Playboy Channel/T.v. history concerning going from soft to hardcore prn.


Silver Member
Jul 31, 2016
So...what is the history of the Playboy Channel going from softcore porn (which, ahem, to be clear here does not including SHOWING penetration and or ejaculation but is real sex) to hardcore porn (which would be where penetration and ejaculation is shown)? The reason I am asking here is because I don't know where else (believe it or not) to ask on the internet that might have some level of credibility, eh.

My understanding is that there was some short run series in 1969 or so but there was certainly no sex or what have you shown then and there. I also think in terms of before video tape and laser disc (which contrary to what people think or know actually did come out the same time as video tape) people would/could resort to watching porn at home on reel to reel or some sort of film. Sometimes it would have sound and some times not. Even that was genuinely on the rare side for people to have access to such manner before video tapes.

As far as when the Playboy Channel began in late 1982 I don't think there was even too much R rated stuff on it (pretend and or understood to be pretend sex though I have doubts that that it wasn't sometimes real; what do you all think?) at the very beginning though that was what would first be shown. Perhaps even at the beginning, I'm not sure. Also just to clarify the channel was on on ten hours a day from 8:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. Lord, that must have been rough. :) It would not go full 24 hours until 1994. It also changed its name in 1989 from "The Playboy Channel" to "Playboy T.V.".

So I am curious as to when they went to softcore porn as in what year though any information more exact would be great in terms of day, date, and what program(s) for that matter). Then when did they start showing hardcore porn? One reason I ask and am interested in finding out there is I used to desperately as a child try to watch scrambled porn which made me go blind. Just kidding. I didn't go blind. It was very difficult to masturbate to if for no other reason to not get caught by my parents, right? Unlike some households both activities were not allowed or considered moral to say the least.

I am of the understanding that there was/is hardcore pornography on Playboy T.V. and I guess had been on The Playboy Channel though that does not seem to be very clear concerning the article on everyone's favorite fact guide and source of all things accurate I do remember being frustrated not only waiting for the sex amongst the channel being scrambled which made for a rather miserable experience but also but also wishing to God that I could see penetration which I guess I never did or at least the scrambled aspect of it made it impossible to be sure. For me this experience would have been before the internet (pre 1997) for me and before I had the ability to go to a porn store to get a video or even magazine. I do find it fascinating the age and ages I grew up in running so parallel to certain aspects of culture whether it was things like MTV or access to porn. To be more clear concerning myself I turned 18 in 1995 but got sent off to boarding school that year to finish high school. Hmm, I wonder why? I guess I couldn't keep my mind on the right things, huh? I am 100 % sure no one else had the same problem, er, issue(s). I was single handedly (erm wrong choice of wording, huh?) the only one. Ug. Too much. Eye roll.

If you all don't know the answers here do you all know where I could look to find them?
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I also wonder the same thing concerning video tapes and laser discs that were put out by Playboy.
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You obviously have not read one thing in the post so why are you responding? Oh, and your parents find you disappointing.
The thread title didn't make a lick of sense. To me anyway. Same with the first paragraph, I started stuttering just trying to read the first paragraph.

Anyway. Good luck with whatever you're lookign for. I stopped reading.
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Why are you posting and trying to carry conversation on something you admit to not reading (or comprehending)? That seems weird.
The thread title didn't make a lick of sense. To me anyway. Same with the first paragraph, I started stuttering just trying to read the first paragraph.

Anyway. Good luck with whatever you're lookign for. I stopped reading.

I'm thinking that English is probably his second language.
So...what is the history of the Playboy Channel going from softcore porn (which, ahem, to be clear here does not including SHOWING penetration and or ejaculation but is real sex) to hardcore porn (which would be where penetration and ejaculation is shown)? The reason I am asking here is because I don't know where else (believe it or not) to ask on the internet that might have some level of credibility, eh.

My understanding is that there was some short run series in 1969 or so but there was certainly no sex or what have you shown then and there. I also think in terms of before video tape and laser disc (which contrary to what people think or know actually did come out the same time as video tape) people would/could resort to watching porn at home on reel to reel or some sort of film. Sometimes it would have sound and some times not. Even that was genuinely on the rare side for people to have access to such manner before video tapes.

As far as when the Playboy Channel began in late 1982 I don't think there was even too much R rated stuff on it (pretend and or understood to be pretend sex though I have doubts that that it wasn't sometimes real; what do you all think?) at the very beginning though that was what would first be shown. Perhaps even at the beginning, I'm not sure. Also just to clarify the channel was on on ten hours a day from 8:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. Lord, that must have been rough. :) It would not go full 24 hours until 1994. It also changed its name in 1989 from "The Playboy Channel" to "Playboy T.V.".

So I am curious as to when they went to softcore porn as in what year though any information more exact would be great in terms of day, date, and what program(s) for that matter). Then when did they start showing hardcore porn? One reason I ask and am interested in finding out there is I used to desperately as a child try to watch scrambled porn which made me go blind. Just kidding. I didn't go blind. It was very difficult to masturbate to if for no other reason to not get caught by my parents, right? Unlike some households both activities were not allowed or considered moral to say the least.

I am of the understanding that there was/is hardcore pornography on Playboy T.V. and I guess had been on The Playboy Channel though that does not seem to be very clear concerning the article on everyone's favorite fact guide and source of all things accurate I do remember being frustrated not only waiting for the sex amongst the channel being scrambled which made for a rather miserable experience but also but also wishing to God that I could see penetration which I guess I never did or at least the scrambled aspect of it made it impossible to be sure. For me this experience would have been before the internet (pre 1997) for me and before I had the ability to go to a porn store to get a video or even magazine. I do find it fascinating the age and ages I grew up in running so parallel to certain aspects of culture whether it was things like MTV or access to porn. To be more clear concerning myself I turned 18 in 1995 but got sent off to boarding school that year to finish high school. Hmm, I wonder why? I guess I couldn't keep my mind on the right things, huh? I am 100 % sure no one else had the same problem, er, issue(s). I was single handedly (erm wrong choice of wording, huh?) the only one. Ug. Too much. Eye roll.

If you all don't know the answers here do you all know where I could look to find them?
I used to unscramble and watch it in the early to mid 1980's. My brother's friend's brother worked for the local cable company and he gave us the code to unscramble the picture! It was definitely soft porn then, but was a thrill knowing we got the channel illegally. I never watched it after that, so I don't know WHEN they switched to hardcore porn.
They did though at some point, right? I haven't bothered watching since getting the internet in 1997...
The thread title didn't make a lick of sense. To me anyway. Same with the first paragraph, I started stuttering just trying to read the first paragraph.

Anyway. Good luck with whatever you're lookign for. I stopped reading.

I think he is a porn snob.

On the one hand he wants to watch them have sex but on the other hand if it is too graphic it gives him the willies.

Very odd.
Start with using your eyes and follow along. There are a multitude of discussions going on. It's neat-o and fun-o like porn-o.

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