Plantation weddings are wrong. Why is it so hard for white Americans to admit that?

Plantation weddings are wrong. Why is it so hard for white Americans to admit that? | Malaika Jabali

Last Thursday, BuzzFeed News reported that online platforms, including Pinterest and the Knot Worldwide, would restrict content that features or romanticizes weddings held on former slave plantations. These changes were the result of a campaign by the social justice organization Color of Change. In a letter, Color of Change wrote that “plantations are physical reminders of one of the most horrific human rights abuses the world has ever seen. The wedding industry routinely denies the violent conditions Black people faced under chattel slavery by promoting plantations as romantic places to marry.”

What sort of people would get married in places like these?
It's just a fantasy.

Some people get married on cruise ships - I'm not bored enough to care, or be one of the empty-headed voyeurs who spends their life oogling and envying others' weddings - and probably reads the National Enquirer... and watches TV shows like "Real Housewives"... and has an IQ somewhere between 60-90.
Are we supposed to just tear down every plantation, and never use them for anything ever again?
I would keep a few as museum pieces, a symbol of evil. We have a castle over here that was built with the proceeds of slavery. Makes me sick to my stomach when I drive past it.
That kind of reason will eventually lead to the "critical theory" cult, per "postmodern" thinkers such as Michel Foucault - and argue that 99% of civilization should be torn down due to evils in its past, when in reality there is no civilization, black, white, Asian or otherwise which that could not be said about.

Hitler's idea of "Aryan" race came from an ancient race of Indians who believed themselves racial superiors, showing that such barbaric notions are a dark part of humanity's lower nature.
Plantation weddings are wrong. Why is it so hard for white Americans to admit that? | Malaika Jabali

Last Thursday, BuzzFeed News reported that online platforms, including Pinterest and the Knot Worldwide, would restrict content that features or romanticizes weddings held on former slave plantations. These changes were the result of a campaign by the social justice organization Color of Change. In a letter, Color of Change wrote that “plantations are physical reminders of one of the most horrific human rights abuses the world has ever seen. The wedding industry routinely denies the violent conditions Black people faced under chattel slavery by promoting plantations as romantic places to marry.”

What sort of people would get married in places like these?

I suppose you prefer the latter day democrat created plantations of the slums and the ghettos?
Plantation weddings are wrong. Why is it so hard for white Americans to admit that? | Malaika Jabali

Last Thursday, BuzzFeed News reported that online platforms, including Pinterest and the Knot Worldwide, would restrict content that features or romanticizes weddings held on former slave plantations. These changes were the result of a campaign by the social justice organization Color of Change. In a letter, Color of Change wrote that “plantations are physical reminders of one of the most horrific human rights abuses the world has ever seen. The wedding industry routinely denies the violent conditions Black people faced under chattel slavery by promoting plantations as romantic places to marry.”

What sort of people would get married in places like these?

wtf are plantation weddings you idiot???
Plantation weddings are wrong. Why is it so hard for white Americans to admit that? | Malaika Jabali

Last Thursday, BuzzFeed News reported that online platforms, including Pinterest and the Knot Worldwide, would restrict content that features or romanticizes weddings held on former slave plantations. These changes were the result of a campaign by the social justice organization Color of Change. In a letter, Color of Change wrote that “plantations are physical reminders of one of the most horrific human rights abuses the world has ever seen. The wedding industry routinely denies the violent conditions Black people faced under chattel slavery by promoting plantations as romantic places to marry.”

What sort of people would get married in places like these?

What sort of people fixate on how other people get married? Why do you busybodies think it's any of your fucking business?
It struck me as obscene, pretty much because it is. I dont think Auschwitz does wedding receptions or christenings. Its the same thing.

Auschwitz would hardly be considered beautiful.
Who wouldnt want to get married at a plantation?
They're beautiful!!!

The author of this piece needs to mind his own business and to find something pressing to fret about.

He's quite calm just now.

Sobbing quietly whilst sucking his thumb 'neath his bed. With good reason. His hero, Red Jeremy, has (in true liberal fashion) failed.
Plantation weddings are wrong. Why is it so hard for white Americans to admit that? | Malaika Jabali

Last Thursday, BuzzFeed News reported that online platforms, including Pinterest and the Knot Worldwide, would restrict content that features or romanticizes weddings held on former slave plantations. These changes were the result of a campaign by the social justice organization Color of Change. In a letter, Color of Change wrote that “plantations are physical reminders of one of the most horrific human rights abuses the world has ever seen. The wedding industry routinely denies the violent conditions Black people faced under chattel slavery by promoting plantations as romantic places to marry.”

What sort of people would get married in places like these?

People who like the place and believe it is somewhere they would like to marry at...

I believe you and those like you are making too much out of this...

Should the land be left barren and no money made off of it or should the House be burnt to the ground because 150+ years ago slaves lived and worked there?

Get over it and let be clear the U.K. has it own past it should rectify before lecturing the U.S. about sordid past...
Are we supposed to just tear down every plantation, and never use them for anything ever again?
I would keep a few as museum pieces, a symbol of evil. We have a castle over here that was built with the proceeds of slavery. Makes me sick to my stomach when I drive past it.


