Please explain to me

Is it 1962 all over again? It could well be, since a dumb bell with his finger on nuclear weapons started a war that he is losing badly.

And, why in the hell did Trump, Tucker and the maga mob choose to back and encourage Putin with his war of nonsense???

Well, president wanna-be, Trump, in this endeavor, by backing Putin, has demonstrated his severe lack of military skill. Do we as a nation want his incompetent finger on the nuclear button again?
Calm down little goldfish. Since you asked in your title I will explain it to you. Trump isn't President.
Authoritarian aggression has to be countered with steely genuine resolve. What you call US aggression is the response we must take to any hostile dictator and their vainglorious threats against our friends and allies.
Yeah and the USG and NATO haven’t provoked this war and demanded it be continued one little bit.:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Yeah and the USG and NATO haven’t provoked this war and demanded it be continued one little bit.:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Nope. Ukrainans know they can't trust a negotiated peace with Russia so they fight. They do not fight for America or NATO. They fight for themselves and their homeland. Russia has done killed too many grandmas and children for this to just end with Putin getting anything he wanted out of this.

Is it 1962 all over again? It could well be, since a dumb bell with his finger on nuclear weapons started a war that he is losing badly.

And, why in the hell did Trump, Tucker and the maga mob choose to back and encourage Putin with his war of nonsense???

Well, president wanna-be, Trump, in this endeavor, by backing Putin, has demonstrated his severe lack of military skill. Do we as a nation want his incompetent finger on the nuclear button again?
I think Putin likes to yank people's chains when they go against him. I visited Russia a few years back. I got the impression that Russians expect a lot out of themselves and others, but I didn't get the impression they were bullies. Something tells me there could be a huge undercurrent of dissatisfaction against Putin in his own country if he continues his puerile threats to annihilate everyone in the world who doesn't care to kiss his ass. :cranky:

And by the way, Putin never acted so childishly while President Trump was in power. And also by the way, you missed the Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton's "Steele" Dossier pairing Trump with Russia was the lie of the century of hers. For example Steele who is a foreign spy, took her war-room-generated calumny against Trump, pawned it off to people who believed all garbage ever trumped up against Republican Party decisions by Mme. Clinton and impeached him for using foreign spies to collude with Russia against Mme. Clinton who lost the election to a better human being than her self-aggrandized vision of her image as the first female President ever elected. Enough people saw through the hubris of it all, and eventually the truth came out about how Hillary pushed it down America's throat the lies she created about President Trump so people in America would never know his aim was actually peace on earth, cleanup of the oceans, prosperity for citizens, and shutting down the border debacle by walling off the several thousand miles of open territory to invade America with millions of people the Mexican billionaires refused to hire at decent wages and living standards remained at zero for their Latin population of pisanos. Fortunately for us, a lot of them are smart, and for sure speak two foreign languages at early ages whereas foreign language here is considered of classes on the back burner. In their countries, Latins are amazing scholars, architects, philosophers, physicians, military geniuses, and amazing chefs, pharmacists, gardeners, artists, and thespians. My guess is that a few years down the road, a few of those millions who crossed will cause the United States to win the gold across the board at the Olympic Games. They aren't just great at soccer, they're good at everything they set their intelligent minds upon. They'll make us a better nation, if Putin doesn't nuke us off the planet. *sigh*
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Trump is unfit to hold any public office – he has contempt for, and is incapable of, sound, responsible governance.

To want Trump back in the WH is to oppose sound, responsible governance.
Try saying something that is not so ordinary and rhetorical. frankly, your posts are just tripe.

Is it 1962 all over again? It could well be, since a dumb bell with his finger on nuclear weapons started a war that he is losing badly.

And, why in the hell did Trump, Tucker and the maga mob choose to back and encourage Putin with his war of nonsense???

Well, president wanna-be, Trump, in this endeavor, by backing Putin, has demonstrated his severe lack of military skill. Do we as a nation want his incompetent finger on the nuclear button again?
We never backed asshole. :auiqs.jpg:
Nope. Ukrainans know they can't trust a negotiated peace with Russia so they fight. They do not fight for America or NATO. They fight for themselves and their homeland. Russia has done killed too many grandmas and children for this to just end with Putin getting anything he wanted out of this.
You unknowingly are pushing for nuclear war, or at the very least a much wider war. As the USG and NATO send in more military personnel and weapons, this will get ugly. Russia went in lightly in the hopes of obtaining a negotiated peace which they had in April, but Western leaders were told by their bosses to stop it and they did.

