Plastic bag ban, don't let this insanity happen to you

arguing for intrusive government. I call BS on your Libertarian claim.

For Bulls1t on libertarian claims, look at the Libertarian Party.

I've advocated nothing in this thread but an excise tax on incandescent light bulbs, a very minimal government intrusion of a great amount of good. The only people who could object to that are anarchists and ignoramuses.
britpat said it best.
Libertarian my ass.
No government entity has the right to tell me what to purchase.
That goes from fucking light bulbs all the way to health care.
You support social engineering through taxation.
Go live in Russia. There you can be as "free" as you want.
If that's the case, then why not let people decide for themselves?

The government legitimately can intrude into the lighting market for the same reason we don't let people choose whether or not their car has brakes. There's no argument anyone can make against having brakes in a car, and so anyone choosing not to have brakes will be doing so purely out of ignorance and endangering themselves and others. In other words, because you're a f1cking moron and we have to save ourselves from your dangerous stupidity. As I said, I'm a libertarian, not an anarchist.

That's now. That wasn't true as recently as a year ago. Furthermore, your gullible if you think the LED will last 32 years. How many people live in the same house for 32 years? If they move after 3 years, how much money have they saved?

There's no doubt that any LED will last many times longer than an incandescent bulb.

LED does last longer, and costs 4-5 times more.
Not any more. You can go to Home Depot and get a box of 4, each equal to a 60 watt bulb for 12 dollars.

No kidding, you can also go to Home Depot and get a box of 16 incandescent 60W bulbs for $15.
Light Bulbs - The Home Depot
Back in the 1990's west coast liberal morons banned paper grocery bags and mandated use of plastic save the trees from evil grocery shoppers. All part of the left's war on the timber industry under Bill Clinton. Typical of dumb ass liberals their half baked plastic bag nonsense created an environmental disaster, wow, shocker. :rolleyes:
Back in the 1990's west coast liberal morons banned paper grocery bags and mandated use of plastic save the trees from evil grocery shoppers. All part of the left's war on the timber industry under Bill Clinton. Typical of dumb ass liberals their half baked plastic bag nonsense created an environmental disaster, wow, shocker. :rolleyes:
Much like liberals loving that spring water in plastic bottles. Most of which ends up in the river.
Back in the 1990's west coast liberal morons banned paper grocery bags and mandated use of plastic save the trees from evil grocery shoppers. All part of the left's war on the timber industry under Bill Clinton. Typical of dumb ass liberals their half baked plastic bag nonsense created an environmental disaster, wow, shocker. :rolleyes:
Much like liberals loving that spring water in plastic bottles. Most of which ends up in the river.

That's my top issue with liberals, they are stupid morons.
Republicans use plastic bags to keep their kids quiet at Walmart:

Hispanic. She's a Democrat, moron.
Newsmax's 50 Most Influential Latino Republicans

Opinion: Hispanic Republicans quiet as Trump sees no place for Latinos

Hispanic Republicans awfully quiet these days. Thanks for pointing that out.

The woman you are ridiculing is Hispanic. You made a fool of yourself, but your latest post isn't helping you recover. It's only making you look like a bigger asshole and a racist.
If that's the case, then why not let people decide for themselves?

The government legitimately can intrude into the lighting market for the same reason we don't let people choose whether or not their car has brakes. There's no argument anyone can make against having brakes in a car, and so anyone choosing not to have brakes will be doing so purely out of ignorance and endangering themselves and others. In other words, because you're a f1cking moron and we have to save ourselves from your dangerous stupidity. As I said, I'm a libertarian, not an anarchist.

That's now. That wasn't true as recently as a year ago. Furthermore, your gullible if you think the LED will last 32 years. How many people live in the same house for 32 years? If they move after 3 years, how much money have they saved?

There's no doubt that any LED will last many times longer than an incandescent bulb.

LED does last longer, and costs 4-5 times more.
It's more like 10 times more, isn't it?
If I'm honest, I was never keen to go from paper to plastic bags. I just like paper bags better. Maybe it's just my being nostalgic, but paper bags just seem so much more useful to me.
  • They sit better in the trunk, back seat, etc. of a car, were less likely to fall over and spill their contents.
  • When I was in college, I put one or two on the floor by the door so I had a place to step and put my wet shoes when coming in from the rain or snow.
  • Many a fire was started using torn grocery store paper bags.
  • When one makes a covered dish to take to a party, a paper bag helps the dish retain its temperature better than does a plastic bag.
  • Toss an open one on the floor and a cat or dog has a fine new place to play for a little while.
  • They are great as wrapping paper.
  • In primary school I made a woven basket using paper bags. (It has turned out to be surprisingly durable. In my former bedroom at my parents' home, it still sits on a shelf holding some of my childhood knicknacks.)
  • They covered my textbooks throughout my school years and information of all sorts was written on them.
Then again, these days, most of my groceries arrive in boxes rather than bags, so maybe, for me at least, it's something of a moot point.
That makes absolutely zero sense.
Expected based on your typical posts.
Because in your world, low bulb life and high power beats very long life and a 10th of the power even when equaling the same light intensity.

