Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?'s only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.

Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

I agree about the loopholes and bailouts but you hear almost no opposition to loopholes from republican politicians. In fact, they defend it and attack the programs for the poor and elderly.
I'm not for class warfare, and I don't think the wealthy should be taxed anymore than everybody else...

...having said that.....I find it amusing how the top 1% has gotten the other 99% of Republicans to champion their cause. The top 1%....Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and the Kochs don't traditionally share their wealth with that 99% of Republicans...yet that 99% fights for the wealthy's rights like they get something out of doing that.......just don't get it.

Maybe because we don't expect something for nothing! They earned what they have (at least most of them). Speaking for myself, i believe they are the ones that make the jobs for the rest of us....the more we take away from them, the less they will hire more people that need those jobs. Or, they'll just move out of the US. You don't bite the hand that feeds you...
So yes, we do get something out of supporting them....a living!
When the Republicans accuse you of class warfare, you can be pretty sure you’re winning.

They say that inside our brains is an area that controls empathy, and that conservatives by nature lack empathy. Conservatism - A brain deficiency.

Republicans have Confirmation Bias issues, as in the great tendency to favor information that confirms their preconceptions regardless of whether the information is true.

The First Republican Edict: "Tell a lie long enough and Americans will start to believe it".

The Facts: Congressional Finance Committee Report shows the Current Budget Deficit is from the following:
34% from the economic crash
54% by Bush Policies
12% from Obama Polices

If it were not for the Democratic Party, America would be by the Corporations for the Corporations. America for the People by the People is in danger without major campaign finance reform, mostly in the way of a Constitutional Amendment!

The Great Divergence:
Income Growth since 1980:
80% to the wealthiest 1%
20% to everyone else

Much of it in tax reductions to the wealthiest 1%. While, between 1929-1979 income was more equal for the middle class. You do the math: Republicans + Wealthy = a Reduction in Middle Class.

Tea Party is the Republican Party Waterloo, as independents are running away from the radical policies the tea party has forced onto the GOP this year. Independents are not happy with Obama, but poll after poll has shown that Independents would prefer him over the new Tea Party lead GOP. The Tea Party is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Republican Party, and 2012 will be the final nail that splits the GOP up for years to come.

If you are not fighting for the middle class, you are fighting against America :salute:

[ame=]Former Soviet Citizen in Dust Up with the Useful Idiots of OWS - YouTube[/ame]'s only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.

Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

I agree about the loopholes and bailouts but you hear almost no opposition to loopholes from republican politicians. In fact, they defend it and attack the programs for the poor and elderly.

You do from several Tea Party and Libertarian leaning Republican politicians. You do from presidential candidates Ron Paul and Gary Johnson. You sure as hell do from all in the Libertarian party. So, why not stop bitching about Conservatives and start championing those politicians that support NO redistribution to either the wealthy or the poor? Or are you just a socialist that hates the rich? If so, by all means keep supporting today's Democrats.
When the Republicans accuse you of class warfare, you can be pretty sure you’re winning.

Really? Dividing people because of their wealth is winning? How does the Republic win by dividing people and stirring up bad feelings between them in an effort to cause them to fight and obtain power?

They say that inside our brains is an area that controls empathy, and that conservatives by nature lack empathy. Conservatism - A brain deficiency.

When you have to resort to insults, you've lost the policy argument.

Republicans have Confirmation Bias issues, as in the great tendency to favor information that confirms their preconceptions regardless of whether the information is true.

That's human nature. However, I've heard that we dislike most in others is often our own big flaw.

The First Republican Edict: "Tell a lie long enough and Americans will start to believe it".

Which, ironically, is a lie. I would invite you to stop lying and instead repent of your sins and come to the Truth. God will forgive you and you will not have this anger in your heart if you let go of the lies perpetuating it. Namely that your brother is no longer your brother because of his wealth or his lack thereof.

