Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

The simple logic of fact has you spinning .

Instead of acting like a little girl, try disputing the original statement. I doubt you have the capacity.

You haven't provided any facts. You're accused me of being envious, without offering anything to back up that claim. Do you understand the difference between fact and opinion, and between informed opinion and random insult? Apparently not.

What I see from the right is tribalism. This is why the on-going paranoia about one group after another. This is why they foolishly vote against their own interests and principles in favor of the interests of the wealthy. This is why Obama's election sent them into a frenzy. Because they operate from a tribal perspective, not a humanitarian, or Christian, or capitalist, or rational self-interest, perspective. They just go for the ones who look most like them and hope.

You are calling for higher taxes on others.

This behavior isnt new or unique. And it originates with jealousy and envy. How far removed you try to make yourself is your issue to resolve within yourself.
Please explain Americans why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I could never understand why the misguided mouthpieces in the Republican Party continue to make excuses for the top 1% wealthiest while dissing their own in the middle class. Cowards and Traitors, the bunch of ya. While the middle class is trying to unite against the wealthiest, some in the middle class are playing the Benedict Arnold role - all in the name of the Grand Ol' Party. :dunno:

Shameless Cowards - the lot of you:eusa_naughty:


After years of reading and observation, I believe that part of the answer is tribalism.

They support their tribe over their own economic interests, over their own alleged religious beliefs, and over any number of facts you marshal to demonstrate to them that they are getting screwed over by the so-called "job creators".

Their more primitive instincts tell them that they will at least survive if their tribe survives, so they put everything into tribe survival. Objective thought be damned, principles be damned.

To call a small increase in the top marginal tax rate for those making over one million dollars "class warfare" shows a complete lack of understanding of what class warfare would look like, and complete ignorance of what that money is going for: to preserve the jobs of teachers and police officers and firefighters.

In other words, some of the most basic necessities for a prosperous society-education and providing physical safety-are being threatened. But what matters is preserving a few dollars of personal income for the rich. :cuckoo:

MC, did you know that the Koch Brothers are wealthier now than when Obama took office? Isn't that interesting?

Oh we understand the attempt to grab more money for the US Treasury. But it's your naive belief that it will go to "jobs of teachers, police officers, and firefighters". With HUGE increases in yearly debt, imploding entitlement funding status, stagnant private sector of the economy, and a track record of using tax money to roll the dice Vegas style ---- It's really ignorant to think that Congress and the Prez are gonna USE that money wisely. YOU'VE got to compete with the beggars and whiners who expect that money will go to welfare or mere distribution. In other words -- you have no PLAN for that money. And that's a prime reason we reject taking it....
You are calling for higher taxes on others.

This behavior isnt new or unique. And it originates with jealousy and envy. How far removed you try to make yourself is your issue to resolve within yourself.

So your mind is so limited that the only reason you can imagine for increasing the top marginal tax rate is envy?


You can't stretch your mind enough to see that people might have any motivation beyond envy.

Do I have that right?

Oh we understand the attempt to grab more money for the US Treasury. But it's your naive belief that it will go to "jobs of teachers, police officers, and firefighters". With HUGE increases in yearly debt, imploding entitlement funding status, stagnant private sector of the economy, and a track record of using tax money to roll the dice Vegas style ---- It's really ignorant to think that Congress and the Prez are gonna USE that money wisely. YOU'VE got to compete with the beggars and whiners who expect that money will go to welfare or mere distribution. In other words -- you have no PLAN for that money. And that's a prime reason we reject taking it....

Then set your mind at ease. The money is going to the states, for preserving the jobs of teachers, firefighters, and police officers. It's in the bill.

Losing those jobs will not only hurt kids educationally, and make communities less safe [both of which harm the economy], losing those jobs means people spend less. Do you understand what less demand does in an economy?

But, since you say "...are hurting far more than the poor..." you realize that the group that the government claims are poor includes folks with a Jacuzzi?

I realize that in global terms being poor is a relative condition but please cite a credible example of the above.

By credible I don't mean someone who once was doing well but is unemployed, financially wiped out and is on the verge of being dispossessed.

I don't care how you choose to define poor, I'll use government data and the Census Bureau's measurement.

"Examining "Poverty" in America
In addition to the serious deficiencies of the Census Bureau's measurement of income, the government's view of what constitutes "poverty" would be surprising to most Americans. Government data on the possessions of officially poor households starkly contradict the general public understanding of what it means to be "poor."

