Planned Parenthood international, kiss American federal dollars good bye...

So you support the president being able to go around Congress making unilateral decisions on his own? What happened to all the gnashing of teeth from when Obama did this?
Well now, he did less of this than did 'W' and most of his predecessors. And I bet that the orange clown does far more EO's in four years than did President Obama in eight.

As has been pointed out many times, it's not the number of EOs Obama signed that bothered a lot of people; it was what he was using them for.
First, tou said nothing when your buddy George used them. Then you pouted & had a tantrum when Obama used them & now you defend Trump for using them.

I see a pattern here. A pattern of a whiny fright winger.
There are other organizations but they don't reach as many poor neighborhoods as planned parenthood does. Especially for urban areas.

Planned parenthood supports political candidates because they are the ones that give them federal funding so they can keep providing services to underprivileged women.

BS, any public health facility...for decades and most of them are in urban areas
BS, then why do they go to PP? What public health facilities? Hospitals? You think there are free clinics everywhere?

You obviously are clueless about where and how to obtain free birth control, get up to speed and then try and bother me.
So, you really don't know any. Why am I not surprised.

There is this wonderful took on the's called Google. Use it and cease expecting me to take direction from're really that unimportant to me

So you don;t know any of these facilities that you said existed every where.
BS, any public health facility...for decades and most of them are in urban areas
BS, then why do they go to PP? What public health facilities? Hospitals? You think there are free clinics everywhere?

You obviously are clueless about where and how to obtain free birth control, get up to speed and then try and bother me.
So, you really don't know any. Why am I not surprised.

There is this wonderful took on the's called Google. Use it and cease expecting me to take direction from're really that unimportant to me

So you don;t know any of these facilities that you said existed every where.

Oh gawd yet another redundant kingdom for a left loon that can actually hold their own in an exchange. Be gone oh lowly and ill informed one, I have no time for redundant and boring exercises
I have to laugh at you fright wingers. You rant & have fits about how government stands in the way of free enterprise.

Yet here you assholes are.

You think it is OK for the political party in the majority to pick out a particular private business & punish them because they dislike what the do (although legal) and to whom they politically donate.

Say Marlboro were to donate huge amounts of money to Democrats and supports climate change. I guess you think it would be OK for Republicans to place a 40% tax on Marlboro products in retaliation.

What if Nestle supported abortion & donated to Democrats and Republicans passed a law that said food stamps can't be used to buy Nestle Products ( like Gerber Baby food).

Republicans want to single out Planned Parenthood and tell medicaid/Medicare recipients that their health care benefits for cancer screenings, & woman's health needs can't be used at Planned Parenthood.

Pro life or pro choice shouldn't matter. This is about government wielding power against a business, organization that they do not agree with even though its all legal or don't like which political party they support.

Government set up the war by making PP special in it's marketplace. Not REALLY focusing on other models for women's care delivery or caring about innovation or niche service areas. And it's BECAUSE there is an incestuous political alliance there --- that it should STOP. Just like with Musk and Tesla. Because 5 OTHER car companies could make a Tesla cheaper/faster/better if the govt wasn't stuffing money down Musk's pants.

Same with PP.. Except in THAT case. A LOT of that money comes BACK to the DNC and it's causes.
Then what is keeping those five companies from doing that? And Tesla paid back it's loan nine years early, with full interest. One of the best investments our government ever made.

Really shows the true colors of the 'Conservatives'. A leading edge automobile, with features only the top end foreign cars have, and handling and acceleration to match cars costing many times as much, made right here in America. In fact, Tesla has the highest rating of any vehicle when it comes to Made in America. But you 'Conservatives' hate it because it does not guzzle fossil fuels. God, are you fellows a bunch of hypocritical idiots.

Govt picks ONE innovator and gives them a boost. Other people with BETTER ideas think twice about investing their money going up against both the GOVT and that competitor. .It's that simple Rocks. You should get that. What about the people who know how to make an EV that's NOT for Millionaires???

Same with PP.. They get the subsidies and funding, become the Big Kahuna on the block. Wanna be the BETTER provider living on fumes and principles with a giant competitor that has Uncle Sam's wallet? ?
What subsidies does PP receive?

Bush had a program for low interest money or government backed loans that small companies can use to develop their new technologies. Like Solydra did with Bush. Any company is free to apply.
So you support the president being able to go around Congress making unilateral decisions on his own? What happened to all the gnashing of teeth from when Obama did this?
Well now, he did less of this than did 'W' and most of his predecessors. And I bet that the orange clown does far more EO's in four years than did President Obama in eight.

As has been pointed out many times, it's not the number of EOs Obama signed that bothered a lot of people; it was what he was using them for.
First, tou said nothing when your buddy George used them. Then you pouted & had a tantrum when Obama used them & now you defend Trump for using them.

