Plastic bag ban, don't let this insanity happen to you

People should be able to buy whatever lightbulbs they want, The fucking federal government should have no say in the matter.

I asked if you're an anarchist? That's a fair question. I'm thinking idiot. Why shouldn't the government have a say? I put forth my argument, and you're just sitting their like a ____ asserting your position, but totally unable to even attempt to give an explanation.
Ok, i will bite. The federal government should not have a say on lightbulbs and bags, The motherfuckers have no credibility on the matter.
You can buy whatever fucking lightbulb or bag you want to, and it's none of your fucking business what anyone else buys.
pro choice baby :dance:
Conservative libertarian
I don't want to tell anybody what bag or lightbulb to use only a fucking piece of shit control freak would want to do something like that...

Are you an anarchist?

How can you accuse someone of being a control freak when they don't cost you, inconvenience you, nor compel you do violate any sincerely held beliefs? The only reason why not everyone uses LEDs is ignorance.

You have a better argument with plastic bags. Banning them is an inconvenience. But, if they're causing environmental problems outside of your property, then it is a concern of the government.
Mind if I take a shot on the second argument?
When you get a bag it becomes your property that you are now responsible for so it should be on the person to decide what to do with it and if that "property" ends up on someone else land or public land then it should be a small crime of littering. What happens when the bag when it ends up in the landfill is up the the owner of said landfill since its now his property. Assuming the bag got there through a mutual trade "paying to put trash in a dump".
Ok, i will bite. The federal government should not have a say on lightbulbs and bags, The motherfuckers have no credibility on the matter.
You can buy whatever fucking lightbulb or bag you want to, and it's none of your fucking business what anyone else buys.

Fed credibility isn't an issue. LED bulbs make incandescent bulbs obsolete. The case for not banning plastic bags is there's no great and transparent substitute for them. ("Transparent", not affecting the user.)

Do you think all manner of drugs should be legalized? I'm wondering how much you really believe that it's no one's business what you buy.
Ok, i will bite. The federal government should not have a say on lightbulbs and bags, The motherfuckers have no credibility on the matter.
You can buy whatever fucking lightbulb or bag you want to, and it's none of your fucking business what anyone else buys.

Fed credibility isn't an issue. LED bulbs make incandescent bulbs obsolete. The case for not banning plastic bags is there's no great and transparent substitute for them. ("Transparent", not affecting the user.)

Do you think all manner of drugs should be legalized? I'm wondering how much you really believe that it's no one's business what you buy.
You're deflecting, anyway. Why should I buy LED bulbs? Why should someone make me buy LED bulbs? Tell us where I am wrong on buying the lightbulbs that I had bought for 20+ years?
By the way, I don't give a shit about other people's drug intake… I don't drink alcohol or even coffee. I don't care about other people's habits
I personally believe that a great country means being able to benefit off the work you do without anyone infringing on it and when you make a mistake you should suffer the consequences.
you and you alone get your creations and you and you alone should suffer your mistakes not forced to share either
Ok, i will bite. The federal government should not have a say on lightbulbs and bags, The motherfuckers have no credibility on the matter.
You can buy whatever fucking lightbulb or bag you want to, and it's none of your fucking business what anyone else buys.

Fed credibility isn't an issue. LED bulbs make incandescent bulbs obsolete. The case for not banning plastic bags is there's no great and transparent substitute for them. ("Transparent", not affecting the user.)

Do you think all manner of drugs should be legalized? I'm wondering how much you really believe that it's no one's business what you buy.
Yes, all drugs should be legalized.

"Transparent" does not mean it doesn't affect the user.

It's not a matter of credibility. It's a matter of what the government's proper function is. Telling me how to bring my groceries home isn't one of those functions.
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Mind if I take a shot on the second argument?
When you get a bag it becomes your property that you are now responsible for so it should be on the person to decide what to do with it and if that "property" ends up on someone else land or public land then it should be a small crime of littering. What happens when the bag when it ends up in the landfill is up the the owner of said landfill since its now his property. Assuming the bag got there through a mutual trade "paying to put trash in a dump".

