Planned parenthood?

Birth control gives women control of their lives and is a vital step to rising out of poverty. Which is why the moral brigade are so opposed to it.

you have not been paying attention.

Some are against birth control due to their religious beliefs...and they believe it is wrong for the government to force them to offer it as a service. They are not saying no one should offer it. They simply do not want to compromise their religious convictions.

No one of any consequence is saying that birth control should be abolished; nor are they saying birth control should not be subsidized, They are simply saying that they dont want to be forced to condone it.

Why do you insist oin twisting the reality of the debate?

Are you insecure with the basics of your position?

You believe BC should be easily accessible....and as inexpensive as possible. I agree. But we should not force this on ANYONE and we should not demean those that feel otherwise due to their religious beliefs.
Birth control gives women control of their lives and is a vital step to rising out of poverty. Which is why the moral brigade are so opposed to it.

you have not been paying attention.

Some are against birth control due to their religious beliefs...and they believe it is wrong for the government to force them to offer it as a service. They are not saying no one should offer it. They simply do not want to compromise their religious convictions.

No one of any consequence is saying that birth control should be abolished; nor are they saying birth control should not be subsidized, They are simply saying that they dont want to be forced to condone it.

Why do you insist oin twisting the reality of the debate?

Are you insecure with the basics of your position?

You believe BC should be easily accessible....and as inexpensive as possible. I agree. But we should not force this on ANYONE and we should not demean those that feel otherwise due to their religious beliefs.

Lol! On that, we agree:)
Birth control gives women control of their lives and is a vital step to rising out of poverty. Which is why the moral brigade are so opposed to it.

you have not been paying attention.

Some are against birth control due to their religious beliefs...and they believe it is wrong for the government to force them to offer it as a service. They are not saying no one should offer it. They simply do not want to compromise their religious convictions.

No one of any consequence is saying that birth control should be abolished; nor are they saying birth control should not be subsidized, They are simply saying that they dont want to be forced to condone it.

Why do you insist oin twisting the reality of the debate?

Are you insecure with the basics of your position?

You believe BC should be easily accessible....and as inexpensive as possible. I agree. But we should not force this on ANYONE and we should not demean those that feel otherwise due to their religious beliefs.

Lol! On that, we agree:)

If you agree that they are of no consequence, then why are you even addressing their sentiments? They are foolish, irresponsible, selfish and faux conservatives (in my opinion)....and they are few and far between.

Faux conservatives you may ask?

A conservative should not care how anyone else lives their long as it is not forced on me and as long as I am not forced to pay for it.
Birth control gives women control of their lives and is a vital step to rising out of poverty. Which is why the moral brigade are so opposed to it.

you have not been paying attention.

Some are against birth control due to their religious beliefs...and they believe it is wrong for the government to force them to offer it as a service. They are not saying no one should offer it. They simply do not want to compromise their religious convictions.

No one of any consequence is saying that birth control should be abolished; nor are they saying birth control should not be subsidized, They are simply saying that they dont want to be forced to condone it.

Why do you insist on twisting the reality of the debate?
Are you insecure with the basics of your position?

You believe BC should be easily accessible....and as inexpensive as possible. I agree. But we should not force this on ANYONE and we should not demean those that feel otherwise due to their religious beliefs.

That's a tactic more applicable to Wry Catcher:
Birth control gives women control of their lives and is a vital step to rising out of poverty. Which is why the moral brigade are so opposed to it.

you have not been paying attention.

Some are against birth control due to their religious beliefs...and they believe it is wrong for the government to force them to offer it as a service. They are not saying no one should offer it. They simply do not want to compromise their religious convictions.

No one of any consequence is saying that birth control should be abolished; nor are they saying birth control should not be subsidized, They are simply saying that they dont want to be forced to condone it.

Why do you insist on twisting the reality of the debate?
Are you insecure with the basics of your position?

You believe BC should be easily accessible....and as inexpensive as possible. I agree. But we should not force this on ANYONE and we should not demean those that feel otherwise due to their religious beliefs.

That's a tactic more applicable to Wry Catcher:


But AMy Nation seems to be criticizing those that are against government funding of abortions by claiming they are the same people that dont want to allow for BC.....

That is spinning the debate.
you have not been paying attention.

Some are against birth control due to their religious beliefs...and they believe it is wrong for the government to force them to offer it as a service. They are not saying no one should offer it. They simply do not want to compromise their religious convictions.

