Please prove to me that blacks are our equals?

No two races are either. :eek: I'm talking about populations in this thread.

Are you really going to compare the last 2,500 years of white history to black history?

I don't qualify history in terms of color.

History is nothing more than a record of what has happened. it is not good or bad, black or white it just is.

blacks do that as they're short term thinkers. Idiots that have to destroy and take as moral standards simply don't matter.
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Matthew, you have shown some interesting data which I'm not sure I totally agree with. However, what's amusing here, is the unintended irony, of the responses. In short, perhaps the best defense against white people being smarter than black people are the inane responses you've got from PC white people who, rather than address the issue head on, simply call you a racist or stereotype you for stereotyping others. These folks are DUMB.

Here's some points to consider about the traditional brain size data. I'm not saying your data is necessarily wrong, but let me pose a few questions which actually address some inconsistencies of the research rather than call you names. Einstein's brain was apparently of average size. In studying his brain recently they found that he had more -- for lack of the technical term -- folds in certain parts of his brain. It seems like brain size isn't the only indicator of intelligence. Which personally is sad, because I have a Wolly Mammothed size cranium myself, so I'd like it to be true in a way... Also because of within race differences such as in white groups such as Jews IQ 115 and non Jews 100 it makes it problematic. That is as large a gap as between blacks and whites. I find it hard to believe that such a significant gap is caused simply by brain size, when again Einstein probably had a smaller brain than, ah me, for instance... In short, there are large within race gaps, which make gaps between races seem less relevant. I also have heard, not positive about this, that there is a subgroup of the Chinese population that has much higher IQs than the average Chinese person. Again, within race and specific group differences seem to indicate it's not just race that must create average scoring differences. What do you think about these points???

Don't try to legitimize this shit. It's historically privileged people trying to grasp at straws in order to delude themselves into thinking that wack-ass "proof" matters. They feel their precious spaces bombarded with wonderful, bright people of color and they feel like they're losing control: They're feeling threatened. No intelligent person believes them so they throw any shit out there, you name it: brain size, inventions in technology, "ghettos", skin pigment, rap music... etcetera ad nauseum.

It's pathetic.

I believe I asked questions which might undercut the studies cited or perhaps the person who started this thread has some answers. You can't go and hide in the corner when someone disagrees with your world view. Did you even read the entire response?? You don't help your case by simply ignoring data. You have to look at, otherwise you are being willfully blind...

Yes, I read your response and yes, I realize you were contradicting the op. Unfortunately it's useless in arguing, just look at the title of thread, "prove to me that blacks are our equals". Do you honestly think any "proof" will satiate that idiot? (The answer is no)

And frankly, asking these loaded questions has never been historically good for minorities because they're almost always used as a means to an end.
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No two people on the planet are equals. Not even identical twins.

No two races are either. :eek: I'm talking about populations in this thread.

Are you really going to compare the last 2,500 years of white history to black history?

I don't qualify history in terms of color.

History is nothing more than a record of what has happened. it is not good or bad, black or white it just is.

ugh. these posts
Please prove with real data that blacks are our equals in intellect. The link within my sig has all the SAT, ACT, IQ data to show that I have a solid case.

Please show me how I am wrong??? If not then show me how it isn't genetic?:eusa_boohoo:

Go to a website on horses. Look at a black horse. Study every detail of the horse. Then look up a white horse. Study every detail of the horse. Tell me? Which horse is smarter?

Better yet lets get down to the core issue. Is the white horse more of a horse than the black horse? No? So they are both equally horses? Yes. So either one could be the smartest and it has no bearing on their color of black or white? No. There's your answer.


Jeremiah: I volunteer and work 3 jobs trying to fix the disparity in economics and education in a historic Freed Slave District. I can tell you the cultural and economic education and experience is NOT equal for many African Americans due to the Slavery issue setting back families by 150 years on the learning curve of property laws only applying to whites.

Sorry but it is a cultural and spiritual issue that IS carried from one generation to the next.

Politically, people have been dividing and scapegoating the African Americans who have gained experience in owning and managing their own businesses and property etc.
Because of the continuing perception that the Constitutional laws were "written for white property owners" and were not written for Blacks.

This is very real, Jeremiah and is NOT about the superficial appearance of black or white.

The poor Latino or White people who can't manage their own rent
much less own property to start integrating with the management class
suffer also, but the Black community has this ADDITIONAL conflict to
overcome with the racial perception of Whites as property owners over Blacks.

When I went to the Democrat county sessions to plan outreach in Texas,
in the parking lot I met community and PRECINCT leaders, African American,
who took exception to the idea I was promoting of investing in buying back
the land in Freedmen's Town. That was insulting to them that they should have
to buy back what was taken from the community by eminent domain. So in the
meantime, while the African American community is waiting on government to
buy it or grant it to them, the developers use their capital to buy out the property.

