CDZ Please explain to me something...

I am having trouble understanding where we (as the people and voters) made a mistake. While i have my own conclusion about that, I would like to hear some opinions first.

In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing). On the same time we have had a peaceful period of time for several decades, the living standards rise since ww2 and yet, everybody seems to be unhappy. Why is that the case?
And a more specific question is, how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president? I do not blame them specifically as I am starting to believe this can happen anywhere else as well (i am from germany). Lets say that all of his political ideas (tariffs, walls, health care, taxes, etc.) would make sense to you, does it bias his rethoric? Apart from white male supremecists i dont think there is a group that he didnt attack. Do you really believe he is the only one who could improve your country? Why wouldnt a "normal" politican be able to do it without all the lies?

My simple ideas i currently have are education and lobbyism. But given the fact that the leading political party changed over the last decades quite often in all those democracies, why did we end up being so uneducated, that a lot of us are going extreme as the only solution? Why is belief more important than facts? When did we stopped checking what people say? Did this start with social media? Is social media the modern radio, that empowered Hitler? And why do we allow lobbys to write laws for the elected government to pass? Why can't they formulate their own ideas and write them into a law? I agree, that involved parties should be heard and their opinions taken into account into an decision, but to what extent?

Where will this development lead to? Back to markantilism? Back to nationalism and wars? To some new and better future? if that is the case, how is that accomplished?[/QUOTE

In my opinion, the biggest problem is that many (most?) people in government have become enamored with the idea that we can "mold" society via government. But people tend to resent, and resist, being molded. And they've become so sick of it they'll vote for anyone they think might break the mold.
With what in mind? How would a voters life get better by dismanteling the government or replacing it with some autocracy? I really mean it... I dont understand these people. My parents are very well settled (economy wise) and they started voting for AfD (a german right wing party) - part of me thinks, its age, but considering who votes for them, it is not the only reason. They have no reason to be unhappy with the government, with their lifes and i think 30-40 percent cannot be explained with "people tend to resent" - why now and not 20 years ago? I would agree that in every society you will find 10 percent where your statement holds true

Until the world is shed of the banking oligarchs that have made all people "debt slaves" with their debt based fiat currency system and fractional banking practices, we will always be manipulated and divided.
I am having trouble understanding where we (as the people and voters) made a mistake. While i have my own conclusion about that, I would like to hear some opinions first.

In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing). On the same time we have had a peaceful period of time for several decades, the living standards rise since ww2 and yet, everybody seems to be unhappy. Why is that the case?
And a more specific question is, how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president? I do not blame them specifically as I am starting to believe this can happen anywhere else as well (i am from germany). Lets say that all of his political ideas (tariffs, walls, health care, taxes, etc.) would make sense to you, does it bias his rethoric? Apart from white male supremecists i dont think there is a group that he didnt attack. Do you really believe he is the only one who could improve your country? Why wouldnt a "normal" politican be able to do it without all the lies?

My simple ideas i currently have are education and lobbyism. But given the fact that the leading political party changed over the last decades quite often in all those democracies, why did we end up being so uneducated, that a lot of us are going extreme as the only solution? Why is belief more important than facts? When did we stopped checking what people say? Did this start with social media? Is social media the modern radio, that empowered Hitler? And why do we allow lobbys to write laws for the elected government to pass? Why can't they formulate their own ideas and write them into a law? I agree, that involved parties should be heard and their opinions taken into account into an decision, but to what extent?

Where will this development lead to? Back to markantilism? Back to nationalism and wars? To some new and better future? if that is the case, how is that accomplished?
Neoliberalism is at the heart of the matter.

Neoliberalism--- --- isn't that the new catch phrase for intellectual snob elitist fascists justifying themselves as superior and manifestdestiny in creating and inheriting the meltdown of the once-great Western Civilization because they've steered some of themselves into protected gated communities as they watch the rest of the world be flooded by the swath of the uneducated skilless poor they opened the doors to as a deluge over their own people?
Sounds about right. This is what they look like.
In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing).

