!

Yeah, F. U. that is what I say. Don't give me this B.S. you are out to stop aids, std's and pregnancies when you are clearly immersed in the business of promoting sex as fun for all and abortions are always a perfect way to get rid of any issues that may result from it. They are not fooling many of us, surely not God.

You're entitled to your opinion, but underneath it is, I suspect, a belief that sex is only "necessary" to make babies, rather than a wondrous expression of God's creation.

I'm entitled to my opinion, too, and I think that's rather sad.
The brochure reveals quite a bit about Planned Parenthood:

1) They are encouraging unmarried teenage girls to have sex;

2) They are telling unmarried teenage girls that they don't have to disclose they have AIDS with sexual partners, past, present or future;

4) They are telling unmarried teenage girls that there is no difference between right and wrong when having sex;

5) They are telling unmarried teenage girls that it's not always possible to have safe sex, but go ahead and do it anyway.

6) They encourage unmarried teenage girls that sex is about fun and pleasure, not love and commitment.

The brochure is designed to increase the number of unmarried teenage girls to have sex, when they don't have the means to take care of a baby, and don't have a husband to help them take care of a baby.

In other words, the brochure is designed to put unmarried teenage girls in a desperate situation where they feel they have no other choice then to have an abortion.

So much for starting at the beginning.

Tell you what: If that's what you really believe, I think you and everyone who feels that way should file a class action suit against PP for bullying girls into having abortions.

Maybe Carly Fiorina can lend you one of hers.
But this is not my real contempt for PP. It is their immoral and blatant promotion of sex of any kind with any one at virtually any age. Explore! Have Fun! There is no right way or wrong way to have sex!

Yeah, F. U. that is what I say. Don't give me this B.S. you are out to stop aids, std's and pregnancies when you are clearly immersed in the business of promoting sex as fun for all and abortions are always a perfect way to get rid of any issues that may result from it. They are not fooling many of us, surely not God.

You're entitled to your opinion, but underneath it is, I suspect, a belief that sex is only "necessary" to make babies, rather than a wondrous expression of God's creation.

I'm entitled to my opinion, too, and I think that's rather sad.
You can't read my mind. You have no idea what I'm thinking.

I know that sex between a husband and wife is a gift from God.

I've been married 25 years, so I probably know a lot more about sex than you do.

When there is sex between a man and woman who are not married, they have not made the commitment to each other to make a home that can welcome a new person to the world.

What people don't talk about, except for Christians, is that our society's casual attitude towards sex is causing most of the problems we are having.

Sex without consequences is a falsehood which is promoted by Hollywood in shows like Sex and the City, Friends and How I Met Your Mother. These shows portray promiscuous characters, but no one ever gets an STD, and unplanned pregnancies only happen if the writers of the show want it to happen.
The brochure reveals quite a bit about Planned Parenthood:

1) They are encouraging unmarried teenage girls to have sex;

2) They are telling unmarried teenage girls that they don't have to disclose they have AIDS with sexual partners, past, present or future;

4) They are telling unmarried teenage girls that there is no difference between right and wrong when having sex;

5) They are telling unmarried teenage girls that it's not always possible to have safe sex, but go ahead and do it anyway.

6) They encourage unmarried teenage girls that sex is about fun and pleasure, not love and commitment.

The brochure is designed to increase the number of unmarried teenage girls to have sex, when they don't have the means to take care of a baby, and don't have a husband to help them take care of a baby.

In other words, the brochure is designed to put unmarried teenage girls in a desperate situation where they feel they have no other choice then to have an abortion.

So much for starting at the beginning.

Tell you what: If that's what you really believe, I think you and everyone who feels that way should file a class action suit against PP for bullying girls into having abortions.

Maybe Carly Fiorina can lend you one of hers.
Women and girls ARE bullied into having an abortion, by their boyfriends, by their husbands, by their parents, by the man who molested or raped them.

I've heard of cases where women were literally dragged into abortion clinics.

Planned Parenthood clinic worker tells of teen forced into abortion | Live Action News
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?
why do you have to lie?

The pamphlet doesn't say what you wrote....didn't you read it?
Young people living with HIV have the right to:

  • express and enjoy their sexuality
  • decide if, when, and how to disclose their HIV status
  • experience sexual pleasure
  • take care of their sexual health
  • practice safer sex
  • choose if, when, how many, and with whom to have children
  • access support and services that respect their dignity, autonomy, privacy and well-being

Have all of you on the right wing been possessed by the Devil or something? Can you EVER produce an HONEST argument to debate? It's frustrating having to dig through the bull crap put out daily by you guys....sigh....
Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

Planned Parenthood Doesn’t Think Someone With AIDS Should Tell Their Sexual Partner First

If someone with the AIDS virus was about to have sex with you, should they have to tell you about their HIV-positive status first? Planned Parenthood doesn’t think so.

