Planned Parenthood

What a Trump presidency could mean for Planned Parenthood and women's health

When we conservatives talkn about abortion being used as a population control on monorities, back to Margaret Sanger, people scoff.

Ironic at the end of this article, they mention minorities will be the most affected group. Hmmmmmm

Now I'm not soft on Trump -- but he's probably the LEAST threat personally to women's health that stood on a stage in the Republican primaries.. Would never see him going after birth control or women's health by himself. No telling tho --- what his "deals" will include to assuage the more socially conservatives.

Problem has ALWAYS been that Planned Parenthood has held a PREFERRED position with the govt amongst all the other competing orgs in the field. And FAVORING them with funding and coordinating politically on fund raising IS a major conflict of interest. Especially when hard cash gets "laundered" and ends up in political advocacy to Dem candidates. Govt needs to STOP picking favorites and spend time focusing on other STRUGGLING low cost providers to BROADEN the support network and ENCOURAGE others to come in and provide services.
What a Trump presidency could mean for Planned Parenthood and women's health

When we conservatives talkn about abortion being used as a population control on monorities, back to Margaret Sanger, people scoff.

Ironic at the end of this article, they mention minorities will be the most affected group. Hmmmmmm

Now I'm not soft on Trump -- but he's probably the LEAST threat personally to women's health that stood on a stage in the Republican primaries.. Would never see him going after birth control or women's health by himself. No telling tho --- what his "deals" will include to assuage the more socially conservatives.

Problem has ALWAYS been that Planned Parenthood has held a PREFERRED position with the govt amongst all the other competing orgs in the field. And FAVORING them with funding and coordinating politically on fund raising IS a major conflict of interest. Especially when hard cash gets "laundered" and ends up in political advocacy to Dem candidates. Govt needs to STOP picking favorites and spend time focusing on other STRUGGLING low cost providers to BROADEN the support network and ENCOURAGE others to come in and provide services.

Yeah, I don't really think this type of thing is on his radar. He seems pretty "meh" on the social issues.
I think he'll cut or eliminate funding for PP to save money.
I think he'll cut or eliminate funding for PP to save money.
I hope so, but the point is PP associates abortion with minorities, something we've always stated and the progressives deny.
Now the folks at Planned Parent will be able to do all the wonderful things they do for women without mixing up their finances and looking like they are selling baby bits...

Published: about an hour ago.
Updated: about an hour ago.
WASHINGTON (AP) — One of President-elect Donald Trump's first, and defining, acts next year could come on Republican legislation to cut off taxpayer money from Planned Parenthood.

Trump sent mixed signals during the campaign about the 100-year-old organization, which provides birth control, abortions and various women's health services. He said "millions of women are helped by Planned Parenthood," but he also endorsed efforts to defund it.

Trump once described himself as "very pro-choice." Now he's in the anti-abortion camp.

The Republican has been steadfast in calling for repeal of President Barack Obama's health care law, and the GOP-led Congress is eager to comply.

One of the first pieces of legislation will be a repeal measure that's paired with cutting off money for Planned Parenthood.

Trump action on health care could cost Planned Parenthood

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