Planned Parenthood international, kiss American federal dollars good bye...

I don't know, nor claim to know, what their profit margins are on /anything/ much less the subset of abortions. They're not Nazi's though, the founder hated Blacks so the proper rage whistle is racist
You really know NOTHING about the history of PP do you? That's not a question, it's a statement.
The German National SOCIALISTS were disciples of Margaret Sanger -- Founder of Planned Parenthood
Adolf Hitler - Fuehrer of Nazi Germany "The demand that defective people be prevented from propagating equally defective offspring. . . represents the most humane act of mankind." Mein Kampf, vol. 1, ch. 10
from Hitler and Eugenics

Margaret Sanger - Founder of Planned Parenthood ". . .we prefer the policy of immediate sterilizarion, of making sure that parenthood is ' absolutely prohibited ' to the feeble-minded." The Pivot of Civilization, p102

Margaret Sanger's eugenics beliefs intertwined her with Nazis who were influenced by her. She is truly Hitler's Valkyrie

"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3
About whom did she say it though? Borrowing a quote from someone is not proof of being, and being a Nazi is more than simply wanting genocide. Another quote from her; "We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." 1939 She was also a KKK supporter.

Bitch was a fruit loop either way, I just don't consider her a Nazi - I mean straight off the bat she was Irish American, Nazi's were not keen on Irish and considered them as 'lesser Aryans.' Nazi's, in so much as the context of genocide, didn't even really exist when she formulated her genocidal ideas (pre and 1910-1920.) In the 30's she did basically said she 'agreed' or 'supported' the Nazi idea of wiping people that were socially undesirable out, but her genocidal concept was more along the vein of 'economical' or 'mercy killing' in nature, than the straight-up 'violence' of the Nazi's genocidal concept "weaker peoples." Indeed the idea of wiping 'social undesirables' out was formed before Hitler even rose to power much less had lost his fucking mind. It's also not really that surprising that she "supported" Germany's Socialists (Nazi's), as she was a hard core socialist and had a lot of anarchist influences that were popular with the Bohemian's of Greenwich New York from the 1910s onward. In fact, she had given many speeches on global overpopulation throughout her 'activist life,' most heavily in the 1915-1930s + a bit into the 40s.

If one looks at it chronologically, I'd say it's actually more 'logical' to attribute or springboard Hitler's idea of non-Aryan genocide based on 'better genes' to her, rather than the other way around, though I think the reality is that we had two fruit loops around at the same time who just so-happened to collude a similar 'solution' to the popular notion of global over population. ("Over population" was basically the "Global Warming" trend of liberals at the time.)
Shouldn't be much of a cash flow problem. Just ramp up the parts division at some of the international branches.
I have to laugh at you fright wingers. You rant & have fits about how government stands in the way of free enterprise.

Yet here you assholes are.

You think it is OK for the political party in the majority to pick out a particular private business & punish them because they dislike what the do (although legal) and to whom they politically donate.

Say Marlboro were to donate huge amounts of money to Democrats and supports climate change. I guess you think it would be OK for Republicans to place a 40% tax on Marlboro products in retaliation.

What if Nestle supported abortion & donated to Democrats and Republicans passed a law that said food stamps can't be used to buy Nestle Products ( like Gerber Baby food).

Republicans want to single out Planned Parenthood and tell medicaid/Medicare recipients that their health care benefits for cancer screenings, & woman's health needs can't be used at Planned Parenthood.

Pro life or pro choice shouldn't matter. This is about government wielding power against a business, organization that they do not agree with even though its all legal or don't like which political party they support.

Government set up the war by making PP special in it's marketplace. Not REALLY focusing on other models for women's care delivery or caring about innovation or niche service areas. And it's BECAUSE there is an incestuous political alliance there --- that it should STOP. Just like with Musk and Tesla. Because 5 OTHER car companies could make a Tesla cheaper/faster/better if the govt wasn't stuffing money down Musk's pants.

