please google for crepol in france …. as i cannot

Terrorists’ favourite season coming up. > The European Christmas Markets. Where amongst all the twinkling lights, the police patrol the area with AK 47s, and concrete blocks with chains and security guards adorn the entrances. :cool:
like in berlin once
"H-u-l-a-r-i-o-u-s" ... I've found a new word ... let see:
saukomisch [ugs.]
köstlich [fig.] [außerordentlich komisch]
irrsinnig witzig
höchst amüsant
extrem lustig [ugs.]
rasend komisch [ugs.]
umwerfend komisch [ugs.]

No. What you say fits not with the German language in this context here. What a luck that you are an expert for Germany and not so I only because I'm a native German whose ancestors live here since some decades of thousands of years.

You're definitely stupid. Why hasn't Germany deported you?
Terrorists’ favourite season coming up. > The European Christmas Markets. Where amongst all the twinkling lights, the police patrol the area with AK 47s, and concrete blocks with chains and security guards adorn the entrances. :cool:

My son married a German girl, and they live near one of those famous Christmas villages. Pretty cool tradition they have with those markets. And yes, Islamo-vermin love to ruin holidays for Euros, another reason to deport them back to the feral shitholes they came from.
My son married a German girl, and they live near one of those famous Christmas villages. Pretty cool tradition they have with those markets. And yes, Islamo-vermin love to ruin holidays for Euros, another reason to deport them back to the feral shitholes they came from.

A lot come over in the Trojan horse of desperate refugees.
You're definitely stupid. Why hasn't Germany deported you?
Am investigating to see if it is another of Morticia's aliases .

Seems too much of a coincidence to have the two lowest IQ German speakers on the same Chat Site .
The one that existed before Germans were made stupid

Aha - you come form the not existing time "before" the big bang was made. For nothing you risk damn cheeky words against a German like me.

and letting your ilk stay in the country.

My people and I are here since decades of thousands of years. Don't forget to make a brain transplantation because a normal psychological therapy will not help you, unreal gnome.
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