I see a pattern here. A pattern of a whiny fright winger.

What you see is what you want to see due to your own bias. I never voted for George Bush, Barack Obama, or Donald Trump nor have I defended the use of any of their executive orders. As a matter of fact, I have said on this very forum multiple times that executive orders are becoming more frequent and more powerful and being abused with each new president.

But hey, don't let reality get in the way of what you think you know
You just lied.

Move along liar.

So, when I asked you to point out where I lied, you pissed down your leg and ran. Not a surprise. You always run. It's what defines you.

The offer is still open, as I'll enjoy making you run again, in front of everyone. Please show where I lied here:

"The (legal) abortion rate in the USA is now at a record low.

That's thanks to Planned Parenthood, and all dispensers of contraception.
The evidence suggests that contraception and fewer unintended pregnancies played a larger role in these most recent declines than new abortion restrictions. Well over 60% of the decline in the number of abortions occurred in states without new restrictions.

If pro-lifers had their way, the abortion rate here would be much higher. And more women would die, but bloody handed butchers like Kosher want that to happen. She's certainly cackling gleefully about killing more outside the USA."
I disagree with the "hype" as to why PP is being defunded, no money can go toward abortions and realistically speaking the funds allocated to other services the gov was funding exceeded the amount feds put into it so it's disingenuous to claim the gov was ever funding abortions.

That said, good, we tax payers shouldn't be on the line for other peoples medical care, it's their problem, they can pay for it.
We ALL know the answer to that. It's because of the political money laundering that PP is part of.

Tell us more about this "political money laundering", with links. Just how does a non-profit with open books launder money?

If you're not making it all up, that should be no problem for you.

However, being most "libertarians" now do just make up all of their wacky claims, or simply parrot what their GOP masters have fed them, I don't have high hopes.

Sure Sure. .That massive amount of mail I get from PP telling me exactly how I should vote and which politicians are the nation's biggest threats EVER --- that's just part of their "outpatient" program.. :asshole:
I have to laugh at you fright wingers. You rant & have fits about how government stands in the way of free enterprise.

Yet here you assholes are.

You think it is OK for the political party in the majority to pick out a particular private business & punish them because they dislike what the do (although legal) and to whom they politically donate.

Say Marlboro were to donate huge amounts of money to Democrats and supports climate change. I guess you think it would be OK for Republicans to place a 40% tax on Marlboro products in retaliation.

What if Nestle supported abortion & donated to Democrats and Republicans passed a law that said food stamps can't be used to buy Nestle Products ( like Gerber Baby food).

Republicans want to single out Planned Parenthood and tell medicaid/Medicare recipients that their health care benefits for cancer screenings, & woman's health needs can't be used at Planned Parenthood.

Pro life or pro choice shouldn't matter. This is about government wielding power against a business, organization that they do not agree with even though its all legal or don't like which political party they support.

Government set up the war by making PP special in it's marketplace. Not REALLY focusing on other models for women's care delivery or caring about innovation or niche service areas. And it's BECAUSE there is an incestuous political alliance there --- that it should STOP. Just like with Musk and Tesla. Because 5 OTHER car companies could make a Tesla cheaper/faster/better if the govt wasn't stuffing money down Musk's pants.

Same with PP.. Except in THAT case. A LOT of that money comes BACK to the DNC and it's causes.
How was PP in the marketplace? What special treatment did they get?

The "marketplace" of women's health services. Are you that dense? That ONE PROVIDER, PP receives the largest and a significant share of the ENTIRE Fed budget for that item.. It makes up a full 34% of the PP revenues.

There are THOUSANDS of other providers serving low income areas. But PP is the ONLY one that gets the FULL attention of the Dem party when "women's health services" is discussed. I know why that is. Are you smart enough to figure it out?

Don't defund PP -- Defund the KICKBACK channel to the DNC... Save the government 10s of $Mills a year and wouldn't cause any change in medical care delivery.. .
Sure Sure. .That massive amount of mail I get from PP telling me exactly how I should vote and which politicians are the nation's biggest threats EVER --- that's just part of their "outpatient" program.. :asshole:


You're actually claiming that fundraising mail is "political money laundering"?


So, is there any lie that even you regard as too stupid and shameful to tell on behalf of your cult, or do you have no limits at all concerning how low you'll go?
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No more sadistic baby killing for the Zionist all you brainwashed mislead protesters.
Sure Sure. .That massive amount of mail I get from PP telling me exactly how I should vote and which politicians are the nation's biggest threats EVER --- that's just part of their "outpatient" program.. :asshole:


You're actually claiming that fundraising mail is "political money laundering"?


So, is there any lie that even you regard as too stupid and shameful to tell on behalf of your cult, or do you have no limits at all concerning how low you'll go?