Same with PP.. Except in THAT case. A LOT of that money comes BACK to the DNC and it's causes.
Then what is keeping those five companies from doing that? And Tesla paid back it's loan nine years early, with full interest. One of the best investments our government ever made.

Really shows the true colors of the 'Conservatives'. A leading edge automobile, with features only the top end foreign cars have, and handling and acceleration to match cars costing many times as much, made right here in America. In fact, Tesla has the highest rating of any vehicle when it comes to Made in America. But you 'Conservatives' hate it because it does not guzzle fossil fuels. God, are you fellows a bunch of hypocritical idiots.

Govt picks ONE innovator and gives them a boost. Other people with BETTER ideas think twice about investing their money going up against both the GOVT and that competitor. .It's that simple Rocks. You should get that. What about the people who know how to make an EV that's NOT for Millionaires???

Same with PP.. They get the subsidies and funding, become the Big Kahuna on the block. Wanna be the BETTER provider living on fumes and principles with a giant competitor that has Uncle Sam's wallet? ?
What subsidies does PP receive?

Bush had a program for low interest money or government backed loans that small companies can use to develop their new technologies. Like Solydra did with Bush. Any company is free to apply.

You posted "Like Solydra did with Bush."

Now for a few facts.

Solyndra applied for help under Section 1703 of Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The federal stimulus bill signed by Obama expanded Title XVII by adding Section 1705.

Solyndra's loan guarantee was awarded under Section 1705.

Bush was not President in 2005 and Obama added Section 1705.
I have to laugh at you fright wingers. You rant & have fits about how government stands in the way of free enterprise.

Yet here you assholes are.

You think it is OK for the political party in the majority to pick out a particular private business & punish them because they dislike what the do (although legal) and to whom they politically donate.

Say Marlboro were to donate huge amounts of money to Democrats and supports climate change. I guess you think it would be OK for Republicans to place a 40% tax on Marlboro products in retaliation.

What if Nestle supported abortion & donated to Democrats and Republicans passed a law that said food stamps can't be used to buy Nestle Products ( like Gerber Baby food).

Republicans want to single out Planned Parenthood and tell medicaid/Medicare recipients that their health care benefits for cancer screenings, & woman's health needs can't be used at Planned Parenthood.

Pro life or pro choice shouldn't matter. This is about government wielding power against a business, organization that they do not agree with even though its all legal or don't like which political party they support.

Government set up the war by making PP special in it's marketplace. Not REALLY focusing on other models for women's care delivery or caring about innovation or niche service areas. And it's BECAUSE there is an incestuous political alliance there --- that it should STOP. Just like with Musk and Tesla. Because 5 OTHER car companies could make a Tesla cheaper/faster/better if the govt wasn't stuffing money down Musk's pants.

Same with PP.. Except in THAT case. A LOT of that money comes BACK to the DNC and it's causes.
Then what is keeping those five companies from doing that? And Tesla paid back it's loan nine years early, with full interest. One of the best investments our government ever made.

Really shows the true colors of the 'Conservatives'. A leading edge automobile, with features only the top end foreign cars have, and handling and acceleration to match cars costing many times as much, made right here in America. In fact, Tesla has the highest rating of any vehicle when it comes to Made in America. But you 'Conservatives' hate it because it does not guzzle fossil fuels. God, are you fellows a bunch of hypocritical idiots.

Govt picks ONE innovator and gives them a boost. Other people with BETTER ideas think twice about investing their money going up against both the GOVT and that competitor. .It's that simple Rocks. You should get that. What about the people who know how to make an EV that's NOT for Millionaires???

Same with PP.. They get the subsidies and funding, become the Big Kahuna on the block. Wanna be the BETTER provider living on fumes and principles with a giant competitor that has Uncle Sam's wallet? ?
What subsidies does PP receive?

