Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

If you have to ask that question after 47 threads on begging and whiner redistributioners, you're not paying attention.. We ENCOURAGE investment and innovation by defining Capital Gains Tax that is taxed at a lower rate.

Oh, I see. The government sees investors as winners and workers as losers, so they reward investment.

It is that way because EVERY Cap Gains dollar is put at risk by loaning it or using it to create a bigger economic pie. Leftists don't generally understand risk and why folks might choose to ACTUALLY sit on piles of money rather than putting it to work. But then -- in general -- leftists ABHOR risk. The whole purpose of govt in their feeble brains is to remove ALL RISK from life.

You've talked yourself into a circle. You bash "leftists" for abhorring risk, but you expect the government to subsidize the risks that the rich take in investing by charging lower rates on investment income.

Taking a job and making a salary does not entail any risk. Not only that -- but it's NEW money coming into the economy. Cap gains is on money that has previously been earned and taxed and is being NOW USED to serve the economy again.. You could do that.. It would help MORE than the standard begging, whining, and spending other people's money that we are getting from you...

Sure, working entails risk. People get hurt working all the time.

By the way:: "the rich are" NOT "making the rules".. There is a majority of Americans convinced that redistribution is wrong on principle and NOT a cure for our economic future success. YOU -- on the other hand are a small minority that confuse MORE GOVT income as charity to doled out as you see fit.. You are not winning the hearts and minds required to make the rules in your image..

You really have no clue how politics works. Campaign cash, baby.

BTW, the majority does not agree with you on taxation. Try reading the polls sometime.
The Brookings Inst is not center left. That's just what idots like Bernie Goldberg, Fox, and others say when thier tanky thinking doesn't go their way.

Be clear....I'm not calling you an idiot.

"Left-leaning Brookings touts Huntsman, while Maddow says he lost debate"

Read more: Brookings Institution | Jon Huntsman | Rachel Maddow | The Daily Caller
The Daily Caller, Rachel Maddow, Huffington, etc.......ALL garbage!....poison for the mind and temperment!

Is that you version of 'I was wrong'?
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If you have to ask that question after 47 threads on begging and whiner redistributioners, you're not paying attention.. We ENCOURAGE investment and innovation by defining Capital Gains Tax that is taxed at a lower rate.

Oh, I see. The government sees investors as winners and workers as losers, so they reward investment.

No.. you having punishment and reward confused. It's their money. The GOVT simply takes less in the case where money was risked to expand the economy. It encourages folks to share their their savings with others.

It is that way because EVERY Cap Gains dollar is put at risk by loaning it or using it to create a bigger economic pie. Leftists don't generally understand risk and why folks might choose to ACTUALLY sit on piles of money rather than putting it to work. But then -- in general -- leftists ABHOR risk. The whole purpose of govt in their feeble brains is to remove ALL RISK from life.

You've talked yourself into a circle. You bash "leftists" for abhorring risk, but you expect the government to subsidize the risks that the rich take in investing by charging lower rates on investment income. Again. It's not a reward. NOTHING was "given". Less was taken... A reward would be giving subsidies for LOSING money on investments. I can't understand how leftists can complain about Cap Gains taking 15% of profit on investment when Wall Street only charges me 1% or so for managing that investment. Want to see the economy contract even further and faster?? Keep asking to do away with Capital Gains tax rates. Sometimes -- I hope you get that -- just so we can all see the effect.

Taking a job and making a salary does not entail any risk. Not only that -- but it's NEW money coming into the economy. Cap gains is on money that has previously been earned and taxed and is being NOW USED to serve the economy again.. You could do that.. It would help MORE than the standard begging, whining, and spending other people's money that we are getting from you...

Sure, working entails risk. People get hurt working all the time.
Excellent leftist ignorance on "risk". Going FISHING is a hundred times more risky (in the physical sense) than going to work. There is no equivalent FINANCIAL risk between salary and investments.

By the way:: "the rich are" NOT "making the rules".. There is a majority of Americans convinced that redistribution is wrong on principle and NOT a cure for our economic future success. YOU -- on the other hand are a small minority that confuse MORE GOVT income as charity to doled out as you see fit.. You are not winning the hearts and minds required to make the rules in your image..

You really have no clue how politics works. Campaign cash, baby.

BTW, the majority does not agree with you on taxation. Try reading the polls sometime.

Just pay attention to the demand to REDUCE GOVT spending.. You're looney if you think that raising more income from the rich while cutting FICA taxes for the "working poor" is gonna fix anything. That money you want to steal is being used to prop up entitlements, to reduce the debt, to pay for corporate subsidies, and bad regulatory oversight. You just WISH it was really gonna go to YOUR favorite "charity".... You're losing the argument NOT because the 1% vote 100 times. You're losing because you have no plan to assure that the American standard of living is NOT gonna continue in decline.....