No one of any consequence is saying that birth control should be abolished; nor are they saying birth control should not be subsidized, They are simply saying that they dont want to be forced to condone it.

Why do you insist oin twisting the reality of the debate?

Are you insecure with the basics of your position?

You believe BC should be easily accessible....and as inexpensive as possible. I agree. But we should not force this on ANYONE and we should not demean those that feel otherwise due to their religious beliefs.

Lol! On that, we agree:)

If you agree that they are of no consequence, then why are you even addressing their sentiments? They are foolish, irresponsible, selfish and faux conservatives (in my opinion)....and they are few and far between.

Faux conservatives you may ask?

A conservative should not care how anyone else lives their long as it is not forced on me and as long as I am not forced to pay for it.

You may as well bang your head against the'll get better and more honest replies. The miinute you oppose any aspect of anything...progressives lie and state that you oppose it all...true or not.
you have not been paying attention.

Some are against birth control due to their religious beliefs...and they believe it is wrong for the government to force them to offer it as a service. They are not saying no one should offer it. They simply do not want to compromise their religious convictions.

No one of any consequence is saying that birth control should be abolished; nor are they saying birth control should not be subsidized, They are simply saying that they dont want to be forced to condone it.

Why do you insist on twisting the reality of the debate?
Are you insecure with the basics of your position?

You believe BC should be easily accessible....and as inexpensive as possible. I agree. But we should not force this on ANYONE and we should not demean those that feel otherwise due to their religious beliefs.

That's a tactic more applicable to Wry Catcher:


But AMy Nation seems to be criticizing those that are against government funding of abortions by claiming they are the same people that dont want to allow for BC.....

That is spinning the debate.

I can't tell if you honestly think we are discussing abortion or if you just don't feel like following the thread topic.


But AMy Nation seems to be criticizing those that are against government funding of abortions by claiming they are the same people that dont want to allow for BC.....

That is spinning the debate.

I can't tell if you honestly think we are discussing abortion or if you just don't feel like following the thread topic.

That's a good point. Perhaps we need to separate abortion from birth control...they are related but yet different.
It's political kickback money lining the pockets of scum that like killing unborn babies while they vote for Democraps giving them the taxpayer money to kill unborn babies.

PP makes enough money to support itself. Liberals just like taking money from anti-abortion taxpayers and giving it to their fellow baby murderers as some inside joke to them.
Question, why does the goverment help subsidize Planned Parenthood? This is not an attack on PP, as I do think they do a lot of good, just confused as to how/ why the goverment got into the business of paying them to do it.

Our government is involved in many such social planning experiments.

They try to control our population with money to PP. They try to control the prices of our food with farm subsidies. They try to control the prices of commodities with asset purchases and oil subsidies.

The government has its fingers in just about every pie these days, because everyone has asked the government to intervene in their lives in one way or another. "What is the government going to do about this problem?"

When its your pie, its okay for the government to protect it. When it is the other guy's pie, it is not okay.

Gimme, gimme, gimme. And make that guy over there pay for it.


But AMy Nation seems to be criticizing those that are against government funding of abortions by claiming they are the same people that dont want to allow for BC.....

That is spinning the debate.

I can't tell if you honestly think we are discussing abortion or if you just don't feel like following the thread topic.

you dont get it. Or do you but you refuse to see it.

You are assuming those that are against BC are the samne ones against abortons.

They are two groups...and the anti BC group is small and inconsequential. Have you ever heard a candidate asked about his or her stance on BC? It is not a topic up for debate. Most sensible people see it is necessary....especially for the less fiancnailly fortunate. Many dont engage in it for religious reasons...but they dont campaign against it like they do abortion.

Your error is grouping Pro life with anti birth control....they are not the same group...albeit, some of the members oif the Pro life group are in the anti BC group....buit very few.
The health of the nation's people is a vital national interest. The federal government has the right and the justification to take measures that work towards protecting, maintaining, improving the health of the people.

No doubt, but forcing people into a healthcare plan they don't want to be in is another story.

The government penalizes you if you do not buy the right kind of refrigerator by taxing you more than the person who does buy the right kind of refrigerator.

The government penalizes you if you do not buy the right kind of energy for your personal needs by taxing you more than the person who does buy the right kind of energy.