Bush had a program for low interest money or government backed loans that small companies can use to develop their new technologies. Like Solydra did with Bush. Any company is free to apply.

You posted "Like Solydra did with Bush."

Now for a few facts.

Solyndra applied for help under Section 1703 of Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The federal stimulus bill signed by Obama expanded Title XVII by adding Section 1705.

Solyndra's loan guarantee was awarded under Section 1705.

Bush was not President in 2005 and Obama added Section 1705.

Added too?
There are THOUSANDS of other providers serving low income areas.

THOUSANDS. Really? Can you give us a list? Because last I checked, the problem was a dire shortage of them. Not of doctors, but of places women could afford.

But PP is the ONLY one that gets the FULL attention of the Dem party when "women's health services" is discussed. I know why that is. Are you smart enough to figure it out?

Because you're about to pull another deranged conspiracy theory out of your diseased mind?

Don't defund PP -- Defund the KICKBACK channel to the DNC...

Bingo! I score.

Where exactly are these kickbacks? PP is a non-profit. Their books are open. Charity Navigator gives them a stellar rating for transparency.

Charity Navigator - Rating for Planned Parenthood Federation of America

You should have no issues following the money. So why can't you document these kickbacks? Why can't anyone find these kickbacks? We await your new conspiracy theory to explain that.

Save the government 10s of $Mills a year and wouldn't cause any change in medical care delivery.. .

Flac apparently never took Econ 101 and learned about what happens when you shift the supply curve up. But then, to be a libertarian, it's kind of a requirement to be completely ignorant of real economics. They only need faith that the free market fairy will bring candy and unicorns to everyone.

Here is a site that you can use to find clinics in your area.

"The 14240 clinics in this database offer medical services (some may also offer dental services) and are free, low-cost, low-cost with a sliding scale based on income, or offer some type of financial assistance. If you're under or uninsured, and looking for a nearby free clinic, sliding scale clinic, or low-cost clinic, where you and/or your family can go for lost cost medical care, Needy Meds can help."

Government set up the war by making PP special in it's marketplace. Not REALLY focusing on other models for women's care delivery or caring about innovation or niche service areas. And it's BECAUSE there is an incestuous political alliance there --- that it should STOP. Just like with Musk and Tesla. Because 5 OTHER car companies could make a Tesla cheaper/faster/better if the govt wasn't stuffing money down Musk's pants.

Same with PP.. Except in THAT case. A LOT of that money comes BACK to the DNC and it's causes.
Then what is keeping those five companies from doing that? And Tesla paid back it's loan nine years early, with full interest. One of the best investments our government ever made.

Really shows the true colors of the 'Conservatives'. A leading edge automobile, with features only the top end foreign cars have, and handling and acceleration to match cars costing many times as much, made right here in America. In fact, Tesla has the highest rating of any vehicle when it comes to Made in America. But you 'Conservatives' hate it because it does not guzzle fossil fuels. God, are you fellows a bunch of hypocritical idiots.

Govt picks ONE innovator and gives them a boost. Other people with BETTER ideas think twice about investing their money going up against both the GOVT and that competitor. .It's that simple Rocks. You should get that. What about the people who know how to make an EV that's NOT for Millionaires???

Same with PP.. They get the subsidies and funding, become the Big Kahuna on the block. Wanna be the BETTER provider living on fumes and principles with a giant competitor that has Uncle Sam's wallet? ?
What subsidies does PP receive?

Bush had a program for low interest money or government backed loans that small companies can use to develop their new technologies. Like Solydra did with Bush. Any company is free to apply.

You posted "Like Solydra did with Bush."

Now for a few facts.

Solyndra applied for help under Section 1703 of Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The federal stimulus bill signed by Obama expanded Title XVII by adding Section 1705.

Solyndra's loan guarantee was awarded under Section 1705.

Bush was not President in 2005 and Obama added Section 1705.

Added too?

