Planned Parenthood international, kiss American federal dollars good bye...

And don't tell me that a FUNDRAISING LETTER that is nothing BUT politics --- claiming that the proceeds go DIRECTLY to women's services -- is a "separate PAC"..

So you haven't figured out that you got fundraisers from both PP and the PP PAC?

It's not my fault this confuses you so. PP PAC, PP, two separate things. You claiming they're the same won't change the reality that they're totally separate.

For the past 6 years, the Republican congress has been going over the PP books closely, looking for something, anything to bust them for. And they've found nothing.

How does your conspiracy theory explain that? What evidence do you possess which the Republican congress missed?
I have to laugh at you fright wingers. You rant & have fits about how government stands in the way of free enterprise.

Yet here you assholes are.

You think it is OK for the political party in the majority to pick out a particular private business & punish them because they dislike what the do (although legal) and to whom they politically donate.

Say Marlboro were to donate huge amounts of money to Democrats and supports climate change. I guess you think it would be OK for Republicans to place a 40% tax on Marlboro products in retaliation.

What if Nestle supported abortion & donated to Democrats and Republicans passed a law that said food stamps can't be used to buy Nestle Products ( like Gerber Baby food).

Republicans want to single out Planned Parenthood and tell medicaid/Medicare recipients that their health care benefits for cancer screenings, & woman's health needs can't be used at Planned Parenthood.

Pro life or pro choice shouldn't matter. This is about government wielding power against a business, organization that they do not agree with even though its all legal or don't like which political party they support.

Government set up the war by making PP special in it's marketplace. Not REALLY focusing on other models for women's care delivery or caring about innovation or niche service areas. And it's BECAUSE there is an incestuous political alliance there --- that it should STOP. Just like with Musk and Tesla. Because 5 OTHER car companies could make a Tesla cheaper/faster/better if the govt wasn't stuffing money down Musk's pants.

Same with PP.. Except in THAT case. A LOT of that money comes BACK to the DNC and it's causes.
How was PP in the marketplace? What special treatment did they get?

The "marketplace" of women's health services. Are you that dense? That ONE PROVIDER, PP receives the largest and a significant share of the ENTIRE Fed budget for that item.. It makes up a full 34% of the PP revenues.

There are THOUSANDS of other providers serving low income areas. But PP is the ONLY one that gets the FULL attention of the Dem party when "women's health services" is discussed. I know why that is. Are you smart enough to figure it out?

Don't defund PP -- Defund the KICKBACK channel to the DNC... Save the government 10s of $Mills a year and wouldn't cause any change in medical care delivery.. .

Wow, you are stupid. Covering women's health in insurance policies allows women to choose where to get their health services.

PP is being discussed because you Republicans asshole are singling them out to disallow reimbursements for services rendered.

You have no logic.

First you morons claim women will just get their health care elsewhere (from PP).

If they do, you don't save a fucking thing.

My God, how stupid are you fright wingers?
Or how about all these women pay their own damn bills?

No one in society paid for my birth control when I was a teen, I paid for all of it myself as a direct consequence of my personal desire to have sex without ending up pregnant. Never got a dime from anyone else, paid out of pocket for it; like $80 every 3 months. Money well spent for where I had planned to go with my life between the ages of 15 and 20, and also 21 to 25 - the span of time between my first and second children. After that I paid for getting spayed because I knew I didn't want any more kids - again, money well spent, for nearly two decades I haven't had to worry about it.
Or how about all these women pay their own damn bills?

No one in society paid for my birth control when I was a teen, I paid for all of it myself as a direct consequence of my personal desire to have sex without ending up pregnant. Never got a dime from anyone else, paid out of pocket for it; like $80 every 3 months. Money well spent for where I had planned to go with my life between the ages of 15 and 20, and also 21 to 25 - the span of time between my first and second children. After that I paid for getting spayed because I knew I didn't want any more kids - again, money well spent, for nearly two decades I haven't had to worry about it.
You forgot about walking 5 miles in the snow to buy loaf of bread.
While you're comments relevance is questionable, your facts are most certainly off, I'm in Alaska so it was more like 10 foot. I did indeed used to walk about a mile to school everyday, so did all three of my children - the bus was too slow for them.
I have to laugh at you fright wingers. You rant & have fits about how government stands in the way of free enterprise.

Yet here you assholes are.

You think it is OK for the political party in the majority to pick out a particular private business & punish them because they dislike what the do (although legal) and to whom they politically donate.

Say Marlboro were to donate huge amounts of money to Democrats and supports climate change. I guess you think it would be OK for Republicans to place a 40% tax on Marlboro products in retaliation.

What if Nestle supported abortion & donated to Democrats and Republicans passed a law that said food stamps can't be used to buy Nestle Products ( like Gerber Baby food).

