Please provide evidence that Colin powel and Condi Rice used a personal server

Got something from a credible source?
Those sources are credible, while your persona here has never been such. You are a far right loser whose candidate is going to lose this fall.
Would you accept something from WND? Case closed, asshole.
The Guardian and the NYTimes are reputable, whereas the WND is not, and only assholes do not know that.
Um, no they're not, moron, unless you're a left wing hack (like you).
"left wing hack" to you means anyone to the left of Scott Walker and who is not a racist.

Yes, they are credible, and you are not.
Credible to you (the left wing hack).
She has never said that they used a private server. They didn't use the government email system. That's all that she has said about them.

Quit whining.

She has repeatedly brought up her predecessors to deflect from criticism for her circumventing the rules (and breaking the law mind you) in a way which no one has. If you were as honest as you claim to be you would concede that fact.
Rules, not law. It would be great if your propaganda service could anything right lol. How many people have their own server? Clintons .
Answer your own question doofy, how many people working for the state dept use a personal server to send and receive all of their email?

ZERO, historically there was only ONE, can you guess her name?
God u people r dumb
So since the State server WAS hacked, she's the only one who wasn't? BFD, dupe.
There is no evidence that her server was not hacked, there is a hacker in custody who can confirm how he hacked her server. Bye the way, if you have no anti hacking or intrusion log software installed, you can be hacked all day and night, and there would be no evidence of this, and if there was, this vanishes when the server is wiped.

U always been dumb, seriously
duh....the IT gave the FBI the Security Logs and there was no evidence in those Security Logs that her server was hacked is what was reported when they gave Brian Pagliano a limited 5th agreement.
No evidence ANYWHERE, just RW BS repeated ad infinitum...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Silly far left drone can not provide evidence to prove others have done what Hilary did.

But then again what do you expect, these drones will always support worse than Bush and the illegal wars of Obama and Clinton..
Or anywhere other than left wing hack sites.
The Guardian and the NYTimes are left wing hack sites? Oh well. I suppose NBC News and AP join them in that category.

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts for classified emails

Steve Linick, the inspector general for the state department, wrote in a memo that two emails sent to Powell and 10 emails sent to Rice’s staff contained classified national security information.

“None of the material was marked as classified, but the substance of the material and ‘Nodis’ (No Distribution) references in the body or subject lines of some of the documents suggested that the documents could be potentially sensitive,” Linick wrote in the memo obtained by NBC News and the Associated Press (AP).
Yes, the NYTimes is a far left hack blog site..

But only a far left drone would not see that!
I failed to account for the two goosesteps to the right of Genghis Khan view.
Or anywhere other than left wing hack sites.
The Guardian and the NYTimes are left wing hack sites? Oh well. I suppose NBC News and AP join them in that category.

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts for classified emails

Steve Linick, the inspector general for the state department, wrote in a memo that two emails sent to Powell and 10 emails sent to Rice’s staff contained classified national security information.

“None of the material was marked as classified, but the substance of the material and ‘Nodis’ (No Distribution) references in the body or subject lines of some of the documents suggested that the documents could be potentially sensitive,” Linick wrote in the memo obtained by NBC News and the Associated Press (AP).

See how the far left misses the point and then proves that the NYTimes, NBC and the AP are far left hack blog sites..

It is not about using private e-mails, it is about have a private unsecured server to use government business and Top secret information stored..

Show where both Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used a private server as Hilary (worse than Bush) has?

You can't, it is all far left smoke and mirrors that you swallow without question or hesitation..

Silly far left drone!
Show where both Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used a private server as Hilary (worse than Bush) has?
Ffs, you unbelievably dumb fuck rightard, Powell used a public server.

And the far left drones continue to prove how stupid they really are..

More proof that they will follow a debunked narrative no matter how much reality says differently..
They didn't.

Next stupid thread.....

So if they didn't why must she persist with the false equivalence?

She has never said that they used a private server. They didn't use the government email system. That's all that she has said about them.

Quit whining.
They did NOT conduct official business on their private email, they did NOT mail Government documents on private email. They used Government sources for those transactions.

WASHINGTON — The State Department has discovered a dozen emails containing classified information that were sent to the personal email accounts of Colin L. Powell and close aides of Condoleezza Rice during their tenures as secretaries of state for President George W. Bush.

Two emails were sent to Mr. Powell’s personal account, and 10 to personal accounts of Ms. Rice’s senior aides. Those emails have now been classified as “confidential” or “secret” as part of a review process that has resulted in similar “upgrades” of information sent through the personal email server that Hillary Clinton used while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. The State Department did not say who sent the emails to Mr. Powell or to Ms. Rice’s aides, or who received the messages.

It is against the law to have classified information outside a secure government account.


I swear that something is wrong with you. Anyone who had Google could find out in about a second that Powell had an AOL account and Mrs. Clinton did most of her business as Secretary of State over the phone.
They didn't.

Next stupid thread.....

So if they didn't why must she persist with the false equivalence?

She has never said that they used a private server. They didn't use the government email system. That's all that she has said about them.

Quit whining.
They did NOT conduct official business on their private email, they did NOT mail Government documents on private email. They used Government sources for those transactions.

WASHINGTON — The State Department has discovered a dozen emails containing classified information that were sent to the personal email accounts of Colin L. Powell and close aides of Condoleezza Rice during their tenures as secretaries of state for President George W. Bush.

Two emails were sent to Mr. Powell’s personal account, and 10 to personal accounts of Ms. Rice’s senior aides. Those emails have now been classified as “confidential” or “secret” as part of a review process that has resulted in similar “upgrades” of information sent through the personal email server that Hillary Clinton used while she was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. The State Department did not say who sent the emails to Mr. Powell or to Ms. Rice’s aides, or who received the messages.

It is against the law to have classified information outside a secure government account.


I swear that something is wrong with you. Anyone who had Google could find out in about a second that Powell had an AOL account and Mrs. Clinton did most of her business as Secretary of State over the phone.

Besides the obvious hypocrisy of the "right," what I fault Rice and Powell for is allowing themselves to be used and lose all integrity with their lies about "911 warning" and Iraqi "WMD's" respectively! "W" had them go out and LIE to the United Nations and a Congressional panel losing what little respect I had for them! Both should be ashamed, but if you sidle up to someone as unethical as a Bush, you have to expect the worst! That one president ruined the reputations of his entire cabinet when they initially were highly regarded! None of them will ever work again in gov't IMO! They blew it by even accepting positions with the guy! The holdovers to Obama disgraced themselves with unethical behavior when he gave them a chance! Secretary of Defense Gates left and while Obama still in office, openly criticized him and even wrote a book! This is what happens when Dems even try and trust a Republican scum sucker like him and Ambassador to China, Jon Huntsman who actually quit and tried to run against the guy in 2012! How sleazy can Republicans be and get away with it? :dunno: :cranky: :disbelief:
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