This is political and cultural issued passed down, whether these people were
purple or green or whatever color their skin was. The point is the CLASS division
and YES it is perpetuated by perceptions of black and white.

Please read the book on Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
I deal with this every day with poor Black residents
not knowing the difference between raising 500.00 to
buy houses to own property to rent and fund nonprofit groups,
and raising 500.00 to pay the bills one time.

They have no perception because they have no experience,
because their families didn't have multiple generations of
owning land and managing property for business revenue
Instead, the cultural reinforcement is on the idea that the
laws are only for the rich to hold on to their property and
people need "government" to redistribute that. It's not
about equal education, training and experience so all
people can have equal knowledge and protection of interests.

Obama touched on this with his push for African American education
to address disparity.

I am still pushing for the plans to restore the historic District
to be used as a model campus for Obama's executive order:
Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

This is very real and there is a whole district where the political
history shows the whole timeline from Emancipation to Segregation, through
the Civil Rights Era, and where we are today with fighting this same
battle as to why people aren't politically equal.

It's more than superficial skin color, but
YES it is carried in the generations and culture
though it CAN be overcome by recognizing it, not denying it.

Yours truly,
No two people on the planet are equals. Not even identical twins.

No two races are either. :eek: I'm talking about populations in this thread.

Are you really going to compare the last 2,500 years of white history to black history?

Dear Matthew:
1. Politically, I would say the disparity in land ownership and access to property laws would explain the major problems we see between black and white inequality (not based on genetics unless you count how the oppression of slavery led to rapes and broken families that affected people's future generations and family lineage in a negative way by genocide)

2. Spiritually you can prove people and human nature are equal for all people
by defining this as BODY/MIND/SPIRIT which all people have of all races/religions/etc.
If you want to say the differences are coming from the physical genetics affecting the mind in terms of intelligence, please also look at the differences passed down from the political and cultural conditions that ALSO correlate with the physical patterns in the body and mind.

If you compare Asians and Latinos who DON'T have broken family lines as the African Americans did that were never repaired, you can see a difference in cohesiveness and social support. The Native Americans suffer this also, where genocidal disruptions still affect generations today; where the damage was done socially that was then carried spiritually or genetically. The prison culture that has taken over and broken many African American families and communities is so entrenched in unequal legal and economic factors, the vicious cycle is perpetuated that way, regardless if there were genetics involved or not, it would continue by social forces alone.

As stated in the other message to Jeremiah, there is an additional social stigma attached to learning the "white man's" system of education and laws that have caused spiritual and social segregation. So that IS passed down culturally but is not genetic unless you count the psychological patterns of oppression or abuse that scientists are finding in DNA. To be fair how much of that can be traced to political conditions BEFORE it affected the genetics?

My view is that the spiritual process is what governs the political process.
So the more we come together as equals on a spiritual level, and share responsibility for fixing problems politically and socially that perpetuate disparity, then we will fix both levels.

The one place I might agree with you on genetics is where scientific studies
show that oppressive or abusive conditions can alter people's DNA and be physically passed down.
But again, those conditions were not naturally occurring, but came from external social events which then affected generations of family lines, in both Native Americans and African Americans due to genocide causing disruption on multiple levels still not resolved.
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Smiley High grad who beat odds wins national award - Houston Chronicle

Here Matthew
To be fair and show I am not "justifying" or "excusing" the lack of equal education among African Americans as a black/white issue of race or genetics, etc.

Here is an article about Devon Wade who not only overcame an impaired social background with both parents in prison, but is seeking a Master's and Doctor's degree in Criminal Justice and African American studies in order to combat the problems that are not helping families and communities like his to break out of the cycle of incarceration, as he received help and support to do.

Smiley High grad who beat odds wins national award - Houston Chronicle

Honestly, Matthew, I would say this young man is not my equal but my superior.
He went through worse than me, and came out ahead of where I am after a college degree.

I would say our roles in society and in life are spiritually determined first,
and then they are manifested physically and socially from there.

I would say the spiritual patterns govern BOTH the genetics AND the social conditions,
both the nature AND the nurture. The genetics is NOT the cause, but it can reflect the
patterns of society that people carry spiritually from one generation to the next.

By forgiveness and healing, these patterns can be broken and resolved. And the spiritual level is where all people can be equally respectful and supportive of each other, accepting the fact that none of us is the same, and we all have different battles to overcome.
Houstonian Devon Wade, 20, is the first black student at LSU to receive the Harry S. Truman Scholarship, a $30,000 award. Photo: Melissa Phillip, Chronicle

By society's standards, Devon Wade should have been another grim statistic.

He's a young black male. He grew up in a northeast Houston low-income neighborhood infested with violence. And both his parents were behind prison bars for most of his life.