The Facts: Congressional Finance Committee Report shows the Current Budget Deficit is from the following:
34% from the economic crash
54% by Bush Policies
12% from Obama Polices

The Deficit is from overspending pure and simple. No doubt both parties are responsible to some degree. But casting blame on one or another isn't going to fix the problem. It's just a petty distraction politicians from both parties are using to keep us from fixing the problem. And we do that by cutting the spending and cutting taxes.

If it were not for the Democratic Party, America would be by the Corporations for the Corporations. America for the People by the People is in danger without major campaign finance reform, mostly in the way of a Constitutional Amendment!

Now this is just a fantasy. You think eliminating free speech is actually going to make the nation less corrupt? The only reason the corrupt are being exposed is because people are free to say what they see. They are free to give their money to candidates who they believe are not corrupt in efforts to get the message of corruption out. So naturally, you want the government to regulate that. Because a corrupt government will somehow produce honest election.

Let's just admit the truth. Politicians want campaign finance reform so they can silent opposition. Pure and simple. That's what McCain Fiengold did. And that is why they are upset the provisions were tossed out by the Court.

The Great Divergence:
Income Growth since 1980:
80% to the wealthiest 1%
20% to everyone else

And why? Ill tell you why:

Economic security for all is impossible without widespread abundance. Abundance is impossible without industrious and efficient production. Such production is impossible without energetic, willing and eager labor. This is not possible without incentive.

Of all forms of incentive - the freedom to attain a reward for one's labors is the most sustaining for most people. Sometimes called THE PROFIT MOTIVE, it is simply the right to plan and to earn and to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

This profit motive DIMINISHES as government controls, regulations and taxes INCREASE to deny the fruits of success to those who produce. Therefore, any attempt THROUGH GOVERNMENTAL INTERVENTION to redistribute the material rewards of labor can only result in the eventual destruction of the productive base of society, without which real abundance and security for more than the ruling elite is quite impossible. (Ezra T. Benson, The Proper Role of Government, Emphasis added)

Much of it in tax reductions to the wealthiest 1%. While, between 1929-1979 income was more equal for the middle class. You do the math: Republicans + Wealthy = a Reduction in Middle Class.

Actually, it was most equal from 1920-1929. You know the Roaring Twenties. Where unemployment was a whopping 2% before Hoover and FDR trashed everything with government regulation.

Tea Party is the Republican Party Waterloo, as independents are running away from the radical policies the tea party has forced onto the GOP this year. Independents are not happy with Obama, but poll after poll has shown that Independents would prefer him over the new Tea Party lead GOP. The Tea Party is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Republican Party, and 2012 will be the final nail that splits the GOP up for years to come.

Then shouldn't you be happy? You aren't. Which shows you are lying.

If you are not fighting for the middle class, you are fighting against America :salute:

There is no middle class. There is no elite class. There is no poor class. This is the United States of America. We are a classless society. Classes only exist as a political construct to divide people. This is a marxist tactic. It's completely absent in the idea of America and the Constitution.

You are your own worst enemy. You're own pride and covetousness is destroying you.'s only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.

Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

I agree about the loopholes and bailouts but you hear almost no opposition to loopholes from republican politicians. In fact, they defend it and attack the programs for the poor and elderly.

I think you will find that pols on both sides of the aisle will vigorously defend loopholes, tax breaks, subsidies, and bailouts if it helps people in their districts, especially big corps and the rich cuz they're the ones bribing them with big campaign contributions. Let's not pretend it's only the GOP, that's just not true.

As for the programs for the poor and elderly, the GOP is not attacking them, but instead trying to reform them to be sustainable in the future. Surely we can agree that the status quo cannot continue, the question is what do we do about it. You may not like the repub ideas, but to demagogue them with this attack nonsense is ridiculous. Like that famous ad showing a Ryan lookalike pushing an elderly woman in a wheechair off a cliff. What blatent bullshit, nobody is talking about throwing people to the wolves.
That is horse crap, the biggest stand the G.O.P. has taken in years was when the President was going to let the Bush tax break for the wealthy expire, they were willing to let everybody's taxes go up as a weapon to protect the wealthy from having to pay a little bit more.