And there he goes with a TOTAL FAIL on his very first thread, not realizing that by their very nature, "democracies" are MOB RULE, and so intrinsically lean toward the Left. So naturally, the Leftist extremism is seen as the NORM by the majority Leftist extremists and moderate rather than the extremism it is, so when anyone tries to pull the system into BALANCE by leaning any other way (centrist, etc), it is automatically labelled as being "extremist" right wing, and naturally "stands out."

Well spoken as a leftist socialist technocrat asking to explain something to him he really doesn't want to understand . . . .
And there goes a typical Trump response. Stating things without providing facts. If democracies are mob rule... Why do they lean towards the "left". I dont know what you consider left or right, but lets say its democrats and republicans... It has been more republican presidents than democrats, in germany the CDU has been longer in charge than the SPD (center-left).
What is the balance? And where do i claim that only one side is right? What i do not understand is why you consider someone who "grab em by the pussy", mocks war veterans and acts from his emotion instead of logic the best choice for your agenda? Considering a hypotecial person, that has the same agenda (repeal obama care, tariffs, etc.) that would have nominated his cabinet and sticked with them to press this agenda constantly vs someone who gets totally distracted by a book, some investigation, etc.. Why are you so fond of him?
In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing).

And there he goes with a TOTAL FAIL on his very first thread, not realizing that by their very nature, "democracies" are MOB RULE, and so intrinsically lean toward the Left. So naturally, the Leftist extremism is seen as the NORM by the majority Leftist extremists and moderate rather than the extremism it is, so when anyone tries to pull the system into BALANCE by leaning any other way (centrist, etc), it is automatically labelled as being "extremist" right wing, and naturally "stands out."

Well spoken as a leftist socialist technocrat asking to explain something to him he really doesn't want to understand . . . .
And there goes a typical Trump response. Stating things without providing facts. If democracies are mob rule... Why do they lean towards the "left". I dont know what you consider left or right, but lets say its democrats and republicans... It has been more republican presidents than democrats, in germany the CDU has been longer in charge than the SPD (center-left).
What is the balance? And where do i claim that only one side is right? What i do not understand is why you consider someone who "grab em by the pussy", mocks war veterans and acts from his emotion instead of logic the best choice for your agenda? Considering a hypotecial person, that has the same agenda (repeal obama care, tariffs, etc.) that would have nominated his cabinet and sticked with them to press this agenda constantly vs someone who gets totally distracted by a book, some investigation, etc.. Why are you so fond of him?

because whether your media is telling you or not, Trump is making this country great again. And when America prospers, the rest of the world does too.

And that's a fact Jack.
“….how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president?”

Because these are for the most part Republicans, and Republicans are infamous for blindly supporting any Republican president – no matter how wrong that president is, no matter how unfit to hold office.

The authoritarian right understands that real power exists in the Imperial Presidency, where there’s no need for consensus and compromise.

And Republicans/conservatives loathe admitting that they are wrong – the consequence of their arrogance and hubris; in this case, admitting that Trump is unfit to be president, that Trump’s misadministration has been an abject failure, and that Republicans/conservatives were wrong to support Trump.
“….how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president?”

Because these are for the most part Republicans, and Republicans are infamous for blindly supporting any Republican president – no matter how wrong that president is, no matter how unfit to hold office.

The authoritarian right understands that real power exists in the Imperial Presidency, where there’s no need for consensus and compromise.

And Republicans/conservatives loathe admitting that they are wrong – the consequence of their arrogance and hubris; in this case, admitting that Trump is unfit to be president, that Trump’s misadministration has been an abject failure, and that Republicans/conservatives were wrong to support Trump.