But it turns out that the 20-year-old Wade is, indeed, a statistic. A graduate of M.B. Smiley High School in the North Forest district, he's the first African-American student at Louisiana State University to receive the prestigious Harry S. Truman Scholarship Award.

The competitive award honors college juniors who show leadership potential. About 60 students across the country are selected each year and receive $30,000 to pursue graduate study in public service fields.

But for Wade, a straight-A student, the award is less about money and more about setting an example for other young black scholars.

“They can say, ‘Hey, if he can do it, I can do it,' ” Wade said.

In his neighborhood, lack of encouragement and complacency keeps many young people from looking beyond their world, he said. People often told him he would end up like his parents, but he made up his mind in middle school that his life would be different.

All it took was some tangible school recognition — candy and a coupon to Jack in the Box.

“I always did good in school but I didn't care,” Wade said. “When they honored me for doing good and making honor roll, I said, ‘They're going to reward me?' That was a changing factor in my life. That's when I became passionate about education.”

Raised by grandparents

While Wade's mind was on his studies, his heart yearned for the life he saw on TV — two parents at home, sitting around the Christmas tree with their children.

“I've always longed for that,” said Wade, whose boyish face belies his 6-foot-1-inch height. “I don't care if I'm 40 years old when it happens. I still want that.”

Wade has never met his father because he is in federal prison. His mother has been in and out of state prison throughout his life. His maternal grandparents raised him, his identical twin and two younger brothers, who are in college and high school. His granny made sure the four brothers had contact with their parents. The boys exchanged letters with their father and visited their mother in prison.

He said he never talked about his parents being incarcerated because of the stigma. “People look down on you and treat you different. I didn't want people feeling sorry for me.”

He bottled up his emotions, which felt like he was carrying around a weight, and some days he felt depressed, he said. “Those are times when you need someone to talk to,” he said.

In high school, Wade, then 15, turned to No More Victims Inc., a Houston nonprofit that provides support for youths whose parents are incarcerated.

The group's founder, Marilyn Gambrell, remembers the quiet and shy boy who didn't say much during meetings but was always observant and attentive. He also was angry back then and got into fights, she said.

“But all the brilliance we knew was there is now spilling over,” Gambrell said proudly. “He's so expressive, well-spoken and confident.”

The program, Wade said, taught him how to deal with his problems and move on with his life. He served as student body president and band drum major, ran track, was a member of the National Honor Society and graduated magna cum laude. He also was accepted to all six universities he applied to and collected more than $100,000 in scholarships.

He's now working on double majors — sociology with a concentration on criminal justice, and African-American studies — and on a thesis on how the stigma of having incarcerated parents affects children's education.

Travel opportunities

Last summer Wade studied in Africa, where he honed his fluency in Swahili. This summer he'll participate in a research program at the University of Chicago and will be on track to graduate early in December. His goal is to become an FBI agent.

“I'm just so proud of my boy,” said his mother, Suzanne Wade, who was paroled last year and recently completed a commercial driving certificate program at Houston Community College. “I've always told him to not travel down my path, to continue to think positive, do good and stay focused. I'm grateful he's on the right track.

“I owe my parents a great deal,” she said. “All my boys are doing great.”

Wade, who is active on his college campus, never misses an opportunity to give back. He mentors students in No More Victims and in a community program in Louisiana.

“I had to go through so much I didn't want to go through,” he said. “It's important for those who make it out to come back. That's what the community lacks.”


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YOU: I can tell you the cultural and economic education and experience is NOT equal for many African Americans due to the Slavery issue setting back families by 150 years on the learning curve of property laws only applying to whites.

ME: This kind of generalization has its own kind of racism implied in it towards current day white people. You're blaming current white people for 150 years ago?? Can I blame Italians from 2000 years ago for oppressing my anglo peoples? Can I go in and demand free pizza at an italian pizzeria because Romans kept the savages, who were my ancestors, from invading Rome?? The govt needs to encourage black people to excell academically, rather than try to make black people paranoid that nothing is or ever will be equal.

When feminists cry wolf and make up horrific statistics like 1 in 4 women is raped -- which is demonstrably false -- it makes women paranoid of men. Similarly, when liberals paint these overly negative pictures of current day opportunities for blacks, they simply continue to create paranoia and hatred toward white people. Why continue THAT negative cycle? Rather than over-reach with some explanation of current low black achievement by some sinister ongoing cycle frrm 150 years ago, how about offering black people a vision of success and pride in themselves and other citizens of this country???
To be clear the very question was racist.


The question the thread started with may be racist, but so is affirmative action (AA)as it presupposes racism where often times it doesn't exist. In fact I would argue that AA CAUSES Racism, or as I like to call it, Resentism because it stereotypes group and is therefore blatantly hypocritical. Until liberals stop assuming that white males are racist/sexist/homophobic the institutionalized bigotry in this country is being promoted by the left, not the right. So unless you criticize AA as much as racist studies, then you are just as racist as Matthew who started this thread...

