Please explain to me

Is it 1962 all over again? It could well be, since a dumb bell with his finger on nuclear weapons started a war that he is losing badly.

And, why in the hell did Trump, Tucker and the maga mob choose to back and encourage Putin with his war of nonsense???

Well, president wanna-be, Trump, in this endeavor, by backing Putin, has demonstrated his severe lack of military skill. Do we as a nation want his incompetent finger on the nuclear button again?
I know it hurts... but the 4 years Trump was President - was the first 4 years since the 1980s that Russia engaged in zero military aggression.
Look at the world now since America elected a senile nursing home resident as President.
Is there no limit to the shear blindness of the hive-mind??
I was a kid in 1962 and remember all the parents in my neighborhood being scared about nuclear war breaking out any minute. Because there were nuclear missiles 90 miles away in Cuba pointing at America.
But people today don't seem too worried about our country going nuclear over Ukraine.
Yep, I remember dad telling my mom where to go if the sirens went off. Our fallout shelter was a block away at the hospital.
Pitin I doubt will go beyond threats, however the fact he uses the threat is cause for concern. I fear Biden in the regards to war over Trump as Trump demonstrated he has no stomach for conflict. The blame game that Biden keeps using makes the country appear weak and vulnerable, and being a victim, not leading the world. We need some solid leaders to step up and lead this nation.
Now for a little truth….

“I'm never gonna be down with giving taxpayer money to our weapons manufacturers and the most corrupt country in Europe with Nazi Battalions because the rulers want to weaken Russia by using Ukraine in a proxy war, because they couldn't get Putin to give up their natural resources.”

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