Please provide evidence that Colin powel and Condi Rice used a personal server

Stored in a bathroom, and that they paid off a State Dept cronie to set it up without security. You people can not even begin to comprehend that a personal email is not a personal server. But that's OK you are just Democrats after all.

Colin Powell and Congolia Rice lied us into an unnecessary war that cost America tens of thousands of unnecessary casualties.

Their crimes win the evil award.
No republican wants to even broach these facts.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Stored in a bathroom, and that they paid off a State Dept cronie to set it up without security. You people can not even begin to comprehend that a personal email is not a personal server. But that's OK you are just Democrats after all.

Colin Powell and Congolia Rice lied us into an unnecessary war that cost America tens of thousands of unnecessary casualties.

Their crimes win the evil award.
No republican wants to even broach these facts.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Hillary caused those casualties as without her vote they could not have happened, get over it already fool. Hillary is a warmonger
Stored in a bathroom, and that they paid off a State Dept cronie to set it up without security. You people can not even begin to comprehend that a personal email is not a personal server. But that's OK you are just Democrats after all.

Colin Powell and Congolia Rice lied us into an unnecessary war that cost America tens of thousands of unnecessary casualties.

Their crimes win the evil award.
No republican wants to even broach these facts.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Hillary caused those casualties as without her vote they could not have happened, get over it already fool. Hillary is a warmonger

I don't get it. Taking the facts, Hillary is guilty of breaking the law, no doubt about it. If Powell or Rice did it, so are they. What is the whole debate about? They aren't going to admit she is a crook, and this side isn't going to admit Trump is an egotistical ass. All this bandwidth attempting gotcha moments, just don't make sense. We know what she did, and so do they. They aren't writing excuses for your benefit, they are writing excuses for the person on the fence reading it, trying to keep them aboard the Hillary train.

Now let me point this out with confidence-------------> If Hillary IS indicted, all the usual suspects on here will not write her name again. Instead, they will sing the praises of her replacement, and insist that if they would have known they would get (insert name) if they would have voted for them, they would have supported them from the start. They were really the best choice all along, just didn't want to run, and now the GOP is really screwed.

It is how the left works, period!

Just ask yourselves------------> have they admitted the whole hoax over climate change after getting busted with e-mails telling the scientists to alter the input? Of course not, it was a mistake.

How about if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, or maybe your insurance was going down 2500 bucks? You misunderstood the whole thing, Obama never meant that.

What about when the architect got caught saying "good thing Americans are stupid!" He was talking about LIBERALS because the GOP knew it was a scam, and yet, the left........after their OWN people call them STUPID, defend the people calling them STUPID!

And now it comes out about the Iran deal. Nothing was what it seemed, and they lied to everyone again. The LEFT is all for the lies, and pretend they do not exist, nobody was caught, it was all the RW fabricating everything. Now you have read these lefties posts. How many of you think they are DIZZY enough (besides Franco and RDERP) to actually believe the nonsense they write, lol! They KNOW it is all talking points to deflect!

And then we have Hilly. Everyone knows what she did, the foundation, the over 100 million dollar rags to riches for speaking, (which is really a pay-off. If I win the lotto for 300, million, how do I give it to people I want to, and get deductions? HIRE THEM TO DO SOMETHING, then pay them outrageously, lololol, for doing NOTHING!) The left knows this, but still deflects away, and has the audacity to pretend they are UPSET, and how dare we bring this obvious nonsense up.

Waste of time to argue with them. They have been spinning these stories so long with the medias help, by the time they are done they will end up having the secret squirrel Hillary, hacking Putins e-mails, lol.
ima, I understand that is your opinion.

The facts do not support your conclusion.
HRC voted for the war, but your man, bass, Obama voted against it.
You are drawing unsubstantiated optical conclusions
The American people which included the Senate and House, who supported the war at first because of manipulated intelligence and some outright whoppers, turned against the reactionaries like Bush and Cheney and Rice et al. Bush left with 22% popularity, Obama is averaging over 50% regularly this election year and has been climbing, and Bill Clinton is still popular.

The reactionary far right idiots here are simply demonstrating their idiocy.
HRC voted for the war, but your man, bass, Obama voted against it.
You are drawing unsubstantiated optical conclusions
The American people which included the Senate and House, who supported the war at first because of manipulated intelligence and some outright whoppers, turned against the reactionaries like Bush and Cheney and Rice et al. Bush left with 22% popularity, Obama is averaging over 50% regularly this election year and has been climbing, and Bill Clinton is still popular.