Of course AA ( affirmative action ) is racist. No question. For that matter the president is a racist. I don't recall any president being as racist as this one. I think its a record breaker. - Jeremiah
YOU: I can tell you the cultural and economic education and experience is NOT equal for many African Americans due to the Slavery issue setting back families by 150 years on the learning curve of property laws only applying to whites.

ME: This kind of generalization has its own kind of racism implied in it towards current day white people. You're blaming current white people for 150 years ago?? Can I blame Italians from 2000 years ago for oppressing my anglo peoples? Can I go in and demand free pizza at an italian pizzeria because Romans kept the savages, who were my ancestors, from invading Rome?? The govt needs to encourage black people to excell academically, rather than try to make black people paranoid that nothing is or ever will be equal.

When feminists cry wolf and make up horrific statistics like 1 in 4 women is raped -- which is demonstrably false -- it makes women paranoid of men. Similarly, when liberals paint these overly negative pictures of current day opportunities for blacks, they simply continue to create paranoia and hatred toward white people. Why continue THAT negative cycle? Rather than over-reach with some explanation of current low black achievement by some sinister ongoing cycle frrm 150 years ago, how about offering black people a vision of success and pride in themselves and other citizens of this country???

Yeah, don't point out sexism and racism because women and people of color will finally realize the inequities within the system. Lived experience and real oppression is nothing compared to privileged people's hurt feelings!
To be clear the very question was racist.


The question the thread started with may be racist, but so is affirmative action (AA)as it presupposes racism where often times it doesn't exist. In fact I would argue that AA CAUSES Racism, or as I like to call it, Resentism because it stereotypes group and is therefore blatantly hypocritical. Until liberals stop assuming that white males are racist/sexist/homophobic the institutionalized bigotry in this country is being promoted by the left, not the right. So unless you criticize AA as much as racist studies, then you are just as racist as Matthew who started this thread...

Of course AA ( affirmative action ) is racist. No question.

Indeed it is racist. And sexist. Considering that white females represent the group that has benefiited the most from affirmative action.

For that matter the president is a racist.

He is? I do not recall him ever endorsing the black population over other ethnicities in this country

Racism is not reflected in anything that he has done while in my knowledge.

But I am willing to entertain the argument that he is. So please enlighten me.

I don't recall any president being as racist as this one. I think its a record breaker.

See the above, please.
The question the thread started with may be racist, but so is affirmative action (AA)as it presupposes racism where often times it doesn't exist. In fact I would argue that AA CAUSES Racism, or as I like to call it, Resentism because it stereotypes group and is therefore blatantly hypocritical. Until liberals stop assuming that white males are racist/sexist/homophobic the institutionalized bigotry in this country is being promoted by the left, not the right. So unless you criticize AA as much as racist studies, then you are just as racist as Matthew who started this thread...

Of course AA ( affirmative action ) is racist. No question.

Indeed it is racist. And sexist. Considering that white females represent the group that has benefiited the most from affirmative action.

For that matter the president is a racist.

He is? I do not recall him ever endorsing the black population over other ethnicities in this country

Racism is not reflected in anything that he has done while in my knowledge.

But I am willing to entertain the argument that he is. So please enlighten me.

I don't recall any president being as racist as this one. I think its a record breaker.

See the above, please.

AA wasn't started by a Blackman,and what you dont seem to understand there are thousands of Blackmen and women who have surpassed the white race. They are successful in everything they touch,they run businesses,banks,they even own these same,so all I can say is you and your cronies are jealous of the accomplishments of the Black race.:clap2:
Matthew, you have shown some interesting data which I'm not sure I totally agree with. However, what's amusing here, is the unintended irony, of the responses. In short, perhaps the best defense against white people being smarter than black people are the inane responses you've got from PC white people who, rather than address the issue head on, simply call you a racist or stereotype you for stereotyping others. These folks are DUMB.

Here's some points to consider about the traditional brain size data. I'm not saying your data is necessarily wrong, but let me pose a few questions which actually address some inconsistencies of the research rather than call you names. Einstein's brain was apparently of average size. In studying his brain recently they found that he had more -- for lack of the technical term -- folds in certain parts of his brain. It seems like brain size isn't the only indicator of intelligence. Which personally is sad, because I have a Wolly Mammothed size cranium myself, so I'd like it to be true in a way... Also because of within race differences such as in white groups such as Jews IQ 115 and non Jews 100 it makes it problematic. That is as large a gap as between blacks and whites. I find it hard to believe that such a significant gap is caused simply by brain size, when again Einstein probably had a smaller brain than, ah me, for instance... In short, there are large within race gaps, which make gaps between races seem less relevant. I also have heard, not positive about this, that there is a subgroup of the Chinese population that has much higher IQs than the average Chinese person. Again, within race and specific group differences seem to indicate it's not just race that must create average scoring differences. What do you think about these points???

the correlation between brain size and intelligence is not particularly large.

the correlation between brain size and intelligence, corrected for body size, is better.

the correlation between the amount grey matter and intelligence is much better.

there are also positive correlations for nerve insulation and lower glucose metabolism (better and more efficient functioning).

brain size, amount of grey matter, insulation, and glucose usage are all experimentally proven to be under high genetic control.

the physical properties of the brain directly affect intelligence, and are themselves under genetic control.

