Plastic bag ban, don't let this insanity happen to you

Enough though there's no plastic bag ban where I live, I've been using grocery tote bags for the past 3 years. They've cut down on the amount of plastic bags around my house and I can fit more groceries in a shopping tote than any plastic bag.

I've notice more people in my area using shopping totes as well.

Its good for the environment and you don't have to worry about bags bursting.
Why do Americans make a HUGE deal about every.little.thing. Everything is an infringement on your freedom. Haven't you ever heard the expression "Don't sweat the small stuff".

Between the hand wringing over light bulbs, gay marriage (which is a non-issue unless you're gay), and now plastic bags, you seem to look for things to get pissed off about.
Why do Americans make a HUGE deal about every.little.thing. Everything is an infringement on your freedom. Haven't you ever heard the expression "Don't sweat the small stuff".

Between the hand wringing over light bulbs, gay marriage (which is a non-issue unless you're gay), and now plastic bags, you seem to look for things to get pissed off about.

Someone being forced to bake and serve a faggot wedding cake is not a small thing. And, it's not too thrilling to see so much disgusting faggot behavior on TV. Yeah, I can turn the TV off, but the cake baker isn't allowed to choose not to make a faggot cake.

Plastic bag 10 cent charge is a small thing. At worst, a minor inconvenience vs. spending ten cents/bag. Why do we even expect free bags?
Don't care for the LED either. Its called personal choice and preference for certain light.
If you feel smarter for your choice, good for you.

The thing is, LEDs are massively better than incandescents, and frankly, you're being irrational. If your irrationality only hurt you, that would be one thing. But, in theory, all the welfare recipients changing to LEDs saves the taxpayers tons of money, because their cost of living has dropped.

Millions of people switching to LEDs reduces air pollution and the other benefits of lower power generation.

Most people aren't rich, and buying incandescents cuts into their ability to care for their family, even if so marginally so.

Personal choice? If there was even just one tiny moral or practical reason to use incandescents, I'd agree with you. But, your only real reason is you're stubborn. You just want to use what you've used your whole life. You were talking about your garage. What's wrong? The color profile of the LED doesn't make your oil stains look nice? LED bulbs have gotten to the point where the color output is practically indistinguishable form incandescent.

Plastic bags are a convenience, but incandescent bulbs are not a convenience (in fact, LEDs are relatively very inconvenient). Banning/taxing plastic bags, on the other hand, does cause people some bother, even if small.
arguing for intrusive government. I call BS on your Libertarian claim.
Government control over the production and distribution of goods and services is fascism. Fascist environmentalists seem clueless about the possibility that they will need to chop down more trees to make paper bags or that the so-called cloth bags are made from petro chemicals. Everything is symbolism over substance in the people's republik of California, pot head Jerry, Gov.
California "banned" plastic bags.

The businesses were all onboard, because all it meant for them is they charge 10 cents per bag, now.

It was all well and good, until a couple years later California passed another law that said , "send that bag money up to us for taxes"

At first, people tried to do what they were supposed to, they bought reusable bags and brought them to the store.

Now, the checkers scan the crap, and just stand there. You bring your own bag, now they want YOU to bag it. It was worth the 10 cents to put their ass back to work.

You buy bags at the store and they ask you "How many bags you want?"..."i don't fkn know"

The latest chapter is, you buy a plastic bag and they throw it with all the other crap you bought, and expect YOU to bag it yourself. They're trying to eliminate the bag-boy jobs.


Last week I go to the store, and I swear, some woman walked out with a 2' x 2' x 3' plastic bin with all her sht in it.

I go into the store, buy a bunch of stuff, the girl at the counter tells me "sorry we don't have ANY bags today"

I said "Well, it looks like i'm walking out with your handcart then"

(I should have stole it)

...and the funny part, California's "plastic bag ban" means plastic bags are 10 cents each.

