Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I don't see how losing my integrity by robbing those who are wealthier than i am is somehow in by best interest.

I am not hurt if all people, poor, wealthy or in between retain more of their own money. They did work for it. I know there are some who are proud who think their work is more significant and should count while the work of others shouldn't. But if God wishes to bless others with wealth, who am I to be covetous and angry? They will be accountable to God for their wealth.

Id rather remain free and poor, than have all the money in the world through robbery as our politicians desire.

That's assuming God exists...'s only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.

Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

Lights are a luxary in reality. We can live without electricity. It would likely suck because we are used to it so much. But people did it for thousands of years prior to Edison's light bulb.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice for what's important in life.'s only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.

Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

If you don't have some sort of safety net, you end up with a lot more crime.
I don't see how losing my integrity by robbing those who are wealthier than i am is somehow in by best interest.

I am not hurt if all people, poor, wealthy or in between retain more of their own money. They did work for it. I know there are some who are proud who think their work is more significant and should count while the work of others shouldn't. But if God wishes to bless others with wealth, who am I to be covetous and angry? They will be accountable to God for their wealth.

Id rather remain free and poor, than have all the money in the world through robbery as our politicians desire.

That's assuming God exists...

No assumption needed. He does. He is always waiting for us to come to Him.

Still doesn't change that people keeping more of their own money, whicih they produced through their labor, doesn't make my life any worse.'s only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.

Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

If you don't have some sort of safety net, you end up with a lot more crime.

Nonsense. you just have more people who will work hard for what they need to survive.'s only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.

Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

Lights are a luxary in reality. We can live without electricity. It would likely suck because we are used to it so much. But people did it for thousands of years prior to Edison's light bulb.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice for what's important in life.

If we're reducing things down to the bare essentials, education is also a luxury.
Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

If you don't have some sort of safety net, you end up with a lot more crime.

Nonsense. you just have more people who will work hard for what they need to survive.

When times are bad crime goes up. Why isn't this even a possibility for you?
Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

Lights are a luxary in reality. We can live without electricity. It would likely suck because we are used to it so much. But people did it for thousands of years prior to Edison's light bulb.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice for what's important in life.

If we're reducing things down to the bare essentials, education is also a luxury.

It is. You can learn just as easy working as you can from reading a book. Easier in some cases.

Anyone who isn't learning is either dead or a progressive. And im not confident about those that are dead.
I don't see how losing my integrity by robbing those who are wealthier than i am is somehow in by best interest.

I am not hurt if all people, poor, wealthy or in between retain more of their own money. They did work for it. I know there are some who are proud who think their work is more significant and should count while the work of others shouldn't. But if God wishes to bless others with wealth, who am I to be covetous and angry? They will be accountable to God for their wealth.

Id rather remain free and poor, than have all the money in the world through robbery as our politicians desire.

That's assuming God exists...

No assumption needed. He does. He is always waiting for us to come to Him.

Still doesn't change that people keeping more of their own money, whicih they produced through their labor, doesn't make my life any worse.

I've heard that Kolob is pretty far away.
Lights are a luxary in reality. We can live without electricity. It would likely suck because we are used to it so much. But people did it for thousands of years prior to Edison's light bulb.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice for what's important in life.

If we're reducing things down to the bare essentials, education is also a luxury.

It is. You can learn just as easy working as you can from reading a book. Easier in some cases.

Anyone who isn't learning is either dead or a progressive. And im not confident about those that are dead.

Sometimes I wonder how half of our population didn't end up Amish.
That's assuming God exists...

No assumption needed. He does. He is always waiting for us to come to Him.

Still doesn't change that people keeping more of their own money, whicih they produced through their labor, doesn't make my life any worse.

I've heard that Kolob is pretty far away.

Ill take this as an admission that you really don't have an argument against what I'm saying.

Oh, and God is always near:)'s only a problem when poor people want food and lights and That's wrong.

Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

If you don't have some sort of safety net, you end up with a lot more crime.