If the correlation between grey matter and other factors such as glucose efficiency is a more accurate reflection of intelligence, then what do those studies show about differences between races? Also how do we explain within race disparities and how do we explain Einstein's relatively average size brain??

evidence for disparity in brain size is pretty conclusive. the finer gradations in other aspects are not defined as racial differences because the scientists involved would not get further funding if they did.

I get the feeling that you are really just interested in the story of how Einstein's brain may have been smaller than normal. autopsy methods in 1955 were not up to today's standards and the results may very easily be more legend than fact. any picture I have seen of Einstein show that his head was large so I find it doubtful that his brain was small. I find it more interesting that he did not speak until later than the average. there are many things that can be caused by different factors. late talking is usually associated with brain trauma or deficiency but there is a sub population where it is associated with a different type of brain wiring that often leads to mathematical or musical ability or even genius.

ECTs (elementary cognitive tasks) are one way of timing brain speed. the average racial time for these tasks is negatively correlated to IQ (quicker brain is a smarter brain). as usual there is a racial hierarchy with asians at the top and blacks at the bottom.

I hope that answers some of your questions, or at least leads you to further areas to investigate.
The question the thread started with may be racist, but so is affirmative action (AA)as it presupposes racism where often times it doesn't exist. In fact I would argue that AA CAUSES Racism, or as I like to call it, Resentism because it stereotypes group and is therefore blatantly hypocritical. Until liberals stop assuming that white males are racist/sexist/homophobic the institutionalized bigotry in this country is being promoted by the left, not the right. So unless you criticize AA as much as racist studies, then you are just as racist as Matthew who started this thread...

Of course AA ( affirmative action ) is racist. No question.

Indeed it is racist. And sexist. Considering that white females represent the group that has benefiited the most from affirmative action.

For that matter the president is a racist.

He is? I do not recall him ever endorsing the black population over other ethnicities in this country

Racism is not reflected in anything that he has done while in my knowledge.

But I am willing to entertain the argument that he is. So please enlighten me.

I don't recall any president being as racist as this one. I think its a record breaker.

See the above, please.

I dont think Obama is racist, but many of his words and actions show that black culture and attitudes can be construed as racist just like white culture and attitudes are.

eg. the black prof and the white cop. the whole beer summit thing was (or should have been) enlightening for both sides.
No two people on the planet are equals. Not even identical twins.

No two races are either. :eek: I'm talking about populations in this thread.

Are you really going to compare the last 2,500 years of white history to black history?

Dear Matthew:
1. Politically, I would say the disparity in land ownership and access to property laws would explain the major problems we see between black and white inequality (not based on genetics unless you count how the oppression of slavery led to rapes and broken families that affected people's future generations and family lineage in a negative way by genocide)

2. Spiritually you can prove people and human nature are equal for all people
by defining this as BODY/MIND/SPIRIT which all people have of all races/religions/etc.
If you want to say the differences are coming from the physical genetics affecting the mind in terms of intelligence, please also look at the differences passed down from the political and cultural conditions that ALSO correlate with the physical patterns in the body and mind.

If you compare Asians and Latinos who DON'T have broken family lines as the African Americans did that were never repaired, you can see a difference in cohesiveness and social support. The Native Americans suffer this also, where genocidal disruptions still affect generations today; where the damage was done socially that was then carried spiritually or genetically. The prison culture that has taken over and broken many African American families and communities is so entrenched in unequal legal and economic factors, the vicious cycle is perpetuated that way, regardless if there were genetics involved or not, it would continue by social forces alone.

As stated in the other message to Jeremiah, there is an additional social stigma attached to learning the "white man's" system of education and laws that have caused spiritual and social segregation. So that IS passed down culturally but is not genetic unless you count the psychological patterns of oppression or abuse that scientists are finding in DNA. To be fair how much of that can be traced to political conditions BEFORE it affected the genetics?

My view is that the spiritual process is what governs the political process.
So the more we come together as equals on a spiritual level, and share responsibility for fixing problems politically and socially that perpetuate disparity, then we will fix both levels.

The one place I might agree with you on genetics is where scientific studies
show that oppressive or abusive conditions can alter people's DNA and be physically passed down.
But again, those conditions were not naturally occurring, but came from external social events which then affected generations of family lines, in both Native Americans and African Americans due to genocide causing disruption on multiple levels still not resolved.

emily- I applaude your work in trying to make people's lives better. but dont confuse your faith in people as scientific fact.
Of course AA ( affirmative action ) is racist. No question.