Was that too complicated for you? Bush didn't give Solyndra one penny.
I suppose they'll have to get jobs and pay for it themselves. Bummer.

Planned Parenthood also helps those on social security. Unlike you, Planned Parenthood cares about people other than themselves. ie; they're not a self-centered PRICK.

While I admit to being egotistical, my decision on this matter has noting to do with that.

Health care is the responsibility of the individual at all times. Unless we're going to pass laws saying that people are not allowed to eat poorly, forego exercise, drink, smoke, etc. etc. etc., then the individual is responsible for their own health across the board. You're trying to force everyone else to pay for their bad habits or genetic medical issues, and more specifically here, the irregular happenstance of being born a woman.
Then what is keeping those five companies from doing that? And Tesla paid back it's loan nine years early, with full interest. One of the best investments our government ever made.

Really shows the true colors of the 'Conservatives'. A leading edge automobile, with features only the top end foreign cars have, and handling and acceleration to match cars costing many times as much, made right here in America. In fact, Tesla has the highest rating of any vehicle when it comes to Made in America. But you 'Conservatives' hate it because it does not guzzle fossil fuels. God, are you fellows a bunch of hypocritical idiots.

Govt picks ONE innovator and gives them a boost. Other people with BETTER ideas think twice about investing their money going up against both the GOVT and that competitor. .It's that simple Rocks. You should get that. What about the people who know how to make an EV that's NOT for Millionaires???

Same with PP.. They get the subsidies and funding, become the Big Kahuna on the block. Wanna be the BETTER provider living on fumes and principles with a giant competitor that has Uncle Sam's wallet? ?
What subsidies does PP receive?

Bush had a program for low interest money or government backed loans that small companies can use to develop their new technologies. Like Solydra did with Bush. Any company is free to apply.

You posted "Like Solydra did with Bush."

Now for a few facts.

Solyndra applied for help under Section 1703 of Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The federal stimulus bill signed by Obama expanded Title XVII by adding Section 1705.

Solyndra's loan guarantee was awarded under Section 1705.

Bush was not President in 2005 and Obama added Section 1705.

Added too?

Was that too complicated for you? Bush didn't give Solyndra one penny.

But it was Bushes program, besides China product dumping (which Bush didn't stop) was the cause of the Solyndra failure.
I suppose they'll have to get jobs and pay for it themselves. Bummer.

Planned Parenthood also helps those on social security. Unlike you, Planned Parenthood cares about people other than themselves. ie; they're not a self-centered PRICK.

While I admit to being egotistical, my decision on this matter has noting to do with that.

Health care is the responsibility of the individual at all times. Unless we're going to pass laws saying that people are not allowed to eat poorly, forego exercise, drink, smoke, etc. etc. etc., then the individual is responsible for their own health across the board. You're trying to force everyone else to pay for their bad habits or genetic medical issues, and more specifically here, the irregular happenstance of being born a woman.

With healthcare insurance companies driving up prices over the past four decades, how can a middle class person afford healthcare?
Govt picks ONE innovator and gives them a boost. Other people with BETTER ideas think twice about investing their money going up against both the GOVT and that competitor. .It's that simple Rocks. You should get that. What about the people who know how to make an EV that's NOT for Millionaires???

Same with PP.. They get the subsidies and funding, become the Big Kahuna on the block. Wanna be the BETTER provider living on fumes and principles with a giant competitor that has Uncle Sam's wallet? ?
What subsidies does PP receive?

Bush had a program for low interest money or government backed loans that small companies can use to develop their new technologies. Like Solydra did with Bush. Any company is free to apply.

You posted "Like Solydra did with Bush."

Now for a few facts.

Solyndra applied for help under Section 1703 of Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The federal stimulus bill signed by Obama expanded Title XVII by adding Section 1705.

Solyndra's loan guarantee was awarded under Section 1705.

Bush was not President in 2005 and Obama added Section 1705.

Added too?

Was that too complicated for you? Bush didn't give Solyndra one penny.