... and no matter what, Hillary is still not the President. Nor will she ever be.
Well to most people, if one wins, another one looses. I am fine with the effort to become better, but in very rare cases that means, you making someone else better too (unless you mean, them trying harder to become even better). It is the principle of the guy you have as a president... I want to win, so make someone else pay. Totally valid idea and maybe it will make america great again, maybe not.
I do appreciate the effort he makes to fight China. Not that he has achieved anything (yet), but ... Well the rest would just be nonsense about his idea, so i leave it at that.
I am having trouble understanding where we (as the people and voters) made a mistake. While i have my own conclusion about that, I would like to hear some opinions first.

In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing). On the same time we have had a peaceful period of time for several decades, the living standards rise since ww2 and yet, everybody seems to be unhappy. Why is that the case?
And a more specific question is, how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president? I do not blame them specifically as I am starting to believe this can happen anywhere else as well (i am from germany). Lets say that all of his political ideas (tariffs, walls, health care, taxes, etc.) would make sense to you, does it bias his rethoric? Apart from white male supremecists i dont think there is a group that he didnt attack. Do you really believe he is the only one who could improve your country? Why wouldnt a "normal" politican be able to do it without all the lies?

My simple ideas i currently have are education and lobbyism. But given the fact that the leading political party changed over the last decades quite often in all those democracies, why did we end up being so uneducated, that a lot of us are going extreme as the only solution? Why is belief more important than facts? When did we stopped checking what people say? Did this start with social media? Is social media the modern radio, that empowered Hitler? And why do we allow lobbys to write laws for the elected government to pass? Why can't they formulate their own ideas and write them into a law? I agree, that involved parties should be heard and their opinions taken into account into an decision, but to what extent?

Where will this development lead to? Back to markantilism? Back to nationalism and wars? To some new and better future? if that is the case, how is that accomplished?

First off, the US isn't a "Democracy". We're a constitutional republic. Secondly, please don't confuse "extremism" with nationalism, a love of country, God, and traditional values of marriage and family.

"Extremism" is what murders unborn babies in the womb, denies people their First Amendment constitutional right of free speech and Second Amendment right to protect themselves and their family.

"Extremism" is what causes people to attempt a political assassination on a baseball field, or welcome thousands of illegal alien murderers, drug dealers, pedophiles, and sex offenders into this country, or even try to give them the "right" to vote in our elections.

Trump and his supporters are now fans of traditional values of marriage and family? The guy had numerous affairs while married and paid hush money to adult entertainers.
“….how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president?”

Because these are for the most part Republicans, and Republicans are infamous for blindly supporting any Republican president – no matter how wrong that president is, no matter how unfit to hold office.

The authoritarian right understands that real power exists in the Imperial Presidency, where there’s no need for consensus and compromise.

And Republicans/conservatives loathe admitting that they are wrong – the consequence of their arrogance and hubris; in this case, admitting that Trump is unfit to be president, that Trump’s misadministration has been an abject failure, and that Republicans/conservatives were wrong to support Trump.

... and no matter what, Hillary is still not the President. Nor will she ever be.
I doubt she would have made a good president (i would be happier with her, but i am not american). But that doesnt mean Trump is fit for anything. Anyways, i didnt want to start a discussion about what is right or wrong in politics. I consider it a fact that Mr. Trump has a "very unusual style" and wanted some insight into the reasons why he appealed to so many voters. Just from the rethorical side you could draw some similarities to goebbels and that frightens me a bit. I am still sure that justice prevails and one day we find out the truth (and i mean the truth, by either there was/is nothing or there is). It would still be a strange behaviour but it would make me sleep better
In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing).

And there he goes with a TOTAL FAIL on his very first thread, not realizing that by their very nature, "democracies" are MOB RULE, and so intrinsically lean toward the Left. So naturally, the Leftist extremism is seen as the NORM by the majority Leftist extremists and moderate rather than the extremism it is, so when anyone tries to pull the system into BALANCE by leaning any other way (centrist, etc), it is automatically labelled as being "extremist" right wing, and naturally "stands out."