Republicans want to single out Planned Parenthood and tell medicaid/Medicare recipients that their health care benefits for cancer screenings, & woman's health needs can't be used at Planned Parenthood.

Pro life or pro choice shouldn't matter. This is about government wielding power against a business, organization that they do not agree with even though its all legal or don't like which political party they support.

Government set up the war by making PP special in it's marketplace. Not REALLY focusing on other models for women's care delivery or caring about innovation or niche service areas. And it's BECAUSE there is an incestuous political alliance there --- that it should STOP. Just like with Musk and Tesla. Because 5 OTHER car companies could make a Tesla cheaper/faster/better if the govt wasn't stuffing money down Musk's pants.

Same with PP.. Except in THAT case. A LOT of that money comes BACK to the DNC and it's causes.
How was PP in the marketplace? What special treatment did they get?

The "marketplace" of women's health services. Are you that dense? That ONE PROVIDER, PP receives the largest and a significant share of the ENTIRE Fed budget for that item.. It makes up a full 34% of the PP revenues.

There are THOUSANDS of other providers serving low income areas. But PP is the ONLY one that gets the FULL attention of the Dem party when "women's health services" is discussed. I know why that is. Are you smart enough to figure it out?

Don't defund PP -- Defund the KICKBACK channel to the DNC... Save the government 10s of $Mills a year and wouldn't cause any change in medical care delivery.. .

Wow, you are stupid. Covering women's health in insurance policies allows women to choose where to get their health services.

PP is being discussed because you Republicans asshole are singling them out to disallow reimbursements for services rendered.

You have no logic.

First you morons claim women will just get their health care elsewhere (from PP).

If they do, you don't save a fucking thing.

My God, how stupid are you fright wingers?

You don't know me. I am no "right-winger". Can probably out-liberal your ass on a lot of issues. So spare me the fighting words.

Secondly, I have only ONE gripe with funding PP and that is -- I want MORE CHOICES to be available in the marketplace. You''re STILL CONFUSED for some damn reason about the term "marketplace". Probably because as a fanatical leftist, you don't know that the term is much more GENERAL than referring to an insurance marketplace. In general, most leftists don't have a clue how ANY marketplace operates. So no wonder you're still confused.

I'm not talking about insurance. I'm talking about cities like Baltimore that have 48 FREE Clinics and I want them ALL treated fairly when it comes to funding "women's services". I'm MAD that PP has become synonymous with womens healthcare when there are THOUSANDS of other struggling providers that don't GET the piles of money that PP does. And PP GETS those piles of money because they return as a favor, free power and influence to the DNC..

It's all about ETHICAL marketplaces and how the Govt should NOT BE picking winners and losers. And certainly not laundering political cash thru a particular benefactor of subsidies.
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You people did nothing but whine about Bush for eight straight years and you are still whining about him, you delusional dip shit. It's an endless cycle.

Ah, the sweet sound of a "WAAAA! BUT BOTH SIDES DO IT!" whiner.

They pretend to be "independent", but they're just gutless, not honest enough to admit that no, both sides don't do it, and pretending that they do is de facto shilling for the right.
You just lied again
BS, any public health facility...for decades and most of them are in urban areas
BS, then why do they go to PP? What public health facilities? Hospitals? You think there are free clinics everywhere?

You obviously are clueless about where and how to obtain free birth control, get up to speed and then try and bother me.
So, you really don't know any. Why am I not surprised.

There is this wonderful took on the's called Google. Use it and cease expecting me to take direction from're really that unimportant to me

So you don;t know any of these facilities that you said existed every where.
Every free clinic, college campus,high school...
And don't tell me that a FUNDRAISING LETTER that is nothing BUT politics --- claiming that the proceeds go DIRECTLY to women's services -- is a "separate PAC"..

So you haven't figured out that you got fundraisers from both PP and the PP PAC?

It's not my fault this confuses you so. PP PAC, PP, two separate things. You claiming they're the same won't change the reality that they're totally separate.

For the past 6 years, the Republican congress has been going over the PP books closely, looking for something, anything to bust them for. And they've found nothing.

How does your conspiracy theory explain that? What evidence do you possess which the Republican congress missed?

Youre an idiot.. I GET the letters. After 2 pages of telling me about the evil bad guys and oh so wonderful politicos I SHOULD vote for -- they ask for a donation to PLANNED PARENTHOOD.. Not to the Planned Parenthood PAC, not to the DNC -- but a contribution to PROVIDING women's health services. It's either DISHONEST, or your ass is being fooled like it usually is..
I have to laugh at you fright wingers. You rant & have fits about how government stands in the way of free enterprise.

Yet here you assholes are.