Example: Nearly a third of all "poor" American households have microwave ovens.11

Example: Sixty-two percent of "poor" households own a car, truck or van. Fourteen percent own two or more cars.12

Example: According to government figures, over 22,000 "poor" households have a heated swimming pool or a Jacuzzi.13
How Poor are Americas Poor

Are you beginning to realize how manipulated the public...that would be you...have been by the Left?
Please explain Americans why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I could never understand why the misguided mouthpieces in the Republican Party continue to make excuses for the top 1% wealthiest while dissing their own in the middle class. Cowards and Traitors, the bunch of ya. While the middle class is trying to unite against the wealthiest, some in the middle class are playing the Benedict Arnold role - all in the name of the Grand Ol' Party. :dunno:

Shameless Cowards - the lot of you:eusa_naughty:


After years of reading and observation, I believe that part of the answer is tribalism.

They support their tribe over their own economic interests, over their own alleged religious beliefs, and over any number of facts you marshal to demonstrate to them that they are getting screwed over by the so-called "job creators".

Their more primitive instincts tell them that they will at least survive if their tribe survives, so they put everything into tribe survival. Objective thought be damned, principles be damned.

To call a small increase in the top marginal tax rate for those making over one million dollars "class warfare" shows a complete lack of understanding of what class warfare would look like, and complete ignorance of what that money is going for: to preserve the jobs of teachers and police officers and firefighters.

In other words, some of the most basic necessities for a prosperous society-education and providing physical safety-are being threatened. But what matters is preserving a few dollars of personal income for the rich. :cuckoo:

MC, did you know that the Koch Brothers are wealthier now than when Obama took office? Isn't that interesting?

Not only have they become wealthier, but they have also CUT several thousand jobs from their private company, and that savings goes directly in their pockets.

Yeah........let's hear it for the "job creators" again.
Let's get down to brass tacks here. There are those that for reasons that they have no control over, don't have much. For those, I feel sorry and as a result I give a lot of money every year to those charities that will help those individuals. That is what my values tell me I should do. IF that individual is having hard time because of their race, because of a physical disability, a sickness, or because of any circumstance beyond their control then it is every man's responsibility to help make things better.

Police, fire fighters and teachers are a very important part of society. But, when you CHOOSE that profession, you ARE NOT going to get rich. Chances are, you will BARELY make enough money to scrap by. You will need to have additional jobs. I was a cop for 20 years and I absolutely KNEW that going in. My kids all had perfect teeth and braces when they needed them. When it came to me, not so much. That is why I have store bought teeth now. Insurance would only cover so much, so as a father and as a husband, I was last. And their was times when there just wasn't enough. Same with the doctor and with other things. I worked two, sometimes three jobs, but we made it. Pay and benefits for police, fire, and teachers is a local issue. The federal government should BUTT THE HELL OUT.

Those on this board that believe that the "rich" (no one still knows really what that is) should pay the way for those who have less. When you work hard, what you accumulate is YOURS. You pass laws and you tell me that you want to take it away from me because YOU know how to use it best. I don't care if a man with a mask and a gun takes it or the government takes it, it is still stealing. You steal from me to give it to someone else. A wolf in sheeps clothing is still a wolf. And taking from me at the point of a gun, whether legally or illegally, is wrong. You can't make it right, I don't care how you sugar coat it.

For those who sit around and EXPECT to be taken care of, then I have one thing to say. And that is NO ONE deserves a hand out who will not take care of themselves. If you can work, then FREAKIN WORK dip stick! If you have to flip burgers for a living, then DO IT! We've all been there and it is NOT demeaning. If you get welfare or you get food stamps, then you should only get them IF you work for them. I don't care if you pick up trash. You should work. NOTHING is free, not even the money you steal from me to give to someone else.

If the left winger ding bats in this country get to the point that they begin to make being successfull not worth the time and the sacrifices, then that is the time that people will begin to shelter their earnings overseas (yes, more than they do now). It isn't all that hard and quite frankly I don't blame anyone who does that. Obamacare will create a deluge of funds going overseas. Same for raising taxes to help the "needy." The only problem is, Democrats believe that the "needy" are union bosses.
You are calling for higher taxes on others.

This behavior isnt new or unique. And it originates with jealousy and envy. How far removed you try to make yourself is your issue to resolve within yourself.

