Plastic bag ban, don't let this insanity happen to you

I do self checkout forever. I am faster and smarter and I never get cheated. I call them over if price not right. I too, toss it all back in cart and bag at car. Faster. No chit-chat. No angry checker. I am in charge....mostly. machine accepts $100 or $1 coin. Pleasure.

I worry bout dirty bags. Bit of neat freak. But I survive. Always feel like I need hand arm scrub when get home from dirty store! Carts...gross but there is no choice.

I pay cash mostly, empty coins and small bills first to lighten my pockets. $50.44 I am golden.

I go often to two different stores, buy the best buys only since unemployed off/on since 2008 crash.
Watch experation dates. If I don't need it.......I don't buy it. I learned. I am a new breed Obama middle class depressionite with a hint of Bush.
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You aren't a libertarian. You're a goose stepping fascist douche bag.

I don't lose my libertarian credentials because I advocate an excise tax on something no one needs nor wants, other than out of raw ignorance. Only anarchists and ignoramuses could object to an excise tax on incandescent light bulbs.

Yes you do, actually. No genuine libertarian agrees with excise taxes, especially when they are used for the trivial purpose of achieving some bullshit leftwing goal. Libertarians believe in allowing the market to decide which products survive and which become extinct, not the government.

When I say raw ignorance, I don't mean ignorant in the way libtards do "You disagree with me, so you're ignorant". I mean, pure lack of knowledge. Like the idiot who insists he's saving money with 300W incandescent light bulbs. They're literally costing him many times over what he could get with LED bulbs. He's too damn stupid to factor in the cost of electricity and replacement bulbs.

He's not as stupid as you claim. The cost of an LED bulb that produces the equivalent of 300 W is a lot more than you're claiming. Until quite recently the cost of an LED could not be recovered over the 20 year life of the bulb.

Mod Edit -- The quote name above that I changed to UNKNOWN, is a broken link -- not my quote. FCT
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Yes you do, actually. No genuine libertarian agrees with excise taxes, especially when they are used for the trivial purpose of achieving some bullshit leftwing goal. Libertarians believe in allowing the market to decide which products survive and which become extinct, not the government.

You just blindly repeat a talking point, "let the market decide." Not one person in this thread has given a valid reason to not choose and LED. And, as for trivial, LEDs already save enough energy every year to pay for a wall on the border (which is a stupid idea, BTW). I'm all for letting the market decide when there's a case for both sides of an issue, but there's no case for incandescent, other than let the ignorant hurt themselves and others out of some sense of crassly following a principle.

He's not as stupid as you claim. The cost of an LED bulb that produces the equivalent of 300 W is a lot more than you're claiming. Until quite recently the cost of an LED could not be recovered over the 20 year life of the bulb.

Just checking with Home Depot:
300W equivalent LED: $39.97, lasts 32 years, uses $4.58 in electricity/year.
300W bulb: $4.47, lasts 0.7 years, uses $36.14 in electricity/year

Ten-year cost of ownership:
300W equivalent LED: $85.80
300W: $520.75
300W equivalent of common-wattage LEDs: $50.

300W is a bad example, because it's so far away from typical usage. 300W is also a bad example because the government's effort to drive people to LEDs doesn't include the 300W segment. $520.75 vs. $50 is the valid comparison. This HUGE cost advantage is just one of many LED advantages.
California "banned" plastic bags.

The businesses were all onboard, because all it meant for them is they charge 10 cents per bag, now.

It was all well and good, until a couple years later California passed another law that said , "send that bag money up to us for taxes"

At first, people tried to do what they were supposed to, they bought reusable bags and brought them to the store.

Now, the checkers scan the crap, and just stand there. You bring your own bag, now they want YOU to bag it. It was worth the 10 cents to put their ass back to work.

You buy bags at the store and they ask you "How many bags you want?"..."i don't fkn know"

The latest chapter is, you buy a plastic bag and they throw it with all the other crap you bought, and expect YOU to bag it yourself. They're trying to eliminate the bag-boy jobs.


Last week I go to the store, and I swear, some woman walked out with a 2' x 2' x 3' plastic bin with all her sht in it.

I go into the store, buy a bunch of stuff, the girl at the counter tells me "sorry we don't have ANY bags today"

I said "Well, it looks like i'm walking out with your handcart then"

(I should have stole it)

...and the funny part, California's "plastic bag ban" means plastic bags are 10 cents each.