Indeed it is racist. And sexist. Considering that white females represent the group that has benefiited the most from affirmative action.

For that matter the president is a racist.

He is? I do not recall him ever endorsing the black population over other ethnicities in this country

Racism is not reflected in anything that he has done while in my knowledge.

But I am willing to entertain the argument that he is. So please enlighten me.

I don't recall any president being as racist as this one. I think its a record breaker.

See the above, please.

I dont think Obama is racist, but many of his words and actions show that black culture and attitudes can be construed as racist just like white culture and attitudes are.

The reason for that could be that as the first ever president who is admittedly "black"(at least partially), he is consistently under a microscope and endlessly scrutinized for extending "preferential treatment" towards blacks.

eg. the black prof and the white cop. the whole beer summit thing was (or should have been) enlightening for both sides.

I did not find that event to be enlightening, I thought that it was a bad mistake on Obamas part. It was a local police matter, and if i recall not even newsworthy.

"Cop sees a black male in an upper middle class suburb, where there are very few, if any black residents and assumes he is a criminal which he has been conditioned to assume, and questions him"

Being relatively new in position at that time Obama probably thought it was a good thing to try to "facillitate" what appeared to be a moment of peaceful reconciliiation, and it went south.
Matthew- every race has individuals at every point on the normal curve. because there are six times as many whites that means there are just as many dull whites as dull blacks. what do you want to do with the dull whites?

I realize there are not as many bright blacks proportionally but that does not make them less than human. but it does knock the crap out of the excuse that blacks as a group have less success because of white racism. they have less success because they have a lower group average intelligence level which predicts lower achievement regardless of race.

Here are the racial differences within the populations.

IQ DIFFERENCES!Difference between the races by percentage of that race per iq.

5% of the black race has a 110 iq or higher
16% of the black race has a 100 iq or higher
40% of the black race has a 90 iq or higher
30% of the black race has a 80 iq or lower
18% of the black race has a 75 iq or lower
10% of the black race has a 70 iq or lower

The white race
Avg at 100-102(50%)
40% above 105 iq
26-27% above 110 iq
18% above 115 iq
10% above 120 iq
35% below 95 iq
15% below 85 iq

This graph shows Asians, Whites, Hispanics and finally blacks per percentage of iq. Blacks are by far the lowest of all groups!

Difference between the races - Science and world events Wiki
Look at the graph for Whites, East Asians, Meso's, blacks that are below this. Should show anyone with two braincells that blacks aren't on par with us.

Brain size and frontal lobe of the three races...

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

Intelligence and Brain Size

My article with C. D. Ankney "Brain Size and Cognitive Ability" in the 1996 issue of the journal Psychonomic Bulletin and Review surveyed all the published research on this topic. It included studies that used the state-of-the-art technique known as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which gives a very good image of the human brain. There were eight of these studies with a total sample size of 381 adults. The overall correlation between IQ and brain size measured by MRI is 0.44. This is much higher than the 0.20 correlation found in earlier research using simple head size measures (though 0.20 is still significant). The MRI brain size/IQ correlation of 0.44 is as high as the correlation between social class at birth and adult IQ.

Race Differences in Brain Size

Added by MatthurricaneChart 7 shows that there are race differences in brain size. Orientals average 1 cubic inch more brain matter than Whites, and Whites average a very large 5 cubic inches more than Blacks. Since one cubic inch of brain matter contains millions of brain cells and hundreds of millions of connections, brain size differences help to explain why the races differ in IQ.
Size of the brain and other topics related to iq backed by science!   The single most important trait that man has is his intelligence and therefore its absence is the single most important primitive trait. A population could have primitive bodies, but if they have a high average intelligence they can nevertheless build a great civilization and have a relatively high standard of living. It is anyone’s guess what the minimum average intelligence required today for a population to create and maintain a modern civilization might be, but it can be safely said that 67, the average for today’s sub-Saharan Africans (Lynn, 2006a, p 37),

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic
A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.

The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."


I think we should push gene enhancement of intelligence. Slowly limitinating all gene pools below 90. It's morally the right thing to do. :eusa_angel: Considering they have a much higher murder, rape and violent crime rate because of their lower intelligence=bad for our society. It isn't really debating rather they're human or another species of such.

Why different data points for blacks and whites in the charts?
YOU: I can tell you the cultural and economic education and experience is NOT equal for many African Americans due to the Slavery issue setting back families by 150 years on the learning curve of property laws only applying to whites.

ME: This kind of generalization has its own kind of racism implied in it towards current day white people. You're blaming current white people for 150 years ago?? Can I blame Italians from 2000 years ago for oppressing my anglo peoples? Can I go in and demand free pizza at an italian pizzeria because Romans kept the savages, who were my ancestors, from invading Rome?? The govt needs to encourage black people to excell academically, rather than try to make black people paranoid that nothing is or ever will be equal.