Well spoken as a leftist socialist technocrat asking to explain something to him he really doesn't want to understand . . . .
And there goes a typical Trump response. Stating things without providing facts. If democracies are mob rule... Why do they lean towards the "left". I dont know what you consider left or right, but lets say its democrats and republicans... It has been more republican presidents than democrats, in germany the CDU has been longer in charge than the SPD (center-left).
What is the balance? And where do i claim that only one side is right? What i do not understand is why you consider someone who "grab em by the pussy", mocks war veterans and acts from his emotion instead of logic the best choice for your agenda? Considering a hypotecial person, that has the same agenda (repeal obama care, tariffs, etc.) that would have nominated his cabinet and sticked with them to press this agenda constantly vs someone who gets totally distracted by a book, some investigation, etc.. Why are you so fond of him?

LOOK BAWM, I haven't time to teach you the world while standing on one leg. If you come here, at least try to PRETEND you know your ass from a horseshoe. Don't try your subterfuge of 40 questions, half of which are unanswerable short of a page, the other half unprovable because we all know you'll simply deny, deny, deny. How do you even have a freeking CLUE what a "typical Trump response" is being from Europe or Germany and just having joined here? Are you trying to claim I'm Trump? That you know the first thing about Donald? You obviously don't understand the basics of "democracy," you think Trump grabs people by the pussy when he never said that he did that, only that contestants let others do it to them willingly, what any of that has to do with anything anyway I don't know, but I'd rather my Prez be an alpha male who likes beautiful women than a limp dick choom smoking bony-eared ass like Obama, as being a red-blooded male, if any sexy beautiful models offer to let me grab them by the pussy, I'd be a fool not to take them up on that, Trump never mocked a war veteran, he only expressed his own personal view that McCain did NOT qualify in his mind as a war HERO (and he doesn't and wasn't), and you haven't a clue what Trump acts upon unless you can tell me you know Trump personally and have done a complete psychological profile on him! Further, I have no agenda other than to see my country survive, do better and prosper for its people, I appreciate the fact that we finally have a nationalist and proud American leading our way putting our country first again rather than another sickening globalist, and not let us wither into a limp flaccid penis as Germany has become behind the impotent ministrations of that useless POS Merkel.

Did I answer your question?
Is there a way to close the topic? I feel this is getting out of hand and of topic.

I am sorry, but i feel exhausted by this. Again we all can have different views on immigration, tariffs, health care, climate change, but normally you have facts that underline or undermine your point of view so you can make a decision. To me, extremists (like Trump (not necessarily the Repiblicans), AfD, etc.) make decisions on beliefs (or on their stomach if you want) and i do not think that this will lead to a better future. I would have loved to learn where we missed to turn into the right direction. I a, grateful that i got your opinions, but it is moving to fox news vs. Msnbc and we should leave it at that. Sorry
“….how can 30-40 percent of US citizens blindly stand behind this president?”

Because these are for the most part Republicans, and Republicans are infamous for blindly supporting any Republican president – no matter how wrong that president is, no matter how unfit to hold office.

The authoritarian right understands that real power exists in the Imperial Presidency, where there’s no need for consensus and compromise.

And Republicans/conservatives loathe admitting that they are wrong – the consequence of their arrogance and hubris; in this case, admitting that Trump is unfit to be president, that Trump’s misadministration has been an abject failure, and that Republicans/conservatives were wrong to support Trump.

... and no matter what, Hillary is still not the President. Nor will she ever be.
I doubt she would have made a good president (i would be happier with her, but i am not american). But that doesnt mean Trump is fit for anything. Anyways, i didnt want to start a discussion about what is right or wrong in politics. I consider it a fact that Mr. Trump has a "very unusual style" and wanted some insight into the reasons why he appealed to so many voters. Just from the rethorical side you could draw some similarities to goebbels and that frightens me a bit. I am still sure that justice prevails and one day we find out the truth (and i mean the truth, by either there was/is nothing or there is). It would still be a strange behaviour but it would make me sleep better

Hillary would have been a horrible President because her policies would have been nothing but a continuation of the ruinous polices of Barack Obama.