I can't tell you how much I miss going to the store with no bag issues
Wildlife choke or eat those plastic bags not to mention there's a giant glob of plastic floating in the ocean the size of Texas.
Not using plastic bags is just being a good citizen of course which DEPLORABLES aren't interested..
Not using plastic bags is just being a good citizen of course which DEPLORABLES aren't interested..

The witch Clinton didn't call anyone Deplorables for anything other than their conservative good values. Being blindly against all government intrusion in LED lights and plastic bags is hypocritical and as bad as the Libtards being blindly for every government intrusion.

Will charging 10 cents/bag make a dent in the ocean's plastic island the size of Texas? I generally hate plastic, myself. Plastic anything.
Yes you do, actually. No genuine libertarian agrees with excise taxes, especially when they are used for the trivial purpose of achieving some bullshit leftwing goal. Libertarians believe in allowing the market to decide which products survive and which become extinct, not the government.

You just blindly repeat a talking point, "let the market decide." Not one person in this thread has given a valid reason to not choose and LED.

If that's the case, then why not let people decide for themselves? Simple, because you're a control freak leftwinger who can't stand the thought of people making choices you don't approve.

And, as for trivial, LEDs already save enough energy every year to pay for a wall on the border (which is a stupid idea, BTW). I'm all for letting the market decide when there's a case for both sides of an issue, but there's no case for incandescent, other than let the ignorant hurt themselves and others out of some sense of crassly following a principle.

Thanks for admitting that you're not a libertarian. No libertarian would say "I support the market except when I don't." You're nothing but a douche bag liberal.

He's not as stupid as you claim. The cost of an LED bulb that produces the equivalent of 300 W is a lot more than you're claiming. Until quite recently the cost of an LED could not be recovered over the 20 year life of the bulb.

Just checking with Home Depot:
300W equivalent LED: $39.97, lasts 32 years, uses $4.58 in electricity/year.
300W bulb: $4.47, lasts 0.7 years, uses $36.14 in electricity/year

Ten-year cost of ownership:
300W equivalent LED: $85.80
300W: $520.75
300W equivalent of common-wattage LEDs: $50.

300W is a bad example, because it's so far away from typical usage. 300W is also a bad example because the government's effort to drive people to LEDs doesn't include the 300W segment. $520.75 vs. $50 is the valid comparison. This HUGE cost advantage is just one of many LED advantages.

That's now. That wasn't true as recently as a year ago. Furthermore, your gullible if you think the LED will last 32 years. How many people live in the same house for 32 years? If they move after 3 years, how much money have they saved?
California "banned" plastic bags.

The businesses were all onboard, because all it meant for them is they charge 10 cents per bag, now.

It was all well and good, until a couple years later California passed another law that said , "send that bag money up to us for taxes"

At first, people tried to do what they were supposed to, they bought reusable bags and brought them to the store.

Now, the checkers scan the crap, and just stand there. You bring your own bag, now they want YOU to bag it. It was worth the 10 cents to put their ass back to work.

You buy bags at the store and they ask you "How many bags you want?"..."i don't fkn know"

The latest chapter is, you buy a plastic bag and they throw it with all the other crap you bought, and expect YOU to bag it yourself. They're trying to eliminate the bag-boy jobs.


Last week I go to the store, and I swear, some woman walked out with a 2' x 2' x 3' plastic bin with all her sht in it.

I go into the store, buy a bunch of stuff, the girl at the counter tells me "sorry we don't have ANY bags today"

I said "Well, it looks like i'm walking out with your handcart then"

(I should have stole it)

...and the funny part, California's "plastic bag ban" means plastic bags are 10 cents each.

I can't tell you how much I miss going to the store with no bag issues
Wildlife choke or eat those plastic bags not to mention there's a giant glob of plastic floating in the ocean the size of Texas.
Not using plastic bags is just being a good citizen of course which DEPLORABLES aren't interested..

Plastic bags don't end up in the ocean unless the local waste disposal firm dumps its trash in the ocean. That's blatantly illegal. Trash goes into a dump. It doesn't go into the ocean.
Not using plastic bags is just being a good citizen of course which DEPLORABLES aren't interested..

The witch Clinton didn't call anyone Deplorables for anything other than their conservative good values. .
Interesting you think being racist and ignorant are " good conservative values."

He doesn't, but you and Hillary do. That's why she lost. Average Americans are tired of being called racists because they support common sense.
Republicans use plastic bags to keep their kids quiet at Walmart:

If that's the case, then why not let people decide for themselves?