When feminists cry wolf and make up horrific statistics like 1 in 4 women is raped -- which is demonstrably false -- it makes women paranoid of men. Similarly, when liberals paint these overly negative pictures of current day opportunities for blacks, they simply continue to create paranoia and hatred toward white people. Why continue THAT negative cycle? Rather than over-reach with some explanation of current low black achievement by some sinister ongoing cycle frrm 150 years ago, how about offering black people a vision of success and pride in themselves and other citizens of this country???

Yeah, don't point out sexism and racism because women and people of color will finally realize the inequities within the system. Lived experience and real oppression is nothing compared to privileged people's hurt feelings!

Yes inequalities do exist and many of them have historically been against white males. How many women have died for their country and are in Arlington Cemetary? About zero. How many women of color? About zero. A lower class white guy will need better credentials than an upper class black guy to get into the same college... But it doesn't matter to you because your self esteem is based on some phony victimhood. Without it, you'd have to admit you're a loser...
YOU: I can tell you the cultural and economic education and experience is NOT equal for many African Americans due to the Slavery issue setting back families by 150 years on the learning curve of property laws only applying to whites.

ME: This kind of generalization has its own kind of racism implied in it towards current day white people. You're blaming current white people for 150 years ago?? Can I blame Italians from 2000 years ago for oppressing my anglo peoples? Can I go in and demand free pizza at an italian pizzeria because Romans kept the savages, who were my ancestors, from invading Rome?? The govt needs to encourage black people to excell academically, rather than try to make black people paranoid that nothing is or ever will be equal.

When feminists cry wolf and make up horrific statistics like 1 in 4 women is raped -- which is demonstrably false -- it makes women paranoid of men. Similarly, when liberals paint these overly negative pictures of current day opportunities for blacks, they simply continue to create paranoia and hatred toward white people. Why continue THAT negative cycle? Rather than over-reach with some explanation of current low black achievement by some sinister ongoing cycle frrm 150 years ago, how about offering black people a vision of success and pride in themselves and other citizens of this country???

Yeah, don't point out sexism and racism because women and people of color will finally realize the inequities within the system. Lived experience and real oppression is nothing compared to privileged people's hurt feelings!

Yes inequalities do exist and many of them have historically been against white males. How many women have died for their country and are in Arlington Cemetary? About zero. How many women of color? About zero. A lower class white guy will need better credentials than an upper class black guy to get into the same college... But it doesn't matter to you because your self esteem is based on some phony victimhood. Without it, you'd have to admit you're a loser...

That perceived anti-male bias is actually patriarchy backstabbing every now and then.
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Matthew- every race has individuals at every point on the normal curve. because there are six times as many whites that means there are just as many dull whites as dull blacks. what do you want to do with the dull whites?

I realize there are not as many bright blacks proportionally but that does not make them less than human. but it does knock the crap out of the excuse that blacks as a group have less success because of white racism. they have less success because they have a lower group average intelligence level which predicts lower achievement regardless of race.

Here are the racial differences within the populations.

IQ DIFFERENCES!Difference between the races by percentage of that race per iq.

5% of the black race has a 110 iq or higher
16% of the black race has a 100 iq or higher
40% of the black race has a 90 iq or higher
30% of the black race has a 80 iq or lower
18% of the black race has a 75 iq or lower
10% of the black race has a 70 iq or lower

The white race
Avg at 100-102(50%)
40% above 105 iq
26-27% above 110 iq
18% above 115 iq
10% above 120 iq
35% below 95 iq
15% below 85 iq

This graph shows Asians, Whites, Hispanics and finally blacks per percentage of iq. Blacks are by far the lowest of all groups!

Difference between the races - Science and world events Wiki
Look at the graph for Whites, East Asians, Meso's, blacks that are below this. Should show anyone with two braincells that blacks aren't on par with us.

Brain size and frontal lobe of the three races...

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

Intelligence and Brain Size

My article with C. D. Ankney "Brain Size and Cognitive Ability" in the 1996 issue of the journal Psychonomic Bulletin and Review surveyed all the published research on this topic. It included studies that used the state-of-the-art technique known as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which gives a very good image of the human brain. There were eight of these studies with a total sample size of 381 adults. The overall correlation between IQ and brain size measured by MRI is 0.44. This is much higher than the 0.20 correlation found in earlier research using simple head size measures (though 0.20 is still significant). The MRI brain size/IQ correlation of 0.44 is as high as the correlation between social class at birth and adult IQ.