Look: Barack Obama was the only President in American history to never have a year of 3% GDP growth. His average annual growth rate of just 1.48% was the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949.

The latest economic numbers are showing our GDP to be up around 4.2%. And that was accomplished within the short period of two years, merely by turning back restrictive and burdensome government regulations that Obama and his predecessors put on the backs of the businesses, manufacturers, and industries. Like I said, "When America prospers, so does the world."

The leftists in this country will deny it to the death. They'll claim that our new-found prosperity and liberty was the result of Obama. Even the leftist-tainted news media is saying that, but they're never been so wrong.
Is there a way to close the topic? I feel this is getting out of hand and of topic.

I am sorry, but i feel exhausted by this. Again we all can have different views on immigration, tariffs, health care, climate change, but normally you have facts that underline or undermine your point of view so you can make a decision. To me, extremists (like Trump (not necessarily the Repiblicans), AfD, etc.) make decisions on beliefs (or on their stomach if you want) and i do not think that this will lead to a better future. I would have loved to learn where we missed to turn into the right direction. I a, grateful that i got your opinions, but it is moving to fox news vs. Msnbc and we should leave it at that. Sorry

All because many Americans don't think too kindly of Merkel? You should know, that she is leading your great country down the road to destruction.
In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing).

And there he goes with a TOTAL FAIL on his very first thread, not realizing that by their very nature, "democracies" are MOB RULE, and so intrinsically lean toward the Left. So naturally, the Leftist extremism is seen as the NORM by the majority Leftist extremists and moderate rather than the extremism it is, so when anyone tries to pull the system into BALANCE by leaning any other way (centrist, etc), it is automatically labelled as being "extremist" right wing, and naturally "stands out."

Well spoken as a leftist socialist technocrat asking to explain something to him he really doesn't want to understand . . . .
And there goes a typical Trump response. Stating things without providing facts. If democracies are mob rule... Why do they lean towards the "left". I dont know what you consider left or right, but lets say its democrats and republicans... It has been more republican presidents than democrats, in germany the CDU has been longer in charge than the SPD (center-left).
What is the balance? And where do i claim that only one side is right? What i do not understand is why you consider someone who "grab em by the pussy", mocks war veterans and acts from his emotion instead of logic the best choice for your agenda? Considering a hypotecial person, that has the same agenda (repeal obama care, tariffs, etc.) that would have nominated his cabinet and sticked with them to press this agenda constantly vs someone who gets totally distracted by a book, some investigation, etc.. Why are you so fond of him?

LOOK BAWM, I haven't time to teach you the world while standing on one leg. If you come here, at least try to PRETEND you know your ass from a horseshoe. Don't try your subterfuge of 40 questions, half of which are unanswerable short of a page, the other half unprovable because we all know you'll simply deny, deny, deny. How do you even have a freeking CLUE what a "typical Trump response" is being from Europe or Germany and just having joined here? Are you trying to claim I'm Trump? That you know the first thing about Donald? You obviously don't understand the basics of "democracy," you think Trump grabs people by the pussy when he never said that he did that, only that contestants let others do it to them willingly, what any of that has to do with anything anyway I don't know, but I'd rather my Prez be an alpha male who likes beautiful women than a limp dick choom smoking bony-eared ass like Obama, as being a red-blooded male, if any sexy beautiful models offer to let me grab them by the pussy, I'd be a fool not to take them up on that, Trump never mocked a war veteran, he only expressed his own personal view that McCain did NOT qualify in his mind as a war HERO (and he doesn't and wasn't), and you haven't a clue what Trump acts upon unless you can tell me you know Trump personally and have done a complete psychological profile on him! Further, I have no agenda other than to see my country survive, do better and prosper for its people, I appreciate the fact that we finally have a nationalist and proud American leading our way putting our country first again rather than another sickening globalist, and not let us wither into a limp flaccid penis as Germany has become behind the impotent ministrations of that useless POS Merkel.