BTW: Just as a bookmark here. I'm NOT a Republican.. I'm a worse opponent.. An unaligned, free-thinking nominally libertarian free market supporter.. And a LOT of independents think exactly like I do...
If you have to ask that question after 47 threads on begging and whiner redistributioners, you're not paying attention.. We ENCOURAGE investment and innovation by defining Capital Gains Tax that is taxed at a lower rate.

Oh, I see. The government sees investors as winners and workers as losers, so they reward investment.

No.. you having punishment and reward confused. It's their money. The GOVT simply takes less in the case where money was risked to expand the economy. It encourages folks to share their their savings with others.

You've talked yourself into a circle. You bash "leftists" for abhorring risk, but you expect the government to subsidize the risks that the rich take in investing by charging lower rates on investment income. Again. It's not a reward. NOTHING was "given". Less was taken... A reward would be giving subsidies for LOSING money on investments. I can't understand how leftists can complain about Cap Gains taking 15% of profit on investment when Wall Street only charges me 1% or so for managing that investment. Want to see the economy contract even further and faster?? Keep asking to do away with Capital Gains tax rates. Sometimes -- I hope you get that -- just so we can all see the effect.

Sure, working entails risk. People get hurt working all the time.
Excellent leftist ignorance on "risk". Going FISHING is a hundred times more risky (in the physical sense) than going to work. There is no equivalent FINANCIAL risk between salary and investments.

By the way:: "the rich are" NOT "making the rules".. There is a majority of Americans convinced that redistribution is wrong on principle and NOT a cure for our economic future success. YOU -- on the other hand are a small minority that confuse MORE GOVT income as charity to doled out as you see fit.. You are not winning the hearts and minds required to make the rules in your image..

You really have no clue how politics works. Campaign cash, baby.

BTW, the majority does not agree with you on taxation. Try reading the polls sometime.

Just pay attention to the demand to REDUCE GOVT spending.. You're looney if you think that raising more income from the rich while cutting FICA taxes for the "working poor" is gonna fix anything. That money you want to steal is being used to prop up entitlements, to reduce the debt, to pay for corporate subsidies, and bad regulatory oversight. You just WISH it was really gonna go to YOUR favorite "charity".... You're losing the argument NOT because the 1% vote 100 times. You're losing because you have no plan to assure that the American standard of living is NOT gonna continue in decline.....

BTW: Just as a bookmark here. I'm NOT a Republican.. I'm a worse opponent.. An unaligned, free-thinking nominally libertarian free market supporter.. And a LOT of independents think exactly like I do...

As do a lot of Republicans and even a few Democrats unwilling to break the apron strings just yet but who are contemplating doing just that. In our state you have to register Democrat or Republican to vote in the primary but we Tea Party Republicans are in no way beholden to or attached to the old guard 'liberal lite' Republicans.
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What gave you that idea?

Because you were clearly in error.
How?....The Daily Caller is Tucker Carlson's creation. I don't consider it to be a credible source. It's just like Huff Po ,and The Blaze....alll garbage!

PolitiFact, in an August, 2009 story, spoke to a range of experts from the left-leaning Brookings Institute to the conservative Heritage Foundation, who said they found Kronick’s results credible.
PolitiFact | Do people without health insurance die sooner?

That 1 percent increase in domestic spending represents an ongoing problem, according to former Congress member and budget analyst Bill Frenzel of the left-leaning Brookings Institute.: What Congress Brought To Queens

For Washington Insiders, the coming together of the left leaning Brookings Institute and the right leaning Heritage Foundation to discuss an issue, any issue, over the course of a year registers as something like a minor miracle.

As the left-leaning Brookings Institute pointed out in March, Ohio is important because President Obama Can’t Win the 2012 Election Without It. Not because of the Buckeye state’s 20 electoral votes, but because
GOP Working Hard to Lose Ohio in 2012, Say Tea Party Activists | Hillbuzz | Conservative Political Analysis, Action & Humor | Kevin DuJan Editor

...Government is not a right-wing activist group. Its board includes two representatives from the left-leaning Brookings Institute and one from Harvard University. Clinton himself is an honorary co-chair. Add to that a study by Media Research...
MEDIA: The spinsters |

"Looking at the (liberal) Brookings Institute figures actually makes the situation look quite good, by historical standards. "
The Brookings Institute (Left Leaning)
The American Enterprise Institute (Right Leaning
The Heritage Foundation (Right Leaning)
The Hoover Institution (Right Leaning)
The Manhattan Institute (Libertarian)
The Mercatus Center (Right leaning)
The Progressive Policy Institute(Left leaning)
Cato Institute (Libertarian)