Yep.. I am.. NRA gets no appreciable Fed funding. So they're free to name names of politicians and tell you how to vote in their "fundraising". But an ORG that derives 34% of it's funding from a very PARTISAN group in Congress and PAYS THEM BACK with favorable political activism?? Every reasonable person can call that political money laundering. Without the quotation marks..
There are THOUSANDS of other providers serving low income areas.

THOUSANDS. Really? Can you give us a list? Because last I checked, the problem was a dire shortage of them. Not of doctors, but of places women could afford.

But PP is the ONLY one that gets the FULL attention of the Dem party when "women's health services" is discussed. I know why that is. Are you smart enough to figure it out?

Because you're about to pull another deranged conspiracy theory out of your diseased mind?

Don't defund PP -- Defund the KICKBACK channel to the DNC...

Bingo! I score.

Where exactly are these kickbacks? PP is a non-profit. Their books are open. Charity Navigator gives them a stellar rating for transparency.

Charity Navigator - Rating for Planned Parenthood Federation of America

You should have no issues following the money. So why can't you document these kickbacks? Why can't anyone find these kickbacks? We await your new conspiracy theory to explain that.

Save the government 10s of $Mills a year and wouldn't cause any change in medical care delivery.. .

Flac apparently never took Econ 101 and learned about what happens when you shift the supply curve up. But then, to be a libertarian, it's kind of a requirement to be completely ignorant of real economics. They only need faith that the free market fairy will bring candy and unicorns to everyone.
Since I know the way you troll me all over USMB. I'll just leave you with a fact about PP "competitors" that have to suck hind tit because there's a lot of POLITICKING to be done thru PP giant Fed Subsidies..

low cost women's health services Baltimore - Bing

There are (FREE or lowcost) 48 Clinics in or near Baltimore, MD

PLENTY of other innovative, hard working, clinics worthy of the Political loot that PP gets to spend for the DNC.. .
Yep.. I am.. NRA gets no appreciable Fed funding. So they're free to name names of politicians and tell you how to vote in their "fundraising". But an ORG that derives 34% of it's funding from a very PARTISAN group in Congress and PAYS THEM BACK with favorable political activism?? Every reasonable person can call that political money laundering. Without the quotation marks..

PP gets the government money.

The PP PAC does political fundraisiing.

The PP PAC has no financial ties to PP. By federal law, it's not allowed to have any financial ties.

Hence, your conspiracy theory fails hard, being that the money going to PP in no way touches the PP PAC activities.
Since I know the way you troll me all over USMB. I'll just leave you with a fact about PP "competitors" that have to suck hind tit because there's a lot of POLITICKING to be done thru PP giant Fed Subsidies..

So you did a web search on "low cost", which came up with just about every medical facility, and decided that's the same as free services.


PLENTY of other innovative, hard working, clinics worthy of the Political loot that PP gets to spend for the DNC.. .

That lie doesn't make any more sense with repetition. And you running away won't make it less of lie.

Why can't you show any evidence of the kickbacks? Don't just cry at me and run away. Answer the question. Why haven't the people who would love to shut down PP gone over the books and found these kickbacks?
Since I know the way you troll me all over USMB. I'll just leave you with a fact about PP "competitors" that have to suck hind tit because there's a lot of POLITICKING to be done thru PP giant Fed Subsidies..

So you did a web search on "low cost", which came up with just about every medical facility, and decided that's the same as free services.


PLENTY of other innovative, hard working, clinics worthy of the Political loot that PP gets to spend for the DNC.. .

That lie doesn't make any more sense with repetition. And you running away won't make it less of lie.

Why can't you show any evidence of the kickbacks? Don't just cry at me and run away. Answer the question. Why haven't the people who would love to shut down PP gone over the books and found these kickbacks?

Whoops... One of those ULTRA rare FCT mistakes. Gave you the wrong link.. My bad. just testing to see if you were following along. The 48 Women's Clinics in Baltimore that are FREE are at...

Free Clinics Baltimore MD | Free Health Clinics Baltimore MD | Baltimore Free Clinics

Even free family care clinics can handle most all women's health issues. they are the same species you know. And they MIGHT actually have a licensed mammogram facility on site (unlike PP). If not --- With MORE FEDERAL FUNDING taken from PP political wing of activities -- they could afford to cover the referral..

And don't tell me that a FUNDRAISING LETTER that is nothing BUT politics --- claiming that the proceeds go DIRECTLY to women's services -- is a "separate PAC".. Most people are not that stupid. OR devious..
Now let's get rid of WIC, child tax credits, welfare, food stamps, and reduce the % of child support paid by the father. If the mother cannot afford to keep her kid after that the government should take them away from the mother. Keep your legs closed if you can't afford a kid.

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