Did I answer your question?
Yes, you perfectly answered my question about the educational system in the states. Thank you.
In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing).

And there he goes with a TOTAL FAIL on his very first thread, not realizing that by their very nature, "democracies" are MOB RULE, and so intrinsically lean toward the Left. So naturally, the Leftist extremism is seen as the NORM by the majority Leftist extremists and moderate rather than the extremism it is, so when anyone tries to pull the system into BALANCE by leaning any other way (centrist, etc), it is automatically labelled as being "extremist" right wing, and naturally "stands out."

Well spoken as a leftist socialist technocrat asking to explain something to him he really doesn't want to understand . . . .
And there goes a typical Trump response. Stating things without providing facts. If democracies are mob rule... Why do they lean towards the "left". I dont know what you consider left or right, but lets say its democrats and republicans... It has been more republican presidents than democrats, in germany the CDU has been longer in charge than the SPD (center-left).
What is the balance? And where do i claim that only one side is right? What i do not understand is why you consider someone who "grab em by the pussy", mocks war veterans and acts from his emotion instead of logic the best choice for your agenda? Considering a hypotecial person, that has the same agenda (repeal obama care, tariffs, etc.) that would have nominated his cabinet and sticked with them to press this agenda constantly vs someone who gets totally distracted by a book, some investigation, etc.. Why are you so fond of him?

LOOK BAWM, I haven't time to teach you the world while standing on one leg. If you come here, at least try to PRETEND you know your ass from a horseshoe. Don't try your subterfuge of 40 questions, half of which are unanswerable short of a page, the other half unprovable because we all know you'll simply deny, deny, deny. How do you even have a freeking CLUE what a "typical Trump response" is being from Europe or Germany and just having joined here? Are you trying to claim I'm Trump? That you know the first thing about Donald? You obviously don't understand the basics of "democracy," you think Trump grabs people by the pussy when he never said that he did that, only that contestants let others do it to them willingly, what any of that has to do with anything anyway I don't know, but I'd rather my Prez be an alpha male who likes beautiful women than a limp dick choom smoking bony-eared ass like Obama, as being a red-blooded male, if any sexy beautiful models offer to let me grab them by the pussy, I'd be a fool not to take them up on that, Trump never mocked a war veteran, he only expressed his own personal view that McCain did NOT qualify in his mind as a war HERO (and he doesn't and wasn't), and you haven't a clue what Trump acts upon unless you can tell me you know Trump personally and have done a complete psychological profile on him! Further, I have no agenda other than to see my country survive, do better and prosper for its people, I appreciate the fact that we finally have a nationalist and proud American leading our way putting our country first again rather than another sickening globalist, and not let us wither into a limp flaccid penis as Germany has become behind the impotent ministrations of that useless POS Merkel.

Did I answer your question?
Yes, you perfectly answered my question about the educational system in the states. Thank you.

Well to be fair, the American educational system has been a cesspool of leftist indoctrination ever since the 1960's.
Is there a way to close the topic? I feel this is getting out of hand and of topic.

I am sorry, but i feel exhausted by this. Again we all can have different views on immigration, tariffs, health care, climate change, but normally you have facts that underline or undermine your point of view so you can make a decision. To me, extremists (like Trump (not necessarily the Repiblicans), AfD, etc.) make decisions on beliefs (or on their stomach if you want) and i do not think that this will lead to a better future. I would have loved to learn where we missed to turn into the right direction. I a, grateful that i got your opinions, but it is moving to fox news vs. Msnbc and we should leave it at that. Sorry

All because many Americans don't think too kindly of Merkel? You should know, that she is leading your great country down the road to destruction.
I am no fan of her. I am not thinking she leads in any way... That includes not down a road ;). Wether germany is a great country or not remains to be seen. Historically the world probably would be happier without, but i am happy with its progress.
In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing).