In most cases, the trash dump is owned by the government, so that mutual agreement would require the bags to have 10 a cent tax, if that were the government's terms.

It's not remotely realistic to prevent plastic bag litter by enforcing litter laws.

I think a plastic bag ban goes to far, but if plastic bags really are a major environmental and aesthetic problem, then maybe a ban is in order. Public Harm vs. Free Choice needs to be weighed. (And, no, plastic bags are in no way comparable to free speech, freedom of religion, etc.)
I personally believe that a great country means being able to benefit off the work you do without anyone infringing on it and when you make a mistake you should suffer the consequences.
you and you alone get your creations and you and you alone should suffer your mistakes not forced to share either
No doubt, shit happens deal with it, I don't want anyone else paying for my shit, I don't expect anyone else to pay for my shit, my financial matters/health matters are no one else's business Including the federal governments, and I don't give a shit about the myth of drowning polar bears...
Mind if I take a shot on the second argument?
When you get a bag it becomes your property that you are now responsible for so it should be on the person to decide what to do with it and if that "property" ends up on someone else land or public land then it should be a small crime of littering. What happens when the bag when it ends up in the landfill is up the the owner of said landfill since its now his property. Assuming the bag got there through a mutual trade "paying to put trash in a dump".

In most cases, the trash dump is owned by the government, so that mutual agreement would require the bags to have 10 a cent tax, if that were the government's terms.

It's not remotely realistic to prevent plastic bag litter by enforcing litter laws.

I think a plastic bag ban goes to far, but if plastic bags really are a major environmental and aesthetic problem, then maybe a ban is in order. Public Harm vs. Free Choice needs to be weighed. (And, no, plastic bags are in no way comparable to free speech, freedom of religion, etc.)

Everywhere I've lived the trash dump is owned by company named "Waste Management."

How is the government going to charge you $0.10/bag at the dump? Is it going to sift though your trash?
Mind if I take a shot on the second argument?
When you get a bag it becomes your property that you are now responsible for so it should be on the person to decide what to do with it and if that "property" ends up on someone else land or public land then it should be a small crime of littering. What happens when the bag when it ends up in the landfill is up the the owner of said landfill since its now his property. Assuming the bag got there through a mutual trade "paying to put trash in a dump".

In most cases, the trash dump is owned by the government, so that mutual agreement would require the bags to have 10 a cent tax, if that were the government's terms.

It's not remotely realistic to prevent plastic bag litter by enforcing litter laws.

I think a plastic bag ban goes to far, but if plastic bags really are a major environmental and aesthetic problem, then maybe a ban is in order. Public Harm vs. Free Choice needs to be weighed. (And, no, plastic bags are in no way comparable to free speech, freedom of religion, etc.)
Well, keep it to yourselves if that's your concern, up here in South Dakota which you will probably never see - why should you give a shit what happens up here? I prefer coal/natural gas fired power plants to run my 300 W lightbulbs… LOL
My point relies that you are using a private owned landfill.
I do think the people can decide how a public landfill works.
You're deflecting, anyway. Why should I buy LED bulbs? Why should someone make me buy LED bulbs? Tell us where I am wrong on buying the lightbulbs that I had bought for 20+ years?
By the way, I don't give a shit about other people's drug intake… I don't drink alcohol or even coffee. I don't care about other people's habits

Shucks for you. You represent about 1% of the public, and that doesn't take you very far when it comes to how government operates. 99% believe either incandescent bulbs or crack cocaine should be illegal. And, those for a crack ban have no reason to be against an incandescent ban.

And, as long as nearly half my money goes to the government to pay for welfare, social security, among other things, I'm all for things that cut costs without inconveniencing myself or compelling myself to violate my sincerely held beliefs.