You think it is OK for the political party in the majority to pick out a particular private business & punish them because they dislike what the do (although legal) and to whom they politically donate.

Say Marlboro were to donate huge amounts of money to Democrats and supports climate change. I guess you think it would be OK for Republicans to place a 40% tax on Marlboro products in retaliation.

What if Nestle supported abortion & donated to Democrats and Republicans passed a law that said food stamps can't be used to buy Nestle Products ( like Gerber Baby food).

Republicans want to single out Planned Parenthood and tell medicaid/Medicare recipients that their health care benefits for cancer screenings, & woman's health needs can't be used at Planned Parenthood.

Pro life or pro choice shouldn't matter. This is about government wielding power against a business, organization that they do not agree with even though its all legal or don't like which political party they support.

Government set up the war by making PP special in it's marketplace. Not REALLY focusing on other models for women's care delivery or caring about innovation or niche service areas. And it's BECAUSE there is an incestuous political alliance there --- that it should STOP. Just like with Musk and Tesla. Because 5 OTHER car companies could make a Tesla cheaper/faster/better if the govt wasn't stuffing money down Musk's pants.

Same with PP.. Except in THAT case. A LOT of that money comes BACK to the DNC and it's causes.
How was PP in the marketplace? What special treatment did they get?

The "marketplace" of women's health services. Are you that dense? That ONE PROVIDER, PP receives the largest and a significant share of the ENTIRE Fed budget for that item.. It makes up a full 34% of the PP revenues.

There are THOUSANDS of other providers serving low income areas. But PP is the ONLY one that gets the FULL attention of the Dem party when "women's health services" is discussed. I know why that is. Are you smart enough to figure it out?

Don't defund PP -- Defund the KICKBACK channel to the DNC... Save the government 10s of $Mills a year and wouldn't cause any change in medical care delivery.. .

Wow, you are stupid. Covering women's health in insurance policies allows women to choose where to get their health services.

PP is being discussed because you Republicans asshole are singling them out to disallow reimbursements for services rendered.

You have no logic.

First you morons claim women will just get their health care elsewhere (from PP).

If they do, you don't save a fucking thing.

My God, how stupid are you fright wingers?

You don't know me. I am no "right-winger". Can probably out-liberal your ass on a lot of issues. So spare me the fighting words.

Secondly, I have only ONE gripe with funding PP and that is -- I want MORE CHOICES to be available in the marketplace. You''re STILL CONFUSED for some damn reason about the term "marketplace". Probably because as a fanatical leftist, you don't know that the term is much more GENERAL than referring to an insurance marketplace. In general, most leftists don't have a clue how ANY marketplace operates. So no wonder you're still confused.

I'm not talking about insurance. I'm talking about cities like Baltimore that have 48 FREE Clinics and I want them ALL treated fairly when it comes to funding "women's services". I'm MAD that PP has become synonymous with womens healthcare when there are THOUSANDS of other struggling providers that don't GET the piles of money that PP does. And PP GETS those piles of money because they return as a favor, free power and influence to the DNC..

It's all about ETHICAL marketplaces and how the Govt should NOT BE picking winners and losers. And certainly not laundering political cash thru a particular benefactor of subsidies.
A good grant writer helps also to get funding...
Government set up the war by making PP special in it's marketplace. Not REALLY focusing on other models for women's care delivery or caring about innovation or niche service areas. And it's BECAUSE there is an incestuous political alliance there --- that it should STOP. Just like with Musk and Tesla. Because 5 OTHER car companies could make a Tesla cheaper/faster/better if the govt wasn't stuffing money down Musk's pants.

Same with PP.. Except in THAT case. A LOT of that money comes BACK to the DNC and it's causes.
How was PP in the marketplace? What special treatment did they get?

The "marketplace" of women's health services. Are you that dense? That ONE PROVIDER, PP receives the largest and a significant share of the ENTIRE Fed budget for that item.. It makes up a full 34% of the PP revenues.

There are THOUSANDS of other providers serving low income areas. But PP is the ONLY one that gets the FULL attention of the Dem party when "women's health services" is discussed. I know why that is. Are you smart enough to figure it out?

Don't defund PP -- Defund the KICKBACK channel to the DNC... Save the government 10s of $Mills a year and wouldn't cause any change in medical care delivery.. .

Wow, you are stupid. Covering women's health in insurance policies allows women to choose where to get their health services.

PP is being discussed because you Republicans asshole are singling them out to disallow reimbursements for services rendered.

You have no logic.

First you morons claim women will just get their health care elsewhere (from PP).

If they do, you don't save a fucking thing.

My God, how stupid are you fright wingers?

You don't know me. I am no "right-winger". Can probably out-liberal your ass on a lot of issues. So spare me the fighting words.