And there he goes with a TOTAL FAIL on his very first thread, not realizing that by their very nature, "democracies" are MOB RULE, and so intrinsically lean toward the Left. So naturally, the Leftist extremism is seen as the NORM by the majority Leftist extremists and moderate rather than the extremism it is, so when anyone tries to pull the system into BALANCE by leaning any other way (centrist, etc), it is automatically labelled as being "extremist" right wing, and naturally "stands out."

Well spoken as a leftist socialist technocrat asking to explain something to him he really doesn't want to understand . . . .
And there goes a typical Trump response. Stating things without providing facts. If democracies are mob rule... Why do they lean towards the "left". I dont know what you consider left or right, but lets say its democrats and republicans... It has been more republican presidents than democrats, in germany the CDU has been longer in charge than the SPD (center-left).
What is the balance? And where do i claim that only one side is right? What i do not understand is why you consider someone who "grab em by the pussy", mocks war veterans and acts from his emotion instead of logic the best choice for your agenda? Considering a hypotecial person, that has the same agenda (repeal obama care, tariffs, etc.) that would have nominated his cabinet and sticked with them to press this agenda constantly vs someone who gets totally distracted by a book, some investigation, etc.. Why are you so fond of him?

LOOK BAWM, I haven't time to teach you the world while standing on one leg. If you come here, at least try to PRETEND you know your ass from a horseshoe. Don't try your subterfuge of 40 questions, half of which are unanswerable short of a page, the other half unprovable because we all know you'll simply deny, deny, deny. How do you even have a freeking CLUE what a "typical Trump response" is being from Europe or Germany and just having joined here? Are you trying to claim I'm Trump? That you know the first thing about Donald? You obviously don't understand the basics of "democracy," you think Trump grabs people by the pussy when he never said that he did that, only that contestants let others do it to them willingly, what any of that has to do with anything anyway I don't know, but I'd rather my Prez be an alpha male who likes beautiful women than a limp dick choom smoking bony-eared ass like Obama, as being a red-blooded male, if any sexy beautiful models offer to let me grab them by the pussy, I'd be a fool not to take them up on that, Trump never mocked a war veteran, he only expressed his own personal view that McCain did NOT qualify in his mind as a war HERO (and he doesn't and wasn't), and you haven't a clue what Trump acts upon unless you can tell me you know Trump personally and have done a complete psychological profile on him! Further, I have no agenda other than to see my country survive, do better and prosper for its people, I appreciate the fact that we finally have a nationalist and proud American leading our way putting our country first again rather than another sickening globalist, and not let us wither into a limp flaccid penis as Germany has become behind the impotent ministrations of that useless POS Merkel.

Did I answer your question?
Yes, you perfectly answered my question about the educational system in the states. Thank you.

Well to be fair, the American educational system has been a cesspool of leftist indoctrination ever since the 1960's.
Considering his answer, he didnt notice the indoctrination ;)

No really, for some reason most teachers (at least in germany) are more left than right (remember our right is still quite left for you), but they never tried to push a political agenda. Question the sources and find more sources is what we were taught.

And a follow up question. If the educational system has been so biased, why didnt it work out, if it was intentional? Its basically a 50/50 chance who wins the election. And i think thats more or less expected, if your idea fails, you adapt and get more close to the idea that was/is favourable. So, at second thought i doubt that "education" has anything to do with political choice. I was wrong there.
And there he goes with a TOTAL FAIL on his very first thread, not realizing that by their very nature, "democracies" are MOB RULE, and so intrinsically lean toward the Left. So naturally, the Leftist extremism is seen as the NORM by the majority Leftist extremists and moderate rather than the extremism it is, so when anyone tries to pull the system into BALANCE by leaning any other way (centrist, etc), it is automatically labelled as being "extremist" right wing, and naturally "stands out."

