Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I don't mind that the rich have more money.........

I just want them to pay their fair share of taxes instead of the 17 percent only they pay on capital gains (which is how most of the wealthy make their money).

Us working stiffs with real jobs? We're in for 28 percent.

"Us working stiffs?" I thought you said you don't work.
You wont get a straight answer from him. As long as the wealthy get screwed he's fine. That's the bottom line here.

Those same "job creators" are sitting on their money and making more via capital gains instead of creating jobs.

Where is the "risk" in sitting on a big pile of cash?

ABS... care to actually answer??

Well.. since ABS refuses to answer (probably because he knows he's being a hypocrite), I think the point is made
[ame=]Former Soviet Citizen in Dust Up with the Useful Idiots of OWS - YouTube[/ame]
what is the bottom line to all that? Are you saying the upper income brackets have not increased exponentially over the past three decades while the lower income brackets have diminished in proportion?

In simpler terms, are you saying the rich haven't become substantially richer while more Americans have become proportionately poor, or poorer?

1. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.

And, if you read carefully, proving.

2. And, see if you believe this, as well....the 'rich' have been hit hardest by the meltdown, far from "rich have become substantially richer."

From Northwestern:
WASHINGTON – A new report shows double-digit decreases in the number and wealth of the United States’ richest individuals last year.

The declines were the steepest since 1996, when the Merrill Lynch and Capgemini World Wealth Report was first published, leading some to ponder the ripple effects on the economy.

The 2008 declines in the population and wealth of U.S. High Net Worth Individuals – or those owning $1 million or more in financial assets minus the worth of primary residences – closely mimicked world-wide declines. In fact, the 2008 global HNWI population and wealth retreated below 2005 levels, undoing three years of consistent growth.
The U.S. population of HNWIs – the wealthiest Americans -- fell 18.5 percent to 2.5 million in 2008, while North American HNWI wealth (the report did not break out figures for U.S. HNWI wealth) dipped 22 percent to $9.1 trillion. Nevertheless, the U.S. continues to retain the largest number of HNWIs in the world – about 29 percent of the total HNWI population.
Super rich faced steep declines in wealth last year

3. What has "increased exponentially over the past three decades" is the power of the Left to convince folks like you that the sky is falling.
a. Bogus 'poverty level' increases.
b. Stoking the flames of envy.
c. Control of means of dissemination of information

“The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51

Welcome to the real world.
So in simpler terms, what you seem to be saying with all this redundantly academic dogma is the rich are hurting far more than the poor. I wonder how many here, including the rest of the right wing shills and the brainwashed Tories, are taken in by it.

Truth is not based on consensus. As the old saying goes, 'in the land of the soft brain, the bonehead is king.'

Don't take that personally, Mikey.

Mikey, your use of the hyperbolic "redundantly academic dogma" indicates where your beliefs are stored...
...and that is fine.

But, since you say "...are hurting far more than the poor..." you realize that the group that the government claims are poor includes folks with a Jacuzzi?

My intentions are to provide facts, and discussion of another view. When I can, I provided data, studies, authoritative opinion, logic and links, so that others can form their opinions.

I honestly don't care where you decide the truth lies.
I do my job...the rest is up to the reader.

Be well.
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The irony is that even if there were no "rich people", Progressive would still be life's losers
First of all, someone would have to define to me what "wealthy" is. As far as income, I have been all over the map in my life. I've eaten the last bag of brown beans that was in the cupboard AND I've been worth well over a million dollars in my life. I've had 40 employees, ran a business and owned a ranch of 300 acres with about 50 cattle and horses on it. When Obamacare and the Department of Labor started making life MISERABLE, I sold parts of the business and now I've got just what I consider enough money in the bank to fully retire and live a nice life, IF the entire American economy doesn't tank in the future.

Democrats have a real problem defining what "rich" or "wealthy" means. Oh, they are definately EVIL, but we just have an issue with defining who they are. First, they were anyone making over $250,000 per year. But then we saw that those were actually small business owners, so they couldn't be evil. Now, the latest that I've heard, it's the 1% at the top. You know, Buffett, Kaiser, and Gates. People like them. But a lot of those guys bundled for Obama, so while their wealth is EVIL, perhaps their not all evil. It's like asking your schizophrenic aunt who she is... Sit down, it will take a while.

The problem with Democrats and the war that they are trying to start between different levels of earners, is that like me, people can be all over the map. In some countries there is a "ruling elite" that lives off of what they call "old money." Not so much in the US. We have our trust fund babies, but they are a very small percentage of those who are in the 1%. It's actually more people like me who have worked very hard and have hit it big. You know, like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Kaiser, and a number of other evil doers. And the thing that drives the Democrats CRAZY is that in America, we still believe that one day, if we work real hard and have a little luck, then everyone can be that rich. So there are those of us who really aren't too crazy about demonizing the rich, because one day we hope we are one of them. And we don't like to demonize the poor, because we've been there too.