The reactionary far right idiots here are simply demonstrating their idiocy.
Jake, you have no point, no one even has a clue who or what you stand for, because all you are is a troll looking for attention like the little boy that you are. So react to that...............
HRC voted for the war, but your man, bass, Obama voted against it.
You are drawing unsubstantiated optical conclusions
The American people which included the Senate and House, who supported the war at first because of manipulated intelligence and some outright whoppers, turned against the reactionaries like Bush and Cheney and Rice et al. Bush left with 22% popularity, Obama is averaging over 50% regularly this election year and has been climbing, and Bill Clinton is still popular.

The reactionary far right idiots here are simply demonstrating their idiocy.
Jake, you have no point, no one even has a clue who or what you stand for, because all you are is a troll looking for attention like the little boy that you are. So react to that...............
My points are always clear and straight.

Yours are not. You are a silly troll, and like all trolls who get thumped, you cry.

Cry on.
HRC voted for the war, but your man, bass, Obama voted against it.
You are drawing unsubstantiated optical conclusions
The American people which included the Senate and House, who supported the war at first because of manipulated intelligence and some outright whoppers, turned against the reactionaries like Bush and Cheney and Rice et al. Bush left with 22% popularity, Obama is averaging over 50% regularly this election year and has been climbing, and Bill Clinton is still popular.

The reactionary far right idiots here are simply demonstrating their idiocy.
Jake, you have no point, no one even has a clue who or what you stand for, because all you are is a troll looking for attention like the little boy that you are. So react to that...............
My points are always clear and straight.

Yours are not. You are a silly troll, and like all trolls who get thumped, you cry.

Cry on.
That post had no point..............nor did it provide any information that could be straight or off balance. This is normal for you, bla bla bla nothingness...................
HRC voted for the war, but your man, bass, Obama voted against it.
You are drawing unsubstantiated optical conclusions
The American people which included the Senate and House, who supported the war at first because of manipulated intelligence and some outright whoppers, turned against the reactionaries like Bush and Cheney and Rice et al. Bush left with 22% popularity, Obama is averaging over 50% regularly this election year and has been climbing, and Bill Clinton is still popular.

The reactionary far right idiots here are simply demonstrating their idiocy.
Jake, you have no point, no one even has a clue who or what you stand for, because all you are is a troll looking for attention like the little boy that you are. So react to that...............
My points are always clear and straight.

Yours are not. You are a silly troll, and like all trolls who get thumped, you cry.

Cry on.
That post had no point..............nor did it provide any information that could be straight or off balance. This is normal for you, bla bla bla nothingness...................
My post pointed out that you are comments are without merit.

You can't refute that that powell and rice used servers they should not have used.

That is never going to change, and your lies will never change it.
You are drawing unsubstantiated optical conclusions
The American people which included the Senate and House, who supported the war at first because of manipulated intelligence and some outright whoppers, turned against the reactionaries like Bush and Cheney and Rice et al. Bush left with 22% popularity, Obama is averaging over 50% regularly this election year and has been climbing, and Bill Clinton is still popular.

The reactionary far right idiots here are simply demonstrating their idiocy.
Jake, you have no point, no one even has a clue who or what you stand for, because all you are is a troll looking for attention like the little boy that you are. So react to that...............
My points are always clear and straight.

Yours are not. You are a silly troll, and like all trolls who get thumped, you cry.

Cry on.
That post had no point..............nor did it provide any information that could be straight or off balance. This is normal for you, bla bla bla nothingness...................
My post pointed out that you are comments are without merit.

You can't refute that that powell and rice used servers they should not have used.

That is never going to change, and your lies will never change it.

I can refute that neither Powel nor Rice used a server stored in a bathroom set up by a fool who has had to plead the fifth to avoid prison. Again you do not know the difference between a personal email and a personal in your house server. I challenge you to show that Powel or Rice used a server in their own home???

R U trying to be silly?
The American people which included the Senate and House, who supported the war at first because of manipulated intelligence and some outright whoppers, turned against the reactionaries like Bush and Cheney and Rice et al. Bush left with 22% popularity, Obama is averaging over 50% regularly this election year and has been climbing, and Bill Clinton is still popular.