The oligarchs run the West and they love war. Nothing makes them more wealthy and powerful.

Now Russia likely goes big and the chance of the war expanding to other nations is greatly increased. If you knew history, you’d know this.

This war might be the most easily avoided in history, yet here we are.
Funny, it does not feel like the real fear of 1962....But they say dementia makes you relive your youth.
I was a kid in 1962 and remember all the parents in my neighborhood being scared about nuclear war breaking out any minute. Because there were nuclear missiles 90 miles away in Cuba pointing at America.
But people today don't seem too worried about our country going nuclear over Ukraine.

Is it 1962 all over again? It could well be, since a dumb bell with his finger on nuclear weapons started a war that he is losing badly.

And, why in the hell did Trump, Tucker and the maga mob choose to back and encourage Putin with his war of nonsense???

Well, president wanna-be, Trump, in this endeavor, by backing Putin, has demonstrated his severe lack of military skill. Do we as a nation want his incompetent finger on the nuclear button again?
Joe Biden is 8 years old.

Does that clear things up?
Conservatives are fundamentally illiberal and authoritarian – consequently they’re attracted to despots and dictators like Putin, whom they perceived as ‘strong’ and ‘decisive.’

It also explains the neo-fascist right’s disdain for democracy – which conservatives perceive as being ‘messy,’ indecisive,’ and ‘weak.’

Indeed, in order for democracy to work, there must be consensus and compromise, which conservatives likewise have contempt for; the authoritarian right cannot tolerate compromise while adhering blindly to conservative political dogma.

In fact, for the neo-fascist right, to seek out consensus and accept compromise is to be ‘weak’ and ‘indecisive.’

This also explains the authoritarian right’s support of Trump, a wannabe dictator and tyrant who shares the same contempt and disdain for democracy as his acolytes; Trump whom conservatives perceive to be ‘strong’ and ‘decisive.’
I never had sex with that woman ms lewinski....strong and decisive democrat leader
You unknowingly are pushing for nuclear war, or at the very least a much wider war. As the USG and NATO send in more military personnel and weapons, this will get ugly. Russia went in lightly in the hopes of obtaining a negotiated peace which they had in April, but Western leaders were told by their bosses to stop it and they did.

The oligarchs run the West and they love war. Nothing makes them more wealthy and powerful.

Now Russia likely goes big and the chance of the war expanding to other nations is greatly increased. If you knew history, you’d know this.

This war might be the most easily avoided in history, yet here we are.
when the communist want war...give it to them, then watch them run
You unknowingly are pushing for nuclear war, or at the very least a much wider war. As the USG and NATO send in more military personnel and weapons, this will get ugly. Russia went in lightly in the hopes of obtaining a negotiated peace which they had in April, but Western leaders were told by their bosses to stop it and they did.

The oligarchs run the West and they love war. Nothing makes them more wealthy and powerful.

Now Russia likely goes big and the chance of the war expanding to other nations is greatly increased. If you knew history, you’d know this.

This war might be the most easily avoided in history, yet here we are.
We pledged to help Ukraine as long as they wanted and so we shall. Don't portray our defensive posture as provocation like Putin does. He wanted to be the enemy of west and so now he is. We would have been just fine buying his oil and ignoring him fucking over his own citizens for the rest of his life.
We pledged to help Ukraine as long as they wanted and so we shall. Don't portray our defensive posture as provocation like Putin does. He wanted to be the enemy of west and so now he is. We would have been just fine buying his oil and ignoring him fucking over his own citizens for the rest of his life.
Lol. You are completely duped by a criminal government and media. You live in an alternative universe of your own making.

If your proxy war demands nonstop PR spin and mass media propaganda at maximum aggression to manufacture public consent for it, maybe your proxy war is immoral and bad.
Lol. You are completely duped by a criminal government and media. You live in an alternative universe of your own making.

If your proxy war demands nonstop PR spin and mass media propaganda at maximum aggression to manufacture public consent for it, maybe your proxy war is immoral and bad.
This is the most clear-cut good vs evil, freedom vs tyranny war in generations. Nothing ambiguous here. Nothing to spin except for those who are in the bag for Putin in some way.
This is the most clear-cut good vs evil, freedom vs tyranny war in generations. Nothing ambiguous here. Nothing to spin except for those who are in the bag for Putin in some way.
Only to dupes of the establishment. YOU!

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