The left-leaning Brookings Institute hinted as much in a Sept. 2003 article, "Work and Marriage: The Way to End Poverty and Welfare. Institute for Policy Studies (Left Leaning)

IRmep: Brooking on the Absurd
The Brookings Institute is often cited as a Democratic counterpart to right-wing think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. Many Democrats,

Brookings Institute The liberal Brookings Institute is one of the leading Washington DC think-tanks covering South Asia. Professor Steve Cohen is their South Asia specialist.
So most of the above identify Brookings as Liberal!

The left-leaning Brookings Institute has evaluated that global warming fix that Congress is conjuring up.
They estimate the cost to be about $9 trillion, which will reduce consumption about $2 trillion by mid-century. Aw, peanuts. We can afford that, can’t we?
Global warming fix, well, maybe not exactly a fix - Orange Punch : The Orange County Register

Politics: The Brookings Institution
Strobe Talbott
Brookings Institution President
Tuesday, August 19, 2003; 11:00 AM
IRmep: Brooking on the Absurd

Even the left-leaning Brookings Institute predicted dramatic job losses, particularly in certain energy industries, of between 35%-40% as soon as 2025. I'm guessing this legislation was the brainchild of China,…
Archived-Articles: The Five Obama Fails

See above.
What gave you that idea?

Because you were clearly in error.
How?....The Daily Caller is Tucker Carlson's creation. I don't consider it to be a credible source. It's just like Huff Po ,and The Blaze....alll garbage!

You know -- I get your beef with the media. But when you stoop to smash a source just BECAUSE you don't like them. (Like tucker carlson f'instance) You lose the credibility to critique objectively.. I've had subscriptions to The Nation and National Review at the same time -- and may head didn't go all exorcist over that.. I'm sorry, lumping in HuffyPoo and a couple others just doesn't cover your arrogance.

Brilliance in journalism can come from surprising sources. I NEVER impeach the source. People who do are just arrogant and biased...
We haven't seen income equality like this since the robber barons. Ignoring that is stupid.
Please explain Americans why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I could never understand why the misguided mouthpieces in the Republican Party continue to make excuses for the top 1% wealthiest while dissing their own in the middle class. Cowards and Traitors, the bunch of ya. While the middle class is trying to unite against the wealthiest, some in the middle class are playing the Benedict Arnold role - all in the name of the Grand Ol' Party. :dunno:

Shameless Cowards - the lot of you:eusa_naughty:


See there, you used the logical fallacy of the false dichotomy. I have no need to choose one over the other, there is no "either/or" here.

You want to steal, so you claim that if I oppose you stealing from the rich then I support you stealing from the middle. In reality, I just oppose you stealing.
Because you were clearly in error.
How?....The Daily Caller is Tucker Carlson's creation. I don't consider it to be a credible source. It's just like Huff Po ,and The Blaze....alll garbage!

You know -- I get your beef with the media. But when you stoop to smash a source just BECAUSE you don't like them. (Like tucker carlson f'instance) You lose the credibility to critique objectively.. I've had subscriptions to The Nation and National Review at the same time -- and may head didn't go all exorcist over that.. I'm sorry, lumping in HuffyPoo and a couple others just doesn't cover your arrogance.

Brilliance in journalism can come from surprising sources. I NEVER impeach the source. People who do are just arrogant and biased...
I wanna say I won't stoop to your level and insult you....but just by saying that....I'm insulting forget what I just wrote.

You may think you can parse the cogent points out of The Nation and The National Review at the same time, and for all I know you can...but posts I've seen from you in the past, do not reflect any objectivity're a far righty, and you're vulnerable to far right propaganda.
How?....The Daily Caller is Tucker Carlson's creation. I don't consider it to be a credible source. It's just like Huff Po ,and The Blaze....alll garbage!

Please try not to bore me with pseudo conservative rags (sites)

BTW...I couldn't care less as to whether or not you are bored.
Yes you do...or you wouldn't have taken the time to respond.

Another in the string of misjudgements on your part.

And an insight into your character when you don't admit your errors.
We haven't seen income equality like this since the robber barons. Ignoring that is stupid.

Actually income equality is wider today than the robber baron days. Therefore, when there was very little government meddling in business, we had LESS income inequality, not more. Starting to see the picture here?

More importantly, please explain why income inequality is a bad thing. If a guy is smart, works hard, makes good decisions in launching a business to sell a product that the people want, he'll make good money. How is that bad for anyone else?

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