The reactionary far right idiots here are simply demonstrating their idiocy.
Jake, you have no point, no one even has a clue who or what you stand for, because all you are is a troll looking for attention like the little boy that you are. So react to that...............
My points are always clear and straight.

Yours are not. You are a silly troll, and like all trolls who get thumped, you cry.

Cry on.
That post had no point..............nor did it provide any information that could be straight or off balance. This is normal for you, bla bla bla nothingness...................
My post pointed out that you are comments are without merit.

You can't refute that that powell and rice used servers they should not have used.

That is never going to change, and your lies will never change it.

I can refute that neither Powel nor Rice used a server stored in a bathroom set up by a fool who has had to plead the fifth to avoid prison. Again you do not know the difference between a personal email and a personal in your house server. I challenge you to show that Powel or Rice used a server in their own home???

R U trying to be silly?

Keep lookin dudes....................but it aint there
This thread is based on bullshit - because I've never heard ANYONE say that Powell or Rice EVER used a "personal server" - although they did use personal email.
This thread is based on bullshit - because I've never heard ANYONE say that Powell or Rice EVER used a "personal server" - although they did use personal email.
So you are now admitting that Hillary did something that no one before her has ever done... Excellent THANK YOU KINDLY. I do wish that all had your intelligence.

Show where both Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used a private server as Hilary (worse than Bush) has?
Ffs, you unbelievably dumb fuck rightard, Powell used a public server.
Translation: Other people broke the law so Hillary should be allowed to do it too.
None of them broke the law. But why single her out?
I didn't say Powell and Rice broke the law, CNM said they broke the law. I simply pointed out that CNM's trying to justify Hillary breaking the law by saying others did it too. Powell and Rice had personal email accounts for personal use, and another account for government use. Hillary had her own private (unsecured) server which she used for both personal and government business. That is illegal.
The American people which included the Senate and House, who supported the war at first because of manipulated intelligence and some outright whoppers, turned against the reactionaries like Bush and Cheney and Rice et al. Bush left with 22% popularity, Obama is averaging over 50% regularly this election year and has been climbing, and Bill Clinton is still popular.

The reactionary far right idiots here are simply demonstrating their idiocy.
Jake, you have no point, no one even has a clue who or what you stand for, because all you are is a troll looking for attention like the little boy that you are. So react to that...............
My points are always clear and straight.

Yours are not. You are a silly troll, and like all trolls who get thumped, you cry.

Cry on.
That post had no point..............nor did it provide any information that could be straight or off balance. This is normal for you, bla bla bla nothingness...................
My post pointed out that you are comments are without merit.

You can't refute that that powell and rice used servers they should not have used.

That is never going to change, and your lies will never change it.

I can refute that neither Powel nor Rice used a server stored in a bathroom set up by a fool who has had to plead the fifth to avoid prison. Again you do not know the difference between a personal email and a personal in your house server. I challenge you to show that Powel or Rice used a server in their own home??? R U trying to be silly?
I don't have to do anything other than show that you do not know about what you are talking, but you have done that all by yourself.

HRC, as of this moment, has broken no law. imo, neither did Powell or Rice in this matter.
Last edited:
Jake, you have no point, no one even has a clue who or what you stand for, because all you are is a troll looking for attention like the little boy that you are. So react to that...............
My points are always clear and straight.

Yours are not. You are a silly troll, and like all trolls who get thumped, you cry.

Cry on.
That post had no point..............nor did it provide any information that could be straight or off balance. This is normal for you, bla bla bla nothingness...................
My post pointed out that you are comments are without merit.

You can't refute that that powell and rice used servers they should not have used.

That is never going to change, and your lies will never change it.

I can refute that neither Powel nor Rice used a server stored in a bathroom set up by a fool who has had to plead the fifth to avoid prison. Again you do not know the difference between a personal email and a personal in your house server. I challenge you to show that Powel or Rice used a server in their own home??? R U trying to be silly?
I don't have to do anything other than show that you do not know about what you are talking, but you have done that all by yourself.

HRC, as of this moment, has broken no law. imo, neither did Powell or Rice in this matter.
That is just plain silly. Fmr Attorney General Lists All Laws Hillary Possibly Broke

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