So your mind is so limited that the only reason you can imagine for increasing the top marginal tax rate is envy?


You can't stretch your mind enough to see that people might have any motivation beyond envy.

Do I have that right?

Oh we understand the attempt to grab more money for the US Treasury. But it's your naive belief that it will go to "jobs of teachers, police officers, and firefighters". With HUGE increases in yearly debt, imploding entitlement funding status, stagnant private sector of the economy, and a track record of using tax money to roll the dice Vegas style ---- It's really ignorant to think that Congress and the Prez are gonna USE that money wisely. YOU'VE got to compete with the beggars and whiners who expect that money will go to welfare or mere distribution. In other words -- you have no PLAN for that money. And that's a prime reason we reject taking it....

Then set your mind at ease. The money is going to the states, for preserving the jobs of teachers, firefighters, and police officers. It's in the bill.

Losing those jobs will not only hurt kids educationally, and make communities less safe [both of which harm the economy], losing those jobs means people spend less. Do you understand what less demand does in an economy?

The doing it for the kids and crying rape is getting overplayed in a big way.
I don't care how you choose to define poor, I'll use government data and the Census Bureau's measurement.

"Examining "Poverty" in America
In addition to the serious deficiencies of the Census Bureau's measurement of income, the government's view of what constitutes "poverty" would be surprising to most Americans. Government data on the possessions of officially poor households starkly contradict the general public understanding of what it means to be "poor."

Example: Nearly a third of all "poor" American households have microwave ovens.11

Example: Sixty-two percent of "poor" households own a car, truck or van. Fourteen percent own two or more cars.12

Example: According to government figures, over 22,000 "poor" households have a heated swimming pool or a Jacuzzi.13
How Poor are Americas Poor

Are you beginning to realize how manipulated the public...that would be you...have been by the Left?

Then we need to go back to the question you were asked earlier-can you show that these few people who have a Jacuzzi are NOT the victims of a recent economic set back? Can you demonstrate that the Jacuzzi is a functioning, recent purchase rather than something that dates from the 70s and is in a home that's otherwise pretty modest?

We can discuss the hilarity of bitching that a poor woman has a microwave later on. Let's deal with this now.

Not only have they become wealthier, but they have also CUT several thousand jobs from their private company, and that savings goes directly in their pockets.

Yeah........let's hear it for the "job creators" again.

What he said.
After years of reading and observation, I believe that part of the answer is tribalism.

They support their tribe over their own economic interests, over their own alleged religious beliefs, and over any number of facts you marshal to demonstrate to them that they are getting screwed over by the so-called "job creators".

Their more primitive instincts tell them that they will at least survive if their tribe survives, so they put everything into tribe survival. Objective thought be damned, principles be damned.

To call a small increase in the top marginal tax rate for those making over one million dollars "class warfare" shows a complete lack of understanding of what class warfare would look like, and complete ignorance of what that money is going for: to preserve the jobs of teachers and police officers and firefighters.

In other words, some of the most basic necessities for a prosperous society-education and providing physical safety-are being threatened. But what matters is preserving a few dollars of personal income for the rich. :cuckoo:

MC, did you know that the Koch Brothers are wealthier now than when Obama took office? Isn't that interesting?

Why is committing Robbery in my economic interest? I believe in Private property. A government that would take away the private property of others would likewise take away mine.

How is it not in my best interest to prevent government taking from one group of people to give to another? I believe in following the law and creating just laws to govern our society. Not in legalizing robbery for those who have politicians for friends.
Sniper, it's not about teachers, firefighters, and cops getting rich. It's about laying off teachers, police officers, and fire fighters. They won't have jobs, period. They are laid off. No job. No money to spend in the community.

When you work hard, what you accumulate is YOURS. You pass laws and you tell me that you want to take it away from me because YOU know how to use it best.

The rich are making the rules.

Income from investments is taxed at a lower rate than income from work.

Why aren't both kinds of income taxed at the same rate?
You are calling for higher taxes on others.

This behavior isnt new or unique. And it originates with jealousy and envy. How far removed you try to make yourself is your issue to resolve within yourself.

So your mind is so limited that the only reason you can imagine for increasing the top marginal tax rate is envy?


You can't stretch your mind enough to see that people might have any motivation beyond envy.

Do I have that right?