Secondly, I have only ONE gripe with funding PP and that is -- I want MORE CHOICES to be available in the marketplace. You''re STILL CONFUSED for some damn reason about the term "marketplace". Probably because as a fanatical leftist, you don't know that the term is much more GENERAL than referring to an insurance marketplace. In general, most leftists don't have a clue how ANY marketplace operates. So no wonder you're still confused.

I'm not talking about insurance. I'm talking about cities like Baltimore that have 48 FREE Clinics and I want them ALL treated fairly when it comes to funding "women's services". I'm MAD that PP has become synonymous with womens healthcare when there are THOUSANDS of other struggling providers that don't GET the piles of money that PP does. And PP GETS those piles of money because they return as a favor, free power and influence to the DNC..

It's all about ETHICAL marketplaces and how the Govt should NOT BE picking winners and losers. And certainly not laundering political cash thru a particular benefactor of subsidies.
A good grant writer helps also to get funding...

So a struggling non-profit health clinic without the resources of a PP is ALREADY at a disadvantage right? Besides, they don't armies of lawyers and lobbyists like PP does. I'm appalled that the left HATES "Big Anything" getting perks from the govt. But when it comes to THEIR lobbying pigs -- it's Okey Dokey.. The right also makes sounds about crony capitalism --- but never does anything about it either.
they've gone down even in states without abortion restrictions, meaning that it was more birth control that did the trick
Sorry, no. It's been cultural changes and a change in attitude toward casual sex and the realization that the BABY is a BABY and not a "tumor" as the Left preaches.

You're probably getting posts deleted because even this board has limits on how much Nazi lunacy is allowed. Try writing less like a Nazi.


Fewer Nazis would certainly improve it.
Sorry, no. It's been cultural changes and a change in attitude toward casual sex and the realization that the BABY is a BABY and not a "tumor" as the Left preaches.

If you believe fewer people are having sex, I have a bridge to sell you.
I disagree with the "hype" as to why PP is being defunded, no money can go toward abortions and realistically speaking the funds allocated to other services the gov was funding exceeded the amount feds put into it so it's disingenuous to claim the gov was ever funding abortions.

That said, good, we tax payers shouldn't be on the line for other peoples medical care, it's their problem, they can pay for it.
Do you think Planned Parenthood does free abortions? They do NOT.

Medical procedures that end pregnancy Safe and effective Available from many Planned Parenthood health centers Costs up to $1,500 in the first trimester, but often less - See more at: In-Clinic Abortion Procedure | What is the Cost & Process?

They make a HUGE profit killing babies. Your tax subsidies help this NAZI organization alive.
Sorry, no. It's been cultural changes and a change in attitude toward casual sex and the realization that the BABY is a BABY and not a "tumor" as the Left preaches.

If you believe fewer people are having sex, I have a bridge to sell you.
Apparently you can't read. But.....

a lot of males are losing interest in sex. It's a problem in Japan, Europe, Russia and it's coming to America. Men are becoming women in more ways than one. No wonder women are turning to lesbianism.
Since I know the way you troll me all over USMB. I'll just leave you with a fact about PP "competitors" that have to suck hind tit because there's a lot of POLITICKING to be done thru PP giant Fed Subsidies..

low cost women's health services Baltimore - Bing

There are (FREE or lowcost) 48 Clinics in or near Baltimore, MD

PLENTY of other innovative, hard working, clinics worthy of the Political loot that PP gets to spend for the DNC.. .
FACTS are difficult things for the Left
I disagree with the "hype" as to why PP is being defunded, no money can go toward abortions and realistically speaking the funds allocated to other services the gov was funding exceeded the amount feds put into it so it's disingenuous to claim the gov was ever funding abortions.

That said, good, we tax payers shouldn't be on the line for other peoples medical care, it's their problem, they can pay for it.
Do you think Planned Parenthood does free abortions? They do NOT.

Medical procedures that end pregnancy Safe and effective Available from many Planned Parenthood health centers Costs up to $1,500 in the first trimester, but often less - See more at: In-Clinic Abortion Procedure | What is the Cost & Process?

They make a HUGE profit killing babies. Your tax subsidies help this NAZI organization alive.

I don't believe in 'free shit' so no, never said that either. I disagree with the idea/complaint that Fed funding is going to pay for abortions. People pay for abortions, there are groups that collect donations to pay for abortions, there are pro-abortion lobbies that pay for them. It is illegal for Fed funds to pay for an abortion, to claim they are ignoring the law with zero evidence or proof is basically propaganda.

I don't know, nor claim to know, what their profit margins are on /anything/ much less the subset of abortions. They're not Nazi's though, the founder hated Blacks so the proper rage whistle is racist.

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