Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

You are completely wrong, sir..and that is what I mean when I say that the democratic party is aware that people are foolish enough to fall for the "gop protect the wealthy" spin. See? Even you fell for it and you regurgitate it with such confidence...and you have no idea how silly they are making you look.

They were protecting YOUR future and everyones elses future as prospective business owners. They did not want to villify business owners nor did they want to put more of a strain on exiosting business owners in a time where hiring is at such a low.

I wonder how many people felt as you do BEFORE they started a business and now that they opwn a business UNDERSTAND why the GOP stands for what they stand for.

I'll tell you find me a clip of any GOP elected representative in EITHER house that has actually said that it is the WEALTHY that he or she wants to protect.

Bet you cant find one
And you find one convicted burglar who has publicly stated he's looking for a nice easy "score."

Bet you can't find one.
You are completely wrong, sir..and that is what I mean when I say that the democratic party is aware that people are foolish enough to fall for the "gop protect the wealthy" spin. See? Even you fell for it and you regurgitate it with such confidence...and you have no idea how silly they are making you look.

They were protecting YOUR future and everyones elses future as prospective business owners. They did not want to villify business owners nor did they want to put more of a strain on exiosting business owners in a time where hiring is at such a low.

I wonder how many people felt as you do BEFORE they started a business and now that they opwn a business UNDERSTAND why the GOP stands for what they stand for.

I'll tell you find me a clip of any GOP elected representative in EITHER house that has actually said that it is the WEALTHY that he or she wants to protect.

Bet you cant find one
And you find one convicted burglar who has publicly stated he's looking for a nice easy "score."

Bet you can't find one.

so, in other words, you agree that it has nothing to do with what the GOP has to do with how the democrats spin what they say.

Or are you one of those people that truly believes the GOP only want to protect the wealthy?
probably because a poor person much less a "middle class" just never created a job!
And I'm sure you think a job created by the government is the same thing!
My only observation to govt. jobs is where do they get the money to pay the salaries of govt. employees?
Where does that money come from?
How?....The Daily Caller is Tucker Carlson's creation. I don't consider it to be a credible source. It's just like Huff Po ,and The Blaze....alll garbage!

You know -- I get your beef with the media. But when you stoop to smash a source just BECAUSE you don't like them. (Like tucker carlson f'instance) You lose the credibility to critique objectively.. I've had subscriptions to The Nation and National Review at the same time -- and may head didn't go all exorcist over that.. I'm sorry, lumping in HuffyPoo and a couple others just doesn't cover your arrogance.

Brilliance in journalism can come from surprising sources. I NEVER impeach the source. People who do are just arrogant and biased...
I wanna say I won't stoop to your level and insult you....but just by saying that....I'm insulting forget what I just wrote.

You may think you can parse the cogent points out of The Nation and The National Review at the same time, and for all I know you can...but posts I've seen from you in the past, do not reflect any objectivity're a far righty, and you're vulnerable to far right propaganda.

I could out-Liberal you anyday of the week.. Want to talk Drug War? Patriotic Act? Cultural Tolerance?

You're soooo quick to condemn and stereotype that NO ONE could possibly trust your "preferred" sources. For your information, my favorite magazine is Reason.. NOT a far right publication is it? Yet I'm sure you don't approve. Doesn't matter what you think. I'm getting an EXCELLENT political education with my sources. All you got is a gig as a flakey media critic.. See -- well informed folks don't NEED guidance on their sources.. They can figure that out for themselves.. Go help the needy...

I would love to shake the hand of the fella trying to explain to those dumb freaks that they havne't a clue how good they have it. Even if poor in America, it's a whole lot better than most of the world, at least you have the option to work harder and better yourself. Although fewer and fewer are willing to put in the effort it takes to be successful thanks to the generous social programs.
Fuck, you can even sit on your ass in America and "deserve" a living.
Someone needs to explain to the Russian (and you) that what he lived under in the USSR was not Socialism but Stalinism and that contemporary Denmark, which is a Socialist nation, is known to be the happiest country in the world.
Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

That ignorant Russian is a perfect example of the kind of brainwashed water carriers for the One Percent who are helping to ruin America. He really believes the stupid nonsense he tried to shove down the throats of those people.
probably because a poor person much less a "middle class" just never created a job!
And I'm sure you think a job created by the government is the same thing!
My only observation to govt. jobs is where do they get the money to pay the salaries of govt. employees?
Where does that money come from?
Definition of JOB
1a : a piece of work; especially : a small miscellaneous piece of work undertaken on order at a stated rate b : the object or material on which work is being done.

Definition of EMPLOY
transitive verb
1a : to make use of (someone or something inactive) <employ a pen for sketching> b : to use (as time) advantageously <a job that employed her skills> c (1) : to use or engage the services of (2) : to provide with a job that pays wages or a salary

I'm no expert....but it looks like government union jobs satisfy the definitions of "job" and "employ"

I would love to shake the hand of the fella trying to explain to those dumb freaks that they havne't a clue how good they have it. Even if poor in America, it's a whole lot better than most of the world, at least you have the option to work harder and better yourself. Although fewer and fewer are willing to put in the effort it takes to be successful thanks to the generous social programs.
Fuck, you can even sit on your ass in America and "deserve" a living.
Someone needs to explain to the Russian (and you) that what he lived under in the USSR was not Socialism but Stalinism and that contemporary Denmark, which is a Socialist nation, is known to be the happiest country in the world.
Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

That ignorant Russian is a perfect example of the kind of brainwashed water carriers for the One Percent who are helping to ruin America. He really believes the stupid nonsense he tried to shove down the throats of those people.