Oh we understand the attempt to grab more money for the US Treasury. But it's your naive belief that it will go to "jobs of teachers, police officers, and firefighters". With HUGE increases in yearly debt, imploding entitlement funding status, stagnant private sector of the economy, and a track record of using tax money to roll the dice Vegas style ---- It's really ignorant to think that Congress and the Prez are gonna USE that money wisely. YOU'VE got to compete with the beggars and whiners who expect that money will go to welfare or mere distribution. In other words -- you have no PLAN for that money. And that's a prime reason we reject taking it....

Then set your mind at ease. The money is going to the states, for preserving the jobs of teachers, firefighters, and police officers. It's in the bill.

Losing those jobs will not only hurt kids educationally, and make communities less safe [both of which harm the economy], losing those jobs means people spend less. Do you understand what less demand does in an economy?

Again, let's be honest here. It's not going to the teachers, firefighters, or police officers. It's going to their unions so it can be laundered back to Democrat Campaign contributions. Our politicians are using our tax money to fund their power grab and you are quite happy to assist them.
Again, let's be honest here. It's not going to the teachers, firefighters, or police officers. It's going to their unions so it can be laundered back to Democrat Campaign contributions. Our politicians are using our tax money to fund their power grab and you are quite happy to assist them.

You have "honesty" confused with "conspiracy theory".

The money is going to preserve jobs that preserve the nation.

As for your complaints about campaign contributions, you're straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. If the Koch Brothers can spend unlimited amounts on commercials, why can't a cop donate to a Congressional campaign?
Sniper, it's not about teachers, firefighters, and cops getting rich. It's about laying off teachers, police officers, and fire fighters. They won't have jobs, period. They are laid off. No job. No money to spend in the community.

When you work hard, what you accumulate is YOURS. You pass laws and you tell me that you want to take it away from me because YOU know how to use it best.

The rich are making the rules.

Income from investments is taxed at a lower rate than income from work.

Why aren't both kinds of income taxed at the same rate?

Excuse me, but if I work and I earn $10.00, I pay taxes on that money. When I invest it and I do so wisely, why in God's name do you think that you should tax the same money again? Do you think that someone just handed me the $10.00?

If I own a business and I'm good at doing what I do, I might earn an amount. I pay a lot of damn taxes on that money that I earn. If I invest that money and I do it poorly, then chances are I'll lose that money. If I'm lucky I might turn $10.00 into $12.00 or maybe even $15.00. And there is a reason that I should now pay taxes on the $15.00 AGAIN?

The only reason that I can see that the $15.00 should be taxed again is:

1. Someone is jealous that they can't do what I worked hard to do.
2. In their self-absorbed world, they believe that only THEY know what is best for everyone.
3. Someone having something that they don't is threatening to them.
4. You just can't fix stupid.
Again, let's be honest here. It's not going to the teachers, firefighters, or police officers. It's going to their unions so it can be laundered back to Democrat Campaign contributions. Our politicians are using our tax money to fund their power grab and you are quite happy to assist them.

You have "honesty" confused with "conspiracy theory".

The money is going to preserve jobs that preserve the nation.

As for your complaints about campaign contributions, you're straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. If the Koch Brothers can spend unlimited amounts on commercials, why can't a cop donate to a Congressional campaign?

It's not about a cop donating to a Congressional campaign.

It's about Democrat politicians funnelling money to UNIONS so that they get that tax money back in campaign contributions. It's called money laundering. And it's happening before your eyes.

Nothing this administration has done has been to create jobs. It's been to funnel tax money from unions back into their pockets.
Why is the money that is earned from investments taxed at a lower rate than the money earned from work?

Both are income. Why is the tax rate different?
I don't care how you choose to define poor, I'll use government data and the Census Bureau's measurement.

"Examining "Poverty" in America
In addition to the serious deficiencies of the Census Bureau's measurement of income, the government's view of what constitutes "poverty" would be surprising to most Americans. Government data on the possessions of officially poor households starkly contradict the general public understanding of what it means to be "poor."

Example: Nearly a third of all "poor" American households have microwave ovens.11

Example: Sixty-two percent of "poor" households own a car, truck or van. Fourteen percent own two or more cars.12

Example: According to government figures, over 22,000 "poor" households have a heated swimming pool or a Jacuzzi.13
How Poor are Americas Poor

Are you beginning to realize how manipulated the public...that would be you...have been by the Left?