When you're trying to map out a strategy of class warfare like the Democrats and Barry are really trying hard to do, this shining city on a hill thing can really be a pain in the ass...
The Soviets were propagandized into worshipping the state.

Similarly, we've been brainwashed to worship wealth.

And you've been brainwashed to envy wealth. So what?

You want to talk about brainwashed? How is it that fox news, the same news agency that railed against giving free lunches to school children is the primary news source for American Christian conservatives?

After all, according to the bible, Christ himself said
“Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."- Luke 18:25

How is it that rich people are so popular with Christians? Could it be……(insert churchlady voice) brainwashing?

I noted that you haven’t denied that any brainwashing has taken place:lol:

FREE lunch? Do they pick those free lunches from the free lunch tree? Where does one go to get seeds for free lunch trees? Do they have free house and car trees too? Are the free lunch trees next to the flying pig trees?
Please explain Americans why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I could never understand why the misguided mouthpieces in the Republican Party continue to make excuses for the top 1% wealthiest while dissing their own in the middle class. Cowards and Traitors, the bunch of ya. While the middle class is trying to unite against the wealthiest, some in the middle class are playing the Benedict Arnold role - all in the name of the Grand Ol' Party. :dunno:

Shameless Cowards - the lot of you:eusa_naughty:


The GOP does not "protect" the wealthy. That is just spin used by the democratic party in an effort to use class warfare to gain support.

You see, the democratic party knows people are foolish enough to believe that the GOP protects the wealthy...and sadly, they are correct....people DO believe it.

No, the GOP do not try to protect the wealthy.

The GOP protects the rights and liberties of ALL Americans...including the wealthy.

That is horse crap, the biggest stand the G.O.P. has taken in years was when the President was going to let the Bush tax break for the wealthy expire, they were willing to let everybody's taxes go up as a weapon to protect the wealthy from having to pay a little bit more.

You are completely wrong, sir..and that is what I mean when I say that the democratic party is aware that people are foolish enough to fall for the "gop protect the wealthy" spin. See? Even you fell for it and you regurgitate it with such confidence...and you have no idea how silly they are making you look.

They were protecting YOUR future and everyones elses future as prospective business owners. They did not want to villify business owners nor did they want to put more of a strain on exiosting business owners in a time where hiring is at such a low.

I wonder how many people felt as you do BEFORE they started a business and now that they opwn a business UNDERSTAND why the GOP stands for what they stand for.

I'll tell you find me a clip of any GOP elected representative in EITHER house that has actually said that it is the WEALTHY that he or she wants to protect.

Bet you cant find one
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I would love to shake the hand of the fella trying to explain to those dumb freaks that they havne't a clue how good they have it. Even if poor in America, it's a whole lot better than most of the world, at least you have the option to work harder and better yourself. Although fewer and fewer are willing to put in the effort it takes to be successful thanks to the generous social programs.
Fuck, you can even sit on your ass in America and "deserve" a living.
The GOP does not "protect" the wealthy. That is just spin used by the democratic party in an effort to use class warfare to gain support.

You see, the democratic party knows people are foolish enough to believe that the GOP protects the wealthy...and sadly, they are correct....people DO believe it.

No, the GOP do not try to protect the wealthy.

The GOP protects the rights and liberties of ALL Americans...including the wealthy.

That is horse crap, the biggest stand the G.O.P. has taken in years was when the President was going to let the Bush tax break for the wealthy expire, they were willing to let everybody's taxes go up as a weapon to protect the wealthy from having to pay a little bit more.

You are completely wrong, sir..and that is what I mean when I say that the democratic party is aware that people are foolish enough to fall for the "gop protect the wealthy" spin. See? Even you fell for it and you regurgitate it with such confidence...and you have no idea how silly they are making you look.

They were protecting YOUR future and everyones elses future as prospective business owners. They did not want to villify business owners nor did they want to put more of a strain on exiosting business owners in a time where hiring is at such a low.

I wonder how many people felt as you do BEFORE they started a business and now that they opwn a business UNDERSTAND why the GOP stands for what they stand for.

I'll tell you find me a clip of any GOP elected representative in EITHER house that has actually said that it is the WEALTHY that he or she wants to protect.

Bet you cant find one
The current GOP code word for the wealthy is "job creators", and they defend them they should!

The GOP, and anyone who has faith in capitalism, should defend them from unfair taxation.
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That is horse crap, the biggest stand the G.O.P. has taken in years was when the President was going to let the Bush tax break for the wealthy expire, they were willing to let everybody's taxes go up as a weapon to protect the wealthy from having to pay a little bit more.