Excellent play of the fear card. Rape! Rape! Redistribute more wealth or there will be more rape! Go ahead and drop the race card's all you central planners have.

If you feel so passionately about a safety net, stop bitching and start a charity. Stealing money from productive members of society does not a safety net create...though it does create dependence on government and less jobs for those at risk. On the other hand, get them on the dole and they'll vote your way, eh?
Nobody has a problem with anyone having food and lights. We just don't want to pay for it...nor do we want to pay for bailouts and loopholes for the rich. Big frickin' difference wouldn't you say?

If you don't have some sort of safety net, you end up with a lot more crime.

Excellent play of the fear card. Rape! Rape! Redistribute more wealth or there will be more rape! Go ahead and drop the race card's all you central planners have.

If you feel so passionately about a safety net, stop bitching and start a charity. Stealing money from productive members of society does not a safety net create...though it does create dependence on government and less jobs for those at risk. On the other hand, get them on the dole and they'll vote your way, eh?

Libertarians are as predictable as clockwork.
If you don't have some sort of safety net, you end up with a lot more crime.

Nonsense. you just have more people who will work hard for what they need to survive.

When times are bad crime goes up. Why isn't this even a possibility for you?

And yet, during this economic downturn, crime is down.

I wonder if that has anything to do with the huge surge in sales of firearms? Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
If you don't have some sort of safety net, you end up with a lot more crime.

Excellent play of the fear card. Rape! Rape! Redistribute more wealth or there will be more rape! Go ahead and drop the race card's all you central planners have.

If you feel so passionately about a safety net, stop bitching and start a charity. Stealing money from productive members of society does not a safety net create...though it does create dependence on government and less jobs for those at risk. On the other hand, get them on the dole and they'll vote your way, eh?

Libertarians are as predictable as clockwork.

Yes, we always choose freedom and liberty and you can count on us not thinking we know what's best for others...exactly the opposite from you central planners.
If you don't have some sort of safety net, you end up with a lot more crime.

Excellent play of the fear card. Rape! Rape! Redistribute more wealth or there will be more rape! Go ahead and drop the race card's all you central planners have.

If you feel so passionately about a safety net, stop bitching and start a charity. Stealing money from productive members of society does not a safety net create...though it does create dependence on government and less jobs for those at risk. On the other hand, get them on the dole and they'll vote your way, eh?

Libertarians are as predictable as clockwork.

Totalitarians are too. is also a luxury.

It's a choice really. The government is not required for one to educate oneself. You might try reading a book for instance. I recommend "Liberalism, the Classical Tradition" by Ludwig von Mises.
When the Republicans accuse you of class warfare, you can be pretty sure you’re winning.

They say that inside our brains is an area that controls empathy, and that conservatives by nature lack empathy. Conservatism - A brain deficiency.

Republicans have Confirmation Bias issues, as in the great tendency to favor information that confirms their preconceptions regardless of whether the information is true.

The First Republican Edict: "Tell a lie long enough and Americans will start to believe it".

The Facts: Congressional Finance Committee Report shows the Current Budget Deficit is from the following:
34% from the economic crash
54% by Bush Policies
12% from Obama Polices

If it were not for the Democratic Party, America would be by the Corporations for the Corporations. America for the People by the People is in danger without major campaign finance reform, mostly in the way of a Constitutional Amendment!

The Great Divergence:
Income Growth since 1980:
80% to the wealthiest 1%
20% to everyone else

Much of it in tax reductions to the wealthiest 1%. While, between 1929-1979 income was more equal for the middle class. You do the math: Republicans + Wealthy = a Reduction in Middle Class.

Tea Party is the Republican Party Waterloo, as independents are running away from the radical policies the tea party has forced onto the GOP this year. Independents are not happy with Obama, but poll after poll has shown that Independents would prefer him over the new Tea Party lead GOP. The Tea Party is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Republican Party, and 2012 will be the final nail that splits the GOP up for years to come.

If you are not fighting for the middle class, you are fighting against America :salute:

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