But it was Bushes program, besides China product dumping (which Bush didn't stop) was the cause of the Solyndra failure.

Not a penny was spent until Obama signed the federal stimulus bill and expanded the program. It then became Obama's program.
The baby killing market in third world shitholes is no longer going to be subsidized by this nation.

If pimps want desperate, aids riddled women want to die of septicemia they'll have to find another way.

Report: Trump will sign executive order to defund International Planned Parenthood this weekend

That's great. Where will low income (working class American) Women and children find healthcare?

The order is not about "working class America".. As I pointed out --- there are THOUSANDS of deserving free women's clinics in American urban centers. And they should EQUALLY get the Fed money and attention that PP gets because it launders tax dollars back to the DNC objectives.

For FOREIGN services? Not so concerned. Having BIG families in many of those places are the ONLY way to survival still. Basic fact of life..
The order is not about "working class America".. As I pointed out --- there are THOUSANDS of deserving free women's clinics in American urban centers. And they should EQUALLY get the Fed money and attention that PP gets because it launders tax dollars back to the DNC objectives..

Those thousands of "FREE" clinics do get Fed money when providing services to the poor. They get to bill MedicAid for non-abortion services, just like PP does.

You realize that Planned Parenthood (the medical services provider) is a separate entity from the Planned Parenthood Political Action Committe (those that can make political donations). Just like the NRA is a separate entity from the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA's PAC).

The order is not about "working class America".. As I pointed out --- there are THOUSANDS of deserving free women's clinics in American urban centers. And they should EQUALLY get the Fed money and attention that PP gets because it launders tax dollars back to the DNC objectives..

Those thousands of "FREE" clinics do get Fed money when providing services to the poor. They get to bill MedicAid for non-abortion services, just like PP does.

You realize that Planned Parenthood (the medical services provider) is a separate entity from the Planned Parenthood Political Action Committe (those that can make political donations). Just like the NRA is a separate entity from the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA's PAC).


NRA does not derive 30% of it's funding from Tax $$. Doubt if they derive 1% from tax dollars. And the $$ that PP spends on political activism and telling folks how to vote is NOT restricted to it's Political PAC. I KNOW.. I've gotten the letters for 20 years. ""Every dollar I send in response goes to actual women's services"", as the story goes. It's all one HUGE COMMERCIAL laundrymat for the DNC.....

Those THOUSANDS of inner city programs and struggling clinics WOULD LOVE to be coddled by Uncle Sam like PP is --- but their mailing lists are WAAAAAAY too tiny to get votes and cash for the DNC...

Wise up... I do this NOT to detract from women's health services, but to make the treatment and the subsidies a LOT more fair than they are now. .
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Govt picks ONE innovator and gives them a boost. Other people with BETTER ideas think twice about investing their money going up against both the GOVT and that competitor. .It's that simple Rocks. You should get that. What about the people who know how to make an EV that's NOT for Millionaires???

Same with PP.. They get the subsidies and funding, become the Big Kahuna on the block. Wanna be the BETTER provider living on fumes and principles with a giant competitor that has Uncle Sam's wallet? ?
What subsidies does PP receive?

Bush had a program for low interest money or government backed loans that small companies can use to develop their new technologies. Like Solydra did with Bush. Any company is free to apply.

You posted "Like Solydra did with Bush."

Now for a few facts.

Solyndra applied for help under Section 1703 of Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The federal stimulus bill signed by Obama expanded Title XVII by adding Section 1705.

Solyndra's loan guarantee was awarded under Section 1705.

Bush was not President in 2005 and Obama added Section 1705.

Added too?

Was that too complicated for you? Bush didn't give Solyndra one penny.

But it was Bushes program, besides China product dumping (which Bush didn't stop) was the cause of the Solyndra failure.

Obama expanded the Bush program with his stimulus bill and Obama didn't stop the China dumping program. It all happened on his watch.

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