You are completely wrong, sir..and that is what I mean when I say that the democratic party is aware that people are foolish enough to fall for the "gop protect the wealthy" spin. See? Even you fell for it and you regurgitate it with such confidence...and you have no idea how silly they are making you look.

They were protecting YOUR future and everyones elses future as prospective business owners. They did not want to villify business owners nor did they want to put more of a strain on exiosting business owners in a time where hiring is at such a low.

I wonder how many people felt as you do BEFORE they started a business and now that they opwn a business UNDERSTAND why the GOP stands for what they stand for.

I'll tell you find me a clip of any GOP elected representative in EITHER house that has actually said that it is the WEALTHY that he or she wants to protect.

Bet you cant find one
The current GOP code word for the wealthy is "job creators", and they defend them they should!

The GOP, and anyone who has faith in capitalism, should defend them from unfair taxation.

"Job Creators" is not a code word for "wealthy"...Job Creators is code word for "business owners"......The democratic party is the one who seems to believe all business owners are wealthy...the GOP has never made that claim...and it most certainly is not true.

And the GOP seeks to protect ALL Americans...not just the business owners...and treat all Americans as equal as it pertains to legislation....and not single out a group as the democrats like to do.

All Americans need the business owners and all business owners need Americans....and all Americans have the right to become business owners....'s only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.

Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

I agree about the loopholes and bailouts but you hear almost no opposition to loopholes from republican politicians. In fact, they defend it and attack the programs for the poor and elderly.

The GOP seek to minimize the burden on all Americans as it pertains to just prefer they do it for everyone but the wealthy.

As for attacking the progrmas for the poor and keep watching them democratic ads and left wing blogs....seems you are exactly what they want you to be.'s only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.

Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

I agree about the loopholes and bailouts but you hear almost no opposition to loopholes from republican politicians. In fact, they defend it and attack the programs for the poor and elderly.

I am curious...

Exactly what "loopholes" are you referring to and exactly what GOP representative defend them?

Or do you not know what a loophole is perhpas?
Please explain Americans why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I could never understand why the misguided mouthpieces in the Republican Party continue to make excuses for the top 1% wealthiest while dissing their own in the middle class. Cowards and Traitors, the bunch of ya. While the middle class is trying to unite against the wealthiest, some in the middle class are playing the Benedict Arnold role - all in the name of the Grand Ol' Party. :dunno:

Shameless Cowards - the lot of you:eusa_naughty:


After years of reading and observation, I believe that part of the answer is tribalism.

They support their tribe over their own economic interests, over their own alleged religious beliefs, and over any number of facts you marshal to demonstrate to them that they are getting screwed over by the so-called "job creators".

Their more primitive instincts tell them that they will at least survive if their tribe survives, so they put everything into tribe survival. Objective thought be damned, principles be damned.

To call a small increase in the top marginal tax rate for those making over one million dollars "class warfare" shows a complete lack of understanding of what class warfare would look like, and complete ignorance of what that money is going for: to preserve the jobs of teachers and police officers and firefighters.

In other words, some of the most basic necessities for a prosperous society-education and providing physical safety-are being threatened. But what matters is preserving a few dollars of personal income for the rich. :cuckoo:

MC, did you know that the Koch Brothers are wealthier now than when Obama took office? Isn't that interesting?
Please explain Americans why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I could never understand why the misguided mouthpieces in the Republican Party continue to make excuses for the top 1% wealthiest while dissing their own in the middle class. Cowards and Traitors, the bunch of ya. While the middle class is trying to unite against the wealthiest, some in the middle class are playing the Benedict Arnold role - all in the name of the Grand Ol' Party. :dunno:

Shameless Cowards - the lot of you:eusa_naughty:


After years of reading and observation, I believe that part of the answer is tribalism.

They support their tribe over their own economic interests, over their own alleged religious beliefs, and over any number of facts you marshal to demonstrate to them that they are getting screwed over by the so-called "job creators".

Their more primitive instincts tell them that they will at least survive if their tribe survives, so they put everything into tribe survival. Objective thought be damned, principles be damned.