Are you that insane?

Plantation Homes are bought and restored to make a business out of.

The owners are not using slaves and why should the House and land be left barren or not used?
Plantation weddings are wrong. Why is it so hard for white Americans to admit that? | Malaika Jabali

Last Thursday, BuzzFeed News reported that online platforms, including Pinterest and the Knot Worldwide, would restrict content that features or romanticizes weddings held on former slave plantations. These changes were the result of a campaign by the social justice organization Color of Change. In a letter, Color of Change wrote that “plantations are physical reminders of one of the most horrific human rights abuses the world has ever seen. The wedding industry routinely denies the violent conditions Black people faced under chattel slavery by promoting plantations as romantic places to marry.”

What sort of people would get married in places like these?

What sort of people fixate on how other people get married? Why do you busybodies think it's any of your fucking business?
It struck me as obscene, pretty much because it is. I dont think Auschwitz does wedding receptions or christenings. Its the same thing.


No it is not!

Jesus Tommy you are making a big leap with that one!
Are we supposed to just tear down every plantation, and never use them for anything ever again?
I would keep a few as museum pieces, a symbol of evil. We have a castle over here that was built with the proceeds of slavery. Makes me sick to my stomach when I drive past it.
Have you considered psychiatric treatment? No? You should.

Are you talking to me or Tommy?

Tommy even though I could see how you got confused with what Ringle wrote...
They want the plantation buildings to be demolished. That's their next step.

The biggest reminder of slavery and subjugation is white people. That's what blacks really want to eliminate.

Well they could try to breed us out but that has been failure so far for the Black Community...
Plantation weddings are wrong. Why is it so hard for white Americans to admit that? | Malaika Jabali

Last Thursday, BuzzFeed News reported that online platforms, including Pinterest and the Knot Worldwide, would restrict content that features or romanticizes weddings held on former slave plantations. These changes were the result of a campaign by the social justice organization Color of Change. In a letter, Color of Change wrote that “plantations are physical reminders of one of the most horrific human rights abuses the world has ever seen. The wedding industry routinely denies the violent conditions Black people faced under chattel slavery by promoting plantations as romantic places to marry.”

What sort of people would get married in places like these?

What sort of people fixate on how other people get married? Why do you busybodies think it's any of your fucking business?
It struck me as obscene, pretty much because it is. I dont think Auschwitz does wedding receptions or christenings. Its the same thing.

I get that. I guess the problem (ie the reason you get pushback on these kinds of observations) is that when liberals start complaining about these kinds of things it usually leads to proposals for intrusive legislation.
The article has a sense of anger that I understand. There is a kind of whitewashing going on here that implies these houses were idyllic, dreamy homes. But that is a lie and perpetuates bullshit myths about these homes and that era.

Surely Gone With the Wind, and all that it stood for, is part of an awful time in US history. This sort of thing glamourises slavery.

"And as you walk down the aisle, pause, close your eyes, and you can almost hear a teenage girl being raped by Massa whilst her elderly parents are sold down the river. Heavenly! "

Holy shit Tommy!

No one is glorifying slavery when they get married in those homes. It is you attempting to take a big leap and make that claim and you and the writer of that article are nuts...
Are we supposed to just tear down every plantation, and never use them for anything ever again?
I would keep a few as museum pieces, a symbol of evil. We have a castle over here that was built with the proceeds of slavery. Makes me sick to my stomach when I drive past it.

What a pathetic thing you are. Every place you look where humans have lived tragedy and horrible crimes have occurred at some time.

Grow a pair of balls and stop being a sniveling piece of shit.

misogynist !!!!! wat's so great about balls?

We do not bleed once a month and for me I am thankful for that!
Who wouldnt want to get married at a plantation?
They're beautiful!!!


Now you've done it and Tommy is wondering how many blacks were hung from those trees and if that white man will later go and rape a black woman...

You think I am joking but knowing Tommy that is what he is thinking...
Plantations are nice houses. Usually have beautiful land to accompany the houses.
This is another ridiculous thread by the taint.

Based on an idiotic article from the Guardian.
Geeze, Marty. Many of us grew up in the South. Plantations were made famous by the intelligence of people from all walks and were nurtured by some of the finest gardeners the world has ever known, most of whom had dark-colored skins and were blessed with the good sense of the age they lived in. They molded beauty in America. Let's not forget their gift of immaculate beauty they gave to the world in spite of hardships, in spite of criticism, and in spite of wearing clothes that were devoid of the kind of beauty created in the heart of the black people who had more to give than a millionaire to this humble land we call America.

As a group blesses the rain out of Africa, I bless the beautiful people the blacks are who gave the world something it never had before. Their gracious goodness in work that made plantations the envy of the ages. They were unsung Michel Angelos, and I bless the people out of Africa, who are now forging out family fortunes just like the ones that were forged from their ancestors' gifts to America.

All the people who live in America now are its future. May the churches people worship God in become strengthened with united races present and believing in each other.

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