I can't tell you how much I miss going to the store with no bag issues

This happens over and over again in Cali. The folks are stuck on stupid when it comes to governing. I led a revolt with LParty out there over the disaster of the "bottle refund". It started out similarly with a tax and a promise to set up state run recycling centers where you could RETRIEVE your tax. Stores wouldn't get involved. (Smart people) .. So they expended WADS of money setting up and running these state recycling centers in every strip mall lot. That lasted 2 or 3 years. They were BLEEDING MONEY and could not continue. So then they took your "REFUND" money and left it up to YOU to figure out how to claim the "refund". It became nothing more than a simple tax. About $1.20 on a 12 pack. STILL to my knowledge, this "refund" exists. But no way to claim it..

WELL --- maybe not. 10 years later, it's MANDATORY curb-side recycling. And if Cali nuts had a brain, they'd figure out if their "refund" is going to the city selected monopolies that are required to separate and recycle. Probably a "kick-back" for THEM to avoid bleeding money being required to offer recycling at (often) no charge to the customers.
arguing for intrusive government. I call BS on your Libertarian claim.

For Bulls1t on libertarian claims, look at the Libertarian Party.

I've advocated nothing in this thread but an excise tax on incandescent light bulbs, a very minimal government intrusion of a great amount of good. The only people who could object to that are anarchists and ignoramuses.
Cons bitching about bags and bulbs, and guns.

Where are all the horror stories "my god I haven't used an incandescent light bulb for 5 years and I can't see anymore". "How old are you?" "82! And I can't see any more."

Cons, sit back for one day and listen to you and your cohort. You people whine about everything. All the world is against YOU and they are the reason YOU are miserable. A hint, it isn't everyone else.
arguing for intrusive government. I call BS on your Libertarian claim.

For Bulls1t on libertarian claims, look at the Libertarian Party.

I've advocated nothing in this thread but an excise tax on incandescent light bulbs, a very minimal government intrusion of a great amount of good. The only people who could object to that are anarchists and ignoramuses.
You aren't a libertarian. You're a goose stepping fascist douche bag.
Cons bitching about bags and bulbs, and guns.

Where are all the horror stories "my god I haven't used an incandescent light bulb for 5 years and I can't see anymore". "How old are you?" "82! And I can't see any more."

Cons, sit back for one day and listen to you and your cohort. You people whine about everything. All the world is against YOU and they are the reason YOU are miserable. A hint, it isn't everyone else.
Wrong, douche bag. In the first place, we aren't miserable. Pointing out the left's constant attempt to control how everyone lives doesn't constitute "whining." Such claims are ironic coming from the morons who whined about so-called "gay marriage" and gays in the military and trannies in women's bathrooms for years.
Here is something to note. The paper bags sometimes come with insects hiding in them, particularly cockroaches. The cloth bags get contaminated from groceries, particularly meats, vegetables, and fruits. That means they need to be washed. Plastic is the most sterile and so, well worth the dimes.
Cloth bags can also get infested with parasites. It's a scabies epidemic waiting to happen.

I'm sure big pharma wouldn't mind that at all.

But I guess the baggers could use a different pair of disposable plastic gloves for each individual customer for protection.
California "banned" plastic bags.

The businesses were all onboard, because all it meant for them is they charge 10 cents per bag, now.

It was all well and good, until a couple years later California passed another law that said , "send that bag money up to us for taxes"

At first, people tried to do what they were supposed to, they bought reusable bags and brought them to the store.

Now, the checkers scan the crap, and just stand there. You bring your own bag, now they want YOU to bag it. It was worth the 10 cents to put their ass back to work.

You buy bags at the store and they ask you "How many bags you want?"..."i don't fkn know"

The latest chapter is, you buy a plastic bag and they throw it with all the other crap you bought, and expect YOU to bag it yourself. They're trying to eliminate the bag-boy jobs.


Last week I go to the store, and I swear, some woman walked out with a 2' x 2' x 3' plastic bin with all her sht in it.