That's how you roll.
Republicans use plastic bags to keep their kids quiet at Walmart:

Hispanic. She's a Democrat, moron.
Newsmax's 50 Most Influential Latino Republicans

Opinion: Hispanic Republicans quiet as Trump sees no place for Latinos

Hispanic Republicans awfully quiet these days. Thanks for pointing that out.

The woman you are ridiculing is Hispanic. You made a fool of yourself, but your latest post isn't helping you recover. It's only making you look like a bigger asshole and a racist.
Why do you think she's Hispanic? Because she's fat? She doesn't look very Hispanic to me. Not with hair that light.
Republicans use plastic bags to keep their kids quiet at Walmart:

Hispanic. She's a Democrat, moron.
Newsmax's 50 Most Influential Latino Republicans

Opinion: Hispanic Republicans quiet as Trump sees no place for Latinos

Hispanic Republicans awfully quiet these days. Thanks for pointing that out.

The woman you are ridiculing is Hispanic. You made a fool of yourself, but your latest post isn't helping you recover. It's only making you look like a bigger asshole and a racist.
Why do you think she's Hispanic? Because she's fat? She doesn't look very Hispanic to me. Not with hair that light.

Where do you live, Deanrd, Massachusetts? Haven't you ever seen an Hispanic?

Why are you just now getting around to questioning whether she's Hispanic? You didn't question it in your first response.
California "banned" plastic bags.

The businesses were all onboard, because all it meant for them is they charge 10 cents per bag, now.

It was all well and good, until a couple years later California passed another law that said , "send that bag money up to us for taxes"

At first, people tried to do what they were supposed to, they bought reusable bags and brought them to the store.

Now, the checkers scan the crap, and just stand there. You bring your own bag, now they want YOU to bag it. It was worth the 10 cents to put their ass back to work.

You buy bags at the store and they ask you "How many bags you want?"..."i don't fkn know"

The latest chapter is, you buy a plastic bag and they throw it with all the other crap you bought, and expect YOU to bag it yourself. They're trying to eliminate the bag-boy jobs.


Last week I go to the store, and I swear, some woman walked out with a 2' x 2' x 3' plastic bin with all her sht in it.

I go into the store, buy a bunch of stuff, the girl at the counter tells me "sorry we don't have ANY bags today"

I said "Well, it looks like i'm walking out with your handcart then"

(I should have stole it)

...and the funny part, California's "plastic bag ban" means plastic bags are 10 cents each.

I can't tell you how much I miss going to the store with no bag issues

Single-Use Carryout Bag Requirements Begin March 1, 2013 | Austin Resource Recovery | Austin

No government entity has the right to tell me what to purchase.
That goes from fucking light bulbs all the way to health care.
You support social engineering through taxation.

You have absolutely failed to identify any reason other than ignorance why someone would typically buy an incandescent bulb. You talk about bulbs like choosing apples vs. oranges. But, it's more like apples vs. strychnine.

It has nothing to do with social engineering, your retard, as there's nothing social about it, and has nothing to do with religious or moral values.
Your so called green bulbs wouldn't exist without subsidies and a market distortion created by government favoring one technology over another.
Exactly what China is doing. Again, as a consumer I can chose whatever product I wish in a true free market. Even my big v8 Jeep. You sound more like a regressive with every post.
Good thing I live in the state that allows me to buy lightbulbs that I want to buy, not that it's a big deal at all. It IS all about the principal.
I do have a reason to prefer 300 W incandesce bulbs, three reasons - they have better light, they are cheaper and they are more accessible.
I think you are off on your percentages, are you from California?

Dude, straight up, you're a nutjob. If it makes you feel any better, most people are stupid, so you're not alone.

If we're talking about the US government's effort to push people away from incandescent bulbs, your 300W bulbs aren't covered. Your 300W bulbs are irrelevant, so shut up. No one has advocated a 100% ban. In this thread, I only advocated a tax.

Your claim incandescents have better light is bullsh1t. Technically, it's true LEDs don't perfectly match an incandescent light, but you don't need a perfect incandescent light. The CRI of LEDs can now surpass 98%, indistinguishable to the human eye. But, LEDs can produce any kind of light, making them far better for many things. If you want a plant light, get red and blue LEDs.

As for saving money, unless you're stealing electricity, you're draining your bank account, fool. You can match the light level of a 300W incandescent with a LED lights of under 40 watts. Within a year or two, that 300W bulb's electric cost is going to put the total cost over the LED. But, by that time, it'll have burned out, so you'll have to buy a new one. Meanwhile, I'm looking at a 300W equivalent LED with an estimated life of 32 years. So, bucko, over time, you won't even save on the bulb cost alone, without even considering the eight times more you're spending on electricity.

I'm happy that might public utility isn't hitting me up with rate increases to pay to expand capacity for all the damn morons who wouldn't go to LED without a government shove. I'm happy for the reduced pollution and other benefits from the public being pushed to LEDs.
Well, you should not even care what anyone else uses for lightbulbs. I don't give a shit what people use for light bulbs.
I will stick with what I've always used I'm sure millions are just like me… Control freaks like you are funny.
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Without California the rest of the country would starve or go broke trying to buy food.
Shit for brains, where the food is raised in California goals those are conservative counties. Are you stupid in the head?

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