Planned Parenthood Protesters fling rubbers at Carly

Hold on a second.

Is Carly against Birth control? If not, then the protest makes no sense whatsoever?
She supports birth control, but wants to end Planned Parenthood. PP distributes free birth control including condoms. Closing them down would take away a major source of birth control and hence, increase pregnancies which will lead to more abortions. Closing PP is a counter productive anti abortion effort that will increase abortions but make the idiots pushing for the closure feel good and trick their followers into thinking they are preventing abortions. about they just go to a regular doctor and get a voucher to pay for their condoms....or.....they could just not have sex till they decide to have kids...that would be a unique idea wouldn't it?

Yeah, but when they have sex, because they will, it's natural then their kids aren't a burden on everyone else.
PP needs more abortions. Hence it needs more pregnancies. One of the executives said they needed 40 more livers a week. PP is likely giving away adulterated birth control likely to fail.
Hold on a second.

Is Carly against Birth control? If not, then the protest makes no sense whatsoever?
She supports birth control, but wants to end Planned Parenthood. PP distributes free birth control including condoms. Closing them down would take away a major source of birth control and hence, increase pregnancies which will lead to more abortions. Closing PP is a counter productive anti abortion effort that will increase abortions but make the idiots pushing for the closure feel good and trick their followers into thinking they are preventing abortions.

That is true, but emotions are running so high that those who need to hear it won't listen.

Kind of like going back to Iraq in order to teach the lone wolf extremists in the states not to attack us here.

You don't need planned parenthood for birth control....they can go to any number of county health clinics or regular doctors for it......

And free birth control does not justify murdering babies and selling their organs for money...I think we can come up with a better solution.
...About 15 Planned Parenthood protesters chanted and threw condoms at Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina...
Nasty little Leftist Phukks...

They are always classy.........what is it with the left and throwing things at people they disagree simply points out the obvious....the left is made up of people who have brains that have sections that are underdeveloped or not developed at all......that is why they think the way they think and do the childish things they do....
ObamaCare eliminates the need for specialty niche clinics like PP.

Time to move contraception, abortion, education and other womens' health care back into the mainstream.
Hold on a second.

Is Carly against Birth control? If not, then the protest makes no sense whatsoever?
She supports birth control, but wants to end Planned Parenthood. PP distributes free birth control including condoms. Closing them down would take away a major source of birth control and hence, increase pregnancies which will lead to more abortions. Closing PP is a counter productive anti abortion effort that will increase abortions but make the idiots pushing for the closure feel good and trick their followers into thinking they are preventing abortions. about they just go to a regular doctor and get a voucher to pay for their condoms....or.....they could just not have sex till they decide to have kids...that would be a unique idea wouldn't it?

They tried that in several Southern States and now there are more unwed mothers today than a decade ago.

So what to do when tradition fails? What to do when the people refuse to take the more successful road?

Nothing? But these issues have a habit of involving us regardless if we want to or not.
Hold on a second.

Is Carly against Birth control? If not, then the protest makes no sense whatsoever?
She supports birth control, but wants to end Planned Parenthood. PP distributes free birth control including condoms. Closing them down would take away a major source of birth control and hence, increase pregnancies which will lead to more abortions. Closing PP is a counter productive anti abortion effort that will increase abortions but make the idiots pushing for the closure feel good and trick their followers into thinking they are preventing abortions. about they just go to a regular doctor and get a voucher to pay for their condoms....or.....they could just not have sex till they decide to have kids...that would be a unique idea wouldn't it?
What you suggest doesn't work. It has been tried and failed. You mix your politics with your claim to be concerned with abortions. What works is PP and distribution of birth control to poor people, students and people who can't or won't wait for a doctor appointment to get some rubbers or birth control pills. It is obvious from the post in here that the priority is a political agenda and abortion is just the conduit being used to meet the rw agenda. Preventing abortion is secondary.
laughable really; how ignorant and uninformed of history many on the Left are.

throwing condoms at Republican candidates by the extreme Left will translate into votes for Republicans.