Race Differences in Brain Size

Added by MatthurricaneChart 7 shows that there are race differences in brain size. Orientals average 1 cubic inch more brain matter than Whites, and Whites average a very large 5 cubic inches more than Blacks. Since one cubic inch of brain matter contains millions of brain cells and hundreds of millions of connections, brain size differences help to explain why the races differ in IQ.
Size of the brain and other topics related to iq backed by science!   The single most important trait that man has is his intelligence and therefore its absence is the single most important primitive trait. A population could have primitive bodies, but if they have a high average intelligence they can nevertheless build a great civilization and have a relatively high standard of living. It is anyone’s guess what the minimum average intelligence required today for a population to create and maintain a modern civilization might be, but it can be safely said that 67, the average for today’s sub-Saharan Africans (Lynn, 2006a, p 37),

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic
A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.

The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."


I think we should push gene enhancement of intelligence. Slowly limitinating all gene pools below 90. It's morally the right thing to do. :eusa_angel: Considering they have a much higher murder, rape and violent crime rate because of their lower intelligence=bad for our society. It isn't really debating rather they're human or another species of such.

Why different data points for blacks and whites in the charts?

there is pretty good agreement between the various links. the 'numbers' are always artificially assigned. it is the standard deviations that tell the story. (US) blacks are about 1.1 std dev lower on tests of cognitive ability. this makes large differences when there are high threshholds. if a medical doctor needs a 115 IQ just to pass the degree, then realistically only 1/50th of blacks are capable while 1/6th of whites are. there are 6 times more whites than blacks, so only one in fifty doctors should be black if only intelligence were involved.
Here are the racial differences within the populations.

IQ DIFFERENCES!Difference between the races by percentage of that race per iq.

5% of the black race has a 110 iq or higher
16% of the black race has a 100 iq or higher
40% of the black race has a 90 iq or higher
30% of the black race has a 80 iq or lower
18% of the black race has a 75 iq or lower
10% of the black race has a 70 iq or lower

The white race
Avg at 100-102(50%)
40% above 105 iq
26-27% above 110 iq
18% above 115 iq
10% above 120 iq
35% below 95 iq
15% below 85 iq

This graph shows Asians, Whites, Hispanics and finally blacks per percentage of iq. Blacks are by far the lowest of all groups!

Difference between the races - Science and world events Wiki
Look at the graph for Whites, East Asians, Meso's, blacks that are below this. Should show anyone with two braincells that blacks aren't on par with us.

Brain size and frontal lobe of the three races...

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

Intelligence and Brain Size

My article with C. D. Ankney "Brain Size and Cognitive Ability" in the 1996 issue of the journal Psychonomic Bulletin and Review surveyed all the published research on this topic. It included studies that used the state-of-the-art technique known as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) which gives a very good image of the human brain. There were eight of these studies with a total sample size of 381 adults. The overall correlation between IQ and brain size measured by MRI is 0.44. This is much higher than the 0.20 correlation found in earlier research using simple head size measures (though 0.20 is still significant). The MRI brain size/IQ correlation of 0.44 is as high as the correlation between social class at birth and adult IQ.

Race Differences in Brain Size

Added by MatthurricaneChart 7 shows that there are race differences in brain size. Orientals average 1 cubic inch more brain matter than Whites, and Whites average a very large 5 cubic inches more than Blacks. Since one cubic inch of brain matter contains millions of brain cells and hundreds of millions of connections, brain size differences help to explain why the races differ in IQ.
Size of the brain and other topics related to iq backed by science!   The single most important trait that man has is his intelligence and therefore its absence is the single most important primitive trait. A population could have primitive bodies, but if they have a high average intelligence they can nevertheless build a great civilization and have a relatively high standard of living. It is anyone’s guess what the minimum average intelligence required today for a population to create and maintain a modern civilization might be, but it can be safely said that 67, the average for today’s sub-Saharan Africans (Lynn, 2006a, p 37),

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic
A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.

The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."


I think we should push gene enhancement of intelligence. Slowly limitinating all gene pools below 90. It's morally the right thing to do. :eusa_angel: Considering they have a much higher murder, rape and violent crime rate because of their lower intelligence=bad for our society. It isn't really debating rather they're human or another species of such.

Why different data points for blacks and whites in the charts?

there is pretty good agreement between the various links. the 'numbers' are always artificially assigned. it is the standard deviations that tell the story. (US) blacks are about 1.1 std dev lower on tests of cognitive ability. this makes large differences when there are high threshholds. if a medical doctor needs a 115 IQ just to pass the degree, then realistically only 1/50th of blacks are capable while 1/6th of whites are. there are 6 times more whites than blacks, so only one in fifty doctors should be black if only intelligence were involved.

The Doctors aren't all that bright as it turns out anyway. They are letting the DEA ..Government and the Pharms dictate how they must operate as of late.

I guess if you are scared enough it doesn't really matter how smart you are.

Blacks in my experience have a better fight or flight reaction which is a useful advantage as our society goes down the toilet.

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