In a brochure entitled Happy, Healthy, and Hot, which Planned Parenthood describes as a “guide for young people living with HIV to help them understand their sexual rights, and live healthy, fun, happy and sexually fulfilling lives,” the giant of the abortion advocacy world proclaims:

You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status…
You know best if and when it is safe to disclose your [HIV] status…
There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!…
It is not always possible to talk about to your partner(s) or to practice safer sex…

Does any of you so-called "pro-choice" people want to explain why Planned Parenthood tells girls that they should conceal the fact that they have HIV from sex partners, and that they don't have to practice safe sex?

This is a direct quote from Planned Parenthood literature given to girls, so don't you try to bulllshit around this. Tell us why, in your opinion, a girl should be allowed to spread the HIV virus, when every ethical doctor believes that a person with HIV must inform all sex partners.

From the federal AIDS website:

It is very important that you talk to your current and past sexual partners about your HIV status. If you have shared needles with others to inject drugs, you need to tell them too. If you are afraid or embarrassed to tell them yourself, the health department in your area can notify your sexual or needle-sharing partners that they may have been exposed to HIV without giving your name.

Do You Have To Tell?

In some states it is a crime to have sex with a person without informing them that you have HIV.

List of 35 state laws:

State-by-State: HIV Laws

So here we have Planned Parenthood advocating breaking the law, which is a felony in some states. Soliciting another to commit a crime is against the law.

Why isn't Planned Parenthood held accountable for it's criminal conduct?

Apparently Planned Parenthood is into killing babies as well as adults. Why don't they change their name to the Euthanasia Clinic? More appropriate, don't you think. The law should be in all fifty states, and if somebody knows they are AIDS positive and doesn't tell their partner upfront, they should go to prison and burn in hell. How can anyone be so lacking of compassion? Selfish assholes!
To me if you don't want to be in the dark concerning things that are important, don't keep other people in the dark in such a way then.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, it should be illegal all over the U.S. to keep a closed mouth about something like this.
It's perfectly mainstream liberal thought to "decriminalize HIV" meaning it shouldn't be a crime to even wilfully infect someone with HIV. This is absolutely mainstream liberal belief.
why do you have to lie? The pamphlet doesn't say what you wrote....didn't you read it?

Have all of you on the right wing been possessed by the Devil or something? Can you EVER produce an HONEST argument to debate? It's frustrating having to dig through the bull crap put out daily by you guys....sigh....

From the brochure:
This guide is here to… explore the rights of young people living with HIV to: decide if, when and how to disclose their HIV status.

IF is part of the brochure. It implies that option to whether they want to disclose or not to their sex partners. You can spin all you want but WE KNOW the message being describe here. PP is not talking to people who are not engaging in sex. It is talking to this mysterious group called “young people.” How sweet. They are leaving the door open for 13 and 14 year old boys to “explore, have fun” because “there is no right or wrong way to have sex.” Are you missing all those lovely encouragements?

The brochure then goes on to re-emphasize the right of “young people” not to disclose their condition: “Some countries have laws that say people living with HIV must tell their sexual partner(s) about their status before having sex, even if they are using (protection)… These laws violate the rights of people living with HIV by forcing them to disclose or face the possibility of criminal charges.”

You think PP is telling their young people this is only about when in a foreign country, or possibly also in those states where you are now living?

So why did PP include the word IF twice in their brochure if they were not leaving it open to the HIV infected person it was still their option if they wanted to disclose it to their partners?
Disclose to whom, under what circumstances?

Disclose to "their sexual partners." It is clearly stated in the same paragraph in the brochure.

Under what circumstances? Well, no matter how many ways the "honorable" PP gives advice as to how to disclose their condition to their sex partner(s), there is enough subtle yet intended meaning in this brochure to leave the option open that it is still their right not to disclose if it will cause issues. In other words, if someone does not PP is saying that's Ok too.

But this is not my real contempt for PP. It is their immoral and blatant promotion of sex of any kind with any one at virtually any age. Explore! Have Fun! There is no right way or wrong way to have sex!

Yeah, F. U. that is what I say. Don't give me this B.S. you are out to stop aids, std's and pregnancies when you are clearly immersed in the business of promoting sex as fun for all and abortions are always a perfect way to get rid of any issues that may result from it. They are not fooling many of us, surely not God.
If only you were literate...

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