Historical context, in the early 70s when vietnam protests and civil rights protests put MILLIONS IN THE STREETS a Republican named Richard Nixon WAS RE-ELECTED IN A LANDSLIDE.

The Left's tactics are going to backfire big-time, i hope they continue them!!
Hold on a second.

Is Carly against Birth control? If not, then the protest makes no sense whatsoever?
She supports birth control, but wants to end Planned Parenthood. PP distributes free birth control including condoms. Closing them down would take away a major source of birth control and hence, increase pregnancies which will lead to more abortions. Closing PP is a counter productive anti abortion effort that will increase abortions but make the idiots pushing for the closure feel good and trick their followers into thinking they are preventing abortions. about they just go to a regular doctor and get a voucher to pay for their condoms....or.....they could just not have sex till they decide to have kids...that would be a unique idea wouldn't it?
What you suggest doesn't work. It has been tried and failed. You mix your politics with your claim to be concerned with abortions. What works is PP and distribution of birth control to poor people, students and people who can't or won't wait for a doctor appointment to get some rubbers or birth control pills. It is obvious from the post in here that the priority is a political agenda and abortion is just the conduit being used to meet the rw agenda. Preventing abortion is secondary.

Teens are having fewer babies…I would attribute that to the MTV show Teen Mom….which shows what life with a baby is really like for an unwed teen mother…how about telling the kids the truth and showing them the destruction of having a baby before marriage is…..and then show what exactly an abortion does…… guys are all for truth…right?
Maybe if they used them for the intended purpose, they wouldn't need to kill their children.

They are mainly killing black children….they need just enough blacks to show up on election day….then they don't care what happens to the rest of those children…….typical lefty family/election planning…...
Hold on a second.

Is Carly against Birth control? If not, then the protest makes no sense whatsoever?
She supports birth control, but wants to end Planned Parenthood. PP distributes free birth control including condoms. Closing them down would take away a major source of birth control and hence, increase pregnancies which will lead to more abortions. Closing PP is a counter productive anti abortion effort that will increase abortions but make the idiots pushing for the closure feel good and trick their followers into thinking they are preventing abortions. about they just go to a regular doctor and get a voucher to pay for their condoms....or.....they could just not have sex till they decide to have kids...that would be a unique idea wouldn't it?
What you suggest doesn't work. It has been tried and failed. You mix your politics with your claim to be concerned with abortions. What works is PP and distribution of birth control to poor people, students and people who can't or won't wait for a doctor appointment to get some rubbers or birth control pills. It is obvious from the post in here that the priority is a political agenda and abortion is just the conduit being used to meet the rw agenda. Preventing abortion is secondary.

Teens are having fewer babies…I would attribute that to the MTV show Teen Mom….which shows what life with a baby is really like for an unwed teen mother…how about telling the kids the truth and showing them the destruction of having a baby before marriage is…..and then show what exactly an abortion does…… guys are all for truth…right?
I agree that the TV show has had an impact and encouraged teen to not have children. How many teens avail themselves to birth control and how many to abortions in unknown to me. Perhaps you have some data. It could show an increase in birth control use, abortions or both. Showing abortion films should be a decision of the teen and the parent.
This will probably make her more popular with the wingnuts... I guess you all need to have your flings before you settle on Bush like the Establishment tells you.

Planned Parenthood supporters threw condoms at Carly Fiorina in Iowa

About 15 Planned Parenthood protesters chanted and threw condoms at Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina on Saturday as she campaigned at a University of Iowa football tailgate, ABC News reports. One even dressed as a monthly supply of birth control pills.

"Layoffs, lies, no surprise." Planned Parenthood activists dressed as birth control arrive to protest Carly Fiorina.
I have a planned bowl movement I'll gladly fling at you.
Here, Put this >"E"< somewhere, or your post don't mean shit.

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