So, why do you give a sh1t, other than the principle? You have no reason to prefer incandescent bulbs.
We have something similar in D.C. People have taken to bringing their own "durable" shopping bags to the grocery store. Many places gave away such bags when the "ban" was announced. These days one may see people toting their groceries and whatnot in all sorts of bags and bag contraptions. People pretty much use whatever they have handy that will hold whatever they want to bring home. It's really not that burdensome.









Make sure you wash your bags after EVERY usage. That's the only way you can ensure that you don't catch a possibly fatal disease.

"Bacteria were found in 99% of reusable bags tested, but none in new bags or plastic bags.
• Coliform bacteria were found in 51% of the bags tested, with generic E. coli in 8%.
• Bacteria were capable of growth when stored in the trunks of cars.
• A potential risk of bacterial cross-contamination is associated with use of reusable bags to carry groceries.
• Hand or machine washing reduced the numbers of bacteria in reusable bags by > 99.9%.
• Instructions should be printed on reusable bags, indicating that they should be washed between uses and that foods that are usually consumed raw should be separated from other food products." contamination of reusable shopping bags_i171.pdf
Make sure you wash your bags after EVERY usage. That's the only way you can ensure that you don't catch a possibly fatal disease. contamination of reusable shopping bags_i171.pdf

TY for sharing the info.

I don't think it's much of a concern in my household -- groceries are among the few things we routinely buy online -- but it's good info all the same.
When I go to the grocery store -- only when I want something specific that I don't have on hand -- I just pay for the bags. It's never been until after I've left home and pulled into the parking lot that and see someone with their reusable bags that it dawns on me that I should have brought a bag or two.
California "banned" plastic bags.

The businesses were all onboard, because all it meant for them is they charge 10 cents per bag, now.

It was all well and good, until a couple years later California passed another law that said , "send that bag money up to us for taxes"

At first, people tried to do what they were supposed to, they bought reusable bags and brought them to the store.

Now, the checkers scan the crap, and just stand there. You bring your own bag, now they want YOU to bag it. It was worth the 10 cents to put their ass back to work.

You buy bags at the store and they ask you "How many bags you want?"..."i don't fkn know"

The latest chapter is, you buy a plastic bag and they throw it with all the other crap you bought, and expect YOU to bag it yourself. They're trying to eliminate the bag-boy jobs.


Last week I go to the store, and I swear, some woman walked out with a 2' x 2' x 3' plastic bin with all her sht in it.

I go into the store, buy a bunch of stuff, the girl at the counter tells me "sorry we don't have ANY bags today"

I said "Well, it looks like i'm walking out with your handcart then"

(I should have stole it)

...and the funny part, California's "plastic bag ban" means plastic bags are 10 cents each.

I can't tell you how much I miss going to the store with no bag issues
/----/ The unintended consequences of Liberalism. BTW in the 1970s the Libtards demanded the stores stop using paper bags in order to save the trees. They said plastic bags would save the planet. These stores will go back to paper bags unless Libs outlaw them as well.
You're deflecting, anyway. Why should I buy LED bulbs? Why should someone make me buy LED bulbs? Tell us where I am wrong on buying the lightbulbs that I had bought for 20+ years?
By the way, I don't give a shit about other people's drug intake… I don't drink alcohol or even coffee. I don't care about other people's habits

Shucks for you. You represent about 1% of the public, and that doesn't take you very far when it comes to how government operates. 99% believe either incandescent bulbs or crack cocaine should be illegal. And, those for a crack ban have no reason to be against an incandescent ban.

And, as long as nearly half my money goes to the government to pay for welfare, social security, among other things, I'm all for things that cut costs without inconveniencing myself or compelling myself to violate my sincerely held beliefs.