The government penalizes you for not being married and for not having kids, too. The government even penalizes you for not being heterosexual!

There was no great leap to penalizing you if you do not buy the right kind of health insurance.

When you ask for the government to be your nanny, this is what happens.

Tax expenditures should be banned. Then the government couldn't pull this kind of shit.
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I tend to agree with much of what you stated. But a few bucks for a pill and we know where that leads. I realize that it's cheap enough but is cost the only issue?

I understand your point there, and think this is a good topic for debate. For example, I'd definitely not be in favor of giving the pill to a minor and instead offering counseling on the dangers of STD's, unplanned pregnancy, etc. I think there's a definite line here that needs to be talked about beyond the fairly minimal cost of birth control in dollars.
I tend to agree with much of what you stated. But a few bucks for a pill and we know where that leads. I realize that it's cheap enough but is cost the only issue?

I understand your point there, and think this is a good topic for debate. For example, I'd definitely not be in favor of giving the pill to a minor and instead offering counseling on the dangers of STD's, unplanned pregnancy, etc. I think there's a definite line here that needs to be talked about beyond the fairly minimal cost of birth control in dollars.

There are so many dimensions to this issue which is why it's no wonder we can't all agree...and likely never will.
I tend to agree with much of what you stated. But a few bucks for a pill and we know where that leads. I realize that it's cheap enough but is cost the only issue?

I understand your point there, and think this is a good topic for debate. For example, I'd definitely not be in favor of giving the pill to a minor and instead offering counseling on the dangers of STD's, unplanned pregnancy, etc. I think there's a definite line here that needs to be talked about beyond the fairly minimal cost of birth control in dollars.

There are so many dimensions to this issue which is why it's no wonder we can't all agree...and likely never will.

Agreed. This is why the extremes tend to be the over arching policies here. It's hard to find a middle ground in issues like this, so it tends to be whoever ends up on top politically enacts a fairly broad and extreme view.

That's unfortunate, as I'm very much not happy with the "Abortion on Demand" and "Birth Control on Demand" mentality as it undercuts even an attempt to have a conversation about responsible family planning. At the same time, I run in some fairly conservative religious circles and I'm not at all enthusiastic with some of the "Make ALL Birth Control illegal"/"Birth Control is a Sin" stances I'm seeing out there looking for a way back into the mainstream either.
Does it offend you that people think you should accept responsibility for your own mistakes? Get over yourself You are just not that important to my life nor is any of the stupid women who are to cheap to buy a fucking condom or to weak to not have sex without one.

I've never utilized PP services, taken advantage of low cost or reduced cost birth control, or accepted financial assistance from the U.S. government.

Maybe you should look in the mirror when talking to yourself, in the future.

FWIW, people like me are subsidizing your children's educations and most of the other infrastructure that you enjoy daily.
Are these pro-life groups ready to step up to the plate and fund the children that are born because PP is defunded? If not, they really should keep their moralistic nonsense to themselves.

And you shoiuld go back to the Religion board that you ran in shame from where you accuse people of lying after they give you numbers from PP's own financial statement.

Your response is to call a person a liar and flee. :badgrin::clap2:
Should I be flattered that you are stalking me or feel pity for you because you don't get the attention you crave?

go with pity
I understand your point there, and think this is a good topic for debate. For example, I'd definitely not be in favor of giving the pill to a minor and instead offering counseling on the dangers of STD's, unplanned pregnancy, etc. I think there's a definite line here that needs to be talked about beyond the fairly minimal cost of birth control in dollars.

There are so many dimensions to this issue which is why it's no wonder we can't all agree...and likely never will.

Agreed. This is why the extremes tend to be the over arching policies here. It's hard to find a middle ground in issues like this, so it tends to be whoever ends up on top politically enacts a fairly broad and extreme view.

That's unfortunate, as I'm very much not happy with the "Abortion on Demand" and "Birth Control on Demand" mentality as it undercuts even an attempt to have a conversation about responsible family planning. At the same time, I run in some fairly conservative religious circles and I'm not at all enthusiastic with some of the "Make ALL Birth Control illegal"/"Birth Control is a Sin" stances I'm seeing out there looking for a way back into the mainstream either.

I thought while reading it that I wrote what you said. :eusa_angel: I'm torn on the issue myself. We have become a nation of extremes with little middle ground left for compromise...or the will/desire to compromise.
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