The government legitimately can intrude into the lighting market for the same reason we don't let people choose whether or not their car has brakes. There's no argument anyone can make against having brakes in a car, and so anyone choosing not to have brakes will be doing so purely out of ignorance and endangering themselves and others. In other words, because you're a f1cking moron and we have to save ourselves from your dangerous stupidity. As I said, I'm a libertarian, not an anarchist.

That's now. That wasn't true as recently as a year ago. Furthermore, your gullible if you think the LED will last 32 years. How many people live in the same house for 32 years? If they move after 3 years, how much money have they saved?

There's no doubt that any LED will last many times longer than an incandescent bulb.
If that's the case, then why not let people decide for themselves?

The government legitimately can intrude into the lighting market for the same reason we don't let people choose whether or not their car has brakes. There's no argument anyone can make against having brakes in a car, and so anyone choosing not to have brakes will be doing so purely out of ignorance and endangering themselves and others. In other words, because you're a f1cking moron and we have to save ourselves from your dangerous stupidity. As I said, I'm a libertarian, not an anarchist.

That's now. That wasn't true as recently as a year ago. Furthermore, your gullible if you think the LED will last 32 years. How many people live in the same house for 32 years? If they move after 3 years, how much money have they saved?

There's no doubt that any LED will last many times longer than an incandescent bulb.

LED does last longer, and costs 4-5 times more.
If that's the case, then why not let people decide for themselves?

The government legitimately can intrude into the lighting market for the same reason we don't let people choose whether or not their car has brakes. There's no argument anyone can make against having brakes in a car, and so anyone choosing not to have brakes will be doing so purely out of ignorance and endangering themselves and others. In other words, because you're a f1cking moron and we have to save ourselves from your dangerous stupidity. As I said, I'm a libertarian, not an anarchist.

That's now. That wasn't true as recently as a year ago. Furthermore, your gullible if you think the LED will last 32 years. How many people live in the same house for 32 years? If they move after 3 years, how much money have they saved?

There's no doubt that any LED will last many times longer than an incandescent bulb.

LED does last longer, and costs 4-5 times more.
Not any more. You can go to Home Depot and get a box of 4, each equal to a 60 watt bulb for 12 dollars.
I have found,that the majority of trash I dispose of is packaging. Milk jugs, bread wrappers, packaging from cookies to heads of lettuce.

Bringing home plastic bags that are used to take packaged groceries from the checkout line to the car and then to the pantry means bringing home even more packaging. Packaging that uses oil to produce, packaging that requires recycling at best, massive areas of landfill space at worst. And if those plastic bags wind up at the landfill, there they stay for the next ten thousand years before they degrade.

The earliest form of written human communication is called cuniform. Cuniform amounts to little symbolic scratched on wet clay. The clay gets dry and the symbols remain. It dates back some 4,500 years.

Why should a plastic bag that was used for less than thirty minutes last longer than cuniform?
arguing for intrusive government. I call BS on your Libertarian claim.

For Bulls1t on libertarian claims, look at the Libertarian Party.

I've advocated nothing in this thread but an excise tax on incandescent light bulbs, a very minimal government intrusion of a great amount of good. The only people who could object to that are anarchists and ignoramuses.
britpat said it best.
Libertarian my ass.
No government entity has the right to tell me what to purchase.
That goes from fucking light bulbs all the way to health care.
You support social engineering through taxation.
If that's the case, then why not let people decide for themselves?

The government legitimately can intrude into the lighting market for the same reason we don't let people choose whether or not their car has brakes. There's no argument anyone can make against having brakes in a car, and so anyone choosing not to have brakes will be doing so purely out of ignorance and endangering themselves and others. In other words, because you're a f1cking moron and we have to save ourselves from your dangerous stupidity. As I said, I'm a libertarian, not an anarchist.

That's now. That wasn't true as recently as a year ago. Furthermore, your gullible if you think the LED will last 32 years. How many people live in the same house for 32 years? If they move after 3 years, how much money have they saved?

There's no doubt that any LED will last many times longer than an incandescent bulb.

LED does last longer, and costs 4-5 times more.
Not any more. You can go to Home Depot and get a box of 4, each equal to a 60 watt bulb for 12 dollars.

No kidding, you can also go to Home Depot and get a box of 16 incandescent 60W bulbs for $15.

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