You are completely wrong, sir..and that is what I mean when I say that the democratic party is aware that people are foolish enough to fall for the "gop protect the wealthy" spin. See? Even you fell for it and you regurgitate it with such confidence...and you have no idea how silly they are making you look.

They were protecting YOUR future and everyones elses future as prospective business owners. They did not want to villify business owners nor did they want to put more of a strain on exiosting business owners in a time where hiring is at such a low.

I wonder how many people felt as you do BEFORE they started a business and now that they opwn a business UNDERSTAND why the GOP stands for what they stand for.

I'll tell you find me a clip of any GOP elected representative in EITHER house that has actually said that it is the WEALTHY that he or she wants to protect.

Bet you cant find one
The current GOP code word for the wealthy is "job creators", and they defend them constantly.

How many poor people have you worked for? Assuming of course you have worked
You are completely wrong, sir..and that is what I mean when I say that the democratic party is aware that people are foolish enough to fall for the "gop protect the wealthy" spin. See? Even you fell for it and you regurgitate it with such confidence...and you have no idea how silly they are making you look.

They were protecting YOUR future and everyones elses future as prospective business owners. They did not want to villify business owners nor did they want to put more of a strain on exiosting business owners in a time where hiring is at such a low.

I wonder how many people felt as you do BEFORE they started a business and now that they opwn a business UNDERSTAND why the GOP stands for what they stand for.

I'll tell you find me a clip of any GOP elected representative in EITHER house that has actually said that it is the WEALTHY that he or she wants to protect.

Bet you cant find one
The current GOP code word for the wealthy is "job creators", and they defend them constantly.

How many poor people have you worked for? Assuming of course you have worked
Of course I haven't worked for any poor're just wrong about the wealthy not being defended by the GOP....and I have worked for a living my entire life, as well as starting a business that employed 10 people back in the 90's, and I wasn't wealthy!. I pay taxes and have never collected unemployment, assistance, social security, or medicare benefits.
Along he lines of what some have voiced on here, there was a time when I thought the word " wealthy" would have applied to not being the last one to drink the coffee in the ready room so I wouldn't have to make the next pot. However, as you get older the value of "wealth" is not only measured in the amount of money one has but also in the loved one's you have around you and the joy you take the lives they have as well. Take for example my daughter, while I would be the first to admit, I would love to see her be the next Bill Gates in terms of monied "wealth" it's not really all that important when measured next to her long term happiness and safety. If she for example finds that young man who treats her well and they both have a good life together like I was blessed to have with my wife, then you know what to me at least that is all the "wealth" I would wish upon her or anyone else.

This habit we have lately of taking one group of American's based on their bank accounts and somehow passing judgement on them based on that is not a good thing for our nation, because in the end we are all Americans. My feelings are, the best thing to do is remind those who seem to forget the simple fact we are all Americans be they rich or poor, just remind them of that fact. Take for example, a wealthy corporation that has in the last several years gotten into the habit of hiring oversea's rather than in this nation. Just as a suggestion, what if those who are not so wealthy elected people who represented us, to pass a 51% content and sales law. Which basically means those that produce 51% of the content and also sale 51% of the content here are the one's who get American tax breaks, those that don't, don't get it. That's just one suggestion, but in the end, my feeling is that as Americans we need to start to realize that if we ever are going to get back on our feet we are in this thing together.
And you've been brainwashed to envy wealth. So what?

You want to talk about brainwashed? How is it that fox news, the same news agency that railed against giving free lunches to school children is the primary news source for American Christian conservatives?

After all, according to the bible, Christ himself said
“Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."- Luke 18:25

How is it that rich people are so popular with Christians? Could it be……(insert churchlady voice) brainwashing?

I noted that you haven’t denied that any brainwashing has taken place:lol:

FREE lunch? Do they pick those free lunches from the free lunch tree? Where does one go to get seeds for free lunch trees? Do they have free house and car trees too? Are the free lunch trees next to the flying pig trees?

Considering how much we spend on corporate welfare, I don't see how free lunch programs are such a big deal.
Throwing the poor under the bus to defend the rich is not a defense at all. Transfer of wealth is stealing...I love that thought, but most repubs have no problem with transferring wealth to the wealthy, it's only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.
I don't see how losing my integrity by robbing those who are wealthier than i am is somehow in by best interest.

I am not hurt if all people, poor, wealthy or in between retain more of their own money. They did work for it. I know there are some who are proud who think their work is more significant and should count while the work of others shouldn't. But if God wishes to bless others with wealth, who am I to be covetous and angry? They will be accountable to God for their wealth.

Id rather remain free and poor, than have all the money in the world through robbery as our politicians desire.'s only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.

Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

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