please google for crepol in france …. as i cannot

Am investigating to see if it is another of Morticia's aliases .

Seems too much of a coincidence to have the two lowest IQ German speakers on the same Chat Site .

Oh by the way, Russian: Since when is Putin senile - if he is not dead and only one of his own doubles? Or do you have any other explanation why he started a stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine?
Aha - you come form the not existing time "before" the big bang was made. For nothing you risk damn cheeky words against a German like me.

My people and I are here since decades of thousands of years. Don't forget to make a brain transplantation because a normal psychological therapy will not help you, unreal gnome.

lol it's alway funny when deranged inbred Euro halfwits try to be witty and clever, kind of like watching Curly and the Three Stooges doing plumbing repairs.
First: It is very easy to get lots of information about "crepol" in Germany. Second: We have no Muslim problem. We have different problems with migration and we have specially a problem with the Turkish state who sends Imams to Germany and pays them. The Turkish state has a ministry for religious affairs with ~ 400,000 officers who are directly the megaphone from the Islamist Erdogan in nearly all mosques in Turkey and in Germany.
Indeed, this is not a Muslim problem, do-gooder. It is a do-gooder problem.
lol it's alway funny when deranged inbred Euro halfwits try to be witty and clever, kind of like watching Curly and the Three Stooges doing plumbing repairs.

You are an idiot who has not any light idea what he tries to speak about. And as far as I can see you do not like to change this. So: Quo vadis on the zeroth advent, Dudley Smith? What do you really like to win in the eyes of an helpless baby like Jesus the Christ? Your own criminal innocence?

Question: What made (this typical American) Atreyu here wrong by trying to kill the nothing?

Comment: Also a pulsing universe or a multiverse does not explain "where" (or "how") this came from.
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Why do you do the nonsense you are doing? You are not able to be outside of the game which is called "life".
And Hitler did not create as many anti-semites as you and your kin.

Nazi - why for heavens sake do you continuously try to speak with me? Where day is is not night. I do not know you and never will know. So what is your real problem - except that you love Putin and his war in "the borderland", the Ukraine?

Nazi - why for heavens sake do you continuously try to speak with me?
Hypocrisy. Most of the time it is you who starts a nazi-conversation with me. Also, this is a forum. People reply to people.

Where day is is not night.
For real? I didn´t know!

I do not know you and never will know. So what is your real problem - except that you love Putin and his war in "the borderland", the Ukraine?
Do only people who have serious problems talk to you in real life? That is very sad.

Your gift:
Hypocrisy. Most of the time it is you who starts a nazi-conversation with me. Also, this is a forum. People reply to people.

For real? I didn´t know!

Do only people who have serious problems talk to you in real life? That is very sad.

Your gift:

Makes anything what you try to say to me any sense in your never ending monologues? What do you need? Bread? Then tell your very best friend Putin to stop the war in the Ukraine, Nazi.
The bread is old and only good to beat you.


Nazi - only because we liked to live in peace with Russia doesn't mean we need evil idiots like you or Putin. Tell your friend Putin to leave the Ukraine with all soldiers and to end his stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe which he had started in the Ukraine.

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Nazi - only because we liked to live in peace with Russia doesn't mean we need evil idiots like you or Putin. Tell your friend Putin to leave the Ukraine with all soldiers and to end his stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe which he had started in the Ukraine.

You started the conflict with the Nazi-Putsch in Ukraine:

future of france..?

They will probably eventually get around to expelling them, or they leave when the welfare runs out and the state goes bankrupt. From friends over there, a turning point was reached when Arab Muslim crowds laughed and cheered at the burning of Notre Dame. They've pretty much wore out their welcome in most of Europe.
You started the conflict with the Nazi-Putsch in Ukraine:

Only Putin and everyone who supports him is responsible for this bloody disaster and all consequences for all mankind which will follow now out of it. The bad thing: This helps no one who has to suffer now and in future because of the crimes of Putin and his gang.

And he has a bad balance and can´t call me?

All you have to do is to pick up the phone with or without phone. And to take a look at all your crimes could also help, crucifier.
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