Well spoken as a leftist socialist technocrat asking to explain something to him he really doesn't want to understand . . . .
And there goes a typical Trump response. Stating things without providing facts. If democracies are mob rule... Why do they lean towards the "left". I dont know what you consider left or right, but lets say its democrats and republicans... It has been more republican presidents than democrats, in germany the CDU has been longer in charge than the SPD (center-left).
What is the balance? And where do i claim that only one side is right? What i do not understand is why you consider someone who "grab em by the pussy", mocks war veterans and acts from his emotion instead of logic the best choice for your agenda? Considering a hypotecial person, that has the same agenda (repeal obama care, tariffs, etc.) that would have nominated his cabinet and sticked with them to press this agenda constantly vs someone who gets totally distracted by a book, some investigation, etc.. Why are you so fond of him?

LOOK BAWM, I haven't time to teach you the world while standing on one leg. If you come here, at least try to PRETEND you know your ass from a horseshoe. Don't try your subterfuge of 40 questions, half of which are unanswerable short of a page, the other half unprovable because we all know you'll simply deny, deny, deny. How do you even have a freeking CLUE what a "typical Trump response" is being from Europe or Germany and just having joined here? Are you trying to claim I'm Trump? That you know the first thing about Donald? You obviously don't understand the basics of "democracy," you think Trump grabs people by the pussy when he never said that he did that, only that contestants let others do it to them willingly, what any of that has to do with anything anyway I don't know, but I'd rather my Prez be an alpha male who likes beautiful women than a limp dick choom smoking bony-eared ass like Obama, as being a red-blooded male, if any sexy beautiful models offer to let me grab them by the pussy, I'd be a fool not to take them up on that, Trump never mocked a war veteran, he only expressed his own personal view that McCain did NOT qualify in his mind as a war HERO (and he doesn't and wasn't), and you haven't a clue what Trump acts upon unless you can tell me you know Trump personally and have done a complete psychological profile on him! Further, I have no agenda other than to see my country survive, do better and prosper for its people, I appreciate the fact that we finally have a nationalist and proud American leading our way putting our country first again rather than another sickening globalist, and not let us wither into a limp flaccid penis as Germany has become behind the impotent ministrations of that useless POS Merkel.

Did I answer your question?
Yes, you perfectly answered my question about the educational system in the states. Thank you.

Well to be fair, the American educational system has been a cesspool of leftist indoctrination ever since the 1960's.
Considering his answer, he didnt notice the indoctrination ;)

No really, for some reason most teachers (at least in germany) are more left than right (remember our right is still quite left for you), but they never tried to push a political agenda. Question the sources and find more sources is what we were taught.

And a follow up question. If the educational system has been so biased, why didnt it work out, if it was intentional? Its basically a 50/50 chance who wins the election. And i think thats more or less expected, if your idea fails, you adapt and get more close to the idea that was/is favourable. So, at second thought i doubt that "education" has anything to do with political choice. I was wrong there.

A left-wing biased educational system has everything to do with political choices. In fact, you could trace the entire American liberal/progressive/socialist movement back to the Cold War, when one of the primary goals of Communist Russia was to infiltrate the American educational system.

They actually did a good job of it too, sad to say.
I blame the republican attack on education. An uneducated populace is easier to control.

Are they? Hmmm... not sure I see the math there. I'd guess it's more likely to the other way, depending on who's doing the educating.
Not so. They have deliberately removed any teaching of critical thinking making many of the lower intelligence folks easily lead and influenced.

They? I thought you were speaking generally.

So, who do you think should decide how your children are educated?
They= republicans. And almost anyone but them.
In most democracies we see a rise of extremists on the left and right (more obvious in most countries is the right wing).

And there he goes with a TOTAL FAIL on his very first thread, not realizing that by their very nature, "democracies" are MOB RULE, and so intrinsically lean toward the Left. So naturally, the Leftist extremism is seen as the NORM by the majority Leftist extremists and moderate rather than the extremism it is, so when anyone tries to pull the system into BALANCE by leaning any other way (centrist, etc), it is automatically labelled as being "extremist" right wing, and naturally "stands out."

Well spoken as a leftist socialist technocrat asking to explain something to him he really doesn't want to understand . . . .

You're suggesting here that "left" means democracy whereas "right" means autocracy?

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