Then we need to go back to the question you were asked earlier-can you show that these few people who have a Jacuzzi are NOT the victims of a recent economic set back? Can you demonstrate that the Jacuzzi is a functioning, recent purchase rather than something that dates from the 70s and is in a home that's otherwise pretty modest?

We can discuss the hilarity of bitching that a poor woman has a microwave later on. Let's deal with this now.

Not only have they become wealthier, but they have also CUT several thousand jobs from their private company, and that savings goes directly in their pockets.

Yeah........let's hear it for the "job creators" again.

What he said.

Why don't you take up with the administration you voted in, SAT-an, the definition of poverty.

1. The colloquial use of “poverty” implies a material deprivation, which hardly exists. But this is not to say that a poverty of social conditions does not exist, and this cannot be remedied with money. In fact, the root cause of this poverty is the perverse, counterproductive incentives arising from the welfare system itself.

2. Charles Murray’s “Losing Ground” documented this effect using social indicators such as work, marriage, legitimacy, crime, and alcohol and drug abuse, and showing how the massive increase in government welfare programs worsened the problem.

3. A key to why ‘poverty’ ceased to decline almost as soon as the ‘War on Poverty’ began, is that the poor and lower-income population stopped working, and this led to the other deteriorating social conditions Murray cites. In 1960, almost 2/3 of lowest-income households were headed by persons who worked.

a. By 1991, this number was down to only one third….and only 11% working full time. Nor was this due to being unable to find work, as the ‘80’s and ‘90’s were boom times.

4. Here we see an inherent weakness in Liberal thinking, that is that they are the smartest of folks, and their brilliance is necessary for other to prosper. The sequitur is that the people that they guide are stupid. No, the problem is that, with government welfare programs offering such generous and wide-ranging benefits, form housing to medical care to food stamps to outright cash, many reduce or eliminate their work effort.

It is social poverty that is the detriment...and, rather than ameliorate conditions, Liberal 'welfare' policies amplify the problem.
I haven't had time to read the thread yet but I will answer the request in the title of the thread:

I support the wealthy because they are the ones who provide the jobs that allow me to BE in the middle class.

It is as simple as that.
Why don't you take up with the administration you voted in, SAT-an, the definition of poverty.

I'm sorry, but they have their hands full running the nation. They don't have time to explain to us why you can't grasp a simple question and give a responsive answer. Do you, or do you not, see that simply saying "he's got a Jacuzzi, so he's not poor" is simplistic to the point of idiocy?

It is social poverty that is the detriment...and, rather than ameliorate conditions, Liberal 'welfare' policies amplify the problem.

Oh, God, Charles Murray.

Liberal welfare policies don't amplify the problem. Right wing policy decisions do.

Policy decisions that ensure that people have unequal access to education, safe environments, transportation, even the chance to vote...these factors keep people down. Which is the plan.
I haven't had time to read the thread yet but I will answer the request in the title of the thread:

I support the wealthy because they are the ones who provide the jobs that allow me to BE in the middle class.

It is as simple as that.

Really, who do you work for? Are the only jobs you're aware of in places owned by the top 1%?
You are calling for higher taxes on others.

This behavior isnt new or unique. And it originates with jealousy and envy. How far removed you try to make yourself is your issue to resolve within yourself.

So your mind is so limited that the only reason you can imagine for increasing the top marginal tax rate is envy?


You can't stretch your mind enough to see that people might have any motivation beyond envy.

Do I have that right?

Oh we understand the attempt to grab more money for the US Treasury. But it's your naive belief that it will go to "jobs of teachers, police officers, and firefighters". With HUGE increases in yearly debt, imploding entitlement funding status, stagnant private sector of the economy, and a track record of using tax money to roll the dice Vegas style ---- It's really ignorant to think that Congress and the Prez are gonna USE that money wisely. YOU'VE got to compete with the beggars and whiners who expect that money will go to welfare or mere distribution. In other words -- you have no PLAN for that money. And that's a prime reason we reject taking it....

Then set your mind at ease. The money is going to the states, for preserving the jobs of teachers, firefighters, and police officers. It's in the bill.

Losing those jobs will not only hurt kids educationally, and make communities less safe [both of which harm the economy], losing those jobs means people spend less. Do you understand what less demand does in an economy?

It certainly is not the want for equal treatment by government under law for every citizen... it is right in line with the mantra of equal treatment called for when it benefits you, and unequal treatment called for when it benefits you

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