Planned Parenthood Protesters fling rubbers at Carly

Hold on a second.

Is Carly against Birth control? If not, then the protest makes no sense whatsoever?
She supports birth control, but wants to end Planned Parenthood. PP distributes free birth control including condoms. Closing them down would take away a major source of birth control and hence, increase pregnancies which will lead to more abortions. Closing PP is a counter productive anti abortion effort that will increase abortions but make the idiots pushing for the closure feel good and trick their followers into thinking they are preventing abortions.

Stopping taxpayers money going to PP would not shut them down.
how ironic of these left-wing nutjobs. if one finds herself needing an abortion she almost certainly didnt use a condom, didnt practice safe sex. they are like 90% effective. certainly you werent engaging in "family planning" or planning of any kind.

idiots and hypocrites
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how ironic of these left-wing nutjobs. if one finds herself needing an abortion she almost certainly didnt use a condom, didnt practice safe ses.


That should be Fiorina's response whenever someone throws one.

"Should have used that instead of an abortion as your birth control!"
I hope they bought those themselves and weren't wasting tax payer funded condoms. Asshats.
This will probably make her more popular with the wingnuts... I guess you all need to have your flings before you settle on Bush like the Establishment tells you.

Planned Parenthood supporters threw condoms at Carly Fiorina in Iowa

About 15 Planned Parenthood protesters chanted and threw condoms at Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina on Saturday as she campaigned at a University of Iowa football tailgate, ABC News reports. One even dressed as a monthly supply of birth control pills.

"Layoffs, lies, no surprise." Planned Parenthood activists dressed as birth control arrive to protest Carly Fiorina.

I don't agree with throwing condoms at anyone. I just don't. I do think that it is very significant that someone that wants to be president cannot figure out that a video has been edited. If she can't manage to do this now then she is not going to be able to handle the highly edited videos from the Middle East or anywhere else. That's pretty damn obvious.
I don't agree with throwing condoms at anyone. I just don't. I do think that it is very significant that someone that wants to be president cannot figure out that a video has been edited. If she can't manage to do this now then she is not going to be able to handle the highly edited videos from the Middle East or anywhere else. That's pretty damn obvious.

Carly made claims about what was on the those videos that weren't even on the edited versions. We never see a fetus being "kept alive to harvest it's brain" like she claims. She has made a conscious decision to pander to the extremists.
I don't agree with throwing condoms at anyone. I just don't. I do think that it is very significant that someone that wants to be president cannot figure out that a video has been edited. If she can't manage to do this now then she is not going to be able to handle the highly edited videos from the Middle East or anywhere else. That's pretty damn obvious.

Carly made claims about what was on the those videos that weren't even on the edited versions. We never see a fetus being "kept alive to harvest it's brain" like she claims. She has made a conscious decision to pander to the extremists.

And it should be played right back at her. Because the position that she is applying for will require the ability to recognize and respond (or not) to edited videos and do so without emotional outbursts.
I don't agree with throwing condoms at anyone. I just don't. I do think that it is very significant that someone that wants to be president cannot figure out that a video has been edited. If she can't manage to do this now then she is not going to be able to handle the highly edited videos from the Middle East or anywhere else. That's pretty damn obvious.

Carly made claims about what was on the those videos that weren't even on the edited versions. We never see a fetus being "kept alive to harvest it's brain" like she claims. She has made a conscious decision to pander to the extremists.
Yep, lying her ass off with hopes of getting vulnerable voters.
I've watched her being declawed all day today.
Hold on a second.

Is Carly against Birth control? If not, then the protest makes no sense whatsoever?
She supports birth control, but wants to end Planned Parenthood. PP distributes free birth control including condoms. Closing them down would take away a major source of birth control and hence, increase pregnancies which will lead to more abortions. Closing PP is a counter productive anti abortion effort that will increase abortions but make the idiots pushing for the closure feel good and trick their followers into thinking they are preventing abortions. about they just go to a regular doctor and get a voucher to pay for their condoms....or.....they could just not have sex till they decide to have kids...that would be a unique idea wouldn't it?

Yeah ... that's the ticket. Just make birth control too expensive for the poor and they (following the Market God Utopia Model) will make the rational decision that it would be better not to have sex. That will definitely work!!!!
If they were serious, they'd be drinking placenta shakes.:D

PP needs to determine if they want to risk being defunded...what's more important to them: providing bc, breast exams, pap smears vs peddling in the sale of harvested baby organs.

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