So, why do you give a sh1t, other than the principle? You have no reason to prefer incandescent bulbs.
Good thing I live in the state that allows me to buy lightbulbs that I want to buy, not that it's a big deal at all. It IS all about the principal.
I do have a reason to prefer 300 W incandesce bulbs, three reasons - they have better light, they are cheaper and they are more accessible.
I think you are off on your percentages, are you from California?
Recycling should be a personal choice 100%, no one should be forced into the shit.
Good thing I live in the state that allows me to buy lightbulbs that I want to buy, not that it's a big deal at all. It IS all about the principal.
I do have a reason to prefer 300 W incandesce bulbs, three reasons - they have better light, they are cheaper and they are more accessible.
I think you are off on your percentages, are you from California?

Dude, straight up, you're a nutjob. If it makes you feel any better, most people are stupid, so you're not alone.

If we're talking about the US government's effort to push people away from incandescent bulbs, your 300W bulbs aren't covered. Your 300W bulbs are irrelevant, so shut up. No one has advocated a 100% ban. In this thread, I only advocated a tax.

Your claim incandescents have better light is bullsh1t. Technically, it's true LEDs don't perfectly match an incandescent light, but you don't need a perfect incandescent light. The CRI of LEDs can now surpass 98%, indistinguishable to the human eye. But, LEDs can produce any kind of light, making them far better for many things. If you want a plant light, get red and blue LEDs.

As for saving money, unless you're stealing electricity, you're draining your bank account, fool. You can match the light level of a 300W incandescent with a LED lights of under 40 watts. Within a year or two, that 300W bulb's electric cost is going to put the total cost over the LED. But, by that time, it'll have burned out, so you'll have to buy a new one. Meanwhile, I'm looking at a 300W equivalent LED with an estimated life of 32 years. So, bucko, over time, you won't even save on the bulb cost alone, without even considering the eight times more you're spending on electricity.

I'm happy that might public utility isn't hitting me up with rate increases to pay to expand capacity for all the damn morons who wouldn't go to LED without a government shove. I'm happy for the reduced pollution and other benefits from the public being pushed to LEDs.
California "banned" plastic bags.

The businesses were all onboard, because all it meant for them is they charge 10 cents per bag, now.

It was all well and good, until a couple years later California passed another law that said , "send that bag money up to us for taxes"

At first, people tried to do what they were supposed to, they bought reusable bags and brought them to the store.

Now, the checkers scan the crap, and just stand there. You bring your own bag, now they want YOU to bag it. It was worth the 10 cents to put their ass back to work.

You buy bags at the store and they ask you "How many bags you want?"..."i don't fkn know"

The latest chapter is, you buy a plastic bag and they throw it with all the other crap you bought, and expect YOU to bag it yourself. They're trying to eliminate the bag-boy jobs.


Last week I go to the store, and I swear, some woman walked out with a 2' x 2' x 3' plastic bin with all her sht in it.

I go into the store, buy a bunch of stuff, the girl at the counter tells me "sorry we don't have ANY bags today"

I said "Well, it looks like i'm walking out with your handcart then"

(I should have stole it)

...and the funny part, California's "plastic bag ban" means plastic bags are 10 cents each.

I can't tell you how much I miss going to the store with no bag issues
I believe we should have invested in, industrial forms of automation, that can "pick clean", any reusable items from litter that will go to the landfill. Robots could be sorting through trash instead of real persons having to change their behavior.
It's as stupid as the light bulb ban.
Can still get my 100 watt incandescent bulbs, for freaking 9 bucks a 4 pack.
Hate the new bulbs in a cold garage.

You hate the old spiral bulbs. The new LED bulbs are cheap and almost magical. They work perfectly in your cold garage.

Even as a hardcore libertarian, a 2-cent/watt tax on incandescent bulbs seems reasonable, because so many people are just so damn stupid and won't move to massively better LEDs without a push. Yeah, an eight-dollar tax for being stupid and buying those 4-pack incandescent bulbs. I'm a libertarian, not an anarchist.
Sounds like another great way to fuck the poor. Excellent.

Lube me up, Scotty! fap, fap, fap, fap....

Next let's fuck 'em with a libertarian approved flat-tax. YEEEEHAAA! I'm going deep into that ass now! Fuck 'em hard. Ridem' Cowboy!
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