So? Dane's aren't that smart... if they want to give up their freedoms for an ounce of security.. I say.. PARTY ON!!!

I want no part of it.

I would love to shake the hand of the fella trying to explain to those dumb freaks that they havne't a clue how good they have it. Even if poor in America, it's a whole lot better than most of the world, at least you have the option to work harder and better yourself. Although fewer and fewer are willing to put in the effort it takes to be successful thanks to the generous social programs.
Fuck, you can even sit on your ass in America and "deserve" a living.
Someone needs to explain to the Russian (and you) that what he lived under in the USSR was not Socialism but Stalinism and that contemporary Denmark, which is a Socialist nation, is known to be the happiest country in the world.
Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

That ignorant Russian is a perfect example of the kind of brainwashed water carriers for the One Percent who are helping to ruin America. He really believes the stupid nonsense he tried to shove down the throats of those people.

Denmark also has a land area a little more than half that of the State of Kansas and a population that is about half that of metropolitan L.A. It also enjoys a very cohesive, ethnically 'pure' population with shared history and values and has recently rejected any efforts at multi-culturalism by telling its small Muslim population that they better expect to live as Danes or go elsewhere.

So it is sort of laughable to hold up Denmark as the illustration of what the USA should be. We were happier too when there were largely share basic values, no political correctness, no multi-culturalism that was expected to be accommodated by everybody else, no federal welfare system, etc. etc. etc. Want to wind the clock back to those times?
Excellent play of the fear card. Rape! Rape! Redistribute more wealth or there will be more rape! Go ahead and drop the race card's all you central planners have.

If you feel so passionately about a safety net, stop bitching and start a charity. Stealing money from productive members of society does not a safety net create...though it does create dependence on government and less jobs for those at risk. On the other hand, get them on the dole and they'll vote your way, eh?

Libertarians are as predictable as clockwork.

Yes, we always choose freedom and liberty and you can count on us not thinking we know what's best for others...exactly the opposite from you central planners.

Actually, you do. You just do it from the opposite perspective, because you assume letting the market clear everything is best for everyone.
Yes you do...or you wouldn't have taken the time to respond.

Another in the string of misjudgements on your part.

And an insight into your character when you don't admit your errors.
The Brookings Insitute is not a center left leaning think tank.

The Daily Caller is biased towards the pseudo conservative viewpoint.

1. Why would you pretend that it is only the Daily Caller, when post #210 lists numerous sources...

2. But let's put the stake through your heart
Who is the president of the Left-leanings Brookings?
a. A man who has been fingered as, if not a Soviet spy, at least a 'source of information.'

b. A man who "...along with his friends Robert Reich (a fellow Rhodes Scholar) and 2nd Lt. David E. Kendall, rallied to his friends Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton to help them in their Texas campaign to elect George McGovern president of the United States."

c. "A mistaken sense of priorities also characterizes [his] handling of Russia's transfer of missile technology to Iran, an issue he has tried to sweep under the rug for more than a year." Strobe Talbott: Russia’s Man in Washington

d. "...purpose of [his] book is to promote “global governance,” a
euphemism for world government..." Former Clinton Official Named as Russian Dupe

So, a Leftist with traditional Leftist views is the president of Left-leaning Brookings Institute... fitting.

So, do you know who it is?
Or another lacuna in you vast array?
Libertarians are as predictable as clockwork.

Yes, we always choose freedom and liberty and you can count on us not thinking we know what's best for others...exactly the opposite from you central planners.

Actually, you do. You just do it from the opposite perspective, because you assume letting the market clear everything is best for everyone.

Incorrect. We assume nothing for anyone else. Some will fail in a free market, everyone knows that. Therefore, we do not believe in what is "best for everyone", only what maintains freedom and liberty for all. Succeed or fail...that's up to you. is also a luxury.

It's a choice really. The government is not required for one to educate oneself. You might try reading a book for instance. I recommend "Liberalism, the Classical Tradition" by Ludwig von Mises.

I prefer nonfiction over fiction.

An ad hominem attack from a lefty. Shocking.

Any chance you could actually critique this book or this man's writing using facts or even logic and reason? Could you possibly make a coherent argument that isn't based in emotion or attacking the man? I'd love to hear it.
Yes, we always choose freedom and liberty and you can count on us not thinking we know what's best for others...exactly the opposite from you central planners.

Actually, you do. You just do it from the opposite perspective, because you assume letting the market clear everything is best for everyone.

Incorrect. We assume nothing for anyone else. Some will fail in a free market, everyone knows that. Therefore, we do not believe in what is "best for everyone", only what maintains freedom and liberty for all. Succeed or fail...that's up to you.

I know we'll probably never agree on this, but success and failure are only partially within your own control.
It's a choice really. The government is not required for one to educate oneself. You might try reading a book for instance. I recommend "Liberalism, the Classical Tradition" by Ludwig von Mises.

I prefer nonfiction over fiction.

An ad hominem attack from a lefty. Shocking.

Any chance you could actually critique this book or this man's writing using facts or even logic and reason? Could you possibly make a coherent argument that isn't based in emotion or attacking the man? I'd love to hear it.

Mises and basically the entirety of Libertarian economics is based on ideas that look great on paper but fail in reality due to inevitable externalities in the market.

It's very similar to how Communism fails in reality, but just in the opposite extreme.

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