I go into the store, buy a bunch of stuff, the girl at the counter tells me "sorry we don't have ANY bags today"

I said "Well, it looks like i'm walking out with your handcart then"

(I should have stole it)

...and the funny part, California's "plastic bag ban" means plastic bags are 10 cents each.

I can't tell you how much I miss going to the store with no bag issues
Liberals should be rounded up and dumped in to a Volcanoe to
Combat Global Warming.
Noted, scumbag.
UNKNOWN post: 17999471 said:
I'd vote against them if it was up for a vote. It is against the poor that have to walk their stuff home and that is the way I grew up. It is wrong.

Paper bags break too easily and your stuff gets all over the street.

If we killed all the poor, then what would you do for excuses? Seriously, those ultra-light grocery bags are too weak to depend on them if you're walking any distance. I'd think the poor would be delighted to save money and bring their own sturdy bag to a store that doesn't give away "free bags" by increasing the price of the groceries.

Mod Edit -- Changed the name of the blown quote to UNKNOWN. BulletProof Check the final posted reply to make sure you're responding to the CORRECT person..
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Government control over the production and distribution of goods and services is fascism. Fascist environmentalists seem clueless about the possibility that they will need to chop down more trees to make paper bags or that the so-called cloth bags are made from petro chemicals. Everything is symbolism over substance in the people's republik of California, pot head Jerry, Gov.

I'm doubtful about the economic value of mandatory recycling, not to mention other negatives. Maybe that is symbolism over substance. I don't know how much practical value comes from charging for grocery bags. But, I do know only ignoramuses have an objection to switching to LED bulbs.
Wrong, douche bag. In the first place, we aren't miserable. Pointing out the left's constant attempt to control how everyone lives doesn't constitute "whining." Such claims are ironic coming from the morons who whined about so-called "gay marriage" and gays in the military and trannies in women's bathrooms for years.

You are correct. The libtard mentality is to control EVERYTHING. After every control victory, they move on to the next thing (right now, cleansing the South of symbols of southern heritage, then they'll come after all early white Americans).

There is not one iota of respect for tolerance or freedom in the libtard brain.

So, of course, bag ban, yes. Don't need to think about it. Bad bulb ban, yes, no need to think about it. Mandatory recycling, yes, no need to think about it. Being a libtard means never needing to think. You just support your leaders in trying to control everyone and everything.

That aside, there is a legitimate issue of balancing personal freedom vs. public good. This is why we have traffic laws. But, personal freedoms shouldn't be turned into crimes and no one should be compelled to do anything that violates their sincerely held beliefs. An excise tax on incandescent bulbs, even a ban, does result in a great deal of good without making anyone a criminal and without forcing anyone to violate their sincerely held beliefs. It doesn't even inconvenience anyone in the least.

Charging for plastic bags and mandatory recycling, though, have an uphill battle. Their economic value is dubious. They are inconvenient. But, at least, they don't violate anyone's sincerely held beliefs.
You aren't a libertarian. You're a goose stepping fascist douche bag.

I don't lose my libertarian credentials because I advocate an excise tax on something no one needs nor wants, other than out of raw ignorance. Only anarchists and ignoramuses could object to an excise tax on incandescent light bulbs.

When I say raw ignorance, I don't mean ignorant in the way libtards do "You disagree with me, so you're ignorant". I mean, pure lack of knowledge. Like the idiot who insists he's saving money with 300W incandescent light bulbs. They're literally costing him many times over what he could get with LED bulbs. He's too damn stupid to factor in the cost of electricity and replacement bulbs.

AGAIN BulletProof -- Proof the link backs to get them right please.
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300W bulbs? Most breakers are 10A. 3 per circuit max. Some fixtures have 5-8 bulbs. Bathroom, chandilier. Garage door opener will melt. Many things say 60W max. LED use 100W no issue, little heat generated.

I use LED (after resisting due to cost). West facing outdoor night lights last longer if LED, worth the cost. Easier to clean. I used to go through 100W yellow bulbs like candy. No mas. Inside? LED work fine.

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