To call a small increase in the top marginal tax rate for those making over one million dollars "class warfare" shows a complete lack of understanding of what class warfare would look like, and complete ignorance of what that money is going for: to preserve the jobs of teachers and police officers and firefighters.

In other words, some of the most basic necessities for a prosperous society-education and providing physical safety-are being threatened. But what matters is preserving a few dollars of personal income for the rich. :cuckoo:

MC, did you know that the Koch Brothers are wealthier now than when Obama took office? Isn't that interesting?
Just tell the truth.

The jealousy and envy of others abilities is a human trait. That envy leads to want which then finds the means for justification.

It would seem you think on a very primitive level.
Let's just admit the truth. Politicians want campaign finance reform so they can silent opposition. Pure and simple. That's what McCain Fiengold did. And that is why they are upset the provisions were tossed out by the Court.


The problem is Citizens United DROWNS OUT the opposition.

Actually, it was most equal from 1920-1929. You know the Roaring Twenties. Where unemployment was a whopping 2% before Hoover and FDR trashed everything with government regulation.

You can't possibly believe this.

"Job Creators" is not a code word for "wealthy"...Job Creators is code word for "business owners"......The democratic party is the one who seems to believe all business owners are wealthy...the GOP has never made that claim...and it most certainly is not true.

It's a code word for bullshit. The "job creators" aren't creating any jobs. We have had the Bush tax cuts for ten years. Job growth has declined. So when does the magic kick in?
The jealousy and envy of others abilities is a human trait. That envy leads to want which then finds the means for justification.

It would seem you think on a very primitive level.

That shoe would be on your foot. :)
The jealousy and envy of others abilities is a human trait. That envy leads to want which then finds the means for justification.

It would seem you think on a very primitive level.

That shoe would be on your foot. :)

Is delusion part of your debate style?

Its all the same with you guys. Someone else needs to pay more.

Your "debate style" could be handled by a random complaint generator.

You haven't dealt with what I said, or with the facts, you just make these lame one liners and then pat yourself on the back.

But, since you say "...are hurting far more than the poor..." you realize that the group that the government claims are poor includes folks with a Jacuzzi?

I realize that in global terms being poor is a relative condition but please cite a credible example of the above.

By credible I don't mean someone who once was doing well but is unemployed, financially wiped out and is on the verge of being dispossessed.
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That shoe would be on your foot. :)

Is delusion part of your debate style?

Its all the same with you guys. Someone else needs to pay more.

Your "debate style" could be handled by a random complaint generator.

You haven't dealt with what I said, or with the facts, you just make these lame one liners and then pat yourself on the back.

The simple logic of fact has you spinning .

Instead of acting like a little girl, try disputing the original statement. I doubt you have the capacity.
The simple logic of fact has you spinning .

Instead of acting like a little girl, try disputing the original statement. I doubt you have the capacity.

You haven't provided any facts. You're accused me of being envious, without offering anything to back up that claim. Do you understand the difference between fact and opinion, and between informed opinion and random insult? Apparently not.

What I see from the right is tribalism. This is why the on-going paranoia about one group after another. This is why they foolishly vote against their own interests and principles in favor of the interests of the wealthy. This is why Obama's election sent them into a frenzy. Because they operate from a tribal perspective, not a humanitarian, or Christian, or capitalist, or rational self-interest, perspective. They just go for the ones who look most like them and hope.
Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

I agree about the loopholes and bailouts but you hear almost no opposition to loopholes from republican politicians. In fact, they defend it and attack the programs for the poor and elderly.

The GOP seek to minimize the burden on all Americans as it pertains to just prefer they do it for everyone but the wealthy.
As for attacking the progrmas for the poor and keep watching them democratic ads and left wing blogs....seems you are exactly what they want you to be.

Why did you just pretend you know me? I've seen repubs advocate for cutting SSI, welfare, etc. You can say I saw it somewhere you don't like but it's the truth. If it false, you would've said so but deflection isn't an answer.

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